Sanibel Burn Vampire Werewolf Menage

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Sanibel Burn Vampire Werewolf Menage Page 5

by Talyn Scott


  “I’d like to see you jump up and down,” he ogled her tits, “while cheering me on.” His fellows snorted, punching each other like the teenagers they no longer were.

  “Some of us have to work, and you have enough cheerleaders.” Locking the door, she threw it in reverse, watching as the group parted around her car. Arian smiled coldly, lifting his head as she drove away.

  “She’s going in to heat soon,” Blade eyed Arian.

  “No shit.”

  “You wouldn’t hear me complain if she clawed my back, biting me while bat shit crazy under the full moon, with those massive boobs bouncing while I pump her into next week.”

  Arian turned to his pack mate, sick of Renee’s refusals. “I’ve wanted to nail that little bitch since eleventh grade.” Running his tongue over the front of his teeth, he thought of all the ways he wanted to take her, playing as a triple x movie inside his skull.

  “She’s the Beta’s,” Blade complained.

  “Not yet.”

  Driving home, Renee shrugged off Arian the asshole, Dru the horny doctor, and thought about him. He had taken every empty space that her brain had handy. She didn’t want him to. She didn’t want him. An overbearing jerk did not make for a good or even mediocre boyfriend. So, no, she wasn’t having him.

  But weeks ago at The Blue Pelican, uh, her gut clenched at the memory; Bane nearly tore down her walls: So the shower it was… Drenched, soaped, tired, and worried about her sister, Renee felt the heated water soften her weary body. Although, a prickly sensation at the nape of her neck said she wasn’t alone. Pulling back the shower curtain, she eyeballed the room. Nada. Refocusing on her relaxation, she thought a few more minutes of aqua therapy would help. Let’s face it. If she were to be able to stay in the shower all night, she would. Bane was getting to her. In what way, she didn’t know. And the shower, yeah, was a perfect hiding place.

  She was flaming hot, oven hot, and damn hot. She turned the faucet and cooled the flow. Brisk water tightened her pores. It didn’t work. It was a strange breath. A scorching breath licked her skin. Rubbing a palm over the back of her neck, she took the other hand and touched her core. She didn’t know why. Bane was in the next room, and she was going to masturbate. She pulled away. The breath from the ghost that she didn’t believe in traveled to her right nipple. Imaginary teeth scraped her tightened bud. She cried, aloud. Did Bane hear her? Swallowing hard, she felt a balmy deluge between her thighs. Her arousal and the ghost tongue were sinking deep, still from the ghost that she didn’t believe in. Dizzy, oh so dizzily, she laid her body against the cold porcelain tub. No matter how chilly the water, she couldn’t cool her skin. Hand going back to the drawing board, she touched her clit. Biting her lip until she tasted blood, Renee held in her moan, scream, of pleasure. She had never been this sensitive before. What was going on south of the naval border? The tongue was getting stronger as it licked, rasped, and curled inside her body. Longer and longer inside her sheath until it reached her….

  Tendons straining the sides of Renee’s neck, she bucked, and clasped the sides of the tub. Cool water hitting her pussy and hot, moist, haunted mouth sucking her clit, she flew into a merciless, teeth-baring orgasm. Orgasms were a rarity to Renee. And believe her, she had tried everything to achieve one, including having her privates waxed. With this one…oh, this was off the wall incredible. Damn, she could light up even though she didn’t smoke. And yeah, she could feel her vaginal walls clenching on absolutely nothing. It didn’t matter. She was utterly, eternally sated. Well, maybe not eternally - but close. Her throat hurt. Oh shit! Her throat hurt from screaming. Weakly, she reached for the faucet and turned off the chilly spray. Embarrassment mingled with satisfaction. Let him be outside the room. Oh, please, let him be outside the room. With well-greased joints, flushed skin, dripping core and, hell yes, a strut in her hips, she fumbled for her clothes.

  In her peripheral vision, she caught Bane leaning against the doorframe. Possessively, his eyes roamed her body as if they knew each other intimately.

  “Go away!” she screamed, as she tugged impossibly at her sweats.

  “They won’t go over wet skin,” he stepped forward. “Allow me.”

  “Go the fuck away.”

  “You see,” Bane picked up a towel before carefully drying her back. “I only take orders from one being, and that‘s not you. So from this moment forward, you’ll be taking them from me.”

  “Get away from me. I’m warning you.”

  He snorted with laughter, actually snorted. “No one warns me.”

  She made a grab for the towel. He kept it. His warm lips met the back of her neck. Moist heat to moist flesh, a fire reignited below. It was something she couldn’t fight. A flame so smoking hot, that she felt charred from his first touch. One arm entrapped her waist, holding her naked body tightly against his fully clothed front, as his lips skimmed upward across her jaw line. Cupping the side of her face with his free hand, he turned it just so. She met his eyes.

  “Your mine and I want you, now.”

  They fused, mouth to mouth, when a sudden knock at the door interrupted them. He growled - a raucous growl that would have left her stumbling back if he hadn’t been holding her. “Not now,” he barely raised his voice, eyes never leaving hers.

  “How can anyone hear you through the door?” Her voice was husky, scratchy sore.

  “Don’t move,” he commanded, as he reluctantly stepped through the threshold that led to the bedroom. He turned and seared her with a look. “Don’t think of coming out her unclothed if someone else is in the room. You won’t like what happens if you do.”

  Renee didn’t take well to threats. When he returned and explained there was a ‘work emergency’ that would take him an hour to resolve, she hightailed it fifteen minutes after he left.

  Good Lord, she could still smell him. Drugging fall spices and male that forever lingered in her car and her mind. She snapped out of it. They weren’t lingering from weeks ago. They were here, now, in her driveway.

  There he stood in all his magnificent glory. Heart stopping, salivation worthy, tightly bound in a dark t-shirt and pelvis licking jeans; Bane graced her driveway with his inspirational presence.

  She wasn’t having it. “Hello, Bart,” she stepped out of the car and snagged her books.

  “You provoke me?”

  “It’s the other way around. I’ve had a long day, have to work later, and show up at the hospital at five in the morning. Go away,” she couldn’t look at him. If she did, she would slide right off her Popsicle stick, melting into the ground.

  A massive hand stretched and took her schoolbooks. His body stiffened. “Have you been with another?”

  “You’re under the misconception that we have a relationship.” If only he wasn’t an overbearing male brute, that messed with her head.

  “You’re under the misconception that we don’t. I brought food.” He had to provide for her.


  “Yes,” he took the keys from her hand and unlocked the door. Bane went in ahead of her. Yes, he was well versed in etiquette, human and Were. His beast had to protect what was his. If anything unseemly were on the other side of that door, he would meet it first – not his girl. Although he didn’t smell or sense anything, he couldn’t be careful enough with Renee.

  “Strip and shower, I’ll ready the food and care for your animals,” he manually locked the door behind them, checked it twice and spun to find a cold glare from nearly a foot below his eye level. She was fuming. Oh, here we go.

  “Bart, I think some personal space is in order here. This,” she brought both hands out and encompassed her living room, “is my personal space, my dwelling.” She then placed one hand as a stop sign and halted his protests. “I know that Bren and Jayce, even my sister, do not want me here. Here is where I can afford and still be with my pets. Here is where I am staying the duration of college. So, please, call them off me. Stop phoning and showing up at ino
pportune times, I am an adult.” It was hard to keep if professional when Snow Job picked that exact moment to hack a fur ball up at her feet. Presents for mommy, she sighed, good going little buddy.

  “You might want to skip the food with orange dye.” Bane kept his composure. “Just a thought,” he shrugged, “saves on carpet shampoo.”

  She knew the conversation was over when Sugar Baby, her well-meaning Pitt Bull, came by for a sniff. Renee had received an unmerciful vet bill of four hundred and twenty three dollars. All thanks to Sugar Baby’s new dietary habit. No, there wasn’t anything wrong with her, even though she refused to eat for a week. Then, when it wasn’t necessary to change the cat’s litter boxes for the same week…she put that two and two together. Sugar Baby was a literal brown-noser of the worst kind. Now, all she needed was Bane to watch her dog eat a cat barf ball.

  It only took a single glare from Bane for Sugar Baby to leave the room. Bane was battling with himself; the Alpha had placed unfair limitations on his contact with his mate. Without fail, he guarded her nearly every night. If duty called him away, another pack member took his place. No one would touch what belonged to him. Then again, a vampire claimed her and another unknown werewolf was a true mate. That said, he wasn’t waiting for the third full moon to claim his right. So they could all go to hell if it wasn’t squared away by then. He would just go rogue and take his girl with him. Even if he had to bind and gag her… he just got rock hard.

  “Hello?” Renee was snapping her fingers in front of his face.

  He had no idea what she had just said. Him, a Were with unfathomable skills had just zoned out of a conversation. All thanks to his inability to claim her. No. More. Weeks have taken their toll on him. Hearing the snap of his seams, he felt the shake of the beast, the monster. Fighting not to bring the beast forward into her fragile world without a warning, he clutched fists to his sides. Fighting. Fighting. Fighting. Mine, the beast snarled, butting against the front of Bane’s skull. Stay in the background a while longer, he pleaded.

  Then, he saw it.

  To the left of her delicate throat, Irish translucent skin had been marred with the mark of a vampire. Son of a bitch. Of course, Renee hadn’t noticed…was unaware. Dru left his calling card for everyone immortal to see. To know. To cower from. His mark. Not Bane’s. His. That sealed the deal for the beast and Bane’s pride. Inhaling deeply, he caught her womanly aroma. The one that mattered most to his animal, the smell always spoke to a male of their species. With great relief, Bane noted her still untouched. Fortunately, the vamp hadn’t been too possessive to break the agreement. Dru was still stupid enough to try it in the future, though. Bane was certain of that.

  He cupped her fragile face in his calloused hands. Staring blankly in return, Renee silently questioned him with a raised, ebony brow. Their eyes locked, the moment heated, the blood quickened in and out of their veins…his going more south than hers. “I’m falling for you.” There, he let it out. He knew it was happening fast for Renee, a mostly mortal brought up in a mortal world. The shock on her face said it all.

  “You can’t mean that,” she tried a step back, but he tightened on her. “We’ve only known each other a few weeks tops. Even so, we hardly see one another. Never have been on an actual date,” she trailed, engrossed in the sapphire blue of Bane’s eyes and the proximity to his warm body. She could get lost there. Anyone could get lost there.

  “Right and sometimes people wait too long, think too much until what they had right in front of them is gone.”

  “You’re pushy.”

  “You’re stubborn,” he never closed his eyes when he slanted his lips over hers. Possession was nine tenths of the law, and Renee Shirley belonged to him.


  Pulling her closer and closer, Bane’s body responded with every brush of Renee’s ivory skin. One taste, that’s what he needed. One delicious swallow of what she held best. Here it came. Running up his spine, over his skin, deep into his pores, her arousal called to him. No other could come close to this. Not the centuries he had lived, nor the centuries in front of him would claim him as Renee had from a simple kiss. He swiped the tip of his tongue across her soft lips. She wouldn’t open for him. Still being obstinate, he smiled to himself, still wanting to be the one in control. He could break her from that. He could break her from that right now.

  Reaching into the black silkiness of her hair, Bane slowly tugged Renee’s head backwards. Her neck arched, mimicking an offering to the beast. Mark her, it growled. Not yet, he responded. His tongue grew from the Were wanting his girl, his mate for all eternity. Taking his time, wanting her to taste him in return, he dropped it deep into her mouth. Willing her to remember all of the places his tongue had traveled, if not in secret, in and around her body.

  Bane’s magic was substantial in itself. He couldn’t enter the mind, but he sure could enter the body. Ghosting over Renee’s form was pure greediness and a hard-core pleasure those ungifted others truly missed out on with their mates. The only drawback, the only concession, was that he couldn’t taste her in his ghosting form and couldn’t slide his thickness into her wet flesh. That, he deepened his tongue into her throat, they would rectify soon with their physical forms.

  “Let me touch you,” he spoke against her lips. “You don’t have to touch me back, just let me adore you and be a part of your body.” His smile was all male and little raptorial gleam lit the bluest of eyes.

  “You threaten me one day, then the next, you’re saying things that…,” she stopped.

  “Things that are getting to you,” he finished over the top of her hair. Lifting her in his arms, against her weak protests, he carried her to her bedroom…her bed. Cats were jumping and hissing over their shoulders; he didn’t care. The little shits could take their attitudes and prying eyes somewhere else.

  “Not the bed,” she shook her head against his chest. “I don’t want to be in a bed with you. I didn’t want to be naked in the bathroom with you and that nearly got me into trouble.”

  “No trouble, not what you think. This is all for you. I won’t remove a single stitch of clothing unless you ask, how’s that?”

  Through her protests, they sank on the bed, Bane’s manly weight against her slight body. “I’m seeing someone else,” she admitted.

  Bracketing her with his elbows, both still fully clothed, Bane adjusted his erection right where she needed it. “I know,” his eyes studied the curve between her collarbones, and the softest skin covered by her drab uniform, wanting what hid from his sight. “Right now, I just don’t care. In this moment, it’s you and me, Renee.” The battle was going on again, the one inside his head…pounding, pounding, and pounding. “You keep me on a bed of nails, little one. Every way I turn, I’m tortured. Make it stop.”

  She made a week sound of frustration, “Oh, God, why do I feel this way?”

  “Shush, little one, don’t think. You never belong to someone else when you’re with me. I want more.”

  Lips capturing hers, he teased them open with his tongue. Not once dipping in, he stayed on the outside, sending a patient message, tightening her channel, and making her wet. Never letting up, he repeatedly stroked his tongue over her bottom lip, inserting his thumb in the corner of her mouth when she tried to stop him. Further spreading Renee open with his muscled thighs, masculine endorphins mixed with a feminine need. A sexual cocktail, it was theirs for the drinking. Rubbing his zippered cock over her warmth, he mimicked the slide of his tongue, still holding her mouth opening, never thrusting inside.

  Her breasts were plump under his chest, making him suffer. Dragging his free hand to her waist, curving around her ass, he lifted her to him, increasing the friction. With a raspy voice, he spoke against her bottom lip, “Say my name.”

  “Bane,” she panted, so close.

  Picking up the pace, hitting her clit through their clothes, his thumb pressed between her cheeks, stroking her anus through her uniform. Bane felt powerful with his mate under his body,
giving her what she needed, taking nothing in return. One of many ways he would provide for her. Through the thin white material, she tightened on his thumb, confused. Although never in her head, Bane knew what she was thinking. Renee didn’t want to like it, fought the sensation, and felt guilty for the pleasure. “I know what you need, little one. I know.” Unrelenting, he continued with his thumb, circling, pushing in, stilling and starting over. Her breaths thinned as her hips thrust upward, meeting his demands all on her own. “That’s it,” he encouraged.

  Arching her throat while moaning in his mouth, the beast grumbled. Sweat broke across his forehead as he fought not to bite. Stand down, he sharply demanded of the wolf. Such a sweet scent she emitted, enticing the werewolf with her true essence. Filling his nose, Renee’s natural fragrance stroked his body inside out. She clutched him firmly, causing his shiver. Uncertain if she heard the growl, he increased his strokes and spread his thick tongue in her mouth, nearly reaching her throat before pulling back. The wolf’s tongue was loose. Nothing left to do but come right after she did. “Ladies first, little one,” Bane mumbled against her mouth, lowering his velvet tongue, warm and inviting, back down, and grinding insistent circles on her anus with his thumb. She was near, as he could smell it. So sweet and tangy, he inhaled and whispered, “I want to taste you.”


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