Claiming Her_A Romance Collection

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Claiming Her_A Romance Collection Page 30

by R. R. Banks

  Everything happened in a blur. Our hands tore at each other, clothing disappearing and skin finding each other again. My mouth scoured him, my teeth scraping across his skin as each inch was revealed. Finally, I held his thick, delectable cock in my hand again and I brought it into my mouth hungrily. My tongue explored the veins and ridges, savoring the taste of his skin and the slick fluid that poured from the tip as I reached between his legs to cup my hand around his balls. I massaged them, letting them roll around between my fingers as I squeezed them gently.

  Mason groaned in response to my touch and his hand grasped at my breast, the touch firm enough that it was almost painful, just intense enough that it shot exotic pleasure through me. Suddenly I felt him pull away from me and felt a flicker of disappointment, but was soon rewarded by the sound of a condom wrapper tearing. An instant later I was on my back and Mason was impaled within me, slamming into my already tender body until I screamed with a release that shook my entire body and welcomed the hard pulses of Mason’s cock inside me.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I could still smell the lush muskiness of Ella’s body when I woke up before I even opened my eyes. My body was humming from our encounters the night before, but that didn’t stop my eager cock from hardening again in anticipation of starting the day with another delicious fuck. I reached my hand toward the side of the bed toward her, but didn’t feel anything. My eyes snapped open and I looked over. That side of the bed was empty, the sheet and pillowcase still wrinkled where she had been. I ran my hand along the bed, seeking the heat of her body.

  Maybe she just got up to go to the bathroom or get a cup of water.

  But the bed was cold. She hadn’t been there in some time. I got up as fast as I could and pulled on my trunks. I crossed the room toward the window and looked out at the darkness of the early morning. There was just enough light for me to see the ground, but I didn’t notice anyone skittering from the building.

  Holy shit. She’s gone.

  I was stunned that Ella had left that way. I had never had a girl leave in the middle of the night without telling me, or without my encouragement, and I didn’t know how to process it. What I was more surprised about, however, was that I cared that she wasn’t there. I realized that I had actually been looking forward to seeing her in the morning and possibly spending some time with her before I had to leave for the day. That was a new feeling for me, something that made me feel off-balance and vulnerable.

  I turned away from the window and looked around the room. My eyes fell on the dress that Ella had worn the night before, the shoes sitting on the floor just beneath it. I stared at it, the thought flickering through my mind that she didn’t have anything to wear on the way home. It occurred to me that I didn’t see the shirt that I had worn and wondered if she left wearing just that. The thought sent a shiver through me and I wanted to find her even more.

  The tight schedule that I had for the day looming over me, I took a shower and dressed. Foregoing breakfast as to not waste even another minute, I rushed out of the apartment and down the steps in the back of the lobby, not wanting to wait for the elevator. I approached the front door to the building just as the sun was coming up and saw the doorman give me a smile far wider and brighter than the early hour warranted.

  “Good morning, Mr. Dupree,” he said in his boisterous, cheerful voice.

  “Good morning, George,” I said.

  “You certainly got that girl out early this morning. You are cutting down your time.”

  He said it with a laugh, but it made my heart thud painfully.

  “You saw her leave?” I asked.

  George nodded, his smile fading slightly as he seemed to notice the tension in my voice.

  “Yes,” he said. “I hadn’t even gotten out here for my shift yet. I saw her coming out of the elevator and running across the lobby. Of course, I would be running, too, if I was wearing as little as she was. What did you do, confiscate her clothes?”

  Oh, dear lord. She really did leave wearing nothing but my shirt.

  “What was she wearing?”

  “A pair of heels and what looked like one of your overcoats. Bare legs.”

  Not quite as bad. Sexy as fucking hell, though.

  George chuckled in the deep, belly jiggling way that he always did when we were talking about my conquests. Though his hair was still jet black and his eyes sparkling with youth, the older man’s laugh was even beyond his years. It was one of those laughs that filled a space and told you that he had laughed the same way since he was a young man and had just been waiting for the time when he would get old enough to grow into it.

  Or to get a job stuffing himself down chimneys to bring toys to children once a year.

  I didn’t know why, but the laugh bothered me that morning. I didn’t want him to think of Ella the way that he thought of the other women who he had seen coming out of the building. I hated the way that he looked at me with the glint in his eyes that said that he knew exactly why she was coming out of my apartment so early in the morning. In a way, he was right. In fact, there was a chance that he had been witness to us up against the glass the night before. But there was something about the way that he looked at me when he talked about her that made me feel angry and my stomach turn.

  What the fuck was happening to me?

  “Do you know where she was going?” I asked.

  George shook his head, more of the smile fading. It was a question that I had never asked him before.

  “No,” he said. “I’m assuming that she was going home. She didn’t stop to say anything to me. If I see her again though…”

  His voice trailed off and I knew that just as much as I knew that there was no reason for Ella to ever come this way again, so did he. Her sister’s idea of a fun prank giving the concierge the wrong number meant that I wasn’t going to be able to get in touch with her. I couldn’t imagine that she frequented Fifth Avenue with an event planner’s budget, and unless one of the other men in the building decided to throw a party, she wouldn’t be coming back to The Avalon.

  My coat. What is she going to do with my coat?

  Just as it did every morning, my car slid up to the curb in front of the building and my driver got out to open the door for me. I nodded at George, not knowing what else to say to him, and headed toward the car. I climbed in and looked out the window, wishing that I had asked George what direction Ella went in when she left. At least that would give me an idea.

  As the car started down the street, I tried to shake myself out of the thoughts. I should be glad that she left in the middle of the night. It saved the awkwardness of her leaving in the morning. It meant I could escape her asking for my phone number or when we would see each other again. It meant that I could just remember the feeling of her body and the taste of her mouth.

  It was those things that I couldn’t get out of my mind for the rest of the day, but when I let my mind wander further it filled with the sound of her voice and the feeling of her breath on my neck. I fought to concentrate on each errand that I had to run and meeting that I had to suffer through. Several times throughout the day I took out my phone and stared at it, opening the social media app that I had designed so many years ago and still used fairly religiously. I wondered if Ella used it, if I would be able to find her. The first few times that I did it, I shoved it back into my pocket before even starting to type in her name.

  This is fucking ridiculous. This is not what I do. The girls obsess over me, not the other way around.

  Finally, though, the curiosity overtook me and I had to type in her name. I scrolled through the results, feeling disappointment settle into my stomach when I didn’t see a profile picture that looked like her.

  I was on the phone with Aidan, talking about the party the night before and everything that he had scheduled for me for the week to come, when I arrived back at The Avalon late that afternoon. He was rambling on as I opened the door, but the sound of his voice disappeare
d when I stepped through the door. Ella was walking through the lobby.

  Ahead of me I saw her coming out of the elevator, her head tucked down as she hurried toward the doors.

  “Ella,” I called out.

  She looked up at me, but her expression didn’t change. She continued toward the door, making a large curve to avoid me.

  “I’ll call you back,” I said into the phone.

  Without waiting for Aidan to respond, I tucked the phone back into my pocket and rushed after her.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I tried to get out of the building before Mason could get to me, but he rushed up to my side and I had to turn to look at him.

  “You left,” he said.

  My heart was pounding in my chest, but I tried to keep it from showing on my face.

  “I know,” I said back.

  He looked at me quizzically, as if he couldn’t fully understand what I was saying to him.

  Because no one has ever said no to this man.

  “Why?” he asked.

  I wished we weren’t standing in the lobby of The Avalon. If he had just gotten back a few minutes earlier, I would have still been upstairs, and we could have had this conversation up there rather than out here in earshot of the doorman, the concierge, and whatever of the other inhabitants of the building happened to wander out of their apartments or the Café at that moment. I had reassured myself that I wasn’t going to have to see any of these people again after last night. I didn’t want to have to face any of them in the light of day.

  Yet here I was. All sorts of exposed.

  “I brought your coat back,” I said. “I left it with your housekeeper. I meant to grab mine this morning, but couldn’t find it so I got yours instead.”

  That’s it, Ella. Just completely avoid the question as if that’s going to stop him.

  “You could have waited for me,” he said. “Faye knew when I was going to be back.”

  Oh, did she now.

  “She didn’t volunteer that information. I didn’t even get past the door.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s fine, really. I just wanted to get the coat back to you. It was a little too cold for me to try to get home in just a pair of panties and a bra.”

  “I can imagine. You could have worn the dress.”

  “Then I would have just had to bring that back to you.”

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “That’s for you.”

  I closed my eyes, trying to get my emotions under control. This was exactly what I didn’t want to happen.

  “Mason, I have no reason to have a dress like that. I wore it last night to fulfill my end of the deal, and that’s all.”

  “Why?” Mason asked. “Why is that all? Why did you leave last night?”

  I looked up at him, surprised at the emotion in his eyes. I couldn’t completely identify what the emotions were, but I didn’t see the emptiness, the dismissive lack of investment that I thought that I would. For a man who had a reputation for tossing his nightly conquests out with the morning paper, he seemed far more interested in keeping me around than I ever would have expected.

  “You were right last night,” I said. “Nobody needs to know our business.”

  “What do you mean?” Mason asked.

  “The only reason you would need to say that is because you didn’t want to tell them who I really am. And that’s fine. I don’t fit into your world. I don’t belong here anymore than you would belong in my neighborhood. Last night was fun. I really appreciate it. But let’s not fool ourselves. That’s really all it was.”

  Mason didn’t respond. His eyes burned into mine and his jaw set. Suddenly he grabbed my arm and I felt him dragging me across the lobby into a narrow hallway. He pressed me up against the wall and his mouth crushed down on mine. I gasped, but he only used the parting of my lips as an opportunity to thrust his tongue into my mouth. I wanted to resist, but I couldn’t. I gave myself over to the kiss, wrapping my arms around him and rising up onto my toes to align our bodies more closely. We kissed passionately for several heated moments before Mason tore his mouth away from mine, grabbed my arm again and started pulling me down the hallway toward the back of the building. Ahead of us was what looked like a large elevator door.

  “What’s this?” I asked breathlessly as he punched in a code on the panel beside the door .

  “An elevator,” he said.

  “There are four in the lobby,” I said.

  “Not like this one,” Mason said.

  I could hear some of the mischief in his voice and when the elevator doors slid open, I knew what he meant. Unlike the other elevators in the front of the building, this one was elaborate and gorgeous. Filled with brass and mirrored on one wall, this elevator was truly spectacular. I knew what he had in mind because it was the only thing that I could think about.

  Mason pulled me into the elevator and hit the button for the 57th floor. The doors slid closed and I felt the elevator start to move beneath me. While the elevators at the front of the building moved rapidly, this one seemed to glide upward. I didn’t care. I wanted as much time as I could have.

  My hands went to Mason’s belt and I released it, opening his pants as fast as possible so that I could take hold of the thick, long cock that I hadn’t been able to get out of my mind since the night before. I dropped down to my knees, not hesitating to fill my mouth with him. Mason leaned back and grabbed the brass bar along one wall, holding himself steady as my mouth glided along his length in fast, deep sucks that drew him close to my throat.

  After several long sucks, Mason grabbed my head and pushed me closer, forcing my mouth open further so that his cock slipped into my throat. He groaned and tucked his hips forward, holding himself deep in my throat and tightening his fingers in my hair. A moment later, he released the tightness of his hips and started rolling them, thrusting into my mouth. The feeling was nearly overwhelming, pushing my arousal to a new level, and I couldn’t hold off any longer.

  I slipped my hand under the waistband of my pants and let my fingers dip into my core, feeling the hot fluids already dripping out of me. Using the fluids to ease my touch, I ran my fingertips over my swollen clit in concert with the guide of my mouth along Mason’s cock. Suddenly he grabbed me by my upper arms and lifted me up to my feet. He reached into a small cabinet on the wall and pulled out a condom. I took it from his hand and tore it open, taking my time as I glided it into place to tease him. As soon as it was on, Mason turned me around and pulled my pants down my hips. He pushed me so that I toppled forward, landing with my hands on a cushioned bench. In an instant Mason filled me and I arched my back, savoring the feeling of his cock stretching me.

  Looking to one side, I noticed that we were positioned in a way that allowed me to watch our reflection in the mirror beside us. I moaned, biting down on my lip as the image of Mason fucking me hard and fast spiked my arousal and made me feel wanton and wild. As if he could feel the floors disappearing and the elevator approaching his apartment, Mason reached around my hips and massaged his fingertips into my clit. The fact that we were partially dressed only made our need more urgent and it took only a few seconds of his touch in combination with his hard thrusts and the sound of his balls slapping against my thighs to send me crashing into a dizzying orgasm.

  My screams seemed to fuel Mason and he let out a deep grunt as his cock pulsed and then throbbed powerfully within me. He stepped away from me gasping for breath and we straightened our clothes. By the time the doors glided open at the end of the hallway leading to Mason’s apartment, we were dressed again and locked in a deep, seeking kiss.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Are you sure that you can’t spend the evening here with me?” I asked.

  Ella shook her head, gripping my fingers tighter where she held them between us.

  “I have too much to do,” she told me. “Apparently Molly got herself into some kind of trouble and I ha
ve to fix it for her.”

  “What kind of trouble?” I asked.

  After even the brief encounter I had had with Molly, I wouldn’t put much past Ella’s sister.

  “I’m not entirely sure. I couldn’t fully understand her. But our neighbor is baking cookies with Edmond this afternoon so that I can help, and they’ll be done pretty soon, so I really have to go.”

  “I want to spend more time with you,” I told her. “Come back here tonight and we’ll have dinner in the Café.”

  “I can’t.”


  “Molly isn’t going to be around tonight. I don’t have anyone to take care of my son.”

  “Bring him,” I said.

  Wow. What is it with this girl? I know she has a child and I still want her.

  “I can’t bring Edmond on our date,” she said.

  “No. I mean bring him to my apartment. Faye will take care of him. She loves little children. She has so many grandchildren that I can’t even remember all of them. She’ll love to spend time with him.”

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  I nodded, leaning down to kiss her lightly.

  “Say you’ll come. I can send my car for you if you want.”


  “No?” I asked, feeling my chest crush slightly.

  “I mean, no you don’t need to send your car. I can drive here.”

  “So, you’ll come?”

  “I will.”

  I smiled and hugged her closer to me.

  It would only be a few hours between when Ella left and when she would return for dinner, but it felt like I was waiting endlessly. I wasn’t accustomed to waiting. It was simply something that I didn’t do in my life. I wanted something and it was there. Somehow, though, waiting for Ella made me want her more.

  I expected Edmond to be asleep when she arrived at the apartment. I had even had Faye set up the guest room for him. The truth was I didn’t really know much about children. I was an only child, had no cousins, and had barely even been near a child that was younger than the sixth-grade daughter of a person who worked in the office. The hour, however, made me assume that he would have already been changed into his tiny little pajamas and be ready to sleep his way through our date, maybe even giving us some time to ourselves afterward. When they arrived, however, I was immediately proven wrong.


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