Sanibel Burn Vampire Werewolf Menage

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Sanibel Burn Vampire Werewolf Menage Page 7

by Talyn Scott

  Molly glanced over her shoulder as Granny and her elderly, alcoholic accomplice slipped out of the powder room. “Did you think we would let them drive at night?” Molly was back from her three-hour tour…or honeymoon. Since she began dating Wilson, she only dropped the Mrs. Howell drawl when she was pissed. Now Renee would be listening to the Gilligan’s Island theme song in her head all night - like when you get a song in your head, and it won’t take a hike? Welcome to the world of Renee’s family, they wouldn’t leave her alone even if she were to beg on bended knees. Repeatedly, she waded through the endless crap due to their high-handedness and refusals to keep themselves out of her business. They dug deep, hung in hard, and didn’t let go whether she liked it or not. Most times, almost every time, she didn’t.

  Thurston came to the table with a cell phone in one hand and his business partner at his side. “Hello sweet sister,” air kiss, “I couldn’t resist the opportunity to see where you worked.” Glancing around blatantly unimpressed, he kissed lovey, um Molly, on the nose and introduced his fellow law firm partner to Renee. “This is my partner, Steve Palazzo.”

  “Good to see you Wilson and nice to meet you Steve,” she caught sight of a table in need of refills. “Sorry, I have to keep moving. Let me take your drink orders.”

  Steve clasped her hand, “Take their orders first, and then you’ll have more time to spend with us. We’re in no hurry, Renee.” He squeezed her hand and she smelled ‘fix up’ in the circulating air. Yes, her family had an agenda tonight.

  Listening in on Renee’s conversation, Bane stiffened. His extra-sensitive hearing could filter all bar sounds and useless nonsense and pick up exactly what he wanted. Narrowing his eyes, he searched the one that dared touch his girl. Yes, he had bitten others. He wasn’t perfect, never claimed to be perfect. Had he grown up and learned from past mistakes? He thought so, until now.

  “You’d better shake that thing down, matey,” Dru delicately shoed away a strangely painted bar fly from a parallel barstool. She ran her eyes over him and left in a huff. Bane needed to calm down and Dru needed the females at bay. Renee shouldn’t worry over nothing. Neither of them wanted another, so why aggravate her? “I could feel your power from the parking lot. What gives?”

  “Another male touching what’s mine,” Bane hid a wolf-induced tremor with a faux cough.

  “You want to bite him, how cute,” Dru signaled the bartender for a drink that he wouldn’t touch. “It’s a setup. Her whole family is in on it.”

  “How convenient the mind reading is for you.”

  “Let’s drop the penis envy and remain civil.” Dru accepted red wine and handed the bartender a fifty. “Bring my friend a double and keep the change.”

  “It won’t get me drunk,” Bane sounded disappointed.

  “True. But I wasn’t going for that, so talk.”

  “You drank,” he nearly slipped on his words. “You know the present you left on her.” You drank from her asshole, marked her neck.

  Dru could read Bane’s thoughts, as well. “So? It has nothing to do with you.”

  How’d you do it?

  “Her sleep,” he brought the wine glass to his lips, ‘sipping’.

  Night after night, I hear those freaking replacements she uses as her nightcap, bringing herself to come. I know she wants me, but doesn’t want me to touch her even when aroused, won’t say why. Only her sisters know. Some dark secret keeps her away from me. And here you sit with her blood flowing through your veins and her flush on your ancient face. I could kill you right now.

  “Ah,” he turned to face him, “you feel left out.” Dru was amenable. They had made a prior blood oath, a contract, with Bane’s Alpha and Dru’s Coven Maestru that could never be broken. In essence, they had to work it out and live with one another forever.

  Dru was sick of waiting and so was Bane. Similar to a werewolf’s mate, a vampire only had one bride in a lifetime…an extremely long lifetime. It was a time of celebration. A literal needle in a haystack, Renee, was found. Although he had to share, it was a relief all the same. “We’ll take care of it tomorrow night. My place,” Dru ‘sipped’ his wine, not mentioning that he smelled his bride’s sex all over Bane’s face.

  “She has hospital training at dawn’s crack and throughout the entire week.” Bane studied the male, Palazzo. He couldn’t take his roaming peepers off Renee. A swipe of the Beta’s claw could fix that.

  “Leave that to me.”

  “You know her secret.”

  “Yes,” Dru’s face paled, “not here.” Even with his vast intelligence, it had taken Dru the better part of the day piecing together his bride’s scattered dreams and random thoughts. A broken story it was, though finally, he was aware of the problem.

  “I’m telling you, Lonny is stealing my underwear.” Granny downed her fourth vodka martini loaded with blue cheese stuffed olives.

  Betsy was in bad shape. “I told you what happened after Harold’s…uh…what was that meeting again?”

  “It was his damned funeral, Betsy.” Granny rolled her eyes. “You were at Harold’s funeral yesterday.” She had to yell, though Betsy sat right next to her.

  “Are you sure? I thought we were back at our complex.” Betsy shook her head too many times, drawing some curious onlookers.

  “That was a church.”

  “Then Lonny and I weren’t in the…,” she looked nervous.

  “I caught you in the baptistery. Did you think it was the pool at Swaying Palms, Betsy?” Everyone past eighty had a romp in that pool. Granny wouldn’t even dip a toe in that cesspool of bacteria. At least, not after the things that she’d witnessed since she moved there.

  “Could you continue this conversation somewhere else?” Renee plopped a napkin on the table, followed by a cup of scalding, black coffee. She raised a brow at Betsy, not said aloud: drink the shit and leave.

  Steve was persistent. “Renee, is your break soon?”

  She glanced at her watch. Three hours passed, loads of time filled with tiresome moments of dealing with her family. Yeah, she could use a break. “I’m due one.”

  “Then join us,” Steve insisted.

  Now, that wouldn’t be much of a break, would it Steve? “I’m not allowed to do that.” It was a simple lie.

  Steve set his jaw in clear determination, “How about some fresh air?” Alpha male alert, was there a sign on her back? Renee fought the urge to check. Where were they all coming from and why her?

  Renee’s mom threw a challenging, more like threatening, look her way. Eyes drifting over her daughter’s uniform, she started with Renee’s scuffed sneakers and worked her way to the tight black shirt that depicted the logo of Six Feet Under – a pine coffin- and the words ‘here’s dirt in your eye’ written across her chest. “Did Wilson mention that Steve is a partner in the firm?”

  Renee couldn’t do enough for her mother. She couldn’t be enough for her family. She had chosen the nursing field out of pure empathy for others, a natural calling. Instead of pride in her accomplishments, her mother was gold digging on her behalf. Renee turned away as a blast of dry-ice fog covered the floor. A possessive hand wrapped itself around her waist. Fanning the fog away, she opened her mouth to order Bane home.

  “There you are, sweetheart.”

  “Dr. Holt?”

  He chuckled, “Come now, you don’t have to pretend in front of your family. Let’s share our secret.”

  Renee chewed her lip, “Maybe you should share it.” What was this?

  Wilson interrupted, “Dru Holt, you co-sponsored the last charity golf tournament with our firm, Dibosa and Associates. You have an amazing drive.”

  They shook hands. “And Steve,” Dru continued without taking his other hand off Renee, “nice to see you again.”

  Steve’s eyes widened and discretely eyed Renee’s neck. “You’ve been holding out on me.”

  Dru ignored Steve’s appraisal of his bride and zoned in on the Mamma Bitch. “What a pleasure it is to finally mee
t you, Mrs. Shirley.” He placed a chaste kiss on her knuckles. Good heavens, her blood even smelled obnoxious. Surrounding thoughts were drilling his skull: ‘How did she land a doctor?’, ‘Will she screw this up and embarrass us?’, and ‘Would we be this lucky?’. What assholes, Dru pecked Renee’s soft cheek. The feel of her skin and the scent of her blood brought an insistent ache to his cock.

  “The pleasure is mine, Dr. Holt.” Mamma Bitch emphasized doctor.

  “Please, call me Dru. I would love to get my little darling off her feet for a few minutes. Shall we find a bench outside, sweetheart? I’m sure you’re tired.” Renee stood frozen. “See,” he turned to the group, “she’s exhausted from school, work, and hospital rounds. You can’t imagine the dedication required of our nursing students. I’m so proud of her as I’m sure you all are. Come along, Renee,” he carefully pushed her towards the bar. “I’ll be seeing you soon,” he promised the gaping mouths of Renee’s family.

  Steve curled his lip.

  Bane had to sit this one out. Let softy the leech croon to his girl. But Mr. Palazzo, he wasn’t sucking on her neck anytime soon. The warning glare that Bane gave Steve was not to be ignored: I will kill you slowly, very slowly. He brought down the beast, checked his watch, and made a dash for the door. If he couldn’t be with his girl, he had to go work. Let off some steam. Release his angst. What was the issue? What did she hide?

  “What was that all about?” Renee collapsed on a bench outside the bar. Her legs had given way and her mind unable to collect itself. Just as this morning, the good doctor had mowed her down.

  “I stopped by to say hello,” he gave a casual shrug. “I assessed the situation, and judging by your discomfort, bailed you out of it. I understand pushy families, Renee. Don’t be their victim.” A soft wind picked up, blowing ripples across the river. Lights glittered on the North Bridge, acknowledging the night.

  “Well, I would thank you, but you’ve created a bigger problem for me.” Strands of hair lifted from his forehead, he looked to be about thirty. So fine, his body well defined and chiseled, without going overboard on the muscles. Faded jeans encased strong legs; a somewhat tight, indigo shirt expensively draped his torso. No tacky jewelry, just a gold watch that’s face was the size of a small dinner plate. It screamed money. He screamed sex. His glasses were gone and warmed brandy eyes met her stare.

  “I would never cause you a single problem, much less a bigger one.” Dru stepped closer, nearly brushing her knees.

  “They’ll expect you at Sunday dinner, adorning my arm with your successfulness.” She nearly spat. She wasn’t mad at him, just her family.

  He laughed, “I’ll come to Sunday dinner and adorn my arm with your sinful beauty, Nurse Shirley.” Turning serious, he placed a hand or her knee. “Look at me, Renee.”

  She did.

  “Really look at me, Renee.”

  She fidgeted, but fought to raise her chin and meet him eye to eye.

  “You hide. Sometimes your body, much of your sadness, and all your desires,” he trailed. “You can hide from them, but don’t hide from me.”

  “We haven’t dated that long, and I don’t even know what we are to each other.”

  A fingertip stilled her lips. “I’ll tell you who I am. I’m the one who wants you the way you are, want me too, and take me the way I am. Accept my declaration and adorn my arm, Renee. I’ll have no other.”

  “Ah, I … I’m floored. To be honest, you have to know that there’s this guy…”

  “Bane, we’re friends,” he smiled, placing his other hand on her knee, giving it a comforting squeeze.

  “Then, if your truly friends, you know that he feels as you do.”

  “That I do know. I’m fixing your hospital schedule. You aren’t required for this week’s morning rounds, but your hours will still count. You’ve given so much to this community that a week will mean nothing in the scheme of your credits. I want you to rest. You need it.”

  Relief washed over her; she asked, “Doctor’s orders?”

  “That’s not all. I’m prescribing a night on the town tomorrow night with two close friends. If you don’t agree, I’ll double your hospital rounds.”

  “That’s blackmail.”

  “What a fun word,” he continued, stroking the tops of her thighs. “Bane will pick you up at six, and I’ll catch up with you both at Ridgemont Point. The restaurants are sublime, and a new movie is opening at the Ridge-Plex.”

  “That’s it?”

  “That’s the requirement; you’re out of bedpans and sponge baths for a week in exchange for one date with us.” He still had the taste of her in his mouth. Renee’s blood ran through his veins, pulsating with each beat his heart took. Only one thing could bring them closer, and it was coming shortly.

  Ah, here lies the catch, she thought. It wasn’t easy accepting Bren and Jayce’s relationship with her sister. She loved all three, but theirs wasn’t a typical relationship. Now, Bane wanted that with her. “This was Bane’s idea.” She lifted off the bench. “He’s too much and you’re joining him. I don’t think so.”

  He snagged her arm, preventing escape. “Go with your instinct, sweetheart. Think about it.” When his breath tickled her neck, that strange fiery sensation returned. “Promise me tonight, when you lie in your bed, you will consider this. You’ll contemplate what you need, not what you’re afraid of, or what society dictates, and will reach the conclusion we have.” He lightly kissed her throat, right where it irritated her, somehow soothing it. She didn’t respond, but quietly walked away. After watching her safely inside, Dru stepped to the background of the parking lot to guard her. He was a still stranger to Renee, a new man she was dating, nothing more. For him, she was everything. No longer could he have another. No longer could he live without her.

  “She’s going to run.” Bane slipped from the shadows. Trying to work, well, it wasn’t going to work. He’d gone a few miles and turned around. Luckily, he caught the last couple of minutes of their conversation.

  “Wouldn’t you love that, wolf? A nice chase to get your blood pumping while experiencing the adrenalin surge,” he hissed, willing his claws to retract.

  Yes, he would. Bane would love to chase his female through the wetlands and unleash his beast. His wolf had been slamming his skull all day, dying to pin down his female and take her.

  Dru watched Renee’s family leave. She would have some type of peace for her few remaining hours. How he wished she didn’t work here. Six Feet Under wasn’t a dive by any means, but she deserved better. His bride deserved everything and he could give it to her.

  “I hadn’t heard the news.” Steve misted before them.

  “Hadn’t you? The Coven Maestru is your brother. Maybe you’re simply causing trouble, stepping over lines that you shouldn’t cross.” Dru bared his fangs, sharpening with anger.

  Observing the scene, Bane crossed his massive arms and leaned against a tree. Dru had the right to protect his territory, as well. He would love to tear into Steve, but wouldn’t make a move unless Steve rendered Dru unable.

  “Oh, why would I cross lines with a member of my elite coven and a Beta to boot?” His smirk said it all ‘you have to share with a werewolf’.

  “Crossing lines is your specialty, and you do it any given day of the week. You bore easily and live off the misery of others.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “How original,” Dru stepped into the pale moonlight, summing up an unrealized threat. “She’s not yours.”

  “Maybe, but her blood calls to me. Succulent as a fine red wine and a rare filet, I only wanted a taste. But now you’ve intrigued me.” He vanished.

  “Well, fuck you,” Dru scoffed into the air.

  “Who’s original now?” Bane laughed behind him.

  “Drive her home; I’m following him.”

  “It’s that important?”

  “Very, I’ll meet you later atop her roof.” Dru disappeared into the night.

  Everglades FL
r />   “You didn’t tell me what a fine piece she was.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” Ciaran considered the scum he hired.

  “I’ll keep her for myself, a blood slave. That should more than satisfy your clan. After all, wouldn’t years of servitude bring more justice than a simple death?”

  “The girl didn’t cause this; she is a catalyst for the clan’s revenge and isn’t to be tortured. The best that I can do for her, the innocent in all this ugliness, is promise swift death.” Ciaran would never admit his hatred for the decision he’d made. Written in stone, the ancients viewed blood vengeance as unchangeable, no matter the fairness. A necessity in an all too changing world, clan members felt stable, in control, with the old ways. “Your coven is aware that you’ve aligned yourself with me?”


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