Bad Habit (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 2)

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Bad Habit (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 2) Page 2

by Dawn, Crystal

  She took off toward Joey’s deciding if he didn’t turn up soon, she would head back to find him. They were coworkers and she needed to cover his back whether he was an insensitive whore dog or not. It wasn’t long before she pulled into Joey’s yard and Naqi came out to help. Twila looked at him questioningly.

  “Trail called and said to expect you two. Looks painful, but not life threatening.” Naqi assessed as he picked up Greg in a fireman’s carry like he weighed nothing. She followed him up the stairs where Joey waited holding the door open for them.

  Joey and Twila trailed after Naqi into a guest bedroom where he deposited Greg onto the bed. A loud knock sounded on the door. “Doctor’s here.”

  Joey went to let the doctor in while Twila and Naqi waited with Greg. The doctor followed Joey in and Twila sniffed the air. Human. “Dr. Lombard, thank you for coming so fast.” Naqi said.

  “It’s what I do.” The young and handsome doctor said with a sexy smile. She recognized his appeal, but it didn’t affect her. Twila also sensed his interest, but didn’t return it, at least not sexually.

  The young doctor did seem to be a fun and likable person so she stuck him firmly in the friend zone. Too bad, because she thought he would be the kind of man a girl could depend on. Unlike a certain someone who she was beginning to worry about.



  “I was talking to you.” Joey explained.

  “Okay, I’m sorry. What did you say?”

  “Trail called and he’s on his way here. He and Naqi are going to deal with the prisoners.”

  “I was wondering what took him so long.”

  “He and Naqi decided he should bring them all here.”

  “Well that explains why he is taking so long. I thought I was going to have to save his ass again.”

  “Just be careful, Twila. There are some haters out there. Either they came in from outside or they were hiding well because Naqi says this prejudice is new.”

  “It’s also extreme. Those men were out for blood and not just wolves, anyone they thought associated with them. They were calling them dog lovers.”

  “I hope Trail and Naqi can nip this in the bud before it takes root.”

  “Me too. I hope Tyne doesn’t get too upset.”

  “About what happened or about you getting involved?” Joey shot her a knowing look that had a hint of sympathy in it too.

  “Both. I know he’s going to chew on me a while as a brother. I just hope he doesn’t get all alpha on me too.”

  There was a knock on the door. Joey went to answer it and came back to whisper in Naqi’s ear. He left and Twila was sure that it was Trail that had arrive. “Ladies, I’m going to go now. Keep an eye on my patient. He needs rest more than anything, give him lots of fluids to keep him hydrated, meds are in the nightstand with instructions, and his diet is whatever he can tolerate. Call me if you have any concerns or if there are any developments that concern you. It was nice meeting you, Twila.”

  “Nice meeting you too, Dr. Lombard.”

  “James, you can call me James.”

  “James it is.” She smiled at his light flirtation. Had she not met Trail, she might have been interested. Now it was all over for her as far as romance was concerned. The doctor left but he would be back in a few days to reexamine Greg. Twila doubted she would be here then.

  She sat down in a chair next to Greg’s bed and fell asleep. While she slept she dreamed she was carried away to another bed. Someone laid down with her and held her all night as she slept the best she had since she’d been a child. In the morning she woke in a strange bed alone still dressed. After a few seconds she remembered where she was and what had happened last night. There was no clock in the room, but it was daylight outside and that meant she was late for work.

  Twila got up and followed her nose to where the coffee was. Trail, Naqi, and Joey sat talking quietly. “Did I miss anything?”

  “Not anything you should be involved in.” Trail declared.

  “The council is determining what to do with the wolf haters.” Joey admitted.

  “They won’t be here much longer. The council thinks they might be affiliated with a larger group and they might be dangerous. Transportation is being arranged to take them to New York where the council will be meeting. There is a facility there to hold them. Damon is itching to get his paws on them.” Naqi explained.

  Twila hoped this would be the end of it. “I’d better get back to work. I’m sure it’s late.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Trail had all calls coming here and he checked and you had no appointments for today.” Joey said.

  That was true about the appointments and she appreciated Trail taking the calls, but she wanted to prove to Tyne that she was responsible and an asset. Eventually, she wanted to find her place in the world and Tyne had promised to help so she wanted to help him first. Twila never wanted to be the chain around someone’s neck dragging them down. She needed to feel like she gave back as good as she was given.

  Once she had coffee and ate, she felt better. Trail might think she shouldn’t be involved, but hadn’t she proven her ability to do whatever needed done? Silly males. They always tried to protect others, even when they didn’t need it.

  “I’m going to get to the office now and see what I can get done. Thank you for everything.” She looked at each person at the table, even Trail before she got up and left. When she got halfway to the store, she realized she could have driven. Twila felt like she was going out of her mind.

  The walk wasn’t long, but normally it was invigorating instead of tiring. Now that her figure had filled back out, she expected to feel more energetic, she didn’t. Maybe it was mental and tied to her concerns with Trail. It could also be the menacing clouds overhead that looked ready to unleash a storm. Regardless of what was affecting her, it needed to be shook off.

  Twila knew she had a lot of work to do because this afternoon a load of equipment was coming in. She would have to count it, store it, and catalogue it on the computer. It was boring, but kept her busy. There were a few calls and she set up appointments for the next day, but none of the excitement from yesterday carried into today.

  Trail came by at lunch and offered to take her to lunch. She was hungry and thought why not? Surprisingly he took her to the place where that female was. They went in and he took her in the bar area to sit. A waitress came up to them and it turned out to be the owner herself.

  “Hey, Mad. This is Twila my mate.”

  “Nice to meet you. Trail said he had a mate but I couldn’t scent it. He said you guys had things to work out first. Grab him quick, he’s a catch.”

  Twila raised her eyebrows. What the hell did that mean? She turned to Trail giving him a WTF look.” Can I take you orders?” Mad asked.

  They ordered drinks and Trail ordered nachos supreme. Mad left and Trail turned to her. “The nachos are great here. Sorry about Mad’s comments. She was just trying to help.”

  “It didn’t.” Twila commented. “I hope at least the food is good. Why didn’t we go to The Polar Bear instead?” That was the other place you could get a meal and a drink.

  “Don’t you like Mad’s?”

  Twila gave him a long cool look. “Not as much as you do.”

  “Hey, that was uncalled for.”

  Mad came back with the nachos and Twila took some. She had to admit it was good. They both ordered the special and Mad skipped off. The she-wolf really skipped which was something Twila hadn’t seen before.

  “Will you just give me a chance?” Trail asked.

  “I don’t know. I need to get some eye bleach to lose the vision of that female kissing you.”

  “I see you’re picking up terms from Moe and her cousins.”

  “I try to pick up the latest terms. I’ve been out of circulation awhile.”

  “You know I’m sorry about all you’ve been through, but please don’t let it ruin what we could have.”

  “It’s no
t my past that’s doing that, it’s yours. I don’t know how to deal with it.”

  “Why don’t we date? No sex unless you say so. We can go out on the weekend and I’ll show you around and introduce you to some people. What do you say?”

  “I guess that wouldn’t hurt. Maybe if we start out like friends, trust could grow.”

  “You won’t regret it. I’ll make some plans for the day on Saturday.”

  “What about having someone on call for emergencies?”

  “I have someone in mind. He owes me a favor and could use the extra money. We need to hire a few extra people to cover all the new jobs that we’re getting.” Trail observed.

  He was right because I was on call 24/7 and I didn’t mind, but it was tiring. At some point, it needed dealt with. Mad brought out our meals just as we finished the nachos. It was breaded patties of some kind, mashed potatoes with gravy, mixed veggies, and a garden salad.

  “When you’re done, I’ll bring out dessert.”

  They both said thank you and dug in. “What kind of meat is this?” Twila wondered.

  “Caribou is what is served most often here. That’s what it tastes like. Seafood is second and some kind of deer third. What’s served changes by region.”

  “It’s good.” She said reluctantly.

  “Glad you like it. Dessert will be just as good.”

  “Can’t wait.” They ate quickly and quietly while she wondered what she should say.

  Mad brought the dessert just before they finished and filled up their drinks. The female was quiet and didn’t talk to them anymore. Twila looked around and saw the place was filling up. Mad must be too busy to take time out for them.

  “What’s the dessert?” She asked.

  “Nothing local today. Just good old cherry pie that was flown in.”

  “I’m almost disappointed. Someone mentioned Agutuk and said it was Eskimo ice cream.”

  “Don’t be disappointed. I’ll get you some tomorrow.”

  “You haven’t been here much longer than I have. How come you already know everyone and all about these places?”

  “I’m older than you. I know Naqi from way back when. We were friends then and just picked up where we left off. It’s the way with wolves.”

  Once we were done eating, and the cherry pie was delicious, we just left because Trail and most locals had a tab they paid once a month. It was convenient at times, but I wasn’t sure I liked things that way. He walked me to the door and kissed my cheek. I watched him walk away with a confused mind.

  Chapter 2

  Trailing Along

  He left the love of his life standing there and he felt her eyes follow him until he was out of sight. Even though she was a wolf, she didn’t seem to feel the overwhelming need the way he did so he had left instead of doing something he’d regret. It had been the right thing to do even if it had hurt to do it. Tomorrow would be a chance to get to know her and let her get to know him.

  The side of him few saw was the one he wanted her to see. As soon as he got in his apartment, he pulled out his phone to start making calls. Twila would have the time of her life tomorrow and see an Alaska only locals saw. Naqi’s people would be the key to that and few had phones, but a few did. He wanted them prepared, especially a few females that wouldn’t be happy to see him.

  Trail didn’t really understand the female mind. He had fond memories and wished them well. Why couldn’t they view things in a like manner? He’d told them going in he was holding out for his fated one and they were not that. They’d agreed, but then they had tried to reel him in and been upset when it hadn’t worked. Each had warned the next that he wouldn’t settle down, but it had made no difference.

  The only females not angry were the two who had found their fated mates later. The other four females would as soon cut his heart out if they could get away with it. If they knew he was coming, he was sure they would avoid him and that would be best.

  By the time he had the calls made to Naqi’s people, they would all be aware he was coming. Now the harder call. “Hello, is this Trail?”

  “Hell, yes, Tramp. How you doing?”

  “Not too good. You only call when something is up.”

  “Not true man. I called a few weeks ago to ask you out for a drink.”

  “You mean when you were sounding me out for a job?”

  “I seem to remember you asking for a job. A favor you said.”

  “Well, maybe. It has turned out good. What do you need?”

  “I know you’re needing cash right now. If you will catch the calls Saturday, day and night, it pays a hundred bucks. You usually don’t get a call. If you do, and you need to work, you get your regular pay on top of it.”

  “Okay. I’ll do it man. I appreciate you never tried to get nosy about what I need money for.”

  Trail was glad Tramp was doing it. “If you want me to know, you’ll tell me.”

  “I’ll keep my phone with me that night. Just send the calls my way and call to remind me lest I forget.”

  “Will do. Thanks man.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Tramp, it had to be a nickname but no one ever figured out his name. No mother would call her kid tramp, would they? He supposed it was possible. Trail remembered a case he’d worked on for the council just a few years ago.

  The council had sent him on a welfare check for some grandparents. Abuse was rare in their society and he’d expected to be drawn into a tug of war over a kid both parties wanted.

  That hadn’t been the case and he’d found a mother who even though she was a wolf seemed to be under the influence of something. Now looking back, he suspected it was blood drug. The child, five years old at the most, was dressed in rags with every rib visible. Her hair looked like it had never been combed.

  “Hi there, young’un. What’s your name?”


  “No, sweetie. What’s your real name?”

  “Darla says my name is Dirt.”

  “Darla, your mom?”

  “She don’t let me call her mom.”

  “Well, we’re going on a trip to see your grandparents, okay?”

  “What do I need?”

  “Nothing. We’ll get you everything on the way.” That was when the abusive bitch got off the couch and decided she had parental rights. Trail didn’t like to hurt females, but this time he enjoyed knocking her out when she tried to come at him claws out.

  “Is Darla okay?” The child wondered.

  “We’re just playing.”

  “Like Darla plays with the males who come here?”

  “Not exactly but close.”

  Trail picked her up and even though she stank to high heaven, he held her close, anyway. Her whole body shook but she didn’t look scared. Maybe she wasn’t used to being touched. He wanted to cry for her and almost did. Instead he got her out of there and to the nearest wolf pack. It happened to be Blake’s and it was just as they were getting settled in.

  It was the first time he’d met Ariel and he’d heard she was a white wolf, but like most wolves, he didn’t believe it. He pulled into the yard with no problem and even knocked on the door, but when the door was opened he was surrounded by dangerous armed wolves.

  “I’m here on the council’s business and Blake had been notified.” Ariel stepped up.

  “Who do we have here?” She asked and held out her hands for the female pup.

  Ariel went off with her while he met with Blake. “Alpha.” He said as he nodded to Blake.

  “I’ve met you before.” Blake said.

  “Yes, in the military. We were on an op together.”

  “Well, Trail, I’m glad to see you’re still around. I’ve heard Tyne mention you a time or two.”

  “I do some work for him now and again.”

  “I’ve got good news for you. The child will stay here until a family is found for her or my mate decides not to let her go. Why don’t you join us for supper?”

  Supper was a casu
al affair and when Ariel brought the little girl back, she looked like any other little girl. She was in a dress holding a doll with a smile on her face. “Everyone, I’d like you to meet Diamond. She’ll be staying with us for a while.”

  It seemed Ariel had dealt with the name problem. He’d left right after the meal but he’d never forgotten that sweet little girl.

  Now he was falling for another female in a different way. Had he been mated back then, he would have fought to keep that little girl. When he’d met her that had been the first time he realized he would someday have a family. Deep inside he’d finally known what it was like to crave a mate and pups.

  Now he would be working to see that dream become a reality. Twila might resist, but he couldn’t believe she didn’t feel the driving need that he felt for them to join as one. Everything was set and ready now so he could go to sleep knowing Saturday would be a beautiful day. Just two more days and Twila would be his date. He readied for sleep with her on his mind.

  Was it any wonder that he dreamed about her? The dreams were both sweet and erotic. The female was too beautiful and desirable, he just couldn’t help himself. Trail startled awake and lay still listening. There was a sound, then another, like someone on the stairs. Quickly, but without a sound he dressed and weaponed up. Opening the door, just enough to slip out, he left it open as he hurried to check on his female.

  The distinct smell of an unwashed human floated on the air. If they messed with Twila they would be dead. He slipped up behind the second one taking him out. His wolf whined, he’d wanted him dead. The other male had entered Twila’s apartment. Security was about to be improved dramatically. Trail heard the male talk to his mate.

  “You’re one of those dog lovers, aren’t you Bitch?”

  “What are you doing here? I just watch the office at a security firm. I don’t have any pets.”

  “Play dumb. We know a dog owns this firm.”


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