Submission MMA Shifter Urban Fantasy: (The Unleashed Book 1)

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Submission MMA Shifter Urban Fantasy: (The Unleashed Book 1) Page 5

by Mandie Stevens

  Jonathon nodded. Corbin shook his head. “Jack, please for the love of all things holy, get some new clothes. Your shirt has a stain on it. Jonathon, give him the gold card. Jack, go shopping.”

  Jonathon leaned back, tossing his pencil onto the desk. “Really? His family is one of the richest in the world, and you’re buying him a wardrobe?”

  Corbin nodded. “He is one of us now, and he represents us. He can’t go around looking like this.”

  Jonathon cut his eyes to me then reached into his wallet and handed me the card. “Fine. Make sure to bring me all your receipts. Do you have someone to go with you and hold your hand, too?”

  Odecir leaned against Corbin’s desk, laughing. “I’ll go. I love shopping, bro and I’m make sure he doesn’t look like a scrub.”

  Chapter Ten

  I scarfed down a full plate of pasta and meatballs, then grabbed a protein drink on my way to Corbin’s office. The stone-faced secretary pointed towards the open door, not looking up from her computer. I swear that woman never cracked a smile.

  Jonathan sat across from Corbin, rolling a pencil between his fingers. He glanced at me then back to his pencil, barely acknowledging my presence. It was nothing new. I don’t know what the dude’s problem was, I obviously rubbed him the wrong way. Odecir was in the chair next to him but stood, offering me the chair when he saw me.

  I waved him down. “Nah, I’m good. Thanks.”

  Corbin looked up from his computer. “Sit.”

  I did what he said.

  “I see you took my advice and are a little more presentable. Jonathon, you gave him a card?

  Jonathon nodded. Corbin shook his head. “Jack, please for the love of all things holy, get some new clothes. Your shirt has a stain on it. Jonathon, give him the gold card. Jack, go shopping.”

  I wiped my sweaty hands on my pants, I wasn’t sure why being in Corbin’s presence made me nervous, but it did. I always felt like I was in trouble with a parent. “I only grabbed a few things when I ran and months on the road took their toll.”

  Jonathon leaned back, tossing his pencil onto the desk. “Really? His family is one of the richest in the world, and you’re buying him a wardrobe?”

  Corbin nodded and held his hand up toward me. “He is one of us now, and he represents us. He can’t go around looking like this.”

  Jonathon cut his eyes to me then reached into his wallet and handed me the card. “Fine. Bring me all your receipts. Do you have someone to go with you and hold your hand, too?”

  Odecir leaned against Corbin’s desk, laughing. “I’ll go. I love shopping, bro and I’m make sure he doesn’t look like a scrub.”

  I took the card and placed it into my wallet. I hated charity, but it was better than asking my mother for anything. Besides, I was part of this pack and earning my way, or so I told myself.

  Corbin sighed. “Now down to business. The girl’s father called me, wanting to know how she is. Any updates?”

  I nodded. “She’s looking for a job, and so is the vampire.”

  “I’m surprised the vampire hasn’t noticed you yet,” Odecir said.

  I shifted in my seat. “Well, actually . . .”

  Jonathon leaned forward, tossing his hands. “Dammit, we give you one job and you screw that up.”

  I shrugged. “No, it’s okay. I’m their friend. I spent the day job hunting with them.”

  Corbin ran his hand through his hair. “Jack, you weren’t supposed to be seen.”

  I blew out, “The vampire spotted me right away. No one even told me about a damn vampire. That was important information left out. Of course, she would spot me.”

  Corbin arched his brow. “We assumed Delilah’s father would have told the vampire. The girls have been friends for a long time. What does the vampire think of your friendship with Delilah?”

  I rubbed my chin. “She doesn’t love wolves, but she seems to be tolerant of me.”

  Corbin nodded. “You will remain friends with the girl, and you and she, not the vampire, will apply here.” He jotted down an address, ripped it off his notepad and handed it to me. “You will need to dress well. By our standards, not your own.”

  Odecir slapped his hands together. “Time to go train.”

  My body groaned.

  Chapter Eleven

  “Why aren’t you applying?” Lyla asked.

  Vonny whipped her truck into the parking lot. “I told you, I have a great feeling about the management position at the mall. Besides, restaurants aren’t really my thing.” Vonny cut her eyes to me. It could have been the ‘vampires aren’t welcomed there’ speech I’d given her this morning when Lyla went to the bathroom. If they hadn’t been desperate for work, I’m sure she would have talked Lyla out of applying.

  The restaurant, Spoons, was right on the water with palm trees lining everything. I straightened my black slacks and a white button-up. Odecir had insisted that it was exactly what I needed to wear.

  “We shouldn’t be too long,” I said to Vonny, “The restaurant isn’t opened yet, so we need to go around back.”

  Lyla shook her head. “You’re in town for less than a week, and you already have connections for a job.”

  “What can I say? I’m charming.” I winked. Lyla didn’t need to know that she already had the job via her father’s friend.

  Lyla snorted. “Keep telling yourself that, Jack.”

  Vonny scoffed and pulled behind the restaurant. “Yeah, you’re something.”

  We exited the car and went to the opened back door and knocked. There were a few people in the kitchen. I recognized the sous chef; he was also a cook in the pack.

  “Hey, man, we’re here to see Rocko.”

  He gave me a wolfy grin. “He’s expecting you. Go through those doors. His office is on the left.”

  Lyla was wearing a black dress with her long blonde hair down. It was just tight enough to leave something to the imagination, yet classy. Her makeup highlighted her attributes and wasn’t overdone, and she smelled so good, even over the vampire stench. I tried not to stare as she walked in front of me through the doors.

  There were a few servers sitting at tables folding napkins. Two were supernaturals, both shifters, and one was fae from what I could smell.

  A blonde woman, a wolf for sure, in her early twenties looked us up and down. I hadn’t seen her before.

  “You looking for Rocko? He’s in his office. Just knock.” She pointed to a closed down. The door opened, and a tall middle-aged man with thinning hair stepped out. He brushed off crumbs from his shirt as he closed the door behind him. He was definitely a human.

  He extended his hand. “Are you Bartholomew and Delilah?”

  Lyla grabbed her sides laughing. “Bartholomew?”

  I cringed. Jonathon must have made the call to Rocko. Ignoring her, I held out my hand to our new boss.

  She shook her head. “Really? Bartholemew?”

  “Yes, Delilah, but I prefer Jack.”

  “I would, too,” Lyla said under her breath.

  “And Delilah goes by Lyla.” I shot her a smile.

  Rocko nodded. “Well, Mr. Reynolds said to make sure you got whatever schedule you want.”

  Lyla sucked in and shot me a shocked look. I shrugged.

  “That’s bullshit, Rocko. I’ve been here four years, and I’ve just now gotten on weekend nights.” The blonde threw her napkin down and stomped off.

  “Take it up with Corbin, Tallulah,” Rocko called after her. The other servers glared at us and followed her.

  Lyla shifted from one foot to the other. “I really don’t mind starting at the bottom and working my way up.”

  “Yeah, me either. We definitely don’t want any problems with the rest of the staff.”

  Rocko shrugged. “They’ll be okay. You know what Corbin says goes.”

  Lyla bit the side of her lip, “How do you know Corbin?”

  “He knows my mother.” It wasn’t a lie.

  Lyla’s eyes widened from m
e to Rocko. “May I use your restroom?”

  “Sure, it’s down the hallway to the right.” We watched her walk away. When she was out of earshot, Rocko whistled. “Damn, she must be one fine piece of ass for Corbin to hire her and say to give you whatever you want. How do you fit in?”

  I felt a growl rise. I wanted to protect Lyla and her honor. She was sweet, kind, and funny. I’d be damned if I’d let Corbin and his money corrupt her. “It isn’t like that. She’s related to friends of his, and I watch her for him.”

  He half shrugged. “Well, these must be some mighty important friends.” He leaned over the computer on the counter and typed. “Corbin is making this difficult. He wants you both to have the same schedule. Come in tomorrow so we can train you. Wear black slacks, white dress shirt, and get a long black apron. Shoes and socks must be black.”

  Lyla walked down the hall toward us. “Will Lyla be the only human besides you?”

  “Yep.” He sighed out loud. “She doesn’t know about all of this, does she?” He took his finger and twirled it around.

  I shook my head. “Nope.”

  He pulled his glasses off and pinched the bridge of his nose.

  Chapter Twelve

  “She hates me, she absolutely hates me.”

  Vonny took a bite of her pizza and had a mouth full. “I can hex her for you.”

  “Ha, I don’t trust your knowledge of voodoo, but thanks. She’s hateful and mean, and I swear there is something off about Tallulah.” Lyla took a drink of her wine. If she felt off about Tallulah, I wondered how she felt about me. Humans knew deep down that we were different, but then again, her family were wolves and she was best friends with a vampire.

  “She doesn’t hate you. She just needs to get used to you.” I leaned over, filling up their wine glasses again. “You aren’t exactly trying to be her friend either.”

  “Yes, says the man who she follows around like a bitch in heat. I mean seriously, she is following him around, and he probably wouldn’t have to even wait on tables if he batted his eyes enough,” she said, tossing a towel at me.

  “Maybe she thinks you two are a thing, and she’s jealous,” Vonny shrugged.

  Lyla snorted. “Nah, I’ve made it a point to tell her we were only buddies.” Hearing that made me irritated. It was irrational. We were only friends, that is all we could ever be, but hearing it out loud made both my wolf and me cranky.

  “Well, go to Rocko about her. All you’d have to do is bat your eyelashes at him,” I snapped.

  Lyla took a long drink of her wine. “Yeah, right.”

  “As much fun as all this work talk is, this still unemployed girl would like to change the subject. Since we’re all available tomorrow, what are we doing?”

  “The beach?” I suggested.

  “Vonny hates it.”

  Sometimes I almost forgot she was a vampire. She was nothing like I’d been taught. Vonny was funny, kind to those she cared about, and tolerated me. Most importantly, she’d do anything for Lyla.

  “Well, we can do something else. How about the zoo, in the morning?” I asked.

  “Or evening?” Vonny said.

  I thought for a minute. “I have a class in the evening. You can go to the zoo, and we can meet up later?” Odecir would have my hide if I skipped my bjj training.

  “Jack, man of mystery. You know very important people, and we haven’t even been to your apartment yet. Are you going to share with us what this ‘class’ is?” Lyla took her fingers and hooked them.

  If she only knew the secrets I kept from her. “My apartment is tiny, more like a studio. There is barely enough room to move around, much less have you beautiful cultured ladies over, and the class is martial arts. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, to be exact.”

  “Oh, maybe I should join you. I’ve always been interested in martial arts.” Lyla leaned back in her chair.

  My heart pounded. Vonny looked up, and her nostrils flared. I needed to calm myself.

  I took a deep breath, “It is men only.”

  “Well, that’s sexist.” She pouted.

  “Or maybe I just need a break from you. I see you every day at work, and we hang out all of the time.” I winked at her, and she threw a pillow at me.

  Chapter Fourteen

  My back hurt. My fingers hurt. Hell, even my groin hurt, and I was back at it again. I had to work this evening, so Odecir demanded I train in the morning, extremely early in the morning.

  The compound was quiet; almost everyone was sleeping. Even those who were on a nocturnal schedule had settled, but Odecir was ready to roll. I thought to myself that the man was always ready to roll. The light in the metal building was on, which meant he was waiting for me.

  I tossed my back onto a set of chairs. “This is torture. No one is up at this ungodly hour.”

  “I’m up. Besides, if you are living by a human schedule, you need to be up early. No naps during the day, you lazy fuck, and make your bed.”

  “Yes mom, but why make my bed when I’m going to get back in it soon?” I laughed and pulled out my gi.

  Odecir glowered. “Man, you might come from a long line of warriors, but I don’t know about you.” He pointed at me and laughed. “Go suit up, bro.”

  The next two hours all we did was drill. We did basic moves like shrimps and guard passes as well as worked on my sweeps and mounts.

  I wasn’t sure when Corbin came in, but I noticed he was watching us as he leaned against the wall.

  Odecir noticed him, too. He turned to me. “Shrimp from this wall to over there and back.” Then he walked over to Corbin.

  “How’s his training going?” Corbin asked. He dressed in his usual three-piece suit, every hair in place. He looked immaculate as usual.

  Odecir looked over at me and shook his head. “He’s smart, he can do it, he’s even learning quickly, but he’s pretty fucking lazy.”

  I finished the first row my exercise and walked toward them. “Dude, I’m right here, man.”

  Jonathan appeared and handed Corbin a coffee. “He’s pretty fucking annoying, too.”

  “Again. I’m right here,” I said, and Corbin smirked.

  Corbin pushed off the wall. “We’re going on a run before breakfast. You should come.”

  I nodded. I knew he wasn’t asking.

  “No changing on the mats! You’ll claw them and there will be fur everywhere.” Odecir pointed to us. I bowed and stepped of the mats, taking off my gi jacket.

  Corbin unbuttoned his shirt. “Your mother called. She said you haven’t called her.”

  I unhooked my pants and shook my head. That woman would be the death of me. We had a complicated relationship. I loved and respected her but her expectations of me were unrealistic and I would never make her happy. “She usually isn’t so petty. I’ve gone a long time without communication when I was in school.”

  Corbin shimmied out of his dress shirt. “She said she hasn’t heard from your brother. She can’t connect with him.”

  I paused. “I doubt he left the pack. He wants it for himself. What does she think? Magick?”

  “Probably, but she is more concerned with the why.” He unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down.

  I paused. “Does she think he knows where I am?”

  Corbin nodded, “That is the general consensus. We’ve been expecting this.”

  I stepped out of the rest of my clothing and swallowed hard. “Do you want me to leave the pack?” I’d joined so my brother would be out of my head but now if he knew for sure where I was I needed to leave, I couldn’t stay and bring his wrath on Corbin and his pack.

  “Yes,” Jonathon said from beside Corbin.

  “No.” Corbin turned and gave Jonathon a dirty look. Jonathon snorted and took a drink of his coffee. “You are one of ours now. The pack is going on high alert. You are to be on the grounds at all time.”

  My mind raced. “Wait, what about work and Lyla?”

  “That is the least of your worries. Lyla will be tailed, and
work won’t be a problem. Rocko said your shifts can easily be covered.” Corbin shook his head.

  My heart hurt. “But what do I tell Lyla?” We were friends; she’d be hurt. I know if I were in her place I would be.

  “You were never supposed to talk to her, Jack. This shouldn’t be an issue!” Corbin shot Odecir a look.

  “But it is and Captain, I take him breakfast every morning.” Lyla was my responsibility, and honestly, I couldn’t imagine a day of not seeing her smile. Captain was my friend, I was sure I was his only real friend.

  “Your brother is coming to kill you. Forget about the girl and forget about the bum. That’s an order.” Corbin shifted into his wolf and ran out of the building, Jonathan following suit.

  Odecir crossed his arms. “Man, you’d better watch yourself.”

  He was right. They would be fine. I needed to concentrate on staying alive. I shifted and followed Corbin.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Seriously, man, not to be rude but after yesterday, we don’t want your help.” Jose laughed, cutting a potato and tossing it into the pot.

  “Hey, that soup wasn’t that bad.” I handed him a soda. It wasn’t that great, either.

  “You left the shells on the mussels and the shrimp. What the fuck? Besides, Jonathan said to not let you step into the kitchen again.”

  “I’m sure that’s not all he said,” I laughed.

  Jose laughed so hard he almost fell out of his chair. “What did you do to him, piss in his Wheaties?”

  I shrugged. “I’m not sure. Hey, have you seen Lyla?”

  “Have I seen Lyla?” Jose wagged his eyebrows. “Oh, I’ve seen her. That one is a feisty hellcat. I thought she would tear Rocko’s throat out when he wouldn’t tell her your address. She’s pissed off. Just text her, man, tell her you’re sick. You can even use my phone.”

  “I’d love to, but it isn’t that easy. Corbin said no contact.” I pushed off the table. I shoved my hands into my pockets. “Will you do me a favor and look after her?”

  “That girl needs no one to look after her. She’s scrappy yet charming. She already has her own regulars asking for her. That pisses Tallulah off.”


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