Dirty Boss_The Maxwell Family

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Dirty Boss_The Maxwell Family Page 71

by Alycia Taylor

  “Ian’s doing well. He’s leading the motorcycle club now.”

  “Seriously? Does he stand up and talk in front of everyone? That doesn’t seem like his sort of thing.” I tried to picture Ian standing in front of a group of people and I just couldn’t do it. He wasn’t exactly the easiest person to be around sometimes.

  “You’d be surprised. He’s really skilled at it. He didn’t want to do it first, but once he got up there, he realized he was good at it. It comes naturally to him, but I think it’s because he knows what he’s talking about. And everyone loves him.”

  “I guess he has a passion for it that’s hard to ignore. I’m glad for him. And I heard he’s fallen in love.”

  “Yeah, she’s a nice girl. You should come and meet her. In fact, that’s why I was calling. I wanted to know if you wanted to come and ride with us this weekend. Like the old days.”

  “Ah, I wish I could. I have just committed to something with Nick, so I won’t be able to make it. Sorry, Pop.”

  “It’s no problem. I knew it was last-minute. And I know how busy you always are with your training. But I thought I’d try my luck, anyway. Well, I hope everything goes well. Let me know when you fight again. I’ll be watching!”

  I smiled. I knew how hard it was for my father that all his sons had gone down different paths. But he’d always been supportive of me regardless.

  “Thanks, Pop.”

  Chapter Four


  I loved flying. There was something so satisfying about knowing that you were either going somewhere new and exciting, or going back to the familiarity and comfort of home. I always enjoyed both aspects. As we landed, I said goodbye to some of the cast members who were on the flight with me and went to get my bag. My big pink bag looked normal now among all the other colorful bags, but it had stood out like a sore thumb when I’d pushed it down the streets of Wyoming. I chuckled when I saw it and pulled it off the conveyer belt.

  As I stepped out, I spotted Katie. She was smiling broadly and waving at me. I ran toward her, and she enveloped me in a big bear hug.

  “Ah, it’s so good to see you again. Wow, you look so healthy,” Katie said.

  I frowned. “Is healthy another way of saying that I look fat?”

  She chuckled. “Not even a little bit. Healthy means you look happy. And you are very tanned.”

  “Being outdoors all day will do that to you. Although I wasn’t exactly walking around in my bikini, so my tan lines are not that great.”

  “That’s okay; nobody needs to know that. Come on, let’s go get a drink before I take you home. Got time for one?”

  “Of course I do.”

  We made our way to one of the airport bars and settled into a booth.

  “Let me get the drinks. What can I get for you?” she asked.

  “You sure? I don’t mind getting it.”

  “My treat.”

  “Thanks, Katie. Okay, I’ll take a cappuccino please.”

  “Oh, not drinking alcohol?” she asked.

  “You seem surprised. Nah, I feel like a bit of a caffeine boost.”

  “Yeah. Me too, actually. Okay, so the usual then—skinny, no sugar,” she said and was just about to walk off when I stopped her.

  “Make that full cream, one sugar,” I corrected.

  “What? Full cream and one sugar? Did I hear you correctly?”

  “You heard me correctly!”

  “Who are you? Are you an imposter? Where is the real Blaire Kaplan?”

  I chuckled. “I think that a part of me is still in Wyoming. Nobody worries about dieting there. You just don’t need to diet because you spend so much time walking around. It’s very different from the lifestyle that I’m used to. I’m sure I’ll be back in the land of boring food and skinny coffee soon, but for now, I’m going to make the most of it. So, while you’re at it, bring a chocolate muffin too.”

  She laughed. “I like this new Blaire. I don’t think you should ever diet again. In fact, I better hurry before you change your mind. A delicious cappuccino and a chocolate muffin coming right up.”

  She came back with two steaming cups of coffee and two chocolate chip muffins and placed them down in front of us.

  “You should treat yourself more often, you know,” she said and grinned at me.

  I bit into the delicious muffin and sighed with happiness. “I know. I’m going to. Wow, this is delicious.”

  “Yeah, who knew airport food could be so nice? I still can’t believe that I just got you from the airport after a month long shoot away in a whole different area.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked being mouthfuls.

  “I just can’t believe that you’re out there, living your dream. I mean, remember how we used to talk when we were younger about this? You always wanted to be an actress. You were always meant for this lifestyle. And now, here you are.”

  I shook my head modestly. “Nah, I’m not a big actress or anything. Sloan was the leading lady in this movie. I was just one of the side characters.”

  “So what? She was the side character in her last movie, and now she’s getting lead roles. You have to start somewhere. And no matter what role you play, you’re still acting. You’re still out there living your dream.”

  I grinned at her. “You see, this is why I like hanging out with you. You make me feel better about myself. But you’re right; sometimes I’m hard on myself for not being where I want to be in my career. Then I look back and realize how far I’ve actually come.”

  “Yeah, you should be super proud of yourself. Remember all those waitressing jobs you did just to have enough money to support yourself while you went for your auditions? I remember how hopeless you used to feel every time you didn’t get a job. When was the last time you really worried about that? Now your main concern is looking for the right movie. I’m proud of you, Blaire.”

  “Thank you. You’re right. I can’t turn into one of those people who are never satisfied with their lot in life. I’m very lucky. And I think this movie is going to be good for my career. There was something special about it. The whole cast could feel it. I think it’s because of the ranch that we shot at. I don’t know why, but I just had a good feeling throughout the whole thing.”

  “Yeah, strangely enough, I get that feeling too. I’ve thought that since the moment you told me about the film. This might be your lucky break.”

  “Who knows? I sure hope so. I can’t wait to see how Roger puts the whole thing together. It’s always so different from shooting the film to seeing the final product. But he was very open with us about it all, so think we all sort of know the direction he’s going to be going.”

  Katie squealed. “It’s so exciting.”

  “It is exciting.”

  “My best friend, the actress,” Katie said.

  I laughed. “So, enough about me. What have you been up to you? I know it’s only been a month, but it feels like it’s been forever since I last saw you.”

  “Well, I have some news,” she said.

  “You have news? And you’ve been letting me harp on forever about my career? Come on then, spill the beans. Good news?”

  She grinned. “Chris and I have decided to have a baby.”

  I had just taken a sip of my coffee and almost spat it out in surprise at her words. I quickly swallowed. “What? Are you serious? That’s amazing.”

  She beamed. “Yeah. I can’t believe it.”

  “How did it happen? I mean, that’s not just a conversation that just comes up, does it?”

  “Well, we were invited to some dinner for his work, and one of the women had just had a baby. This little guy was so cute. She let me hold him, and he was just the most adorable thing I’d ever seen. When we got home, we were talking about what a great kid he was, and how they were such good parents. And the next thing I knew we had moved the conversation over to us. And one thing led to another, and before I knew what had happened, we had both agreed that it was time to start trying.”

  “Did you start right there and then?” I asked.

  She laughed, and color rushed immediately to her face. “Blaire! Well, yes if you’re asking—we did, actually. It was so weird having sex with the thought that we could be making a baby.”

  “So, you could be pregnant right now?” I asked as the realization dawned on me.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe. Although I don’t think so. I don’t feel pregnant, but I’m not sure if you do. I’m pretty clueless. Isn’t it just crazy? I cannot believe it. It just sort of happened without any sort of buildup to it.”

  “I’m so happy for you. And I’m not at all surprised. Things are always like that with you and Chris. It’s effortless. You’ll make a wonderful mother.”

  And I was happy for Katie. She was a wonderful person, and Chris was perfect for her. The two of them had the sort of relationship that everyone dreamed of having. But as the two of us talked more about their decision, I couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous of her. I was still trying to fight my way to the top of a very difficult career, and because of that, I hadn’t spent much time working on my relationships. And even when I did meet a guy I liked, it never worked out. Katie was not only married to the man of her dreams, but he also loved her back. I was happy for her, but it made me realize how lonely I was at times. I quickly pushed the thought aside. I felt guilty thinking about myself when I should be thinking about her.

  As we finished, we made our way toward the car. But just before we were about to leave, a man walked up to me. He was completely out of breath.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I ran all the way here.”

  “Oh, that’s okay,” I said. “Is everything okay? Did we leave something behind?” I asked as I looked to see if I had my bag.

  “Yes, everything is fine. You’re Blaire Kaplan, aren’t you?”

  I blushed. “Yes, that’s me.”

  “I’m a big fan. Mind if I get your autograph?”

  “Of course I don’t mind,” I said as I quickly signed for him.

  Afterward, as we walked back toward the car, Katie nudged me.

  “You see. What did I tell you? You’re an even bigger star than you think you are. Soon I won’t be able to just walk around with you like this without us getting bombarded by everyone we walk past. Did you see the way that guy was looking at you? You’re a star, Blaire. And it’s about time you realized it.”

  I grinned. “It’s just one autograph. But thank you.”

  “I have never in my life been asked for my autograph. It is a big deal. Do you get that often?” she asked.

  “No, not often. Every now and again. Although,” I said and I turned back to where the man had been. “I could swear that I’ve seen that man before.”

  “Really? Where?”

  “I have no idea. And I could be wrong, but I’m almost certain that I have signed something for him before. What are the odds? I wonder if he’s forgotten that he’s already asked me? Maybe he goes around asking everyone? Maybe I’m just one of twenty people he’s asked just today.”

  “Either that or it’s a different guy altogether,” Katie suggested.

  “Yeah, I guess so. It was nice to be asked, either way.”

  We got into the car and drove home, laughing the whole way about old times. We arrived back home in no time and I smiled at the sight of my house.

  “Home sweet home,” I said. “Thanks again for picking me up. And treating me to coffee and muffins.”

  “No problem. It’s good to see you again.”

  “Oh, there’s a local fight happening tomorrow night. Want to go with me?”

  “Ooh, is that Ryan guy going to be fighting?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t think so. I didn’t see his name on the list. He hasn’t called me, so whatever. Anyway, do you want to come? There’s also going to be a dinner beforehand.”

  Katie laughed. “When would I ever be interested in going to see a fight?”

  “I know, but I thought I’d try my luck.”

  “It’s not really my thing, but I will join you for the dinner. Food is most definitely my thing.”

  I laughed. I didn’t think that she would join for the fight, but I had still hoped. Dinner was better than nothing. “Dinner it is then!”

  Chapter Five


  I woke up feeling good that day. I only realized later on that my mood was completely dependent on my headaches. Without a headache, I felt lighter and more in control of my life. I almost called Nick to tell him that he didn’t have to worry. If there was something seriously wrong with me, then I wouldn’t be feeling so good. But calling Nick would be like admitting that I worried about it myself.

  I still had an hour to go until it was time for the dinner. I was starving so I wasn’t sure what I was looking forward to more: the food or the fights. Although, watching other people fight when I’d been told to still wait a few months to fight myself was not going to be easy. I put on the TV to distract me until it was time to go. I flipped between channels looking for something to watch, and then stopped at the sports channel when I saw Ron Matthew Prowl on the TV screen.

  Ron Matthew Prowl, or “The Prowl” as he was better known, was smiling into the camera. I’d met him on a few occasions, and the two of us had just never gotten along. There was something about him that I didn’t like, and it annoyed me that he was so good at what he did. I had to admit that he was a good fighter, but that didn’t make him any more likable to me. He clearly had never liked me, either. We were just two very different personalities who were unfortunately in the same line of work. It made for good TV, of course, because everyone liked a bit of drama, but if I could avoid him for the rest of my life, I definitely would.

  “A very big welcome to The Prowl, one of the most talked-about fighters in the world of MMA. It’s great to have you with us today, and we really appreciate you making the time to talk to us. We all know how busy you are,” said the reporter.

  She was a small woman, and Ron towered over her. But she seemed to like having him there; she kept flicking her hair back and giggling at every word that he said. I groaned at the sight of her flirtation. What was so great about Ron? I couldn’t understand why women liked him. It probably had more to do with his fame than his looks, although it still baffled me.

  “And it’s great to be here,” he said. He smiled at the woman, and if I wasn’t mistaken, I swore I saw him wink at her. It made me feel ill to my stomach. He loved having women hanging on his arm at all times, but he didn’t exactly treat them with any sort of respect. It bugged me that he was so often made to be the face of the MMA world.

  “So, tell us all about your last fight. You walked off victorious. How did it feel?” she asked. What a stupid question. Of course it felt good to win a fight. I had a feeling this reporter didn’t know too much about the fights. She seemed far more interested in Ron than anything else.

  “It’s the best feeling in the world,” he said. It was the only thing he would say that I would agree with. Nothing did beat that feeling.

  “I’m sure,” the reporter said. “It was a quick one too. I don’t think that guy stood a chance with you.”

  He laughed. “No, he certainly didn’t. The poor thing. I would’ve preferred fighting against someone that offered me a bit more of a challenge, to be honest. This was too easy.”

  “So, is there anyone out there that you’re looking forward to fighting? Anyone that you’re perhaps scared of fighting against?”

  He looked at her and then looked into the camera and smiled. I noticed that his teeth were slightly yellowed and crooked. He ran his hand through his hair as he spoke, and the reporter looked as if she were going to faint at the sight of him. What was wrong with her? Did she not notice his teeth?

  “I’m not afraid of anyone. And I welcome anyone to join me in the ring. There’s nobody that could stand to beat me. Why be a fighter if you’re scared to fight? That doesn’t make any sense to me at all.”

  “So, is it true that you claim to the best fighter in the world?”

  “Claim? Oh, I am the best fighter in the world. There is absolutely no doubt about it. And if anyone dares to go against me, I’ll happily prove it to them,” he said smugly. Then he turned to the reporter and flashed her a smile. “It’s important to be confident in everything you do. I believe in myself. I have always believed in myself.”

  Her face had gone all pink, and she quickly shuffled through her papers as if flustered by him. “Yes, confidence is important. And you seem to have it in leaps and bounds. It certainly shows through in your fighting.”

  “I’m glad you noticed. As I’m sure you saw in the last fight, that guy had absolutely no confidence at all. No wonder I beat him.”

  “What about Ryan Maxwell? How do you feel about him?” the reporter asked, and I groaned when I heard my name. I wasn’t surprised, though. I often heard my name being thrown around by the media these days, but the last thing I wanted was to hear Ron talking about me. There was no chance he was going to say anything good.

  “Maxwell?” Ron said and pulled a face. “I feel nothing for him. He’s gone through a lucky streak lately, but it’s not going to last. You’ll see.”

  “I’m assuming you’re not a fan of his?”

  He laughed. “A fan? No, I’m definitely not a fan. Ryan Maxwell is nothing but trash. He’s not a good fighter. He just thinks he is. But it’s okay. Let him have his fun for a while. Sometimes I like it when another fighter seems to think that they’re better than everyone else. Then they come into the ring with me, and I show them what fighting is really all about.”


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