Her Guardian Shifter

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Her Guardian Shifter Page 17

by Karen Whiddon

  “Not Drakkor.” That was as much of an answer as he wanted to give.

  Pursing her lips in disapproval, Linda shook her head. “You need to fill her in,” she said. “We’ve all got to be on the same page.”

  “Okay, so you know, too?” JJ’s wounded tone matched her expression. “Everyone knows what Eric is but me?”

  Jaw tight, Eric looked down. Though he dreaded telling JJ, he had no choice. He knew how she’d respond. After all, he’d seen how other shifters reacted to his kind. Too many times. Seeing that look of revulsion in JJ’s beautiful green eyes would kill him.

  But finding Garth mattered more. And if JJ could help, he’d give her all the truth she could handle.

  “I’m Vedjorn,” he said, using the Old Norse word. “A bear shifter. As is my son.” Bracing himself for her reaction, he waited.

  Chapter 17

  Eric held his breath. JJ eyed him, her gaze thoughtful rather than condemning. “A bear, huh? I’ve never met one before. I didn’t know there were any bear shifters in California.”

  “My family immigrated there when I was very young. Originally, we’re from Norway.” Which JJ already knew, but he figured maybe Linda Felts didn’t.

  “Okay, so you’re a bear. Rare. I get it. And the Pack Protectors are helping you. What I don’t understand is why did someone kidnap Garth? He’s just a baby. He can’t even crawl yet.” The anguish in JJ’s voice mirrored Eric’s own feelings, making him realize JJ loved Garth, too. “Does this have something to do with those three words that were written on the paper attached to that brick that came through Rhonda’s window?”

  “Yes.” Linda answered for him. “There are a group of people, a cult, actually, who want you to offer the baby to them as your sacrifice, we think. They want to raise him, until they can see if he’ll become Berserker.”

  “We know that already. What we don’t know is what they’d plan to do if he doesn’t,” Eric said.

  Linda continued on as if she hadn’t heard him. “What we do know is these people appear to worship the Berserkers. They seem to be an odd mixture of many disillusioned shifters. We’re not sure if they already have a Berserker in their midst or if they’re merely hoping to breed one.” She swallowed hard, glancing sideways at Eric before continuing. “Since Garth’s mother might have been Berserker, you are aware that there’s a good chance the baby will be one, as well.”

  “He won’t,” Eric insisted, his tone fierce. “And Yolanda wasn’t. She was crazy, yes. Strung out on drugs and alcohol. But I shifted with her many times, and she wasn’t a Berserker. Garth will be fine.”

  “You won’t know that until he’s old enough to shape-shift,” Linda said smoothly. “But I agree, it’s not something we need to worry about now. What we do need to worry about is his safety.”

  “Agreed.” Again Eric tried to sit up. Dizziness made him freeze. Hoping no one had noticed, he eased his head back onto the pillow and willed his strength to return.

  JJ looked sick. “What do they want to do to him? He’s only three months old. Surely they won’t hurt him?”

  “Hopefully not,” Linda interjected, her tone soothing. “We don’t know exactly what they want to do with him.”

  “Even the possibility of anything happening is unacceptable.” JJ glared at Linda before turning to Eric. “We’ve got to find them. And him. Now.” She grabbed Eric’s arm. Startled, he winced.

  “Sorry.” Releasing him, she took a deep breath. “Are you strong enough to leave? Because we need to save Garth. We have a better chance than anyone. No one else cares about him like we do.”

  “I know.” He spoke with grim certainty as he ripped out his IV, an action that hurt like hell. “Help me get out of here. I need to find my clothes.”

  “They had to cut your pants off you,” Linda told him. “And you need to stay put, at least until you’ve answered the human police’s questions.”

  He was about to argue, but closed his mouth as a nurse appeared, no doubt alerted by the frantic beeping of the machine. “You pulled out your IV?” She shook her head. “Now we’ll have to start a new one in your other arm.”

  Though his entire body vibrated with impatience, he managed to nod. “Sorry. I got a little bit agitated.”

  She bustled out, promising to be back in a minute with the supplies she needed.

  “We don’t have much time,” Linda said, speaking in a low, urgent voice. “The police will be here at any moment. Right now, you just need to claim ignorance. You have no idea why anyone would abduct your son. As far as you know, it could be totally random.”

  “I feel like all this is just wasting time,” he grumbled. “I need to do something.”

  “Our people are on it, I promise. And we need the help of all the human law enforcement agencies, so you’ve got to cooperate.”

  Though he didn’t like it, he could see her point.

  True to Linda’s predictions, both the Forestwood police and the FBI came by and questioned him. Since there’d been a kidnapping and Garth was so young, not only had an Amber Alert been issued, but the FBI had assigned extra people to the case.

  Eric stuck to a limited version of the truth. After all, it was no lie that he frantically wanted his son back. And though he—along with the Pack Protectors—had a theory, in reality he wasn’t sure why anyone would want to go to such lengths to snatch a three-month-old infant.

  Both the local law enforcement and the FBI agent promised to do everything within their power to bring Garth home.

  After they left, Linda returned. “If you’re ready to go, we’ve got a car out back.” She handed him a pair of men’s black slacks. “You’re probably going to have to cut a slit in these so they’ll fit over your bandage.”

  Accepting them, he thanked her. He motioned for JJ to close the curtain around his bed and wait on the other side of it with Linda. It was a struggle, but he managed to get the slacks on. “What about a shirt?” he asked. “I think mine should be around here somewhere.”

  “I brought another one.” Linda stuck her hand inside the curtain and tossed a red sweatshirt on the bed. “It should fit you.”

  It did.

  “Are you ready?” Linda asked.

  When he answered in the affirmative, she yanked back the curtain. “Then let’s get out of here.”

  “Don’t we have to wait for the doctor to discharge him?” JJ asked.

  “We’ll handle that.” Linda pursed her lips. “Just follow me and do exactly what I say.”

  While Eric felt he and JJ would do better on their own, for now he knew he had to trust the Pack Protectors to help. “Okay. Where are we headed?”

  “The two of you need to go back home—to that woman’s house where you are staying. Act like everything is normal—”

  “That’s impossible,” JJ interrupted. “Rhonda’s going to notice we’re missing the baby.”

  Linda shot her a quelling look. “As I was saying, go there. Go straight to your room and gather up whatever belongings you want to bring with you. I will send a vehicle for you half an hour after you’re dropped off.”

  Eric nodded. “We’ll have to stall Rhonda. Maybe we’ll luck out and she won’t be there.”

  “But what if she is?” JJ sounded doubtful.

  “Then you distract her long enough for me to get to my room and close the door. If she sees my leg...”

  Eyes wide, JJ looked at him. “What exactly do you want me to tell her?”

  “Anything but the truth,” Linda stated. “No civilians need to know anything about this, understand? We keep this to ourselves.”

  Which made sense, he supposed. Especially since they had absolutely no idea who they could trust.

  As they drove back to his shop, both Eric and JJ were silent. He couldn’t stop worrying about his
son. The mental images that kept flooding him were the stuff of horror movies. He had to forcibly expel them from his head.

  Instead, he tried to concentrate on what he’d do to the bastards who’d kidnapped Garth. In this, he thought like his bear self, because he wanted to rip them apart with his bare hands.

  When they pulled up in front of his shop to retrieve his SUV, the first thing he saw was the bullet-ridden sedan, still parked where he’d last seen it. His gut twisted and bile rose in his throat.

  “Why is that still here?” JJ wondered out loud.

  “Right now, it’s still evidence,” Linda answered. “All the law enforcement agencies are going over it with a fine-toothed comb. It’ll stay until they’re finished with it.”

  “Who’s it registered to?” Eric looked away from the car. The last time he’d seen his son had been when Garth had been securely strapped in his infant carrier in the back seat. “Surely the FBI will want an explanation of why we were even in that car instead of my SUV.” He frowned. “I’m surprised they didn’t ask me. Or did they?”

  “They already did,” Linda said. “You were kind of in and out, so JJ answered for you.”

  The mention of her name brought JJ out of whatever deep reverie she’d gotten lost in. She blinked. “What?”

  “We were talking about that car.” Linda pointed. “Eric was wondering what we told the Feds.”

  “Oh. I told them we were going on vacation with a friend. Exactly like you said.”

  “Vacation?” Eric needed to know how well thought out the Protectors had gone with their story. “Where?”

  “Tybee Island, Georgia,” JJ promptly replied.

  “Good job.” Linda flashed an approving smile before she turned back to look at Eric. “Now, I want you both to go back to Rhonda’s and try to act normal. If she sees the leg, tell her you got hurt at the shop.”

  “I still think she’s going to notice we don’t have the baby.” JJ’s voice broke midway through her statement.

  “Make something up. Remember, you have thirty minutes before we come back for you. Pack what you need.”

  JJ sighed. “Fine.”

  “Half an hour, people.” Linda looked from one to the other. “Surely you can stall this Rhonda person for that long.”

  Eric nodded. “We’ll figure something out.”

  “We will,” JJ echoed.

  “Good.” Drumming her fingers on the steering wheel, Linda considered them both. “I’ll pick you up around the corner. The two of you will have to pretend to be going for a walk or a drive or something. Just don’t tell anyone anything.”

  Eric nodded. “I’d prefer to take my own vehicle.”

  “You can’t.”

  “I’m not leaving it parked in her driveway. How about we meet you back at the shop?”

  “I like that idea,” JJ agreed. “As long as I drive.”

  After a moment of silence, Linda finally nodded. “Fine. Half an hour. Don’t be late. I don’t want to have to come looking for you.”

  Eric wondered if she knew she sounded like a mother chiding her two small children. The quick glance JJ shot his way told him she was thinking the same thing.

  “Understood,” he said. “We’ll meet you at the shop in one hour.”

  “See you then.” Linda started to walk away. She looked back over her shoulder and sent them both a casual wave.

  “Right.” He nodded, clenching his jaw. Actually, he had no intention of meeting anyone. He planned on heading out immediately to find his son. JJ would be welcome to come with him if she wanted. If not, he’d tell her he understood.

  Rhonda met them at the front door when they walked in. “What happened to you?” she asked, eyeing his bandaged leg.

  He muttered something about an accident with a piece of machinery at the shop, and hurried away to his room. Once he’d closed the door behind him, he listened while JJ attempted to make small talk with Rhonda. After a few moments, he heard her coming down the hall and closing the door to her own room.

  His cell phone pinged, indicating a text. Checking, he saw it was JJ, wondering how much longer she had. He texted back, asking her if she could be ready in ten minutes rather than thirty.

  She replied in the affirmative, saying she’d meet him outside. He wondered if she had an inkling of his plans. He rather hoped she did. Together, he and JJ made a pretty good team.

  * * *

  As she hurriedly tossed random bits and pieces of her remaining clothes onto her sheet, as Eric had suggested, JJ wondered what he was up to. Asking to meet earlier could mean he simply wanted out of the house, was eager to get started...or he had another plan in mind. Whatever it might be, she’d be on board with it.

  Because the most important thing in all of this was saving Garth. Still, the surname of DeLeon was one she’d hoped never to hear again. Surely it was only a coincidence. She’d ask again, as soon as they were safely away from here.

  Once she had enough to wear for a week, she tied the sheet up as best she could. Now the trick would be getting out of the house. Rhonda had a nose for intrigue and she’d soon sense that something was up, even though she hadn’t yet noticed baby Garth’s absence. That would only be a matter of time. JJ didn’t want to involve her neighbor if she could help it. Rhonda had already done more than enough to help.

  Her phone pinged. Another text from Eric. Go out the window. Great idea.

  After lifting the sash, she tossed her makeshift bag out before climbing over the sill.

  Once outside, she prayed Rhonda wouldn’t glance at the yard and see her. She hurried to Eric’s SUV, relieved to see he was already inside, in the passenger seat, with the engine running. She gave one last glance over her shoulder before climbing into the driver’s seat. No sign of Rhonda. Good. The less she knew, the better, especially in this situation.

  “What’s your plan?” she asked. “I know you must be up to something, since you wanted to leave much earlier.”

  As she pulled out of the driveway, he didn’t answer at first. Instead, he directed her down the street and around the corner before asking her to pull over to the shoulder and park. “Look,” he said, turning in his seat to face her. “You have a choice here. What I’m about to do might be wrong, but I feel in my gut it’s what I have to do.”

  Somehow she knew what he would say before he said it. “You want to search for Garth alone.”

  One brow rose. “Exactly. I think I’ll have a better chance if I don’t have to play by the same rules law enforcement does. Plus they’ll keep looking, with or without me, so there’ll be double the chance to locate my son.”

  Slowly, she nodded. “You know they’ll be furious.”

  “Yes. And they’ll expend time and resources to locate us, because they’ll think we know something we didn’t tell them.”

  She liked that he included her by saying us. As if he knew she was with him, no matter what. “Do you not trust them?”

  “Right now, I don’t trust anyone.” He shook his head. “Except you. I appreciate you being in my corner and wanting to help, despite barely knowing me.”

  Deciding to be honest, she gave him her truth. “I feel like I’ve know you forever.”

  When he grinned, she couldn’t help but notice the attractive way the corners of his eyes crinkled. “Exactly. I’m not sure why that is, but I’m awfully glad we’re friends.”

  Friends. Talk about quickly deflating her ego. Still, in a way, she knew he was right. The attraction remained, simmering beneath the surface, but they were definitely friends.

  “Are you with me?” he asked. “Because we need to put as much distance between us and Forestwood as we can before they realize we’re not going to show.”

  Feeling a low thrum of excitement in her belly, she nodded. “Let’s go.”

>   As she was about to shift into Drive and pull back into the street, Eric covered her hand with his. “Thank you,” he said. “I don’t know what I’d do without your support. I can’t stop worrying about him. I’m praying he’s safe. If they so much as touch one single hair on that baby’s head...”

  “They won’t.” She squeezed his hand hard. “Don’t even allow yourself to think it. They clearly need him for breeding or something.”

  He exhaled. “Thanks again. I needed to hear that.” He took another deep breath. “I need to drive.”

  “No. You have a wounded leg and you just got out of the hospital.”

  “I don’t drive with my left leg.” His grin showed he knew she’d give in. “And I know where I’m going. Please.”

  The please did it. With a sigh, she got out and switched places with him.

  “Thank you,” he said. Pulling out into the street, he headed east. “I’m going to pick up 87 and go south.”

  Surprised, she eyed him. “Where are we heading?”

  “Poughkeepsie. My ex-wife has family there. I figure I’ll start with them.”

  “Why? I don’t understand. You said she gave up all rights to Garth shortly after he was born.”

  “She did.” His grim expression told her there was more. “But then, after a month went by, Yolanda changed her mind. But she was unstable, using drugs, and when I refused to cooperate she began harassing me. She made horrible accusations, trying to get me arrested and thrown in jail. All so she could get her hands on our son.”

  “Is that why you traveled clear across the country to Forestwood?”


  “And you think your ex is behind Garth’s kidnapping?”

  He exhaled. “Yolanda was killed shortly after I got here. She attacked a Pack Protector and shot him, then turned the gun on herself. She didn’t die, but vanished from the hospital, and they found her body in an exploded car a few miles away. At least, that’s what they think. No one has actually given me verification on that.”


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