Vampire - In the Beginning (Vampire Series Book 1)

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Vampire - In the Beginning (Vampire Series Book 1) Page 3

by Mitchell, Charmain Marie

  "Oh I know of the deepest betrayal.” He momentarily paused, and then continued. “And I suffer the guilt of it every day, and will do so forever." His words hissed in an anguished whisper.

  I wanted to ask why he would say such a thing. However, the bunching of his back muscles and the tone of his voice made it quite clear that it was a question which would anger him, and so I remained uncomfortably silent, and instead looked down over the countryside.

  I notice the spire of St Paul's standing proud in the distance, indicating that we are at last nearing the bustle of London. Closer to us I notice a sprawling stone manor house, majestic, and just visible through the trees. It is to this house that Robert points and says, "We near my home, hold on tight." He then kicks the stallion into a gallop, and by doing so, he ends our conversation.

  It is about noon when we finally ride into the stable courtyard of the stone house. As we drew closer, the magnificent building looks to be more of a castle than a manor, and I felt overwhelmed by the grandeur that surrounded me. The house was actually called, Vanike Hall, but at this time I did not know of its name, and so thought of it as 'The Castle'.

  As we reach the courtyard, Robert abruptly jumped from the stallion, and quickly pulled me down beside him. He then threw the reins to a stable hand. He then grabbed my hand, and marched me into the house.

  The great hall was huge and majestic, adorned by ancient tapestries and ornate warfare objects. It was quite simply put - magnificent. I was completely awed by such wealth, but then again, the farmhouse was the largest and grandest house I knew of up until this time in my life.

  "Where's Matilda?" Robert bellowed to a passing serving girl.

  "She’s on her way, Master," the girl stuttered back. I noticed as she turned away that her neck had two small puncture marks just above the collarbone. I shuddered in revulsion at the realization that her blood was obviously a meal for one of the vampires living in the castle, and the thought made me feel sick to my gut

  It is then that I hear the sound of footsteps behind me and I quickly turn towards the staircase that leads up from the great hall. Several well-dressed men and women, including James, are descending the heavy oak staircase. But not one of them is engaged in conversation, and what is more is that they all seem to have their eyes fixed firmly on me - suddenly fear almost strangles me. I was in a room full of violent murderers, all of them quite willing to drain my body of my life’s blood. What if Robert had lied to me? What if he suddenly decides that my son isn’t going to be good enough?

  "Calm down," Robert said as he reached my side. "They can hear your heart racing, and it will alert them to your fear of them." I turned towards him and smiled a weak smile, but I was still shaking. I was petrified, but I tried not to show it, and thrusting my head and shoulders back, brace myself to meet my fears.

  I then turned back towards the staircase and my eyes were instantly drawn to a woman much more beautiful and graceful then any of the others walking down the stairs towards us. She was, quite simply, the most exquisite being I had ever seen.

  The woman was very tall - I guess not much shorter then Robert, but it was quite obvious from the way the rich fabric of her perfect gown clung seductively to her body that her figure was not hindered by her height. Her hair, which was a dark coppery red, fell in soft rippling curls around her face and reached down to the middle of her back. However, it was her eyes that struck me, for they flashed vivid green, and shone with a luminosity of such intensity, that even from a distance they were mesmerizing. I am, I think, considered by many to be fair and pretty, but I could not compete with this woman before me. Therefore I am not surprised when a slight stab of envy stabs into my gut.

  I waited, open-mouthed, as she almost slivered to my side. She then stared at me intensely for a few moments before turning to Robert and saying, "So this is our new brood mare, is it?" I registered scorn, sarcasm, and jealousy from within her words. And it is then that I knew with absolute certainty that, contrary to Robert’s assurances, I was not, and would never be, safe amongst the vampires. I was going to need to be constantly on guard against this woman - the woman who was to take my place - the woman who was to be the mother to my son.

  Chapter Six

  I watched the group of vampires from where I stood by the fireside. On the surface they looked to be like any other gathering of people, but it was only if you watched them intently, as I did, that you start to notice the differences.

  They laughed and joked, but their poise suggested they were alert to every noise and movement in their vicinity. They reminded me of a pack of wolves and I was certain that it wouldn’t take much to insight them to hunt. Every one of them, including the women, exuded arrogance. I assumed that this was because they knew that they were almost indestructible, and this knowledge and their unleashed power seemed to crackle in the air. They all moved with supreme elegance, and each of them glowed with health and vitality. I was sure that if one searched the length and breadth of England, one would not encounter, anywhere, such a beautiful group of people.

  Of course, the fact that they were all so young also seemed strange, but then they were all immortal. Suddenly I felt sick at the thought. They were animals. Animal’s who were able to keep their youth at the decadent expense of human life. My disgust manifested into vomit rushing up into my throat. Thus, I fell back into one of the fireside chair, which enabled me to swallow down the proof of my disgust without alerting the room full of vampires of my true feelings.

  "Are you feeling unwell, my dear?" I turned in shock, towards a familiar voice.

  "James!" I gasped, "You startled me," and then so as to not alert him to the way I was feeling, I add in a disinterested voice, "I'm very well, thank you."

  His laughter echoed around the hall and several pairs of eyes turned to look in our direction.

  "Well you're looking very white, my dear, would it be something to be with the smell of the wine that we so lovingly drink?" He then lowered the tankard from which he was drinking, to just below my chin and swirled the contents around.

  The metallic smell of blood attacked my senses; instantly reminding me of the smell from inside of the barn from the night before. Almost instantly the image of Tom’s hanging body, dripping blood from the rafters, comes unbidden into my mind and blurs my vision. I had thought they were drinking wine from the tankards but they were in fact drinking blood.

  My cheeks become moist with tears I cannot stop from falling, and I stumbled precariously up onto my feet and gasp, "I need to lie down...excuse me...but..."

  I stumbled through the crowd of vampires. Their laughter, their faces, and the smell of blood seemed to mingle in a kaleidoscope of vulgarity and disgust quickly overwhelmed me, which caused me to feel faint and disorientated. I fell from one person to another until finally I found Robert and Matilda. I ignored Matilda's angry glare, and ran to Robert breathlessly as I gasp. "Please, please, I need to retire, I need...I need…." I then fainted as I fell into his arms.

  I don’t know how long I was unconscious, but I awoke to find myself on a red velvet-covered bed, surrounded by heavy red velvet drapes. I lifted myself up onto one elbow, and I immediately noticed that my clothes were gone, and that I had been re-dressed in a white cotton nightgown. I surveyed the room with wonder. It was large and richly decorated in the same red colours as the bed hangings. Once again, I was overwhelmed by the luxury that surrounded me, and I wondered briefly, if there would ever come a time when I would feel comfortable and at ease with all the grandeur that surrounded the vampires.

  "I'm pleased to see that you are awake, are you feeling better?" Robert's soft voice startled me as it whispered from behind the drapes.

  "Yes...Sorry...I...I felt."

  "I know how you felt, and I have punished James for the way he treated you." His voice vibrated with repressed anger. I shuddered at the thought of what type of punishment could possibly hurt a vampire, and decided it was something that I really did not want to imagine.<
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  "You will become accustomed to our ways, Gwen, and one day you may wish to join us...but not yet... Not until my son is born."

  "I don’t understand?” I say “Why not yet?"

  Robert sighed and then materializes from his hiding place behind the curtain to sit down on the bed.

  "Vampires are unable to reproduce. If you were to be made a vampire before the child was born then he would die or be born a vampire, in that case he would never grow any older than the day he was born... Meaning he would remain a newborn for all time."

  I looked up into his eyes and saw the deep sadness that burned within their depths.

  "So you will never father a child...not ever?" I asked.

  "No, not actually father a son, but he can share mine and Matilda's blood."

  The way in which he said those the words caused my heart to flutter in panic. What does he mean by 'he can share mine and Matilda's blood', I thought.

  "But how is that possible?" I whispered.

  "Please do not look at me like that, Gwen... I have no wish to frighten or harm you...and as I have told you, many times, you have no need to fear anyone under my roof."

  "Matilda would like to harm me." I declared. Once again Robert chuckled, and he said. "You're very observant and you will become a very strong vampire... Matilda is jealous because she cannot provide me with children, and she detests anyone who draws my attention from her.....but she will not harm you, she knows that my anger would be substantial... She wouldn’t wish that."

  I contemplated his words for a moment and then say, "So how does my son share your blood?"

  "You will be required to drink a thimbleful each of mine and Matilda's blood every day." I started to protest, but Robert held up his hand, and continued. "Our son will then share our blood with you. Our blood will also keep you healthy and you will not suffer normal childbearing maladies, like um, well like fainting." He paused, and a smile played softly around his mouth which was caused by his obvious amusement.

  "But that is disgusting!" I barked at him, "I am not a vampire and cannot be expected to drink blood!"

  "You will, Gwen!" Robert suddenly shouted angrily. "It is part of the deal... My blood heals, it will keep my son and you safe, and at the same time our blood will flow into our son’s veins... You have no choice in the matter. This will happen. My son will be fed on blood every day until he is of age...and he will grow strong and true because of it...this is how it is...and you will accept this fact."

  I opened my mouth to protest once again, but the sound of Matilda's clipped and sarcastic voice as she entered the room stopped me.

  "Is she ready for the blood?" she asked, making her way quickly to my bedside. Then, without so much as a glance in my direction, she picked up a tankard from the small table beside my bed, bites into her wrist, and holds it over the tankard, letting her blood flow freely into the container. Robert walked to her side and did the same. When he is satisfied that there is enough blood in the tankard, he says, "I will leave you to deal with this, Matilda." He then turned away from us, and walked from the room without once looking back in my direction.

  My gaze is still focused towards the door when Matilda grabs the back of my head, places the tankard to my lips, and whispers in my ear. "Drink my sweet Gwendolyn... Otherwise I will take the greatest delight in killing you myself." Of course, with no other option open to me - I drink.

  Chapter Seven

  Surprisingly, the days pass quickly. So much so that some days I awoke in a panic because I could no longer remember Tom’s face. I would then bury my head in the velvet cover until his face filled my vision, and then I would cry. Of course, I never shared my feelings with anyone in Vanike Manor, I had no friends, and even if I did, I would never have shared my fear and grief with them.

  Sometimes I would catch a glimpse of Robert, but apart from the odd smile, he rarely talked to me. I think he had decided to avoid me due to Matilda’s jealousy. In fact, none of the vampires talked to me, and on my approach many of them would simply look straight through me. Sometimes it felt as if I didn’t exist and if they could not prey on my blood, they had decided not to bother with me at all.

  Strangely enough the servants were the same. None of them seemed to speak unless spoken to, and then it was just to answer a question with either a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’. It was as if they had been put under a spell. I was later to learn that vampires can bewitch humans and make them do their bidding. After I had discovered this fact, I often wondered if Robert had bewitched me into accepting his offer. This discovery played on my mind to such an extent that I finally decided that I would waylay Robert at the earliest opportunity and ask him.

  The opportunity arose unexpectedly. I had taken to walking by a small brook that ran through the woods behind the manor. I liked to take the exercise, although I had no need of it, for it seemed to be that the combined blood of Robert and Matilda had worked its magic, and I felt and looked in the best of glowing health. I would walk in the summer sun, and sometimes imagine that life had not changed at all. I would daydream that I still lived in the shelter of my parents’ and Tom’s love, and imagine that our fortunes had changed and that we all lived in the manor. It was on a day such as this when Robert disturbed me with his soft tread on the mossy ground.

  “I was told I would find you here.” He said as he pushed through the shrubbery to sit by my side. I was somewhat surprised by this revelation as I believed that no one knew that I walked by the brook.

  “Who told you of this?” I asked. Robert just looked at me and smiled, and I said in a sarcastic tone, “Oh yes, I forgot I am a prisoner, and I am watched!”

  “You know that you’re not a prisoner, this is your home.”

  I laughed a mirthless laugh. “Oh yes I forgot, I am not a prisoner because if I choose to leave I shall be food, and if I stay - this is my home, but then again I am watched… You make me laugh, Robert!”

  “Well, it is not my intention to make you feel like a prisoner! I fear only for your safety.”

  “Well I guess I should be grateful for that at least.” My voice was pert and antagonistic, but Robert did not respond and we both lapsed into silence.

  ****At last, unable to bear the silence any longer, I said, “Well it’s obvious that you wish to speak to me of something, so may I ask what it is so that I may return to my thoughts?”

  “Yes of course….sorry, I was lost for the moment in the beauty and peace of this place.” His eyes rose to mine, and I saw a deep sadness in their depths. My antagonistic mood deteriorated in an instant, sadness was not an emotion I was able to connect with Robert - I found the discovery startling.

  “Yes, it is lovely,” I said softly.

  “I have come to talk to you about the coming weeks, we are to have some guests in the manor, and it is of course imperative that you do not let our secret out.”

  “Well it must be a very important guest?” I replied. Robert looked at me with a quizzical expression on his face.

  “Why do you say that?” he asked. I laughed, not in joy, but more in a sarcastic burst of contempt.

  “Well, Robert, I am sure you would not feel the need to talk to me personally when you have all your minions to do the task for you…I therefore conclude that your guest must be very important, you could of course always bewitch me, just as you do the servants!”

  Robert looked at me intently, the sadness wiped away by an amused glint.

  “So you have discovered how we acquire our faithful servants?” he said with a chuckle.

  “Yes, and I wondered if you bewitched me into accepting your offer? It is logical that you would use this power to satisfy your whims!” This time Robert threw his head back and laughed.

  “So you have concluded that I have bewitched you? Ah my poor little Gwen, does your conscience disturb you so much that you wish to find a reason why you decided to live rather than die?”

  “It is not that at all!” I snap at him, “I would like to know if you
used your powers in order to influence my decision?”

  Quite unexpectedly, Robert reached out and tucked a stray curl of hair behind my ear. The feel of his fingers gently touching the skin on my neck caused the betrayal of my body, which shook in response to his touch.

  Suddenly dropping his hand, he said in a gentle tone, “I believe that the belief that I have as you say ‘bewitched’ you, would make it easier for you to accept your position. Alas I cannot tell you a lie, Gwen, I have never bewitched you, and I never would, the decision was yours and yours alone.”

  My head dropped onto my chest, and the realization hit me that I did in fact, just as Robert had stated, want the guilt of my decision lifted from my shoulders. I felt immense guilt because of my decision, and I wanted to rid myself of that guilt by finding a better reason than choosing to live whilst the people I loved died.

  Robert placed his finger under my chin and tilted my head up so that I was looking directly into his eyes.

  “It took courage to choose the path you have, Gwen, many are so afraid to live that they would choose to die, others would choose to live but be unable to face the reality of the life of living with a colony of vampires. You chose to live; you chose not to let Tom’s and your own life be lived in vain, by not allowing your son to die, and you have stuck to your decision…that takes guts and determination!”


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