Chaos (Bound by Cage #3)

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Chaos (Bound by Cage #3) Page 2

by Brittany Crowley

  “I fucking sang to her! And I can sing, I have a great voice.” I puff out my chest.

  “Says mom.” Zander laughs.

  “Says every fucking person who hears me bro.” I narrow my eyes.

  “Whatever, all I’m saying is if you feel the need to be with Georgie, make sure it’s more than just getting her underneath you. She’s my sister-in-law.”

  “Ahem, future sister-in-law, and I don’t just plan on getting her underneath me. She’ll be on top, against the wall, the hood of my SUV, against the shower wall…” Josh cuts me off.

  “Stop, you know where I stand on this situation. Just… tread lightly. Promise me.”

  “I promise twinny. Would it make you feel better if I said she’s different for me? I don’t know what it is, but I have a feeling about her.”

  “I don’t want to hear about your dick’s feelings anymore.” Zander states.

  “No bro, a feeling in my gut. That rarely happens, it must mean something.”

  They all look at me in shock and it’s starting to make me feel uncomfortable. It’s not like I’ve never dated anyone before, there was Becky Jones in the third grade. Oh, Becky girl, she was my first kiss. She had it going on with her overalls and pigtails. Those were the days. Writing a stupid little note saying do you like me? Check yes or no. I’m undefeated, no one ever checked no.

  “Alright boys, I have to head home to Savvy.” Zander throws money down on the table which annoys the hell outta me. He’s always paying which is much appreciated, but I can foot a bill for crying out loud. I learned the hard way not to argue anymore. You get one atomic wedgie from a hulking MMA fighter and that shit will scar you for life.

  “A week and a half Z? You’re losing it man.” Me and Kyle laugh but Josh stays neutral.

  “Wait until your girl’s pregnant Jay, then come and talk to me.” Josh nods in solidarity.

  I shrug my shoulders and decide now is as good a time as any to hit the pavement. Saying our goodbyes, we all head out of the bar.

  Talking about Georgie all night has given me a rager and I need to do something about it. This isn’t usually a problem I have to deal with. Usually I get a boner and seek out a companion for the night. I don’t feel comfortable finding female company when I’m trying to pursue Georgie so I’ve just been suffering.

  Once in my car, I start her up and head home. I just don’t get my attraction to Georgie. Well of course she’s beautiful and just my type. Long brown hair, green eyes, cute little button nose with full I’ll suck you all night lips. Don’t even get me started about her curves, fuck I need to get her to change her mind about me and fast. My dick needs to get laid before I go insane.

  I’m at a stop light tapping the steering wheel to a trendy song on the radio when I notice movement to my right and realize I’m in front of a bar. That’s not shocking, but I’m surprised to see Georgie and Victor stumbling out the door. Stumbling bad. It’s like watching a train wreck. And now she’s down for the count, flopping like a fish.

  I pull over and jump out of my SUV. Victor grew up in the cult life just like Georgie did but he shouldn’t get so wasted that he can’t look out for her. Surely responsibility translates the same everywhere, right? Doesn’t Vic know the rules? Well, maybe it’s not a rule, but it should very well fucking be.

  I approach them. “Sunshine.” I acknowledge her and help her off the ground.

  “Jayden?” She asks in surprise.

  “The one and only.”

  She giggles. “Did you hear that Vicky? Sunshine.” She gives him a knowing smile but he’s not even facing in her direction.

  “I told you Georgie Porgie, he loooooooovesssss you.” He hiccups and starts walking down the sidewalk.

  “Whoa there buddy, this way, let’s head for my car.” I jog over to him and turn him in the right direction then get close to his ear. “And let’s not throw the L word around pal.” He slowly turns around and heads for my car. “It’s like herding sheep.” I mumble under my breath.

  “Baaaaaaaaa.” Georgie yells out.

  “Alright pretty girl, up you go.” I direct us and hoist her into my SUV.

  “Did you just grab my buttocks, Jayden?”

  I lean in so we’re face-to-face. “Maybe I did.”

  “I’m glad we’re on the same page.” She leans down so her mouth is next to my ear. “Maybe… maybe I liked it.” She whispers.

  “Well this has been an eye opener. Good to know I’m not out of the game gorgeous.” I wink then set out to rein in Victor.

  “Let’s go Vicky boy. Over here, come to Uncle Jay.”

  He finally makes it to me and jumps up in my car. No ass grab for him and he lets me know he’s disappointed.

  “Sorry buddy, the only ass I’ll be squeezing in the foreseeable future is that of our fine Georgie’s.” I hear her giggle and it makes me smile. Sometimes I forget how naïve she is.

  When we get to their house I help them in. Well, I help Georgie and kind of push Victor along as he bounces off every available surface. He stumbles into his room and I place Georgie in her bed. Seeing her bedroom does things to me, not even of the sexy variety. No, that’s a lie. There are plenty of sexy thoughts in my head right now.

  “How come you guys got tanked tonight?”

  “We won! We’re rolling in the dough Jay Jay.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “Oh no!” She pops up off the bed and looks like she’s about to yack. I pick her up and run to the bathroom and hold her hair back, talking her through her puke session. Never have I been in this situation before and I find that I kind of like it. Taking care of her oddly sets me at peace. What the hell is wrong with me?

  When she’s done, I tuck her back in bed and put a bucket I found under the kitchen sink next to her. I know I can’t stay but damn if I can make my legs move. Needing to know she’s okay is different for me. Eventually I make my way out of the house after checking on Vic.

  Sometimes I think we forget how different their lives have been. Relearning everything you think you know or the thoughts that have been beaten into your brain can’t be easy. With this thought, I wonder if the same can happen to me?

  I’ve abided by four rules my whole life. They’re my Jay’s Rules of Play to Bagging and Banging.

  Rule #1: No clingers. A stage five clinger can be spotted a mile away. The signs are always there and I make certain to never dabble in that brand of crazy.

  Rule #2: No repeats. The world is full of beautiful women and I don’t discriminate. One and done has always been my motto and I’ve never broken that rule in my life.

  Rule #3: No innocents. My sexual preferences aren’t for the faint of heart. I need a woman that knows what she’s doing and doesn’t shy away from some unconventional fucking.

  And my last and final rule… Rule #4: No complications. I think this rule is pretty self-explanatory.

  These rules are like my bible. I practice them and don’t stray from the righteous path. My dick’s telling me to head to the nearest club, bag some random and go on with my business. But fuck if my heart is telling me the complete opposite. It’s telling me Georgie’s worth the wait. If there’s one thing I know for certain, when Georgie and I happen, she has the potential to obliterate my rules.

  Chapter 3


  “Sit your ass down Jay!” Savvy yells before I feel a whack on the back of my head.

  I slowly turn around giving her the eye. When I glance down and see a brownie on the floor, I reach up to wipe crumbs from my hair.

  “A fucking brownie Savvy? Damn girl, and we thought Ashlyn was bad.”

  “Watch yourself Jay, you may be holding my child but I can cut you with one word.” She stares at me knowingly.

  I look down into my arms seeing my niece Mia sleeping on me. “You made your mamma a psychopath. Yes you did pretty girl.” Savvy gets up and I gently hold Mia in front of me as a shield.

  “Real nice Jay. Using poor, helpless Mia to prevent a
beat down.” She proceeds to awkwardly bend down and retrieve the brownie off the floor that she threw at me moments ago.

  “There are plenty more you know.” Ash laughs.

  “Screw you. This one has the best chocolate chip ratio.”

  “You can’t even see the inside!” Ash laughs.

  “It’s like a sixth sense, I know.” She taps the side of her head before sitting back down on the couch and eating the contaminated dessert.

  My brothers make their way into the room. Zander heads for Savvy and Josh expertly grabs Mia from my lap before he joins Ash on the love seat. Ass bag, I wasn’t done with her yet.

  “How the fuck can I be her favorite uncle if you only let me hold her for three minutes at a time. I need to bond with her, let her know that I’m her cool uncle.”

  “Don’t pout Jay, you don’t have a chance up against me.” Zander laughs as he rubs his wife’s swollen belly.

  We’re all together at Savvy’s dads house for the Super Bowl. Their team made it all the way to the end this year. I’d never admit it to Savvy or her dad Jack, but I’m secretly rooting for them. Tom Brady kicks ass. But I’ll never tell them that, none of us will. We like to ruffle their feathers. They’re so hardcore it’s not hard to do.

  I’m about to say something about how shitty their team is when the front door opens and Georgie walks through.

  “I know, I know. Sorry I’m late guys. My alarm didn’t go off and I woke up super late.” She’s wearing oversized sunglasses, a hoody and some skinny jeans. Casual has never looked so sexy. That and the fact that she turned me down over a month ago makes her my unicorn. And now I have a boner.

  Ashlyn looks at her thoughtfully. “Slept in? It’s seven at night.”

  “I got home late.” Georgie mumbles before heading to the kitchen.

  Jumping to my feet, I follow her. When I walk through the entrance I pass Jack and he shoots me a knowing look. I shrug my shoulders and mumble that I need another beer.

  I see her bent over the countertop with her head in her hands. Her ass is facing me and it’s fucking perfect. The way she’s acting gives me pause and keeps me from fully enjoying the view.

  I clear my throat. “Hey.”

  She jumps up and faces me. Her eyes are blood shot and she looks exhausted. “Is everything okay?” I make my way towards her.

  “Oh, hey Jayden. Everything’s fine.”

  “Why don’t you call me Jay like everyone else?” I question. She always uses my full name.

  “I like your name.” She whispers.

  Shaking her head, she walks over towards the fridge and opens the door grabbing a soda. As the door shuts I can’t help myself. I place myself right up against her back. Damn she smells good. A mix of vanilla and something fruity. Its intoxicating. I hear her sharp intake of breath as I lean in, placing my nose along the column of her throat and fully take in her scent.

  “Wha… what are you doing?” She asks nervously.

  I place my hands on her hips and push my erection into her. Her little moan that’s barely above a whisper almost goes unnoticed. Almost.

  “Do you have any idea how hard it is to resist you? Do you know how easy it would be to pull these sexy as fuck pants down and slide my cock into your wet and eager pussy? To push you right up against this fridge and fuck you from behind as I squeeze these tits that keep calling out for my hands. All while wondering if someone will catch us. Just the thought makes me so fucking hard. Would you like that Georgie? Does the thought of someone walking in right now excite you?” I grind my cock against her ass for good measure. Her sharp intake of air makes me smile.

  “Jayden, you have to stop.”

  And I do, so I back up and walk to the other side of the counter before facing her. She’s still looking towards the fridge, her breathing erratic like my own. Why couldn’t I keep my distance? Knowing her, I just freaked her the fuck out. Which is the complete opposite of what I’m going for.

  “Mark my words Sunshine, this is going to happen after you work through whatever shit you have going on.”

  She turns around slowly, staring back at me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I’m more observant than most people think. But don’t worry, I’ll back off for now.”

  “Don’t you have a warm hole to sink into?” She crosses her arms across her chest and looks at me defiantly.

  “I’m trying to help you. Do you want me to be with another woman or something? Because if you haven’t noticed there’s only one girl I’m pursuing right now.”

  “Pursuing.” She laughs. “Jayden Cage doesn’t pursue women, let alone get involved in a relationship.”

  “Who said anything about a relationship sweetheart? You’re right about that. I don’t do relationships, I do casual.”

  “Noted. I don’t do casual so back off and leave me alone.”

  With that she walks out and heads into the living room as everyone starts cheering. Fuck, why do I even try with her? I can’t figure out why I care. But I do. At first, I thought I needed to get her under me so I could move on. That still might be the case, but in the past few weeks I’ve come to realize she might be my game changer. No matter what she says she’s fragile right now. I can’t force her to do anything, all I can do is stand in the background and wait for her to be ready. To get over whatever shits going on in her life right now.

  But will I be ready when she is? I know I said she might be my game changer, but I wasn’t lying when I said I don’t do relationships and I don’t know if I’ll be able to commit to her in the way she needs. Fuck, the thought of being in a relationship makes me twitchy. How the hell do you go from being with a different woman every night to committing to one?

  Fuck if I know.

  I make my way back to the living room as the best catch I have ever seen in the game of football is made. Julian Edelman is the man! Damn that was awesome. I laugh when Savvy rises from the couch and does some awkward as hell dance in the middle of the living room while she rubs her swollen belly.

  “Sit down before the baby falls out Savv.” I yell to her.

  “Fuck off Jay, did you see that catch?” Jack yells at me. “Let the girl celebrate.”

  “I’ve seen better.” The red shade of their faces makes it worth it. It’s so easy to work them up when it comes to the Patriots.

  “Better? You’ve seen better? That’s it, I’m gonna fuck you up.” Savvy tries to waddle over to me shaking her fist in the air. Zander of course redirects her before she gets to me.

  I laugh and make my way back to the spot on the floor I occupied before. On my way I scoop up my niece again and sit down crisscross apple sauce. Shut up, I teach third graders.

  “Alright Mia, we’re rooting for the Pats to lose. Oh snap they just scored. Boo!”

  “Jay do not corrupt that little girl.” Jack yells at me.

  “Yeah stop or I’ll…” I cut Savvy off.

  “Fuck me up, I know. We’ve been over this.”

  “Baby, we know you’re a badass. I’ve seen you arm wrestle.” Zander tries to calm Savvy down.

  “That was bullshit and you know it bro! She cheated!”

  Everyone laughs as we sit there together. The Pats make the best comeback in the history of any Super Bowl, it was a fantastic fucking game. When it’s over Georgie excuses herself making up a bullshit reason on why she has to leave.

  Somethings up with her and I’m going to figure it out. I just hope I’m not too late when I put the puzzle pieces together.



  As I rush from the house the nerves in my stomach start to consume me. How could the Patriots win? I thought the other team was a sure thing. Victor must be freaking the hell out right now.

  Victor is my life long best friend. We both survived some crazy things from our childhoods. He surprised me and decided he would try to find his place in life just like I’ve been doing a few weeks ago when he showed up on my doorstep. Having som
eone familiar, safe even, is the stability I need. Until all of this started happening.

  I get into my car and drive towards my house. My fingers tap on the steering wheel. Being able to drive a car still makes me giddy. I got my permit the first week I arrived in Massachusetts. Ashlyn told me I needed it for the independence kick I’m on. She’d been an okay teacher at best. So, Josh took over and taught me. He has way more patience than Ash and I didn’t feel bad at all telling her our lessons were finished. She looked just as relieved as I did.

  When I park the car, I look up towards the house. Sure enough, Vic is pacing in front of the window. I let out a deep sigh and make my way to the front door. I don’t even have the door closed before the panic ensues.

  “What the hell are we going to do Georgie?”

  “We’ll figure it out Vic.” I’m hoping my voice is more reassuring than I feel.

  “Figure it out? I’m pretty sure your bartending job and mine over at the gym isn’t going to cover it this time. Why didn’t we stop? We’re in way over our heads, you need to call your sister.”

  “No freaking way am I dragging Ash into this! They’d go after her, and with her comes Josh and Mia. I can’t put them in danger after they’ve done so much for me. No way, non-negotiable.”

  “Just ask her for the mon-”

  “No! I told you, this is our mess and we’ll handle it.”

  Victor rubs his hand down his face and sighs. “Okay.”

  “I have a plan anyways. Marco told me to come to a party this weekend, I’m sure I can persuade Skid to let it slide.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me Georgie? No way can I let you go by yourself. You shouldn’t be going period. So, what? You think he’ll let you work in his club and everything will be forgotten? It doesn’t work that way.” He’s shaking his head back and forth.

  “It’s not your choice. I already told him I’d be there. I met with him last week and he gave me an out, and if you haven’t noticed, we need an out after tonight.” I look towards the floor feeling uncomfortable.

  “What did you do?” He asks in a panic.

  “You ever notice how attracted Skid is to me? His little remarks about my body?” I’m hoping that’s enough of a hint.


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