Filthy, Fire Hot, And Forbidden

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Filthy, Fire Hot, And Forbidden Page 3

by Rachel Thornhill

  The next thing you know, he was putting his condom on as fast as he possibly could. He knew that the sooner he got it on, the sooner he would get it in.

  He got on top of her and started taking care of business with her. He was sealing the deal.

  They tried to not make that much noise from the room. She just kept the pleasure to herself.

  Ryan knew how to take his time in bed… Well, in this case, it was not a bedroom, but still.

  He would usually try to please her till she was physically tired. He was not a people pleaser, but he was a pleaser for Jane’s body.

  He was one of her many suitors. He was nothing like her male orbiters. They were just pretending to be nice guys to get a piece of her.

  Jane was very comfortable with her sexuality. She loved threesomes and she wished that this was one. She wanted that guy “Will” to be there.

  She wanted double penetration from two lucky ones. They would take good care of her. It would only take her 15 minutes to reach her orgasm.

  Ryan was confident and had the ability to be nice to her without coming across as needy. He was anything but insecure or needy.

  He climaxed inside of her. He lasted a very long time with her.

  “Jane! Yes.” He groaned as he came.

  “Yes. Baby is that it? Did you finish?” She said.

  “I’ll make sure next time that I wear some sexy panties. I have a whole closet full of them. They’re just waiting for you, handsome.” She said.

  “Don’t worry honey, they won’t be on for very long if I’m around you.” He said as he started laughing with her and kissing her.

  She started laughing because she knew it was all over. She didn’t want to belittle him, but she knew that she was hot and something that he could not wait for.

  After that, they finished the work that they were supposed to be doing. It took them almost the rest of the day. Jane went back to her office and Ryan did the same.

  In her office, Jane noticed that all the names on the document belonged to men. They all sounded very attractive to her.

  She wrote down some of their names on a piece of paper. She fantasized about them being in her. There were about 22 names that she got.

  She drove home to her animals and her roommate. She usually did not speak to her husband that much anymore.

  He did not deserve anything from her because he cheated first with her college best friend. It was the ultimate betrayal to her.

  He used to get on top of her every day while Jane was at work. They had stopped having sex on a regular basis at this point. He was a cheater.

  He was not going to get a piece of her behind, that was for the young men only. She could not wait for her date on Thursday night.

  She was going to make her roommate leave the place. She also had to make sure that the roomie did not drink all the wine that they had! It was important so that they could make an amazing dinner.

  Jane always loved to drink red wine. She thought that it was good for her to drink a glass of it every day.

  “Red wine always makes me so horny.” She thought to herself.

  When she got home, she ordered pizza and ate with her roommate. After they finished, they both looked over her list of men and their contact information.

  They tried to imagine getting a piece of them. It would be so naughty, but it would maybe help the business out! They had nothing to lose…

  Well… Maybe Jane could lose her job. However, she had a special thing going with her boss.

  It wasn’t desperate, she wanted those alphas! She figured out which ones she wanted to bang. Her roommate even picked out a few too.

  Jane wanted to get freaky with 8 different men. They all sounded so good to her. The names of the men that Jane wanted to get freaky with were:

  1. Paul (Age – 52)

  2. Mark (Age – 40)

  3. Andre (Age – 32)

  4. Calvin (Age – 39)

  5. Lee (Age – 44)

  6. Robert (Age – 28)

  7. Bobby (Age – 36)

  8. Randall (Age – 55)

  Not all of them were young, they were good enough for her. They all sounded successful and that was enough for them. They just needed their fix.

  She went to work the next day and that morning she set up “business” appointments for some of the men.

  One older guy showed up to speak with her about some properties. He was really turned on by her and vice versa.

  After the business was done she rode him with no names involved. He finished fast.

  “That’s okay, it happens to everyone. You were just excited.” She said.

  She wanted to do this with the other men who came in, but she was not that lucky.

  3rd times a charm, right? Not this time for her. She got lucky the first time.

  She had got to be with a seasoned alpha. She was ready for her date with Ryan. It was that night.

  Ryan had eaten sweet foods all week. He did this to make his you know what sweeter for her.

  He came over to her house to make dinner for that night. They ended up just ordering gourmet takeout food and spent the night in.

  “Well, I want you to talk to me about a few things while we drink this wine.” She said.

  “What do you mean?” He said as he was running his hands up her waist.

  “I mean just tell me some stories. You know, like whatever you are thinking about tonight.” She said as she was putting her hands through his hair.

  They drank wine together and told each other stories for hours. They eventually did end up getting a little bit physical with each other.

  It was the pounding of her life. She had no idea how hard it was going to be she was not prepared for it at all.

  He acted extra dominant when he drank all that red wine. It is not just a myth that red wine can make someone horny if they drink enough of it.

  He had way over his limit for that night. All that did was help him in that situation.

  She confessed that she wanted him and that she could not live without him.

  “You make going to work so much fun. It’s not as hard with someone like you there with me.” She said.

  “You’re right next door and are always there to be my company. I love everything about you.” She added.

  Her speech was slurred from drinking so much in such a short amount of time. She must have had most of the bottle of wine.

  He nodded to all of this and he told her that he felt the same way, but he did not want a relationship with her.

  She let him rail her one more time, and then she told him that he had to leave. She was almost angry at him for feeling differently or something.

  “I can’t believe that you just said that to me. You should probably leave right now.” She said.

  “I don’t see the point in continuing any of this if you are going to be like this.” She added.


  “Well, you don’t have to be like this. You’re being crazy.” He said.

  ‘I kind of like it when he acts like this. She shows off that body of hers.’ He thought.

  ‘It’s like I can almost see the steam coming out of her ears!’ He also thought to himself.

  She was clearly way too drunk for the night, but she kept drinking anyway. There was no more dialogue between the two “lovers”.

  He left. He was just not ready for this level of drama. He had never seen anything like this before.

  He showed up at work the next day and both acted as if nothing had happened the night before. She was already on the next…

  Story #4

  The MILF Next Door


  Rachel Thornhill


  The MILF Next Door – An amazing woman named Sue lives next do
or from a man named Alex. Alex is quite stubborn for a young man and Sue wants him all to herself. What obstacles will she go through to give this young stud the time of his life?

  Sue was a wandering woman.

  Sue was a complicated lady who lived next to a guy who was named Alex. She was complicated because she was involved with so many men.

  Sue was a stay at home wife. She took care of the house while the kids were at school. Her husband did not know that she was practically screwing every man that she could get.

  Her husband knew this and he was infuriated by it. However, he did not know how many it was.

  They all gave her an escape from reality that she desperately needed. She had no excuses to not be with them all the time. Her favorite “boy joy” was Alex.

  Alex was quite stubborn. He would never listen to her and he always thought that he was right.

  This drove her insane. She just wanted him to listen to her sweet motherly advice.

  She wanted him all to herself. She saw it as selfish, but it was anything but.

  ‘Selfish I know, but he was just meant for me. He is so strong. I saw him getting his mail the other day and he made me tingle!’ She thought to herself.

  She never wanted to let him go. He was right next door. He was right where she wanted him!

  He was only a 30-second walk away from getting inside of her. This made it easy for her to get her young partner to cooperate with her.

  What made it even easier was that it was summer, and he was usually home for her. There was nothing better than summer 2018.

  Alex was 19 years old, strong, handsome, funny, and charming. However, his one fall was that he had a very troubled past.

  Alex could sweep sweet Sue off her feet and lay her down on the bed and please her. He could be everything that she ever wanted.

  Sue knew that Alex wanted to put his large hands on her petite body. She stood at only 5’1 and weighed 115 lbs. Sue was sexy and she knew it.

  He was extremely tall and came from a lot of money. That was just icing on the cake because he was so sure of himself. Confidence was part of his character.

  Where this story takes place, self-confidence was a real panty dropper. He was never scared to be himself, it was a real head turner.

  Of course, with confidence comes a lot of insecurity. Both Sue and Alex had confidence, but they had a lot of emotional baggage to deal with.

  ‘I wonder what he thinks of me. We haven’t been together yet.’ She thought.

  He wasn’t always a cute college football player. To spare you the sob story, let’s just say that he had a few emotional problems because of what he had been through. He thought that nobody else should have to go through any of it.

  Everyone was jealous of him, even his friends would be envious of him sometimes. He could get any girl that he wanted back in high school.

  He was truly one of a kind. He found it very hard to relate to others his age.

  Alex was very fond of Sue. He had a deep level of attraction for her.

  What was not to like about her? She was sexy, and she could be like a mother to him. She is exactly what he needed to get out of life.

  She had big breasts and a small frame. She was about as good as it gets considering that 50 was right around the corner for her.

  She had everything that turned a man on. If she couldn’t make a guy happy with his little head, she would make him happy with their stomach.

  She walked over to Alex’s house to ask him a question. She knew that he would know, but she just really wanted to get him hooked on her.

  *Knock knock*

  *Knock knock*

  *Knock knock*

  There was no answer for about 3 minutes. She was considering walking away at this point. She really didn’t want to, but she was thinking about it.

  ‘It’ll be his loss if I walk away because then he won’t get to have me today. I think that he should respect my time.’ She thought to herself.

  She thought that she might as well try to knock on the door again.

  *Knock knock*

  *Knock knock*

  *Knock knock*

  She did not want to wait anymore for him. She didn’t want him to waste her time. This secretly turned her on to him even more.

  This was quite enough for her. She shouldn’t have to wait this long to ask a question. She knew he was home because his car was in the driveway. He drove a fancy sports car that he paid for with his summer job.

  He was secretly busing pleasing himself. As naughty as it sounds he needed love too. He was pleasing himself to the idea of a cougar like Sue.

  He had a very high sex drive. Sometimes, he would want to have sex 3 times in a row. Geez, he was in for a really special treat today!

  He would get too tensed up if he went all day without some form of release. It was only right that a handsome young man got what he needed. Today, he would surely get what he needed from Sue.

  She waited for about 30 more seconds. She could tell that something was going on. She was going to find out what it was with him.

  He opened the door for her. She asked him the question then he invited her in for coffee. She was very excited how he invited her in.

  She walked into his house, it was pristine. The maid had just finished cleaning. Little did she know, Alex had a crush on his maid too.

  ‘I wonder why he invited me in. Well… I am so glad!’ She thought.

  He invited her in for coffee in hopes that he could get to know more about her.

  They sat in the kitchen and talked for almost an hour about trivial things.

  She talked about her hobbies for 20-30 minutes. He was fascinated by them.

  Alex talked about how school was going last year and the sports that he was going to play for college. It seemed like he could talk all summer.

  She acted like she cared about this. The only thing she cared about was the idea of being under the sheets with him. It wouldn’t be just another idea for very long…

  He could tell that she wanted him. She wanted him right in the kitchen.

  She mentioned that she had a husband and even that she had another boyfriend.

  He was astounded by this. He would have never thought that it would be so.

  ‘How can this be? She seems to be interested in me. Doesn’t she want me?’ He thought.

  This was just a self-doubting though. He knew that she surely wanted him.

  After they were talking she asked him if he wanted some wine that she had in her purse. They both drank a few glasses of wine and this sent Alex over the edge.

  He got close to her body. He started to move in closer and kiss her. His body was pressing up against hers.

  Before you know it, he was on her and kissing her ever so passionately. This was his trick to get her obsessed with being with him.

  She wanted to be his MILF fantasy. They wanted to be each other’s dream partner.

  She started moaning, but it was just a kiss. It was a short and sweet kiss.

  She told him that he should take his shirt off and to see what happens next.

  “You should take off your shirt so that I can see your muscles.” She said.

  It was on from there. She grabbed him and led him to the couch.

  “Do I still look good enough for a MILF? I try to.” She said to him.

  She knew that she looked perfect, she just asked him for her amusement. She wanted to see his reaction. He was like a wounded duck.

  She was trying to be sure of herself. The thought of pleasing him meant so much to her.

  He got really flustered and confused by this. She was gorgeous.

  ‘How can this be? I think that she looks better than the college girls my age. She doesn’t even need to wear makeup.’ He thought.

  “Are you kidding me? I think you look so amazing. It is not even funny. You shock me.” He said.

  “Sue, don’t be insecure.” He said this to her as he ran his young hands across her beautiful face.
/>   He could tell that something was going on with her. He didn’t know what it was. He was trying his best to be sure of himself.

  ‘Why does she want to be with a young guy like me. Why it must be my status or something like that.’ He thought for a second.

  He had to stretch his legs because she was making him so horny. He was constantly on the edge with her.

  He kept on with the intimacy, gradually kissing down her neck. Then he made it her chest. She took off his clothes because she was ready for him.

  She took hers off too. She could not wait any longer for things to get steamy.

  He was the opposite of her. She was small and fragile, and he was big and strong.

  She could barely handle how masculine that he was for 19 years old. What made it even better was that he tried to impress her.

  He finally got her panties off. He went down on her and she really started moaning this time. She could not control it any longer.

  She said;

  “Oh yesss!... YES!”

  “Come on! Yeah, ah!”

  He said;

  “Is that good enough baby?”

  “Yes!” She said.

  She continued;



  “I can’t believe this is happening right now, I love it so much.”

  She started to scream his name at the top of her lungs. She was so satisfied with him.


  “Give me more tongue… ALEX! YES, ALEX!!!”




  “Someone sure wants to be a naughty little boy. Keep going down on me!”

  ‘I wonder what he would do if I didn’t let him have sex with me haha. I’m just kidding, he has to get it from me today!” She thought to herself.

  ‘I am twice his age. I am old enough to be his mother. This is so naughty!’ She thought.

  ‘She tastes so great.’ He thought to himself.


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