Black Mark Series Book 1: Black Mark's Resistance

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Black Mark Series Book 1: Black Mark's Resistance Page 12

by Ebony Olson

  “It was good to perform and know he was there.” I smiled. “All those years I never knew he was watching. It’s nice to know.”

  Alex’s hands gave me a gentle squeeze. “Do not look now, Mora, but I think you are starting to let those walls down.”

  “Shh. Don’t tell me. Just let them crumble and be prepared to carry my lifeless body from the rubble if it all goes to hell,” I teased.

  Alex shook his head. He got the joke. He just didn’t like it.

  “May I cut in?” Darius tapped Alex on the shoulder.

  Alex smiled. “Sure. Just get her to the door by eleven or she will turn into a pumpkin.” Alex turned back to me. “I will find Sophie and Dean and then we can get going.”

  I nodded and stepped into Darius’s waiting arms. He stepped us into a clumsy waltz. He was still a good dancer, but after dancing with Alex, it just wasn’t as professional. Darius did, however, hold our lower bodies a little tighter to each other, causing me to arch my back more to keep our bodies apart.

  “You told me you were at a family function tonight,” he started quietly.

  “You saw me walking up the stairs where my family had a private function room booked,” I replied evenly.

  “I checked at the door, Mora. Your name was on the guest list.”

  I met Darius’s eyes through my mask. “If you checked the list for the past few years, you would find my name there, Mr. Rafal. Attendance at this ball is an annual affair for my family.” Darius looked at me as if he didn’t believe me. I sighed and stepped back from him. “My friends are waiting for me.”

  Darius stepped back in, picking up my hand and moving us back into the dance.

  “Warren asked you to be his date. You could have said yes. That you did not makes me think you are hiding something, Mora.”

  “Alex is my date tonight. He is every year. We don’t bring our lovers near our family,” I responded with strained patience.

  “And why is that?”

  “Jesus!” I breathed in exasperation. “Have you even heard of boundaries? I’m not working for you tonight. You don’t get to control me.”

  “Technically, you are working for me tonight, albeit as a performer instead of my personal assistant,” Darius challenged.

  “Mr. Rafal, is there any chance we could just dance and not fight?” I seethed.

  Darius looked surprised. He shut his mouth and pulled me tight to him, our bodies moving against each other, his mouth at my cheek. “You looked amazing on those tissu tonight,” he praised quietly, using the French term for silks. “You took my breath away.”

  “You didn’t even know it was me.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Didn’t I?” Darius murmured.

  I moved my head to meet his eyes. They shined bright with hidden knowledge. He was maskless, and I could easily see when his eyes flicked to my lips. We hovered there, lips only inches apart, then his face moved closer and I knew he was going to kiss me. I closed my eyes.

  I wanted to kiss him, I wanted to do more than kiss him. I wanted to love this man. I wanted him. In that moment, I closed my eyes and hated he was my boss. I turned my face away and his lips landed just to the side of my mouth.

  “Excuse me.” Dean stepped up next to us, placing his hand in the small of my back. “I have to steal the birthday girl away. We have a night of frivolity ahead of us and need to get started early.”

  Darius stepped back, surprise flashing before he noticed Dean’s body pressed up beside mine, pulling me into him.

  Anger washed over Darius’s features. “Of course,” Darius growled and walked away into the crowd.

  Dean watched, slightly amused by Darius’s reaction. “Did I interrupt something?”

  “No,” I grumbled. “Let’s go get plastered.”

  Dean walked me to find the others, shrugging off whatever he just interrupted. “I have been practicing, baby. You are going to struggle to drink me under the table tonight.”

  “Maybe I don’t want you under the table.” I elbowed him playfully.

  Dean grinned. “Oh, you are on girl.”

  Chapter Ten

  “I thought you’d been practicing.” I ribbed Dean as I threw back another shot. We’d been at Hesitate for an hour. My friends and I had been going shot for shot for most of that time. I was sufficiently wasted. I chased the shot down with a big drink of water.

  Dean shook his head, gave me a smile and threw his back. He chased it down with a beer and sat back on the lounge. “Just pacing myself, baby.”

  “Time to dance, honey,” Sophie sang pulling me to my feet. “This is our song.” We’d both changed in the car on the way here. A lot less material in our dresses now.

  I laughed as Sophie dragged us to the dance floor and we started grinding our bodies to the beat of the music. I was dripping sweat over an hour later when Sophie called time out. We stumbled off to the bathrooms to freshen up, which in my case required splashing a lot of water over my face and neck. This resulted in the removal of all of my makeup, which didn’t bother me. Better than being too hot.

  I pulled my damp hair up into a bun and tucked it in on itself to hold, allowing the cooler air to hit my neck. After the bathroom, we made our way back to the lounges in the reserved seating area. Hesitate was one of Jasper’s nightclubs. He’d booked the reserved seating area just for me and my friends tonight, as a birthday present. He wasn’t present, which was probably a safety net for both of us.

  Alex and Dean sat talking with three men on the lounges. I recognized Warren and Zander immediately, so I knew exactly who the dark-haired man was sitting next to Dean before I saw his face. All the men had lost their jackets and ties. Zander had even rolled up the sleeves on his dress shirt to expose the corded muscles in his arms.

  Sophie immediately took the only free seat next to the brothers. She grabbed the beer out of Warren’s hand and took a big drink. Warren was left staring wide-eyed as his beer disappeared.

  “Got a seat right here for you, baby.” Dean patted his lap.

  I stepped past Alex and Darius and dropped onto Dean’s lap. He picked a shot of vodka off the tray in the middle of the table and handed it to me. I threw it back ignoring the unhappy look in Darius’s eyes. He only grew angrier when Dean’s fingers drew circles on my upper thigh, just under the hem of my dress.

  “You look like you are enjoying your birthday.” Zander smiled as I picked up another shot. “Did you save me a dance?”

  I threw back the next shot and stood holding out my hand. Zander let me pull him up off the lounge and followed me down to the dance floor. We started grinding away and were shortly joined by Sophie, making Zander the meat in our sandwich. Alex joined us, pulling Sophie away and starting an impromptu make out session.

  Women were moving close, vying to get Zander’s attention. One very attractive blond caught his eye. I laughed and indicated he should go for it. As he turned his attentions to her, I headed back to the reserved area.

  “Drink?” Dean walked toward me with two more shots.

  “Yes, please.” I threw back another shot. Dean drank his.

  I stumbled and Dean caught me, placing me against the wall to stabilize me.

  “Time to cut you off, baby.”

  “Possibly.” I sighed.

  “You know these guys?” Dean asked. He nodded toward Darius and Warren talking on the lounge, pretending not to watch Dean and me.

  “Yeah. I live with them actually.”

  Dean smiled. He caressed his finger down my cheek. “So—I wouldn’t be in too much trouble if I took off?” He held up his phone. “I got a booty call that I will only say no to for you, baby.”

  I chuckled. “Go get your rocks off, honey. I’ll see you at the altar in the morning.”

  Dean grinned and kissed me. Yet again, very chaste. He winked and grabbed his jacket, saying farewell to the others on his way out. With a deep exhalation, I made my way to the lounges and sunk down n
ext to Darius.

  “Your score just left without you.” Warren laughed.

  I shook my head. “Dean and I are not sexually compatible. We flirt, that’s it.”

  “How are you not compatible?” Darius queried sitting back, seemingly a lot more relaxed now.

  I picked up another shot and drank it, hissing at the burn. I probably needed to stop soon.

  “I like alpha males,” I stated firmly.

  “You like to be dominated,” Warren clarified, sitting forward, suddenly engrossed in the conversation.


  “And he is not alpha enough for you?” Warren raised a brow.

  To most outsiders Dean came across as confident and cocky, and he was. In every way in his life he was the one in control. Except in the bedroom.

  “Let’s just say, that the reason we aren’t compatible, is because we fight over who gets tied to the bed.” I simpered and picked up another drink.

  Warren’s eyes widened, then he laughed. “You like dominant men, he likes dominant women. I get it.” Warren watched me carefully. “But he still really likes you.”

  I shrugged. “We are good friends. He swears we will get married some day and make the best husband and wife.”

  “You don’t agree?” Darius asked before taking a sip of his scotch.

  I shrugged swallowing the vodka. “I make no presumptions about the future. I would hope, the guy I fall in love with and marry, will enjoy having passionate sex with me regularly.”

  Sophie’s current favorite song came on. A moment later Sophie was back at the lounges pulling me up to dance with her.

  “Come on, birthday girl.” Sophie laughed stepping up on the coffee table.

  I shook my head but went with her. We danced on the table, grinding against each other, not caring that our short dresses grew a lot shorter as we danced with our hands in the air. I bent over to grab two more shots for Sophie and me and nearly fell off the table when she grabbed my hips and spanked me.

  I bit my lip and closed my eyes, a smile spreading across my face as I stood handing her the shot. We threw our drinks down and then kissed each other with open mouths, tongues volleying, hands groping each other.

  “Come on! Not this again,” Alex groaned. “Any other girl, Sophie, but not my sister.”

  Sophie broke away laughing. “She is only half your sister, so you tell me which half and I will kiss the other half.”

  “Argh, so unfair.” Alex pouted, sitting on the lounge.

  Warren was watching with interest. “I am not related to either of you. Please feel free to continue.”

  Sophie laughed again. I winked at Warren and kissed Sophie again, our bodies still moving to the beat of the music.

  “Damn,” Warren moaned after a minute.

  I opened my eyes to see Warren rubbing himself through his pants. Kissing down Sophie’s neck I turned her to face toward Alex and nibbled my way up her neck. Sophie took my hand and moved it to her breast, giving me permission to play.

  I rubbed her breast through the fabric of her dress till her nib was hard, then I ran a finger across the skin just above her neckline. I slipped my fingers beneath the material and pinched her hard nipple between my fingers. Sophie moaned for me. She wasn’t the only one.

  I started laughing. Sophie turned her face to mine, gave me another kiss and then stepped forward off the table, going straight to her knees in front of Alex.

  I tried to step off the table with the same grace. I failed. In my peripheral vision, I saw Sophie unzip my brother’s pants and drop her head. I lost my footing and fell, right into Darius’s lap. Thankfully, not face first, because the solid rod I felt digging into my back told me he’d enjoyed the show too.

  “Are you all right?” Darius asked. Sweeping my hair out of my face.

  I laughed. “Yes, though, I think it’s time to go if Sophie is bobbing for apples with my brother in public.”

  Darius nodded. “Do you want us to drop you off somewhere?”

  I sighed. “I was meant to stay at Sophie’s, but it looks like she’s going home with Alex.” Sitting upright, I slipped off Darius’s lap. “I’ll get a taxi to my dad’s place.”

  Darius tucked my hair behind my ear. “Come home, Mora. You are intoxicated and I do not want you traipsing across town in this condition.”

  “I don’t want to put you out,” I murmured, grabbing my jacket.

  Darius took my jacket and held it for me, allowing me to slip into it. He put his mouth to my ear. “Stop. You asked me not to start a fight with you earlier. Do not start one with me, Mora. I am not put out.”

  “Are you leaving?” Warren stood.

  “The birthday girl is ready for bed,” Darius answered.

  Warren raised a brow. “Yes, I can see that, but I don’t think it is her cold empty bed she is ready for.”

  Darius glared at Warren. “You think there is another bed she should be in?”

  “I can think of at least one.” Warren laughed.

  Darius shook his head in warning. “Well, her boyfriend is unavailable, so her cold bed it is.”

  Warren looked where Sophie and Alex were kissing. I walked to them and kissed the top of their heads. “Night boys and girls. Be safe. Thanks for the presents.”

  “Well, I might go fishing. Zander seems to have found a nice school,” Warren informed.

  Darius nodded. “We will see you tomorrow.”

  “Or Sunday.” Warren winked at me and pulled me into a hug.

  Darius smirked. “Or Sunday.” He held his hand out and I took it.

  Clark pulled the car up out front and we slipped into the back seat. We drove quietly. I was watching out the window when Darius placed his hand on my bare thigh and started drawing circles on the inside of my leg. I looked at him. He was reading something on his phone. Deciding I was drunk and I shouldn’t make anything of it, I returned my gaze to the window and enjoyed the sensation.

  We rounded a tight corner and Darius’s fingers slipped several inches up my inner thigh with the gravitational force. I checked Darius again. Still he was focused on his phone screen. Taking a calming breath, I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the window. That’s when his fingers found the gusset of my knickers. I kept my eyes closed, trying my best not to react.

  His finger found the side of my knickers and stroked three times. When I didn’t move to stop him, Darius slipped under the material, finding me damp. I took a deep breath and slid my bottom forward on the seat, spreading my thighs slightly. Darius took the invitation and slipped that finger between my folds, stroking that dampness into a trickling creek.

  I was gripping the seat and biting my lip by the time we arrived at the apartment. Darius removed his hand and put his phone in his pocket.

  “Thank you, Clark. Enjoy your weekend.” Darius smiled as he stepped out of the car.

  I slid across after him and stepped out. “Good night, Miss Ellis.” Clark tipped his hat and then hopped back in the driver’s seat and drove off.

  Darius was holding the gate for me. I followed him in. He didn’t take my hand or try to touch me. I decided I’d fallen asleep and dreamed what happened in the car. Inside Darius took the stairs with me, catching my elbow when I tripped up a stair. I started laughing.

  “Easy, Mora.” He held onto my elbow the rest of the way. Even once in the apartment, he escorted me to my room and inside. “I’m assuming you will be able to change yourself.”

  I smiled and lifted my dress over my head. I met Darius’s eyes as I dropped the dress to the floor. I held his heated gaze as I stepped out of my heels and removed my bra at the same time. I dropped the bra to the floor and stood there looking at Darius. He didn’t move and kept his eyes with mine. Slipping my thumbs under the side of my scanties, I started pushing them down.

  “Mora, I do not want you to regret this in the morning,” Darius warned as the lace slipped to my knees.

  I wiggled my
legs and stepped out of my knickers. I stepped toward Darius. He didn’t back away, didn’t make a move to stop me as I reached up and started undoing the buttons on his shirt. I pushed it and his jacket from his shoulders and down his arms.

  I felt light, like I was floating. At the same time I felt hot, feverish, and I knew that feeling Darius’s flesh against mine was the cure. Standing there with his heated gaze upon me, my fingers found his belt and the zipper for his pants beyond. I slid my hands around under the waist of his pants and let my fingers slip beneath the elastic of his boxers. I started sliding them down.

  I kissed down his torso as I squatted. His large cock stood at attention. As I came face-to-face with it, large wasn’t the word. Monster suited it better. The base was nearly as thick as my wrist, the vein along the base throbbed with his pulse and the smooth head glistened with precum. I licked up the length of him and sucked that fluid from his tip.

  Darius’s fingers threaded through my hair. “Mora,” he moaned.

  I loved the sound of my name coming out of his mouth like that. With no further hesitation, I took him in hand and started licking and sucking the life out of him. There was no chance I could deep throat Darius, I could barely fit him in my mouth, but he didn’t complain. He stood there, his moans growing louder, deeper, longer, as I drooled over him, quite literally.

  I used my hand to stroke the length of him that couldn’t fit in my mouth, my saliva providing lubricant. I massaged his balls and opened my knees to slide into a bent-knee split, so I was looking at his undercarriage. Stroking his hardness, I licked and sucked his hairless balls. Looking back up at his chest I realized he was absolutely hair free, and it was far too smooth to be from shaving.

  Darius was watching me. He tugged my hair to bring my eyes a little higher. “What?”

  “You wax.”

  “I do.”

  “I think I just came,” I said. I hadn’t, but my God I was so turned on it was a very real possibility.

  Darius grinned large. “Then I better catch up.” Taking his cock in hand he aligned it with my lips. “How rough can you take it, Mora?”


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