Bad Habit (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 2)

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Bad Habit (Wolf Investigations and Securities Inc. Book 2) Page 11

by Dawn, Crystal

  His tongue skated over her abdomen and to her navel which he kissed gently. She almost crawled out of her skin when his mouth brushed over her lower belly. When his hot breath blew on her pussy, she thought she would die with need.

  Trails tongue brushed her folds and slid inside. She could feel him move up to her clit and worry it. His shoulders were between her legs holding them wide open. His tongue stayed were it was, but a finger slid into her channel. His hands were rough from hard work, but she didn’t mind. It added to the pleasure that he gave her. A second finger made her stretch and he added a third that filled her. His fingers slid in deep and hard.

  “Yes, Trail.” Twila moaned. “More!” And he gave her what she wanted as his fingers pounded in faster and harder.

  Friction built tension and tension crashed over her in waves as her climax hit hard. Trail didn’t give her a second to recover. He slid up her body and planted his shaft between her legs. It slid into her hot wetness all the way in. For a second he paused, and then he began to pound into her deep and hard. Twila thought she would scream for the pure pleasure of the way he made her feel. Her feet slid up beside his hips as she found leverage to meet him stroke for stroke.

  She moaned and felt like screaming her pleasure to the sky, but she bit her lip and smothered the scream. Her orgasm hung just out of reach, but she knew it wouldn’t be long. Trail’s body shook as he fought off his orgasm and she knew he was waiting for her.

  “Now dear goddess!” She screamed and Trail licked her neck and sank his fangs into her. Her gums itched as her fangs dropped and she licked his neck and sank her fangs into him.

  Their orgasm was intense and went on and on until she shook. It finally eased and she felt weak. Trail rolled them over and she suspected he felt weak like she did. She was draped over him and felt so tired. Maybe it was because of the emotions involved in joining with her fated one. She’d never felt so much in such a short time. In just the time it took them to bite each other, their whole lives had changed. Tomorrow would be the beginning of their forever.

  Twila stirred. She was still on top of Trail and she slid off but stayed where she was touching him. Had it been uncomfortable for him having her sleep on top of him? If it was, he’d never admit it. It was still dark, but something had woke her. There was a noise, barely there, coming from downstairs.

  She hated to, but she had to wake him up. It could be an attack or something else serious going on. “Trail?”

  “Huh? What’s going on?”

  “I heard a noise downstairs.” Trail sat up instantly, and moved to the edge of the bed so he could stand. Dressing quickly, he moved to where he was right next to her.

  “Just be quiet and stay here.” He whispered so low only a wolf could hear him.

  She watched him slip out the door and heard his light footsteps on the stairs. A human would never hear him coming. Suddenly, she heard an ear piercing scream and she threw on some clothes and rushed downstairs. A light was on and Trail was facing two small assailants. They were children.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Twila, meet Stone and Conifer or Connie.”

  “Your siblings?”

  “Yes. These are the two trouble makers. They were about to tell me how they got here.”

  “Grandma wasn’t very nice. She left us alone a lot. Sometimes we were so quiet she forgot we were there.” Stone said. He was maybe seven.

  “She was planning on leaving us for a week locked up in her house. We didn’t want to be locked up for so long. Sometimes she forgot about us.” Connie added. She looked younger but Twila thought they were twins.

  “She left her purse out so we took enough money to buy tickets.” Stone added.

  “You’re two young to buy tickets.” Trail observed.

  “We didn’t have enough to buy plane tickets so we snuck on with a family.” Connie said.

  “That’s not possible. Security is tight at airports.” Trail said.

  “Not for kids. No one paid us any attention. The flight was half empty so no one complained about us taking their seats.”

  “What happened when you got to Anchorage?” Twila wondered.

  “We found the alpha’s brother and he flew us here. If we hadn’t found him, we planned to make the trip as wolves.” Connie admitted.

  “You know you’re in trouble, right?” Trail asked them.

  “Sorry Trail. But we couldn’t take it anymore. Grandma is mean and hateful. Both of us want to stay with you. We heard you met a nice she-wolf and you were going to settle down. That means you can keep us now.”

  “Let’s go upstairs and sleep the rest of the night. I hope in the morning this makes more sense than it does now.” Trail said.

  They went back upstairs and Twila got the kids blankets and pillows. They settled down on the couch while she and Trail went back to bed. Eventually they fell asleep and woke again in the morning. Once she woke, thoughts of last night moved through her mind. Had it been a dream? The whole thing felt unreal. She got up and took a shower, dried, and dressed.

  Trail still slept and she hadn’t the will to wake him yet. She went out to the kitchen passing the sofa filled with the two young ones. Not a dream then. This was like that movie where the kid was left behind, only these kids left their grandma behind. She hadn’t sounded like any grandma Twila had ever heard of.

  Rummaging through the fridge, she pulled out eggs, bacon, biscuits, and the makings for gravy. She had no idea what the pups would want to eat but she hoped they’d like something she made. They looked a lot like Trail, same hair and eyes. Connie was pretty and Stone cute, neither had the chiseled features Trail had. They didn’t have the sweet cherubic looks of someone their age either.

  They had the look of kids who’d been through too much and had seen things they’d never forget. It made her feel bad that they were so young and had lost the innocence of youth already. Their grandma must be one hard female. As soon as the bacon started to scent the air, the kids woke and came to stand by her in the kitchen.

  “Can we help?” Stone asked.

  “Why don’t you both wash your hands then get out a glass and a plate for your food?” Twila instructed. Both of them hurried to do as she’d asked. She suspected they were both starved.

  As soon as some bacon was done, she gave them each a couple pieces. Eggs were made into cheesy scrambled eggs and she gave them some as soon as they were done too. It was a wonder they didn’t burn their tongues as fast as they ate the food she gave them. It wasn’t long before Trail came out, dressed and ready, hopefully, for anything.

  While he talked to the kids, she finished breakfast. She loaded up their plates and filled hers and Trails too. She sat down at the table with them and they all ate. “So what do we do today? Someone will have to watch the kids.” Twila observed.

  “We take care of ourselves.” Stone explained.

  “Won’t you be downstairs if we need you?” Connie asked.

  “Well, yes, but someone should be with you.” Twila said.

  “We can come downstairs with you if you want us to.” Stone offered.

  “Maybe that will work?’ Trail asked.

  “We can try.” Twila agreed. “We are so far behind I hate to lose more time if we can help it, but the kids need to be taken care of.”

  “It’ll all work out okay.” Trail said but he didn’t sound like he believed it himself.

  “Is there a school nearby?”

  “Naqi’s pack sends their kids to school so there must be.”

  “We don’t go to school. Grandma said we didn’t have to.” Stone offered.

  Twila eyes widened. Hadn’t the old hag known it was against the law to keep the pups from school? They needed an education to prepare them for a good life. That was what she wanted for them. Trail would investigate and he would find out what had happened and if they had really snuck on an airplane. It seemed hard to believe, and yet here they were.

  “You two need to take a shower and I�
��ll see if we can find anything for you to wear.” The pups went into the bathroom and Twila searched but all she had for them to wear was one of her T-shirts. She left them on the counter and looked at the clothes they’d been wearing.

  She’d wash them right away and they could put them back on, but they needed more clothes right away. Maybe Joey could help. The kids came out and her T-shirts did look like dresses on them. Stone in particular was upset about it.

  “I have your clothes washing. I’ll come up here in a half hour and I’ll put them in the dryer. Once they’re dry, you can put them back on.”

  “Okay.” They both said.

  “Right now, I need to get to work. Just follow me downstairs.” The kids trailed along after her and at the bottom of the stairs, she checked the door. Trail had already opened it so they went on in.

  “You two can sit on the couch and watch TV for now. Okay?” They both nodded energetically.

  Twila went to the back where Trail was preparing his gear. The bell rang and she could hear the kids talking to Ray and Rita. “I’m ready to go. Just send me my locations.” He pulled her in for a quick kiss. “Thank you for taking all of this so well.”

  “It’s okay. We’ll work everything out.” Trail headed out and she sat down and fed him three locations for the day before she went out to the office to talk to Ray and Rita.

  “We met your kids. Why didn’t you tell us you and Trail had children?” Rita asked.

  “We weren’t expecting them to arrive so soon. They’re Trail’s brother and sister.”

  “They are sure a lot younger than Trail.” Ray observed.

  “They are. They’ll be living with us now.”

  “Are you and Trail going to be living together?” Rita asked.

  “Yes, he’s going to be moving in with me as soon as we find the time.”

  “Who will be moving into his apartment?” Ray wondered.

  “There’s no one yet.”

  “Could we rent it?” Rita asked.

  It suddenly occurred to Twila that they weren’t nosy, well maybe a little bit, but they were interested in Trail’s apartment. “It’s only a two bedroom, but it does have a washer and dryer in a closet and all the appliances come with it. The dining room is off the kitchen and could be used as a bedroom if you had to.” A twinge of guilt hit her but she’d been told not to share any information with the employees about the racists. Naqi’s pack members were looking out for them and Tyne had found a way to back the racists off for now. Hopefully, more people around the office would discourage them more.

  “Why don’t I go ahead and head out and Rita can look at it at lunch?” Ray asked.

  “That will work for me.” Twila. Maybe it would work out well for everyone. All the kids could have fun playing together. If she remembered right, their kids were six and ten so that would be close enough age wise.

  Ray got on the road and Twila sent him three locations in case he wanted to work late. The kids settled down to watch cartoons on a channel Rita found for them. It felt like a full day by the time lunch rolled around and they shut the office for an hour. They went upstairs and Twila made sandwiches then after they ate, she took her to Trail’s apartment. It was laid out just like hers and Rita wanted it immediately.

  “The rent at the place we’re staying is due tomorrow. If we can get out by noon tomorrow, we’re fine. We also have our stuff in storage and that rent is up in a few more days. If we can move in tomorrow, that would work great.” Rita explained.

  “We can try. Trail doesn’t have that much, just the couch, a bed, and a dresser.”

  “It’ll be easy.” Rita said and Twila didn’t say anything. Easy was a suspicious word in her experience and things were rarely that easy.

  “They went back downstairs and it wasn’t long before a new hire came by. He would start tomorrow. He’d no sooner left than another one came by that Tyne had sent and Twila had been unaware of. They needed help so badly she found herself unable to complain about not knowing. Twila did double check the new employee on the computer and everything seemed fine.

  “Two new guys in one day. That’ll keep the guys busy.” Rita observed.

  “Trail will just put him with one of the guys that works on his own. We have one that works around Anchorage. He pulls his own jobs off the list and keeps his truck stocked. He only comes around once a month unless he runs out of something early. There’s another guy around Juneau that works the same way. The owner has known them both a long time and he set things up with them that way. They both started before the office was set up.” Twila explained.

  “I can’t believe with all that help, the list is still so long.” Rita noted.

  Chapter 8


  Trail was on the job getting things done. Twila had messaged him that two new guys would start tomorrow. He decided to call his buddy, Tramp. “Hey, man. How are you doing?” Trail asked.

  “I was better before I saw you were calling.” Tramp observed. Trail didn’t let it bother him. Tramp was antisocial, but he had his reasons starting with a rough childhood. No one was sure that even Tyne knew everything about Tramp’s past.

  Trail couldn’t even guess how old he was but he knew he was single. The male was so grouchy, no one would put up with him. That was part of the reason Trail knew he’d be available for extra work when it came up. Yeah, Tramp was a nice looking male who got his rocks off once in a while, but he had no responsibilities.

  Where all his money went was a real mystery, but the guy was always broke. “You love me, Man. Everyone knows it. Listen, we’re getting some new people and I can only take on one at a time. If you take on some training, it pays extra. I just thought I’d offer it to you first.”

  “How much extra? Putting up with people is not my thing.”

  “It pays a hundred dollar training bonus per person. The last one I had was trained in one day. All the ones we’ve been hiring have some experience.”

  “Okay, I’ll give it a shot. But Trail?”

  “Yeah, Buddy?”

  “If the first one don’t work out, I won’t try another.”

  “Fair enough. You’ll have to come to the office to pick up the trainee. I’ll give you Jergins. It’s Petie, or something like that. I guess I can’t say anything about someone having an odd name, huh.”

  “Nope. Me neither. I’ll see you in the morning, but I don’t plan to hang around long. I’ve been knocking out three or four jobs a day.”

  “You must be putting in twelve hours or more.”

  “Yup. See you tomorrow.” Tramp said and the line went dead.

  Trail didn’t mind. He just had his biggest worry dealt with and maybe Tramp would turn out to be a good trainer. He was good at the job, the best next to Trail, in this area anyway. Once he got back home tonight, he’d see about getting the kids settled in and finding out how they really got to Alaska. He’d made a quick call to Naqi and one to Tyne to get the ball rolling.

  Once he got home, he’d finish all that up and tie any loose ends. The kid’s grandma hadn’t been an ideal solution, but at the time she’d been the only possibility. Had Trail been mated, he’d have taken them in a heartbeat. It was a moot point now, Twila would spoil the little monsters half to death. All kids should be spoiled at least a little.

  Trail concentrated on getting his jobs marked off the list. He would need a good end of the year bonus so that Christmas would be good for his family. It needed to be special since it would be the first one they would all be together. The overtime wouldn’t hurt either because even though he’d been paying the old hag well, it looked like the kids didn’t have a thing with them. From what they’d said, she hadn’t spent much on them either.

  He should have checked on them but instead he’d put his time onto supporting them. Wolves were family and pack oriented and it had been hard on him to stay away. That would never happen again. Trail wasn’t sure if he and Twila were parent material, especially starting out with seven year ol
ds, but they would do it. They had a lot to learn and would make mistakes but they would work through them.

  Twila was such a wonderful female, but she’d been through so much he’d hoped to wait awhile before giving her all that responsibility. The goddess had decided they were ready and he knew they would both give it all they had. By the time he made it home, he was dead tired and feeling numb. The moment he entered Twila’s place he realized something was different. Some of his things had been moved in and he was relieved. There would be less for him to do.

  No one was at Twila’s so he walked through and realized everything had been moved. A slow satisfied smile worked its way onto his face. His mate wanted him to know he was now hers and they would be together. It couldn’t have been easy to move his stuff and the bed and the dresser were heavy. He heard sounds next door and wondered what was happening so he went to check it out.

  His key wouldn’t work in the lock so he knocked. Rita answered. “Surprise!” She said. “Come on in. We’re having a moving in party.”

  Trail entered and saw Twila and the kids in the kitchen cooking. All four kids were making cookies and his mate was at the stove fixing something else. “Trail!” She yelled. “I made some batter and the kids are fixing no bake chocolate oatmeal cookies. We’re having nachos tonight and with cookies for dessert.”

  Trail was speechless. It was something that rarely happened but his brain was playing catchup. “I saw you moved me into your place?”

  “Our place, Sweetheart. I hope it’s a nice surprise? Ray and Rita have moved in here with Mom and the kids.”

  “I see that.” Trail said. “I never thought about them wanting it because it only has two bedrooms but I suppose that was all they had before. Who is Mom?”

  “Yes, that’s what Rita explained to me. This is also more conveniently located and cost them less. Mom is Rita’s mom. I talked to Joey and she got the kid’s some stuff and I’m ordering them some more on line. They start school Monday.”

  “You got a lot done.” Trail said as he pulled her into his arms and gave her a long, slow kiss.


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