Deaf (Senses Series Book 2)

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Deaf (Senses Series Book 2) Page 10

by Neal, Xavier

  “Barely a fight, Will,” Dean informs him. There is excitement and admiration dripping from his voice. I give the kid a look over and notice for the first time that he’s even dressed like me in his baggy gray gym shorts and white t-shirt, exactly what I’m wearing. Holy shit. I have a mini me. “There’s no one who packs a punch like Unbreakable.”

  “I know,” Will assures him. “I was here watching and helping when he was just a scrawny know nothing kid like yourself.”

  Dean cracks a smile and I sigh. “Speaking of, I gotta jet for awhile. Think you can find something for the kid to help out with ‘til I get back?”

  Surprise shows on Will’s face but he does his best to hide it. “Yeah. I can find some work for him. No problem.”

  “Thanks.” I toss him a nod and turn to Dean. “Stay out of trouble, got it?”

  “Got it.”

  “And if he offers you a beer take it and pretend it never happened, but if he offers you a shot of whiskey, don’t take it. You’ll thank me later,” I offer before I head towards the front door.

  “Whiskey’s not that bad, Kid.” Will’s voice is the last thing I hear before I exit.

  Pulling out my cell phone I’m disappointed when there’s no word from Maxx.

  You think she’s still passed out in my bed? I mean I did wear her out pretty good last night, but she’s always been an early kind of person. When else would she have time to eat all that damn cereal?

  Once I’m in my car I toss my cell in the seat beside me and start it. I’ve got one more stop to make before I pick Maxx up for lunch. With the music on low, and the sound of my engine roaring, I lean back in my seat. This is probably the most relaxed I’ve ever been.

  I’ve got my girl. I’ve got my job. I’m saving a kid from ending up like me. What’s there not to be relaxed about? For the first time in my entire life I think I might not end up like the rest of the Kellar men. And it’s okay if you wanna cheers to that my friend. I plan on it.

  I stop at the grocery store to grab Maxx some red roses.

  Chicks like those right? I’m guessing. I’ve never actually bought them before.

  I make sure to pick the ones already in a vase since I’m not sure if we even have a vase in our house.

  No idea the last time anyone got flowers.

  With the bright red roses lying against my gray leather seats I head home. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when she gets them.

  When did I turn into this steaming pile of pussy? When did I trade my man card in for the vag between my legs? Tell me this is at least a little normal when you fall for a girl? You start doing weird shit like this? Hey, at least I’m not getting her name tatted on me. Well…at least not yet.


  I let myself in through our front door, curious as to why Maxx’s car is missing. I toe off my shoes, and drop my gym bag. Heading towards the living room, I’m a little surprised when I see Luke stretched out in the recliner knitting, which is something he only does when he’s really stressed out.

  Yeah. The nurse knits. I know how much you wanna make a bunch of jokes, but just know I’ve already made them. As has his sister.

  Erin looks up in a panic, and I immediately notice the lack of makeup on her face and the baggy clothing. Her signs of stress.

  “What’s wrong?” I tensely enter the room. “Haven’t seen either of you this stressed out since they wanted to challenge Luke’s ability to be your guardian after your parents died.”

  “Where the fuck have you been, Kellar?” Erin’s voice is catty and downright bitchy.

  Did I miss something?

  “The gym.” I want to fold my arms across my chest but I can’t with this vase full of flowers, which probably isn’t helping me look any more manly. “I’ve been helping with the teen program there a few times a month to help cover for someone.”

  “Why didn’t we know this?” Luke’s knitting slows down as he looks up at me.

  “I don’t know, Grandma. Maybe because I didn’t think it was fucking relevant.”

  “You had to be there early?” Erin whispers, almost like she’s dying for the answer to be yes.

  “Yeah. Will’s kid was sick so he was running late.” I answer my annoyance level rising. “And what’s with all the questions? Have you two been watching Law and Order again?”

  “Are those flowers for Maxx?” Luke’s voice sounds sad.

  “Yeah, but her car is gone. Do you guys know where she is?”

  Sitting up on her knees, Erin stretches her arm around the back of the couch. “Why did you send Maxx a text message that said that you needed to talk this morning?”

  “Is there anything you two don’t know?” I grunt in frustration. “Do we not have any privacy in this house?” The two of them give me a sarcastic look.

  Oh so glad their brother sister routine is in full swing.

  “Because we need to talk. We didn’t really get the chance to last night. I need to tell her something.”

  “Which is?” Erin pushes.

  “I’d rather tell her first.”

  Luke drops his needle. “You’re gonna tell her you’re in love with her, aren’t you?”

  You guessed that already too, right?

  I answer with a nod.

  Both of them mutter, “Oh shit.”

  “Hence the flowers.” I show them. “Isn’t that what guys do for girls they love? I have no clue. I’ve never done this before.” The two of them still have their jaws agape so I keep talking. “Are these the good kind?”

  “Oh no…” Erin’s eyes shut as she shakes her head.

  “Wait, they suck?” Panic crawls into my voice. “Shit! I’ll go get different ones. Which ones? Hurry! I’ll do it before Maxx gets back.”

  “Kellar,” Luke’s voice speaks up. “It’s not the flowers…”

  “The flowers are beautiful,” Erin squeaks.

  “Then what is it? You two are starting to irritate me.”

  Erin glances back at her brother and Luke lowers the recliner down. “It’s Maxx.”

  Dread sweeps across my body. “Is she okay?”

  “Hard to say.” He swallows and leans forward resting his elbows on his knees. “She left.”

  “What do you mean she left?”

  Erin parts her lips to speak but stops herself.

  Horror rushes through me faster than it ever has before. In a loud yell I growl, “What do you mean she left?”

  “He means,” Erin speaks again. “She left. She got your text, added it to the fact that you snuck out of the house first thing this morning, drew the conclusion that you regretted last night, and left.”

  The words that fall out of her mouth don’t seem to register as I shake my head. “Erin, what the fuck are you saying?”

  “I’m saying.” She lets out an exasperated sigh. “She’s gone, Logan.”

  Hearing the repetition of the words that I know will be haunting me for the rest of my life, I turn and chunk the vase at the wall closest to the kitchen, the glass shatters causing Erin to shriek.

  I fall for one girl. One time! One fucking time! And this is what I get?! I do the right thing, I say the right thing, and she just fucking leaves? She just fucking leaves! Walks away from everything without waiting for an explanation? See. I can’t ever be with someone like her. It’ll never work. Clearly. Looks like you were wrong. Hell, looks like we both were.


  Sense Series Book 3

  Coming This November

  Just when Logan Kellar was finally ready to make some changes in his life, his entire world was flipped upside down. Now the pain he is used to burying is fighting back. Refusing to let him slip into his old ways, refusing to let him hide from his mistakes, and refusing to let him become numb.

/>   Thank You!

  We did it again! Book 2 under the belt! NONE of this would be possible without so many people!

  Crazy Lady- I love you. Enough said.

  Her Husband- I hope that you’re proud.

  The Law Student- It’s not that bad to read what your little sister writes. Lol.

  Monkey- Thanks for sticking it out during tough edit times with me. I know I’m loud.

  Doc- Thank you for taking a chance on me and giving me a job that allows me to write so freely.

  Krystin Sanchez- Thank you for playing and letting your world collide with mine!

  Mrs. H- NEVER LEAVE ME! Period. Okay? Thanks!

  To my entire EP crew, Genie, Bama Mamma, Shel Bug, Warrior Swagmasta, Head Honcho, I wouldn’t have gotten this far without ya’ll. From guidance to laughs to hard work, to success, I would still be climbing slowly...we are in this together. One for all.

  The Big Ballers, Tess, Selena, Kristine, Jaime....this little guy here is still looking up at you! Thank you for the support!

  X’s Dream Team: I love ya’ll. Thank you for going to bat for me! For promoing for me! For loving me and laughing with me! You make this journey awesome!

  And how can I forget YOU! THE READER! Thank you for buying another one of my books. I write for you. I write to entertain. I write because you read. You make my dream live and without you, corny as it sounds, there’s no me. There really is no point to my work without having you there to read. So thank you. A million times thank you.

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