Furbidden Mate

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Furbidden Mate Page 23

by Jessica Snow

  Her father’s gold-specked eyes glittered with anger. "Because I know you are very angry, in a highly emotional state, and have temporarily taken the loss of your senses, I will let your disrespect pass for now." He stepped forward. "Just tell me where the girl is and I will forgive you for acting so rashly."

  Crystal eyed her father, noting that he was ready to pounce on her. How could he be so weak? Who cared what the vampires thought if the wolves went to war? And how was it okay for Liam to break rules, but not okay for Crystal to? "Eat rabbit balls," Crystal growled into Jason’s face. Then she spun around to leave, expecting him to leap on her back and beat her into submission.

  Snarling with rage, Evelyn lunged for her daughter, but her husband grabbed onto her and held her in place.

  "Let her go," Crystal heard her father say as she made it to the mansion door. "She’ll be back when she has had time to clear her head."

  The hell I will, thought Crystal.

  Outside, she quickly morphed into her lean gray wolf form and began dashing across the grass, heading towards a new destination. If her parents would not help bring total retribution against Liam and his family, she would find someone who would.

  The golden wolf paused in the bushes, letting McKenzie’s panties drop from its mouth. While following the teenage girl’s trail, it had dodged several packs that were out searching for it. The last pack he had evaded had driven him off course and he had wound up at a place in the middle of the city that he was unfamiliar with. A place he needed to check out.

  As it waited, the smell of cannabis drifted to its nose and the sound of two voices wafted to its ears. Beneath the smell of weed, it smelled a familiar scent. The golden wolf sank onto its haunches and peered out through an opening in the bushes.

  Two large men stood sentinel in front of the flat, talking to each other while they smoked and glanced up at the moon. Even in its current form, the golden wolf could understand the human language.

  "I don’t know why we’re out here, man," the first one said as he exhaled a cloud of smoke into the night air.

  The other one coughed after taking a deep drag. "Because Crystal said we should wait here in case Liam shows up."

  "And what exactly are we supposed to do if he does show up? Hold him down?"

  "No, doofus, we take his ass out."

  The first one laughed scornfully. "Take out Liam Greyson? Are you kidding? The guy is a fucking beast."

  The second guy spat on the ground. "Dude, you’re a pussy."

  "No, I just know not to get into a fight that I can’t win. I call that smart."

  "Whatever, man. We’re both pussies if we both can’t take him down." There was a pause followed by a loud sniff. "You smell that?"

  "Smell what?"

  "I smell wolf."

  "So? With the number of wolves that are out tonight, it’s only natural you pick up their scent."

  "Let’s go check it out."

  "I’m not fucking moving. In fact, I think I’ll be leaving here soon. It’s almost dawn and I have to work in the morning."

  "Dude, Crystal is going to be pissed."

  "Too bad. Unlike her, some people were not born with silver spoons in their mouths and must work. Besides, it’s not my fault she got stood up. In fact, I hardly blame Liam. Crystal looks like the runt of a litter."

  "You got some balls to be saying that—"

  Suddenly, the tinny music of a ringtone played, followed by hasty fumbling. "Yo? Yeah. Really? Okay, that’s good news, it’s cold as hell out here. Gotcha, bye."

  "Who was that?"

  "I just got a call from one of the Betas. They said Jason Lilly ordered all packs to stop tracking Liam."

  The first one let out a sigh of relief. "Thank God. I was freezing my hairy nuts off out here." He flicked his joint onto the ground and stomped it out. "Let’s go before one of the old ladies in this apartment complex calls the cops on our asses."

  "We’re not going to keep waiting for Liam?"

  "Fuck no. As far as I am concerned, Jason Lilly is our pack leader, not Crystal. She is just her father’s spoiled-ass crazy daughter."

  "Dude, I’m so going to tell her you chickened out."

  The first one laughed. "You do that. Stay here and let your dick get frostbite for all I care. Meanwhile, I’ll be getting much-needed sleep back at my den." With a chuckle, he walked off and at the end of the walkway shifted into a wolf.

  There was a long pause as the second guy watched his buddy lope off into the night. "Shit," the golden wolf heard him mutter. Then he watched as the shifter took one last drag on his blunt before putting it out, shifting form and sprinting off after his comrade.

  The wolf let the tension drain from its limbs, happy that he would no longer have to dodge his fellow wolves for the rest of the night. A few minutes later, a naked Liam walked into Crystal’s apartment. Nothing was out of place. It was neat and orderly. A couple of sniffs revealed that Liam’s ex had not taken McKenzie here.

  Liam went throughout the apartment, searching every room. Nothing. Lastly, he checked Crystal’s room. He found nothing there either. Just as he was about to leave to continue his search for McKenzie, his eyes fell on Crystal’s bed.

  Since Crystal was into leaving threatening messages, it was time to leave a message of his own, and since he was already naked, it would be quick and easy. He grabbed himself, aimed, and then began pissing all over her bed.

  Crystal shifted back into her human form and walked in between the trees, feeling the soft earth beneath her feet and a soothing breeze caress her naked flesh. Dawn was near, but she knew those she sought would still be awake. They rarely slept.

  Sure enough, she could hear commotion as she got near the den, and caught the smell of burning wood. A large group of shifters was out in front of a barn-like structure, drinking beer, laughing raucously, while wolves ran back and forth, snarling and sparring with each other in front of a large bonfire. This was an odd, assorted bunch. Outcast wolves that had been ejected from their packs and were no longer welcome in wolf society.

  As she approached, she saw a few couples in human form, leaning against an old beat up Chevy that sat away from the bonfire, making out.

  Crystal quickly recognized one of the girls currently getting pawed by her male companion. It was an acquaintance that pushed paper at the ranch office: Sherry. She was one of two who came with Crystal to confront Liam about cheating with Kat and subsequently had gotten knocked out by the scheming werebear.

  When she saw Crystal approaching, Sherry broke away from her companion and walked quickly towards her. "Crystal, what the hell are you doing here?" The girl’s eyes were bloodshot. She’d been drinking all night and would probably go into work later with a killer hangover.

  Crystal’s eyes darted over the clearing, settling on the licking flames of the bonfire. Several wolves had stopped what they were doing to stare at the naked newcomer. Crystal was not ashamed of having her naked flesh displayed before their watchful eyes. Wolves were at one with nature, and nakedness was inoffensive to them. Why if they didn’t have to blend in with the human civilization, all wolves might well walk around butt-naked. "I’ve come to see Jerle."

  Sherry eyed her friend like she was crazy. "Um, why? I thought this was supposed to be your mating night." As an outcast, Sherry had not been invited to the ceremony and did not yet know what Liam had done.

  "It was," Crystal replied angrily, "until Liam left me for that bear bitch who knocked you out in the woods."

  Sherry clamped a hand over her mouth, horrified. "Seriously? I am so sorry."

  Liar, Crystal thought.

  She was sure Sherry was holding a grudge against her for her receiving a beat down from Kat.

  Crystal tore her eyes away from the flames. "Anyway, yes, I’m here to see Jerle. Where is he?"

  Nervously, Sherry glanced behind her. "He’s in the barn...but I’m not sure he wants to be disturbed."

  Crystal scowled. "Why not?"

p; Sherry leaned forward to whisper furtively, "I think he’s mating with Kayla."

  "Oh," said Crystal, unimpressed. "Who gives a possum’s ass? My issue is far more important."

  Sherry scratched at her head and glanced over at her male companion, who was staring over at them with longing. "I don’t know if I want to, Crystal—"

  "I’ll pay you," Crystal said quickly. She wanted nothing more than to slap the girl for her insolence, but she did not feel like taking a tumble in the dirt. Besides, Crystal had all that she could ever need or want because of her rich parents. Money talked.

  Sherry eyes instantly brightened. "I’ll be right back." The shifter girl scurried off into the barn with an extra bounce in her step. Like all the outcasts, she was perpetually broke.

  Crystal shook her head with disgust and waited impatiently, glancing up at the lightening sky several times. Several minutes later, Sherry re-emerged from the barn followed by a hulking shadow dressed in jeans and nothing else.

  Jerle Woods, Crystal’s former consort, was a mountain of a man with pepper-colored hair. He was tall and barrel-chested, and a total alpha male. He had been kicked out of his pack for being accused of conspiring to murder Liam when Crystal had chosen the golden-haired stud as her mate.

  "You have a lot of nerve showing up here," Jerle growled when he reached Crystal. Up close, he towered over the scrawny Crystal imposingly. Sweat glistened on his furry chest.

  Crystal refused to show fear, though. That’s what Jerle wanted. "I have need of your help. I was betrayed by—"

  Jerle threw back his head and roared with laughter. "My help? After you chose that primped up whelp of a wolf Liam Greyson over me? Oh, the irony!"

  Crystal was not surprised that Jerle was still nursing those wounds. Had Jerle been able to mate with Crystal, whose family was arguably the most influential pack of wolves in the region, his entire clan would have been elevated. But now he was just a leader of a bunch of outcasts, simmering with bitterness.

  Crystal dropped her gaze to Jerle’s feet. They were massive...and hairy. "I made a terrible mistake when I left you for Liam."

  The truth of the matter was that Liam was far more handsome than Jerle and much smarter, the hallmark of a great wolf, and a much better match for the pragmatic Lilly family. But she wasn’t about to bring up Jerle’s shortcomings with him.

  Jerle glared at her and snorted derisively. "Sure n’ shit you did."

  Crystal licked her lips, her mind searching for the best way to tell Jerle. "Liam betrayed me," she said finally. "Abandoned me at our mating ceremony."

  Jerle’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and he turned and howled up at the moon. Crystal flinched. His jubilation at her humiliation was like a dagger in her side. "What is this to me?" Jerle demanded when he was done gloating. "I asked for your hand, even tried to fight Liam to prove I was more than strong enough to be your mate, but no, you had to turn me down because his family had more money than mine."

  Crystal looked away from the bitterness that shone in Jerle’s eyes. "I’ll admit, I was a fool," she said slowly, "but I plan to make up for it many times over if you and your wolves help me dole out revenge on Liam and his family." She looked pointedly into his eyes then, willing him to understand the reward she was offering; his place back among wolf society and a seat of power.

  Jerle stared back at her long and hard. "Prove it," he growled finally. "Prove that you are worthy to mate with me." His eyes roved over Crystal’s small, lean frame. "Though I doubt you will last more than a minute."

  “You can’t be serious," snarled a low voice. "This scrawny uppity bitch isn’t worth the trouble, after all she’s put you through." It was Kayla, coming out from the barn naked as the day she was born, her long brown hair unbound to her waist, the sweat on her skin glistening in the bonfire. "I can’t believe you’re dumb enough to listen to her lies."

  "Shut up Kayla!" Jerle snapped. "This is none of your affair!"

  The brunette’s eyes blazed with jealousy and she looked like she wanted to say more, but she knew better. Instead, she just crossed her arms and glared daggers at Crystal.

  "Clear a way for us!" Jerle shouted to his followers, "so I can show Crystal who her new master is!"

  The shifters and wolves circled around the bonfire excitedly, forming a ring and pressing the two competitors close together. Crystal glanced nervously at the bonfire as the spectators closed in around them. The heat of the flames had her sweating and anxious about her upcoming challenge.

  Eyeing her all the while, Jerle tore away his jeans, revealing his powerful thighs. His large cock swung to and fro as he moved. Crystal could not help but stare, her eyes following its movement. Jerle followed her eyes and smiled with canine amusement at her awe.

  "I bet that whelp Liam isn’t as big," he had to boast.

  Liam was pretty damn close, but Crystal was not about to say anything that would stoke Jerle’s jealousy. His temper managed to scare her at times.

  Suddenly, Jerle dropped his amused smile and lunged forward, his hand raised threateningly. Crystal tore her eyes away from his swinging member and tensed to spring away, but was too slow. He backhanded her, knocking her to the ground, dangerously close to the fire. She cursed herself for being distracted as a spray of dirt flew up on impact and into her mouth, her vision swimming, the crackle of flames in her ear. She spat out mud as she clawed away from burning flames, fighting to keep from blacking out.

  She felt strong hands grab her around the waist. Frantically, Crystal twisted her body and clawed him across the face, drawing blood. Jerle let out a surprised grunt of pain while Crystal smiled through hers. His grip on her waist loosened and Crystal tried to pull away. But Jerle wasn’t as shocked as he appeared. With a growl of rage, he latched onto her, his claws digging deep into the flesh on her sides. He picked her up above his head and threw her back towards the bonfire. Panicked, Crystal twisted her body wildly about while airborne and landed on her hands and feet inches away from the flames.

  She looked up and snarled at Jerle, gold specks of fury whirling around in her eyes. The giant wiped at the claw marks and blood on his face and smiled. Without warning, she launched herself at the smirking mountain, flying high into the air and slamming into his glistening chest with tremendous force.

  Snarling, she felt her wolf fangs extend as she bit down into his neck. A gush of Jerle’s warm blood deluged her mouth. She savored the sweet taste of her revenge and his sweaty flesh.

  Roaring in pain, Jerle tore her away, along with chunks of his skin, and slammed her into the ground with incredible might. Crystal heard and felt several ribs crack. Pain quickly shot up her chest as she struggled to breathe. Gasping, she tried to rise to her knees and crawl away as she felt the werewolf regeneration begin to take effect, but she was pressed back into the ground by Jerle’s foot.

  She struggled weakly underneath him, each breath through her lungs feeling like pure molten lava.

  "You will pay for that, bitch," she heard him growl, his foot applying so much pressure to the small of her back that she thought she might break in two.

  The next thing she felt was his hand closing around the back of her neck. All the fight went out of Crystal’s body then as Jerle removed his foot from her back and pulled her into a doggy-style position.

  She struggled to get her breath back, head whirling. By now, most of her ribs had repaired themselves, but she still hurt like hell.

  Grunting savagely, Jerle mounted her backside. Then she heard him hawk and spit and a smacking sound before he entered her with surprising force. Crystal let out a gasp as Jerle began ramming his pole deep inside her tiny body with abandon, not bothering to let Crystal adjust to his immense size, his large sack slapping against her mound hard enough to sting.

  Crystal tried to keep her cries in as her eyes roved over the watching crowd. The wolves were watching with a kind of perverse delight, the bonfire reflecting in their eyes, happy to see a shifter from upper society being co
wed by a lesser. For Crystal, it was pure humiliation, but she was willing to suffer it to see Liam brought to justice.

  Jerle latched on to her small breasts, squeezing them hard, his grip leaving large red marks on her pale skin. Crystal winced at the pain, her head bobbing forward with each of Jerle’s thrusts as she dug her nails into the dirt, trying to bear the burning pain of Jerle ravaging her insides.

  In and out Jerle went, his sweat raining down upon Crystal’s back, burning her flesh with each drop. Crystal wanted to scream. Wanted to cry. But she could not show weakness. Jerle would not accept her if she did.

  The pain was unreal, but beneath it, lay pleasure. Having to admit that was the worst part of all. Some groveling part of her fed on the hate and the abuse and the humiliation, with as much enjoyment as she had fed on the meat of her victims.

  Jerle’s breath quickened as he picked up his pace to frightening speeds. Crystal was clawing at the dirt, leaving deep furrows, trying her best to hold back from screaming. The hard slapping of their flesh slamming together rose over the pop and crackle of the flames.

  Suddenly, Jerle jerked Crystal’s head back and he brought his lips to her ears. "You’re mine now," he growled breathlessly into her ear, his words punctuated by a loud smack. "I own you."

  Crystal could not bother with a reply, her insides feeling like he was going to tear through them. She did not know how much longer she could bare his vicious assault before she would cry out. If I do I lose my chance to get him under my control. I can’t let that happen!

  Then with surprising swiftness, it was all over. Several sharp thrusts that had Crystal feeling split open, and then Jerle stiffened and let out a victorious howl at the dwindling moon as he smashed his sweaty hips against her ass. She felt his cock gush hotly inside of her, and he finally let her go.

  Crystal fell forward gasping into the dirt, her body covered in her sweat and Jerle’s as the crowd of shifters and wolves joined Jerle in his howl. When it was all over and she could stand, she turned to Jerle.


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