Furbidden Mate

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Furbidden Mate Page 10

by Jessica Snow

  McKenzie shifted in her seat, avoiding her eyes. “Nothing’s wrong Kat.”

  Kat crossed her arms. “Don’t give me that crap. You don’t ever miss school like this, and not only that, you came home that night looking like absolute hell. Where did you go?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  Kat glared. “You know what? I gave you a whole day to lick your wounds without bothering you. But now you’re starting to scare me. You are going to tell me what’s wrong.”

  McKenzie turned her head away. “I don’t see how it’s any of your business.”

  Kat slammed a fist against the table top, nearly overturning McKenzie’s tea mug. “It’s my business because I am your Goddamn older sister, I love your dumb ass, I can see you’re in trouble, and you’re not leaving this room until you tell me what is up!”

  White-faced, McKenzie recoiled, instantly making Kat feel bad for her outburst. She hadn’t meant to snap at her younger sister like that.

  “I’m sorry, Kenzie,” Kat said softly, placing a hand on her mortified sister’s shoulder. “I didn’t mean to yell at you...you just can’t walk around here acting like this and expect us to not be worried as hell when you won’t talk about it. It’s not good. If something is bothering you, I want to know about it, and if I can help.”

  After a moment of staring at her, McKenzie's shoulders slumped in defeat and she let out a big sigh. “Okay, fine...if you really want to know. I went to a party with some friends the night you went out to the club. I was mad at you for not taking me, so I snuck out to get revenge.”

  Kat had suspected as much.

  “And when we got there, it was pretty lame with all the usual retarded shit us teenagers do...until...”

  Kat leaned forward. “Until?”

  McKenzie averted her eyes. She seemed to be deep in thought as if weighing what to say and what not to.

  “Come on, spit it out. Please. I can’t help without the truth.” She patted her sister’s shoulder as gently as she possibly could, wary of her strength.

  McKenzie wiped a fresh tear away. “One of the boys put something in my drink.”

  Everything stopped. The rage flared up again, this time hard and focused, like the flame from a blow torch. “What? Who? I’ll fucking kill him!”

  McKenzie stared at her wide-eyed for a second, and then stammered out, “I don’t know who!” She hugged herself. “Look, we were in a big crowd and I didn’t see. But it doesn’t matter because my friends got me out of here and home before anyone could—do anything.”

  Kat’s rage deflated by three-quarters as she heaved a huge sigh of relief. “Good on them. Holy shit, Kenzie, no wonder you’re a wreck.” She offered a careful hug, and after a few moments her sister submitted to it, sniffling.

  She pulled away and looked down at her. “Look, you’ve got a Rohypnol hangover, I’ve heard of them. You need to drink a whole lot of water and get a lot of sleep. It should be gone in about thirty-six hours.”

  “Oh, I... was wondering. I thought it was all just being—you know....” She sniffled and quickly downed her tea, apparently taking the advice on fluids to heart.

  “It’s fucking traumatic, honey, even if nothing happened. I don’t even like being too drunk. The idea of someone drugging me against my will scares the shit out of me.” Kat took her mug and went to refill it from the teapot, sniffing as it poured. Chamomile: soothing, good for the stomach.

  “Scares you? Wow. I thought nothing did,” McKenzie marveled.

  “Yep. Being helpless, being betrayed, having people I love hurt or in danger. Of course, there’s stuff that scares me, honey. I just push through things anyway.” She handed over the refilled mug with a small smile.

  “That’s easy for you to say. You’re,” McKenzie seemed at a loss for words as she appraised her sister, “...tough.”

  In more ways than one.

  “Tell you what. Find out who drugged your drink and I’ll deliver him a grade-A prime ass kicking so humiliating he won’t dare tell the police. I’ll make him eat his own dirty underwear.”

  McKenzie fought a smile. “No, that’s okay. I’ll get over this without your risking a jail sentence for assault, I promise.”

  “You sure about that?” asked Kat. “You’re walking around here acting like someone stole your Katy Perry CD.”

  McKenzie giggled and gave her a weak smile. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  Kat let out a relieved sigh. “Good, because I didn’t want to have to go bite someone’s head off...and with what’s been happening with me lately, I’m almost afraid that I would literally bite someone’s head off.” Kat originally had no intention to tell her sister about her problems, but with her father gone and her sister going through teenage angst, she felt like opening up to her. It would bring them closer together.

  McKenzie stared at her, seeming a little relieved to be focused on someone else’s problems instead of her own. “What’s been happening with you?”

  Kat quickly told her about her anger issues, shedding and her seemingly super strength. “At first I thought that it was just me being mad over Kevin breaking up with me, but then I find myself getting mad over the smallest things.”

  “Geez, Kat, it sounds like you have major hormonal issues.” She leaned forward conspiratorially, a touch of her sense of humor coming back. “Maybe you’re becoming a superhero. You know, like the PMS Avenger.”

  Kat couldn’t help but laugh a little. “My slogan can be ‘Give me chocolate and no one gets hurt’.”

  McKenzie laughed a little again...but then sobered. “More seriously, though, maybe you should go see a doctor.”

  Kat stared at McKenzie’s mug of steaming tea. It smelled nice enough that she almost wanted some for herself, even if it wasn’t meat. She felt something lightly brush against her leg. It was Rosie, staring up at her as if trying to say something. “I’m thinking about it,” she muttered finally.

  The two continued to talk, reminiscing about old times when their mother used to be around. They laughed and cried, and after, Kat felt much better. It also seemed McKenzie felt much better too. Color had returned to her cheeks and she was acting more cheerful.

  “Well, I’m going to go catch up on some homework,” McKenzie said finally. “I don’t want my GPA to drop by not turning in a big assignment.” She stood up from the table and stretched. “Thank you so much for talking to me, Kat. I feel a lot better now.”

  Kat smiled. “No problem.”

  McKenzie made her way to leave the kitchen, but Kat called out.

  “And remember Kenzie, if you find out who that shithead was, you can always tell me. I’ve even got a sewing pattern for a cape.”

  A twinkle in her eye, McKenzie laughed. “Maybe I will.” Then she disappeared around the corner.

  At that exact moment, Kat’s stomach gave out a humongous growl, and Rosie scrambled off startled, disappearing around the corner of the cabinet. She peeked back through after a moment, eyes huge.

  “Sorry,” Kat apologized to the feline. She was suddenly ravenously hungry.

  Kat got up and went over to the freezer, looking to raid her father’s meat stock, but when she opened it, she was chagrined to find it totally empty. That must be where he is. Meat sale at Latimer’s Market. It’s restocking night.

  “Shit,” Kat muttered, her stomach bubbling. She looked into the fridge, but there was nothing in there that she wanted. Meat was the only thing that would sate her appetite...that...or...fish.

  Yeah. For some reason, Kat really, really wanted fish. Poached salmon...no. Salmon sushi. No rice, no seaweed, just rich, luscious slabs of salmon meat, fresh and raw.

  “Goddamn it.” She did not want to go back out again. Not knowing if Kevin or his Barbie doll had called the cops on her, she was half-afraid she would get pulled over and taken in.

  She had a sudden idea. Wait! I know. There was a fish place that she used to go with Kevin that did deliveries. A minute later, she was ravaging her purs
e, trying to find the number when a card fell out onto her lap.

  It was the card from the sexy hunk, Liam.

  I’ve been looking for someone like you.

  Kat stared at it for a long moment before discovering that her hunger for fish had turned into a totally different kind of hunger as fast as she had thought of him. She quickly found herself pulling out her phone and dialing the number. She counted the seconds when the dial tone began. It rang and rang. She was just about to hang up when a sexy, deep voice answered.

  There was a lot of noise in the background, but even after knowing him for just one drunken night, there was no mistaking that low, smooth, masculine growl. It was Liam. “Greyson Meat Packing Company, Liam Greyson speaking. May I help you?”

  She hesitated a moment, realizing that he had given her his work number for some reason. The fact that he didn’t seem to want her calling him at home sent up a red flag, but that voice had already worked its magic on her.

  All or nothing.

  Ignoring her stomach growling as loud as a fire engine, Kat took a deep breath and gathered her courage to say, “Hi this is Kat, the girl you partied with the other night...I know I might be calling at a bad time and all, but would you like to go out for a bite to eat?”

  There was a long pause on the other end of the line before he replied, and Kat could hear muffled voices in the background. He won’t go for it, she thought. He’s too busy, or he’s had second thoughts, or...

  He got back on the phone. “I’d love to.”

  Kat’s heart leaped.

  Chapter 11

  “I thought you would never call me.” Liam sounded gratifyingly relieved.

  Kat glanced across the table at the golden-haired hunk sitting across from her. He looked smoking hot in his tight-fitting jeans and white button-down shirt opened partway down his chest. When he had walked up, she had almost asked if he was cold, but her voice had caught in her throat. She was still having to force things out, but she felt happier than she had all day.

  He had come over within fifteen minutes of their phone conversation, leaving her scrambling to clean herself up, throw on a new dress and fix her makeup and hair. He had pulled up in a gold Lexus with a cream leather interior that screamed money and had gotten out to hold the passenger door for her. She had gotten in, and he had driven off fast, as if impatient to get to their impromptu date site.

  They now sat at a corner table at a packed fire grill called the Wolf’s Paw. Here, you could have all the meat you desired. You simply picked it out from the food bar, piled it all on a plate and handed it over to a cook that worked behind a massive grill. He would then grill, fry or sauté it and serve it on enough rice or noodles to sop the juices up. There were some veggies and mushrooms available, but this was not a place for vegetarians.

  It was, however, the perfect place for Kat right now.

  Not wanting to seem like a pig in front of her date, Kat had tried to be conservative with her portion size, but she was so damn hungry that she’d still managed to pile her plate high with meat. Hunks of salmon, beef ribs, pork chops, even a slab of grilled buffalo meat. Heaven on a plate. She wanted to turn up the entire plate in one big gulp, but of course, that would send her date running for the hills. So, she ate the normal way, with knife and fork, chewing with her mouth closed...and regaining her strength and stability with every bite. Oh, my God, I needed this so badly.

  She paused with her fork, which was currently impaling a fat, juicy piece of grilled sausage, inches away from her mouth. “I just figured that you gave that card to all the girls you meet, so you could have a wide variety to pick from. I’m actually very surprised you agreed to meet up with me.”

  She paused, chiding herself. Geez, Kat just accuse him of being a big whore, why don’t you?

  Unfazed, Liam chuckled as he cut into a piece of a giant steak smothered with mouth-watering mushroom sauce. “I don’t normally give my business card to girls.”

  “Yeah, I was surprised when it was a business line.” She chomped the sausage and set her fork down, chewing and swallowing before she went on. “To be honest, I thought you must have been drunk off your rockers. It’s not every day a guy like you hits on a girl like me.”

  Liam took a bite out of his steak, his strong jaws easily tearing into it. Kat could not help but stare at his jaws as he chewed. They were so powerful-looking. I bet with jaws like that he can really work it down there...whoa, Kat, dial it back a bit. Perv.

  But his next words startled her. “You shouldn’t think like that. You are very...attractive to me.”

  She felt her heart thump in her chest as a blush came to her cheeks. The way he said those words, it was like he really meant them.

  She bit the rest of the sausage off her fork to cover her embarrassment, savoring the juicy taste. It was absolutely delicious and as she chewed, her stomach let out a loud, bubbly growl.

  She cringed at the volume of the noise, but luckily, it appeared Liam did not notice. He was absorbed with tearing into his food, and with all the commotion going on inside the restaurant, he probably hadn’t heard it. Phew.

  But she was proven wrong a second later when he looked up at her and grinned. “You were not lying when you said you were hungry.”

  Her cheeks burned. Damn, he must have good ears.

  “I’m so sorry,” Kat apologized, her cheeks flaming. “I haven’t eaten since this morning.”

  Not that it would matter, she thought. I would still be as hungry as hell even if I ate an hour ago. I just can’t get enough meat. What is with me?

  “It’s alright,” said Liam as he cut out a square piece of his steak. “One should never try to hold back hunger. It can lead to,” he looked directly into her eyes and she saw specks of gold, “insatiable cravings.” Then he stuck the steak into his mouth and chewed, his strong jaws pushing out his cheeks with each bite.

  She stared at him, the contents of her plate forgotten for a few moments. My God, I’m burning up! The man was pure sex, handsome and absolutely delicious. Was it too much to hope for that they would end the evening in his bed?

  They continued their meal and Kat began asking questions about Liam’s life, eager to get to know him. He told her that he was a supervisor at his parents’ meat packing company, and had basically been raised around meat all his life; despite his athletic frame, it apparently made up the bulk of his diet. He had quite a large family, some that lived with him in a manor on the outskirts of town.

  When she asked if he was in a relationship he did not give her a direct answer and instead switched to the topic of Kat’s life. This sent up a few more red flags in Kat’s mind, just like his wanting her to call him at work instead of at his home. But she saw no reason to grill him about who he was seeing when she did not know him well. Still, it disappointed her.

  She ended up telling him a few things about herself: life with her dad and sister, her mother leaving when she was thirteen, even—somewhat tentatively—her current battles with her temper.

  “We all battle our demons,” said Liam, putting aside his fork. His plate was completely clean now. He stared at Kat’s chest, hints of which showed in the cleavage of her colorful flower-print dress. “Some fight harder than others.”

  His intense gaze made her blush. “Too bad the battle with my demon could get me in legal trouble,” Kat muttered.

  Liam raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

  Kat sighed, and then haltingly told him about her ill-fated romance with Kevin and how he had ended their relationship on the grounds of her being overweight. It wasn’t a new development and had never bothered him before; it was just a handy excuse for haring off with the Boyfriend Thief. Backstory finished, she told him about Kevin’s antics earlier, calling her for a rescue when the mood music he’d turned on to fuck the skank in his Camaro ended up draining the battery. And how she had reacted. She sat nervously waiting for his reaction, afraid that she had just killed any interest he might have had in her. It’s better to be
honest now, she thought, but it was cold comfort.

  “He sounds like a complete fool,” Liam remarked. And that was his only comment. She stared at him in shock for several seconds before she could go on.

  “Tell me about it,” Kat muttered, “But now Kevin is not the least of my problems. I lost my job today and my dad is going to kill me when he finds out.”

  Leaning back into his seat, Liam frowned. “How did you lose your job?”

  “It was the same damn thing. Someone at work was being abusive, and I lost my temper.” The image of Tammy flying across the room flashed in Kat’s mind. “Let’s just say I caused a... disruption.”

  Wiping at his jaw, Liam chuckled. “It must have been quite the disruption if it caused you to get fired.”

  “Well, he didn’t actually tell me I was fired, but no way am I going back there to find out. The woman I got into it with is the one who screws him when he’s ‘working late’.” Kat couldn’t keep the disgust from her voice.

  “Then you know which side he will take. Well, he sounds thoroughly corrupt, and it’s clear you were miserable there. Perhaps a new opportunity will come along soon, that you’ll like a lot better.” He took a swallow of his beer and winked at her.

  “Maybe so. I sure hope so.” Her stomach growled, reminding her that she needed to keep stuffing her face with meat. She started eating again while he went for his second plateful, having to force herself to remember her table manners.

  They continued their meal, Liam getting up several more times to refill his plate with meat. Kat continued to try to front and pretend like she had a typical dating woman's appetite...but eventually gave up and went for heaping seconds.

  Kat enjoyed watching Liam eat while he told her stories about his childhood. He loved nature and playing in the woods. In fact, he said, he still went out naked to skinny dip in a large pond out in the forest that surrounded his house.

  “Really?” asked Kat. She could only imagine that sexy, hard body in all its glorious splendor, swimming in the moonlight.

  Liam grinned and nodded.


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