Sanibel Burn Vampire Werewolf Menage

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Sanibel Burn Vampire Werewolf Menage Page 9

by Talyn Scott

  Mine, it snarled.

  Ours, Bane corrected.

  “It’s time,” Dru stood up, nearing Bane. “From behind, it’ll make it easier on us.”

  Bane unbuttoned his shirt, slid it from his golden tanned shoulders, bared himself for her – trusted his enemy with his life.

  “You’ve never done this before?” Dru surveyed the thickest vein that forked Bane’s right shoulder, straining over a heavily corded muscle.

  “Does that surprise you, parasite?”

  “I suppose it does. You want the endorphins or the pain?” Dru stretched his neck, entered Renee’s dreams. “Already, she dreams of us; it'll be a snap. Hurry and decide your will.”

  “I don’t care about pain.” Weres raised male offspring on pain, toughening them during adolescence. “But I don’t want it to interfere with my ghosting over her, since the sensuality could be shaken.”

  Moving behind Bane, Dru positioned himself, promising, “Endorphins it is.” A true predator, he broke the skin, before Bane gathered his next breath.

  Try as Bane might, he couldn’t prevent the slow moan that escaped. Slamming his back against Dru’s chest, he fought for control. A black door appeared before his mind, beckoning him. “Follow me,” Dru’s voice vibrated throughout his body. Another pulling draw had Bane on the verge of orgasm. “Save it for her,” Dru mentally encouraged. “We’ll give her everything in the briefest of moments.”

  Mentally walking through, he joined Dru in a darkened room centered by Renee. “Ah,” Bane shuddered. Climbing forward on all fours, Bane barely made it to her dream bed. Canines already lengthened, he wanted to release the beast. The pressure of the monster within, coupled by Dru’s ‘endorphins’, made it impossible to think.

  “Can you ghost in full transformation?” Dru spoke inside the darkened, mental room while still actually drinking from Bane inside Renee’s physical bedroom.

  “I’ll try,” Bane graveled, releasing the animal. It bellowed, flashing red. A werewolf in its full form, an undefeated Beta, filled the consciousness of three beings – joined them as a fourth. “It’s weird, like we’re separated,” Bane quivered weakly against Dru’s chest, breaths shallow. Three short hitches in, one slow push out.

  The beast solidified into red flesh, licked his muzzle, flashed claws, while meeting their eyes, and snarling, “Mine!” Standing, as always, his beast on two feet, Bane guessed him to tower over nine feet, naturally naked and enormously erect. He nudged between Renee’s thighs.

  “No,” Bane and Dru replied in unison.

  “She’s an innocent, not this night.” Dru stepped forward, never flinching when the Were expelled his stern warning growl.

  “I take,” it hissed.

  “Then we all lose,” Bane argued. Enfeebled without his beast, perhaps Dru’s plan was going south.

  Dru spoke to Bane. “It wouldn’t really comprise Renee, since this is a dream. However, if she were to witness a beast taking her virginity, dream or not, it would terrify for her.” Dru went toe to toe with the beast. “Back down or we leave.”

  “I taste,” it compromised.

  “You taste,” Bane agreed, guiltily drawing into his growing sexual pleasure. He’d never been able to taste in ghosting form, but the beast could try it.

  A crimson palm slid over the sheet, the thin material separating the feminine skin from a horrific monster, and caressed her thigh. She moved, skimming his hand with hers before it fell away to rest. The werewolf inhaled deeply, raising its head to the ceiling, calling to the imaginary moon Dru had added.

  “How much more can I lose?” Bane faintly questioned his blood loss.

  “I’m going slowly, a half teaspoon every draw. If I reach a pint, we’ll stop.” Dru was feeding well tonight, although he hated Weres and had never fed from one. The rush of power drilled his body; blood strengthened with immortality sank to his bones. Body convulsing with Bane, Dru’s power shifted, became greater. “Get yourself together, let’s start.”

  “Can we speak to her dreaming mind?”

  “I haven’t tried it, since it’s frowned upon by my people.”

  Bane rolled his eyes, reminding Dru, “Anything, remember?”

  The mental Dru walked forward, joined Bane on the bed, and called, “Renee.” He watched the werewolf toy with her breasts. A first glimpse for Dru, they were stunning. He had never seen Renee naked, and even though they were in a warped sense of reality, it was as close as it could get to the real thing, all due to Bane’s memories. “Join us, my sweet. Dreams meet desires; here, we will serve only you. You won’t be harmed.”

  Bane watched her thrash about and placed his body atop hers. Soothing her, the only way he knew how, with the heat and weight of his masculine frame. She would fight him at first, then calm. Trusting him just as any other mesmerized prey; she would give in to his dominant presence. On that, he was certain. “Kiss me in your dreams, Renee, and want me the way I want you.” Bane longed for it to be true. It still didn’t matter, since she wouldn’t get away from them. Nevertheless, he wanted her to want them, desire their impending relationship as one unit.

  The greenest of eyes opened, taking in her surroundings. “Another one,” she groaned, licking her dry lips, “not again.”

  “No stopping, it’s only a dream.” Dru entered her visual path. “You’re ready for us.”

  “No, not us,” she moved side-to-side, heat filling her center. “I’m so hot, Bane.”

  “You belong to me, to us. I warned you, remember? You would burn. It’s not your fault, and it’s natural. A fight you can’t win without my help, my mate. Do you want my help, Renee?”

  “Yes,” she hitched, leaning into the werewolf as he found her throat. She hadn’t spied the beast, but she felt his tongue skimming across her neck, taking nips at her nape.

  “In the future,” Bane grasped his erection, squeezing it just so, “dreams will become reality. Don’t forget.”

  “Uh-huh,” she choked on a sharp gasp when Dru bit the sensitive tendon in her shoulder, effectively pinning her in the most primal way – elemental to an immortal lovemaking.

  “Say my name; say you understand that this is reality tomorrow, and the next day after that.” A drop of liquid escaped Bane’s shaft, another draw on his vein, and the heat of his mate nearly sent him over.

  “Bane,” she rushed out, “I need it. You were right. I was wrong, and I want you.”

  “God, you turn me on.” A low grow left his throat.

  He wished he could smell her, needed her flavor in his mouth – the drawback to ghosting. He rose above her, and placed his cock on her face. “I want to teach you something.”

  The werewolf – in mental sync with Dru and Bane - covertly slipped between her thighs. Placing the back of each knee over his colossal shoulders, his heavy panting emitted hot, moist air onto Renee’s pink flesh. Then he joined her, mouth to pussy and heat to heat.

  With her ecstasy-driven scream, Bane pushed himself inside her open mouth. “Suck me,” he ordered, barely able to contain his climax – a first for him. “Suck me dry, make me yours.”

  Obeying, Renee moaned around his cock. Little laps on the underside sent prickles down his spine. She already knew, somehow, the extra meat under his head was the most sensitive part and went after it vigorously.

  Dru released her neck, allowing Bane more room for his knees. Watching the slide and pull of Bane’s cock into his Bride’s mouth should have angered him. Instead, his breathing picked up and his hand found his throbbing dick, chocking it with a white knuckled fist. “She licks me, too. Right now, she puts her mouth on me. Together, my sweet,” Dru encouraged Renee, “drink us together.


  “Is her actual body this beautiful?”

  “Not even close,” Bane admitted, slowly sliding past her lips, allowing Dru a turn. “My memory couldn't prepare you, leech. She’s stunning, though I’ve never spread her. Seeing her there, will be the best gift of all.”

  Dru r
ubbed his broad head over Renee’s bottom lip, compelling her, “Open, sweetheart. Look, Bane, her ruby lips are plumped from sucking you. The contrast against her pale skin is striking. My balls tighten from this sight alone.”

  She arched her throat, eyes rolling in the back of her head at what the beast was doing between her thighs. “Taste only,” Bane snapped over his shoulder, carefully keeping him hidden from Renee’s sight.

  “Ah ah, sweetheart,” Dru warned, while palming the back of her head and bringing her forward. “No arching, no matter the pleasure. Stay focused on me. Swallow when I hit the back of your thr-… Ah, that’s it. What a jewel you truly are.”

  In reality, Dru’s fangs deepened in Bane’s throat.

  “Shit, leech.”

  “Sorry…she’s …if it feels this good in her dreams.”

  “I want to finish.” Bane eagerly stroked himself, long strokes, firmly pinching and twisting his stiffened cock at its end. “Hurry up, vampire, I need another turn. I can’t wait for us to have her in an actual bed while fully awake.” Bane watched her swallow on Dru’s cock.

  Dru thrust, while rubbing the side of her jaw, “Bed? I have to fuck her anywhere, bed be damned. Use your tongue, sweetheart. There….you….go.” Dru was ready to go, as well.

  But nothing else was, because everything had drastically changed.

  “Where are we?” Bane released his throbbing cock.

  “Her dreaming mind altered.” Dru clothed them.

  “We’re we that boring?” Still nighttime, Bane circled the car. The windows were steamed, and fog clung to the ground. Rain began to pour as a storm rolled in.

  “It’s not her choice.” Dru ran a steady hand over the top of the car. “She’s inside.”

  “You know this because?”

  “I’ve seen fragments. Maybe we can piece together the rest and help her through her problem.” Dru misted inside the car.

  “Is this her problem?” Bane misted next to him, and he didn’t like what he saw.

  Renee was several years younger, around eighteen. “Danny,” she cried out, while clutching the back of his hair as he suckled her breasts through an unbuttoned shirt, “I love you, too.”

  Danny stopped and measured her with hazel eyes. “Then, what you’re saying is?”

  “Yes.” A tear dripped her cheek, followed by more, before she wiped them away. “I could never love another. So, yes, I’ll marry you.”

  His relief was evident, blinding her with his smile. “Your mom hates me,” his nose touched hers, brushing it side to side.

  “Are you kidding? That’s the best part.” She brought him closer, wrapping her thighs around his middle. “Love me. Make me a woman.”

  “Forever, always yours,” he tightened his hold. “I’ve been yours since the fifth grade,” he laughed softly. “But, tonight, we grow up together.”

  “You mean,” she looked skeptical, “you waited, too?”

  “For you, I waited for you.” His kiss was deep, possessive. A man in love was holding the women of his heart. The moment lay before them to reach a higher commitment.

  Scratch. Scratch. Scratch.

  Renee broke away. “Danny, did you hear that?”

  He swiveled his head, trying to see through the windows. “It sounds like metal, scratching on metal… the car. Stay inside.” He reached for the door.

  “No, we both stay inside,” Renee pleaded, grabbing his hand in desperation. “Start the car.”

  “She can sense it,” Bane whispered, “it’s in her blood.”

  “Shifters,” Dru replied, rubbing the condensation from the glass. “I sense them, as well, even in a dream state.”

  Danny obeyed, settling Renee and reaching for the ignition, but it was too late. In fast motion, glass crashed in, as hands ripped her boyfriend out, while wet sounds left his throat. Seconds later, Danny lay drowning in his own blood.

  “Girlie, girl,” a voice called, “don’t stray again.”

  “Or we’ll do it again,” another echoed his friend.

  “No,” Bane clutched the headrest, willing her not to look.

  But she did. Hysterical sobs bubbled up, pushing their way out of her mouth. A large hand reached in, started the car for her, “Run away, Renee. Run, run, as fast as you can,” he mocked, unseen. “In another time, you’ll be mine.”

  Suddenly, they were back in her room and Dru released Bane’s neck. “I’m bloated.”

  “Damn it, parasite, how can you joke when she’s in danger?” Bane rubbed his throat, hating the sensation, not knowing if it was from the vampire drinking or him stopping.

  “It could be either,” Dru answered his unspoken thought.

  “Renee,” he whispered. “Focus on Renee.”

  “I have been for weeks. We have her under constant surveillance, guard, and intense scrutiny,” he misted to the roof and Bane followed. “I can’t believe it might be shifters. I can’t be certain, but it’s a feeling I can’t shake.”

  “You didn’t know that part?” Bane sat on the barrel tile, weakened from blood loss.

  “No, this changes things. I thought it was a love lost, well, love murdered tragedy. This goes further, beyond my imaginings. I don’t know the significance of the time, why she hasn’t been bothered these past few years, but I sense dark power around her. She cannot be left here any longer and will come to Captiva,” he glanced at his watch, “today. It’s already five fucking a.m., no wonder you’re weakened. We were with her longer than either of us thought.”

  Bane stood, challenging him, “Why Captiva Island?”

  “I live there. I have a…we have a home there.” Yes, he made a commitment to share and that included everything.

  “I have a home on Sanibel. She’s part Were and will reside with her kind.”

  “She’s a vampire’s bride and will be coveted by all on Captiva,” Dru threw back, pissed as hell.

  “I can’t live on Captiva.”

  “You know the contract between us wiped that out, you can reside on Captiva.” Dru gripped his own hair, yanking hard.

  “I won’t.”

  Forever the selfish sleuth, Dru searched Bane’s mind, prying, prying and ah, yes; he found something. “You broke the traditions of your species and mine, shame, shame.”

  Bane narrowed his eyes, and asked, “about?”

  “You’re not to bring another female into a personal residence that should be reserved for your future mate. Flings are never to be in your bed, your bath, or eating from your hands.”

  “I’ve never bathed or fed another.” He looked disgusted at the thought, hitting Dru with righteous indignation.

  “You’re forgetting that small part about…your bed – the home. It’s tainted from another, or in your case, others.” Dru saw it all clearly, the leather, the benches, strange crosses, and a hanging apparatus of some sort. “You’ve got quite an inventory.”

  “Stop digging in my head.” Bane faced him. “You’re off subject, again.”

  “No, I’m still on subject. We live together on Captiva Island. It’s not as if you have to drive to work.”

  “She won’t have it, always complaining about the bridges and traffic. Bet you didn’t know she’s selling soap under the North Bridge to make ends meet?” Bane kicked a rotting kumquat off the roof.

  Dru’s mouth gaped before he composed himself. “I’ll buy her a little shop on the beach; she can sell shit on a stick for all I care. She will move today.” He would take her now if she weren’t so exhausted. “Go, I’m here. You’re drained, literally. You need blood.”

  “We need to talk to the Alpha.” Bane reached for his phone with shaky hands.

  “This is about what’s ours, between us. The contract was agreed upon,” Dru argued as Bane punched buttons.

  “She’s his sister by right.”

  “She is. What’s up, Bane?" Jayce didn’t like being disturbed this early, especially after having hedonistic make-up sex with his mate for most of the night. Knowing th
is was about Renee was the only thing keeping his voice down, besides a sleeping hellcat lying in his arms.


  “No way,” Jayce whispered, nudging Bren.

  One angry eye opened, glaring back.

  “We’ve got to take this.” A true Alpha could speak to all pack members’ minds in close proximity. Unfortunately, most couldn’t respond back unless verbally. However, Bren was strong enough to do so.


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