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Dragonfall Page 11

by Erik Schubach

  Her roars were shaking the ground and we were still almost a mile away. God she was spectacular.

  Then I felt something else from her, almost smug vindication. Then I could feel it, something immense being released into the world. Something full of glee and I saw a blue light shooting through the sky. Myra had freed something and her emotions were the same as when she defeated George's dome shield.

  There was a huge roar that was deafening from here and I saw Myra's flames shoot up into the heavens as she challenged all.

  We pulled up to my girl, covered in her beautiful dragon scales, laying in the street as emergency vehicles converged on the scene. It looked like a battlefield! Her clothing was shredded and burned away, I assumed from another of Morgan's traps. I just cradled Myra in my arms. Steve pulled his shirt off of his back and covered Myra's almost naked form with it then stood guard with his back to us, snorting steam out of his nostrils.

  I rode with her in the ambulance to the hospital with three thoughts on my mind. Where was Morgan? Where was Merlin? And that I was going to kill Myra for letting herself get drawn into a trap like that. No, make that four thoughts. I was so very relieved that the woman I loved had survived.

  Chapter 13 – Awakening

  My eyes snapped open, I was so very cold. Where was Morgan? She had to pay for what she did to my air dragons!

  I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. Tark's horn I was cold! Was this ice? I was encased in ice! What magic was this? I reached out and almost gasped in joy when my air elemental magic answered me once again. I was only at half strength battling Morgan with water magic only after she had stolen my control over the air elements. I pushed with all my might as I let my dragon out and the ice shattered all around me and I gasped as sweet, sweet air filled my lungs.

  I took wing and scanned the mountain for Morgan. I, Queen Alexandra from the Wind Dragon clan would put an end to her treachery. The very mountain had changed, I had emerged from a glacier. What trickery was this? I flapped my wings in mighty strokes and almost struck a mechanical flying contraption. I turned my gaze down to the tiny town of Olso. There was a huge city below. I glided down and could see mechanical conveyances traveling the roads that looked to be hewn from smooth stone.

  I blinked. “How long have I been entombed in that ice?” I reached out my dragon senses. I gasped, the other clans were gone! I felt a tiny group of Drakon far to the west. I could also taste the decay of the twisted magics of Morgan in that direction. I turned and flew steadily west, gaining as much speed and altitude as I could. I pulled away from two smaller but quick mechanical flying contraptions that had given chase, the men inside motioning for me to land. I smiled, I AM the wind, how did they think they could catch me?

  I would seek out the remaining dragons of this time and with them, dispatch the evil that is Morgan la Fay!

  Chapter 14 – Recovery

  I sat up in my hospital bed and looked at my scale covered body. I glanced over and almost snorted at the power drill on the side table with the diamond tipped bit then down to the IV in me arm. This brought back bitter memories of that battle that felt so very long ago.

  There was a commotion in the hall, I could hear Quinn yelling at people, “She's awake!” She pushed through the guards outside the door. She was in a hospital gown like I was and looked battered and bruised and was limping terribly, but still able to push through the hospital staff and armed agents. I smiled inside, she had gained some of my dragon strength through our blood-tie.

  She stopped struggling when our eyes met and the agents released her. I couldn't read her eyes, but I could feel a bunch of emotions swirling around. Shite, I was in trouble.

  She took two long strides to the side of my bed and I looked down sheepishly. She said in a husky voice, “Damn right you're in trouble. You know better than to be so impulsive and take off like that! I... you... I could have lost you Myra!”

  I looked up at her. She had a terrible bruise on the side of her face, I could feel it throbbing on my cheek. I reached up and gently caressed her face. “I know love. But, you were hurt. I just get a little crazy when me girl is in trouble.”

  She smiled and leaned into my caress but then suddenly yanked away. “God damn it Myra!”

  I grinned at her now flawless face and cringed a bit at my now bruised cheek. I get a wee bit anxious when I see her hurt and feel a compulsion to heal her and take her injuries on myself. It is part of our bond. Besides, I'll have that fecking bruised cheek healed in minutes. “Ow.”

  She shook her head slowly. “You deserve it for that. Stop doing that, my pain is mine ok?”

  I took her hand and placed my other hand on her arm and said in an apologetic tone, “Ok. I'm sorry Quinn, but I am what I am, ya know.”

  She yanked her now healed arm away from me. She seemed to growl but then rolled her eyes and sighed in resignation. “One day you'll shock the hell out of me by doing what you are told.”

  I grinned in mirth at that and said, “I'm not big on doin' what I'm told Agent Trask. But I do find me-self quite fond of you tryin'.”

  She looked back at the people standing in the room now and lowered her eyes almost sheepishly and leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips then stood. May the good lord forgive us if the mighty Agent Trask showed her girl some compassion in front of others! I smiled at her, shaking my head. “There, now was that such a hard thing for me protector to do?”

  She shook her head as she fought her smile... she lost. Then she said softly, “What am I going to do with you lady?”

  I bit my lower lip in response and she whispered, “Hey, don't be starting something you can't finish until we get back home.”

  The doctors finally pried her away from me to bring her to her own room. Then some medical types came in and examined me, asking questions. I took the time to assess myself. About two-thirds of my body was still covered in the dragon scales that emerge from me to protect me from damage. The rest of my skin was red and a little bubbled from the lightning strikes that got through. But all in all it wasn't as bad as I fared against Blaine when he hit me with lightning before I had my dragon aspect up to protect me.

  They said that when I was brought in I had a some cracked ribs, most likely from my plummet to earth, but that was healed up now. I also had a crushed sternum where Morgan had gone after my heart. I had been out for almost ten hours.

  I looked around the room and there were tons of flowers and cards strewn about. I smiled fondly at them. The people of Denver... my people, the charges that I protect, seem to fawn over this wee lass. I loved them all like I loved me own dragons.

  I was about to go stir crazy later that afternoon when I smelled a familiar shampoo and a sweet voice at the door said, “Knock knock.”

  I looked out to see Mei standin' there, behind the guards. I smiled at her. “Well now, don't just be standin' there you silly betty. Come in.”

  She scrunched up her face. “I would but Gigantor and Frankenstein here won't let me through.”

  I snapped, “Let me friend through you overprotective lunks! Don't make me go all dragon on yer asses.” The men exchanged looks then one whispered into his wrist radio. Why is he whispering when he knows I can hear plain as day. He just asked for permission for Matchstick to enter. I almost giggled at the callsign they gave her.

  A moment later he wordlessly stepped aside. Mei comically stepped directly into his private space and stared up at him. Her five-foot nothin' glaring up at his six foot four. I swear the bloke had a bit of a smile fighting at the corners of his mouth as he just stoically stared straight ahead. She walked through the door saying, “Yeah, that's what I thought.” I caught the other guard restraining a smile.

  That got me chuckling at her, and I commented, “Well done Mei, I'll make a good Irish woman out of you yet.”

  She sat down beside me and looked around conspiratorially and pulled a large corned beef sub out of her bag and handed it to me. “Oh, bless you woman! May you have a world o
f wishes at your command! This feckin' place is just feedin' me human portions and me stomach is thinkin' my throat has been slit!”

  I started munching on the offering as she looked at my patchwork of skin and scales. She smiled a little and pulled off a scale that had been torn asunder by the lightning. “Quinn will want this.” She said. I grinned. She ran her fingers along the junction of skin and scales on my arm in fascination. She has seen it dozens of times, but it never gets old to the researcher in her.

  I tilted my head at my friend. “So, how bad?”

  She exhaled and then looked at the ceiling. “Well, the least of it is the Myra shaped hole in your ceiling.” I snorted at her wry humor. Shite, I'll have to get a contractor in to repair that.

  She said in a somber tone, “Twenty-seven men were killed in the ambush at Saint John's Cathedral.” I winced. Then she added, “Fifteen more were wounded.”

  I nodded then she said in a careful voice, “It could have been much worse if they all weren't trying to get to Quinn for some reason.”

  I heard the heavy clomping of hooves out in the hall and both Mei and I looked back to see Steve walking past the door with a bandage across his cheek. Mei smiled. “Steve backed Quinn in the fight.” I smiled at that, I liked the big oaf.

  She pursed her lips then said, “Dawna... Agent Grove said that it looked like it was a trap for Quinn to get you two separated and get you to do exactly what you did, fly off without thinking to help her. As much as I hate to say it, Morgan is damn smart and she almost pulled it off.”

  I winced and thought about all the fear I had of Saint George and how the thought of facing him again had made me want to hide in a closet and hug my knees in terror. All that fear was nothing compared to how I thought of la Fay now. She had her hand on my heart! I had known that I was dead at that moment, but somehow she wasn't able to yank it from my chest. After I had regained my wits, I put up false bravado when I re-engaged her in battle. But I truly think she still took something from me... my confidence. Me lord, I'm shaking even now just thinkin' about it.

  I subconsciously put my hand on my chest, feeling the raised flesh and scales where her fingers penetrated it. Mei shot me a pained look and put her hand on top of mine and pulled it away. She whispered, “Get out of your head lady. You stopped her. Next time we will be ready.”

  Then she brightened a little and pulled out her iPad. “You really don't know how close you came to killing her do you?” She pulled up a video on the tablet and handed it to me. “She must have really been overconfident because she didn't cause the cameras in the area to go to static when she fought you. A woman on the second floor of a nearby building caught it all on her cell. It has been playing on every news station for hours.”

  I watched my battle, and I could feel the pain in my wings as the trees impaled them. I began to reach back to touch them then closed my eyes. Just a phantom pain you eejit. I started crying when I watched her thrust her hand into my chest. Mei stroked my unruly mass of red curls. But then she froze the screen just before Morgan teleported away.

  She jammed her finger at her face and said firmly, “There. Look at that Myra. I know you think she broke you but look. That is fear on her face... terror. She was afraid of you and she ran like a mouse from a lion. You did that to her. You were spectacular, Quinn will tell you the same. You may be bruised, but you aren't broken as she is. She ran while you stayed to fight. That tells us about her, and about you and your strength of character. I'm proud to call you my friend.”

  A tear rolled down my cheek and I snapped, “I'll be havin' none of that now!” I paused. “I love your geeky ass woman.” Then I asked, “Where's your man?”

  She smiled. “He's going through all the information and reports.” Then she tilted her head. “Nobody can find Merlin after he disappeared after your battle with Morgan.”

  I closed my eyes and then said, “He had a mortal wound when he came to my aid. Even with that, the man stopped Morgan and took her lightning ability away from her for a time. He's free now, after centuries of sufferin' a living death.”

  She was silent and just squeezed my arm. Then she said quietly, “He got hit by a gargoyle after he saved Quinn. Then he went off to save you.” I sent a prayer to our dear lord to watch after the Light Bringer of Avalon.

  I finished the sandwich and Mei looked around again and pulled out a paper plate with a few of me Ma's scones wrapped up in plastic wrap and a bottle of water. I grinned at her and said, “Bless you woman. If I weren't about to ask me Quinn to marry me, I'd be proposin' ta ya right now.”

  She smiled then, almost comically, after a three count her eyes snapped wide. “You're...”

  I put my hand over her mouth. “Don't be yammerin' about it. I still need to gather the courage. I'd sooner face Blaine again. But yes. I'm so in love with that infuriatin' woman, I want to start a family with her. So keep yer trap shut about it until I speak with her.”

  She was grinning ear to ear as she nodded her head like she didn't have the full shilling. I smiled back.

  Then we spoke about anything but Morgan and the dragon murders. My parents, her parents, James. It helped me to forget about the stress and anxiety. The good friends I had in this world I could count on one hand and Mei was number two right behind my Quinn.

  A gangly doctor with wispy silver hair and two nurses came in and shooed Mei away. I had to endure him checking on the injuries he could get to where my scales had receded.

  A nurse was looking frustrated trying to take my blood pressure. She gave up and just took my pulse where I had some exposed skin on my wrist.

  The doc said, “Sorry about this, I have to check the injuries on your sternum.”

  I nodded. “Not like I have any of me modesty left.”

  He gave me a sad smile then exposed my chest, he was a gentleman and only exposed what he needed, and removed the large bandage and pressure pad to see the twisted and warped flesh that looked like five red hot pokers had been pushed through my skin. The scales covered everything except where Morgan's fingers had broke through my skin and bones. He did some tapping and feeling around the area as deeply as he could.

  Then he replaced the bandages then let me cover myself. “That is looking much better. I wish all my patients could heal like you. The bones are mending and the fragments are stitching back together. Flesh had been torn away at the entry points and bone was visible but has filled in nicely so far.”

  He met my eyes and continued. “Normally I would tell you that you will have massive scarring in the area but as you're our dragon, I'm not really sure. Do you scar anymore?”

  I smiled and said meekly, “Not that I'm aware of.”

  He about blinded me when he shone a penlight in my eyes, he winced and grinned. “Maybe it would be better without your dragon eyes.” I nodded and my world dimmed. It always feels like my world gets so much smaller when I allow my dragon senses to fade to human.

  He checked my eyes again then squeezed my shoulder and added some stuff to my chart. Then looked at me. “At this rate we can release you in a few hours, barring any unseen complications. Do you have any questions for me?”

  I nodded. “Yes, where's me Quinn? I can feel her nearby and she is agitated.”

  He almost snorted at that. “Ahh yes... Agent Trask, our model patient.”

  I snorted at that. “She's a little bullheaded that one.” Then I added. “No offense Steve,” since I knew his hearing was as good as my dragon hearing.

  I got a comical deep rumbling, “None taken Myra,” from down the hall somewhere.

  The doc grinned and said, “Ah you are taking the diplomatic approach in your description of her.” Then he winked and continued, “Half her team is almost sitting on her to get her to stay in her bed. She is very insistent on seeing you.”

  I grinned, that was part of what made Quinn... well, Quinn. I looked over to an empty bed beside me. “Can you wheel her obstinate ass into this room with me?”

  He grinn
ed. “You know, that we can do.” He nodded at one of the nurses and the man nodded back and left the room. Then the silver-haired doc said, “Get better soon Doctor O'Connell.” Then left the room with the other nurse in tow.

  A minute later I couldn't stop myself from gigglin' as I heard Quinn's voice in the hall. “Good god! I can walk! This is humiliating!”

  And a male voice responded, “I'm sorry Agent Trask but it is hospital policy.”

  Then Steve's deep rumbling voice chimed in, “SIT boss!” And I heard a whump and a second later my guards parted and Quinn was wheeled in a wheelchair and up to the other bed. She hopped out of the chair at the protestations of the nurse and jumped into the other bed. She was favoring her left leg, where I could feel a phantom pain in mine.

  The nurse hung her chart on the foot of her bed and turned away with the chair. He caught my eyes and the man playfully rolled his eyes in exasperation over my mate. I winked at the man and tried hard to suppress my grin, then he left the room.

  The moment he was gone, Quinn almost bounded out of her bed and limped over to my bedside and sat in the chair beside me and stroked my hair. Her eyes were glittering with relief as she chirped out, “Hi.”

  I smirked at her as I let my hand drop down to her lap and I gently stroked her leg. “Don't you hi me you stubborn woman. You need to do what the doctors tell you. You need to recover.” I winced a little as a new pain bloomed on my left leg.

  She shook her head. “Not until I know you are ok. I... saw the videos. I... felt your pain.”

  I smiled at her. “I'm fine now love.” She smiled at that. Then, even though it terrified me, I added, “We need to stop her.”

  She nodded solemnly and then kissed me so very gently, leaving my lips wanting more. She stood and walked back to her bed then froze to look down at her previously injured leg. “God damn it Myra!”


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