ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Page 8

by Nancy Lieder

  increasing disappointment the Puppet Master has with the Bush Administration. Where this disappointment became

  acute after the stolen 2004 election, which was counter to his wishes as to who should be running the US, it emerged

  early in the first term due to the arrogance and rebellion among his Puppets in the Bush Administration and Israel.

  Thus, Bush and his cronies are to be the problem in the cover-up, to be made the scapegoat. As head of NASA, and

  control of the Hubble, and as the largest intimidator on the globe, using the US Military to strong arm other countries

  into compliance, the public would buy this. The Puppet Master's hand is also shown in the pattern of the common man

  emerging as leaders and heroes during disasters, self help, with less reliance on government rescue.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta249.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:06 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Disaster Movies

  Is the public being educated on what to expect during the coming disasters that the passage of Planet X will wreak on

  Earth? Absolutely. Is the public being encouraged toward self help rather than looking to their government for rescue?

  No question. Is the public being pointed to the Bush Administration as the chosen scapegoat for the cover-up that has

  delayed informing the public on what is to come? Clear trend. Is the Bush Administration directing this education

  process? Showing the extend of their decapitation, they are utterly out of the loop and not even consulted.

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  ZetaTalk: Manifest Clues

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  ZetaTalk: Manifest Clues

  Note: written on Jun 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The increasing activity in the core of the Earth will eventually manifest itself in ways that will become difficult to

  explain. Erratic weather will continue to be explained away as global warming, the result of the atmosphere heating up

  to cause swirls in the upper atmosphere. Violent wave action that swamps large ocean going ships and the booms from

  clapping air caused by under water plate movements will be lumped in with earthquake activity. The increasing

  incidence of earthquakes will be explained as periodic cycles, with ancient legends to support the cycle theory, or

  improved reporting mechanisms, implying that quakes were not recording in the past. The dramatic flashes of light

  caused by methane gas flares as the gas is released from trapped pockets under moving plates will be explained away

  as lightning. The increasing magnetic diffusion will be blamed on sun spot activity, as neither is readily measurable to

  the average man so the story will not often be challenged.

  During the months before the passage of the 12th Planet there will be an almost total interference with radio and

  television transmission, unless supported by cable of some sort. Cellular telephones will be useless, and due to their

  popularity in certain cities this will not be taken lightly. Long distance telephone calls, which invariably use satellites

  to bounce between points, will also become impossible to maintain. The governments of the world will be asked to

  explain, and will trot forth their red-faced scientists with silly explanations. Undoubtedly sunspot activity will be

  blamed, and those scientists who point out the inadequacy of the explanation will be badly mistreated. Were sun spots

  or magnetic storms from the Sun the cause, then satellite bounce and in particular cell phone transmissions should

  return to normal on the dark side of the Earth, away from the Sun. Since the time until the shift is short, the

  governments will proffer outlandish excuses, knowing they will never be held to account.

  Below added during the Nov 16, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.


  Lately, over the past couple months, there have been usually severe storms striking the UK, higher winds than

  expected. Likewise, in the US, which share the northern hemisphere, atypical cold followed by temps so warm

  all went out in short sleeves even in the north, although it was technically winter. This cause a series of

  tornadoes to roar across the US, in a belt from south to north, out of season and extreme even in season. Going

  into the last few months before the shift, the weather will not simply continue as it has over the past few years,

  with unseasonable temps and droughts and deluges unexplainable by the weatherman. It will get more so, more

  extreme, more out of season, more violent. We have stated that the weather, and hurricanes, will not get more

  violent than man has experienced in the past. This is due to a braking mechanism that the atmosphere itself

  imposes, air masses only able to move so fast when pushing against other air masses and the like. However, this

  is not to say that if you only anticipate tornadoes in a certain season, that they will not come out of season, or in

  countries not yet experiencing tornadoes. This is not to say that hurricanes will not develop suddenly, rather than

  track across the seas and be predictable. This is not to say that snow storms will not drop several feet of snow

  where snow has never fallen, or that those areas reliant upon snow for their tourist season in winter find the

  spring flowers there instead.


  Thus, tides that are related to storms such as hurricanes can be expected along coastlines. Storm surge, where

  water several feet higher than normal surges inland, will be experienced even without a hurricane known in the

  area. The hurricane, suddenly forming and dissipating just as suddenly, may leave its only mark in this way.

  Likewise, if a storm surge developed out at sea, water in the nearby areas may drop in level, temporarily. Expect

  the unexpected, increasingly, as the shift approaches. The rising sea level was news when it was first observed,

  but went into cover-up mode quickly. The oceans are rising, and the poles melting, and islands in the Pacific

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  ZetaTalk: Manifest Clues

  disappearing under the seas. Will the trend continue, and how much will coastal cities be affected? Even without

  storm surges hitting a coastal city, they will be inundated on occasion and to a certain extent before the shift.

  This will be first noticed when the sewers back up, and then when the beaches disappear. And then when normal

  tide and wave action simply takes out coastline housing. Wetlands along the coast will become salty, and then

  inland bays. In that increasing earthquake will be taking cities down, earth movement imploding cities, at these

  times, this will scarcely be the biggest concern.

  Booms and Flashes

  Booms and flashes have been on the increase for several years now, getting in the press a couple year back.

  Booms as we explained at that time are due to heaving of the earth, such that an air pressure drop is experienced

  in one place, a rush to this place from the sides. This is what causes thunder claps, where lightning creates

  super-heated air, a temporary void, and the air on the sides comes together with a clap. These heaving earth

  syndromes can be experienced over land, or over water, but have the same cause. Flashes are escaping methane,

  which lies in pools everywhere from trapped rotting material from prior pole shifts. This hisses upward, lighting

  from some cause or other, and is a flash of light. Since earth movements are now increasing, more instantaneous,

  more violent, than prior years, booms and flashes can be expected to be on the rise too. Tunguska was an

exception as the tundra of Siberia was lush prior to being frozen, and thus a great deal of rotting grasslands were

  trapped. You can expect, in future, that the frozen Amazon basis will afford such explosions.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p89.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:07 AM]

  ZetaTalk: False Alarms

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  ZetaTalk: False Alarms

  Note: written on Jan 15, 1998. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Where the populace is warned of pending disasters, this should be taken in the context of false warnings to cause the

  populace to prepare for the real thing, which the government will probably never actually announce. Meteors and trash

  falling from the sky. Tidal waves that would engulf coastal cities. Pathogens from outer space causing total crop

  failure. These false stories set many in the populace to thinking about what-if, and the mind moves to solutions. This

  in conjunction with deniable sites such as Troubled Times, which has the necessary element of doubt in that it can be

  dismissed as merely the warnings of some hypothetical aliens from Zeta Reticula, creates a tendency to prepare, to

  have an escape or alternative lifestyle handy. All to the good, in the thinking of some.

  Alarms about solar flares are exaggerations. Solar flares will increase as the time of the passage approaches, but are in

  and of themselves not devastating. They, like the earthquakes that are on the increase, will increase in number, and

  plague electronic communications, but have little effect on the tides, growing seasons, or the weather. Those who

  would shield the populace from the truth of the 12th Planet's approach will say otherwise, declaring that this is the

  cause of the increase in deep earthquakes, the chronic El Nino, and magnetic diffusion. It is not. It is just yet another

  symptom of the approach of the rogue planet that causes the Earth such devastation during its periodic passage.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p94.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:07 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Masks

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  ZetaTalk: Cataclysm Masks

  Note: written on Jun 15, 1996.

  In an effort to avoid admitting that the cataclysms are approaching, the establishment throws out alternative


  The weather is blamed on global warming, the greenhouse effect, which in and of itself might be an explanation

  that would hold if weather were the only symptom. It is the heat from the core of the earth and the increased

  earthquake and volcanic activity that boggles these attempts at alternative explanations. In no way would the

  public accept a statement that warmer air is heating up the core of the Earth. Heat rises, and cold air drops, and

  for the core of the Earth to heat up under an influence from the surface, the surface would have to be warmer

  than the core, which clearly is not the case.

  The heating of the oceans and increasing tremors are thus blamed on solar flares, even though such activity in

  the past was never associated with solar flares. Nevertheless, since the public is in the main quite ignorant of the

  basic science involved and would not bother to research the history of solar flare related events, this is an

  explanation that many will accept. It is understood vaguely by the public that the Sun emits heat and light. For

  the core to be heated by solar flares beyond what the surface has experienced is illogical, so the alternative

  explanation given is clothed in scientific mumbo-jumbo so that the common man doesn't attempt to fully


  Magnetic diffusion, causing compasses to point off center and in an erratic manner, is blamed on solar magnetic

  storms associated with the solar flare. Magnetic diffusion does have a relationship to past solar flares, but not to

  the degree currently experienced. In the past, magnetic diffusion would be experienced only on the surface,

  under the direct influence of solar rays, and would not interfere with magnetic resonance tests taken against the

  core of the Earth. The magnetic diffusion of today stems from the core of the Earth, and is not in concert with

  activity from the Sun.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p67.htm[2/5/2012 9:55:08 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Proof Exists

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  ZetaTalk: Proof Exists

  Note: written on Apr 15, 1999. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Proof is something that lies before you and has for years. It is not only in the geology of the Earth. If you simply look

  to how the government is reacting, you can see a pattern. Of course, for some, who are wishing that it not be so, there

  will be no amount of proof. Why does NASA hide what the Hubble sees and fail to give it out? This should all tell you

  something, so look to that behavior and ask, why this is occurring. Unless one is looking at a star with a tiny pinpoint

  of light, there can be many interpretations for what is seen. Many emanations that come from the sky are only able to

  be determined by large observatories, which are so few in number and require such an amount of money to support

  them that they inevitably are at the end of some puppet string and can be pulled and controlled. In addition, you have

  statements from NASA and JPL that can counter what people may see.

  Whatever happened to Planet X that was sighted in 1983? For hundreds of years prior to this, astronomers were

  plotting the orbits of the outer planets and stating that there was a perturbation. This caused a flurry of activity going

  into the early 1980's, in which there were calculations by Van Flandern and others showing the approximate size of a

  planet, an extra planet in the solar system that would account for the perturbations. In fact, he was remarkably close to

  the actual size of the 12th Planet which is inbound. They found it. They located it by infrared. There were newspaper

  announcements and suddenly not a word was said for a decade. Then NASA explained that tiny differences in weight

  of the outer planets explained it all. If this were the case, since the weight of the planets is calculated from the orbits

  and the visible sizes, why would all those astronomers for all those centuries be confused and notice the perturbations?

  They would have calculated the weight to explain the perturbation to begin with! Of course you're being fooled and

  lied to.

  The skies are very crowded, with many lights, some moving, some not, and unless you have a relatively stationary star

  that is bright and with a pinpoint of light, it is difficult to the average man to say that it's this or it's that. The 12th

  Planet, at the distance it is at in 1999, is smaller to the eye than Pluto, which is a speck. In addition, Pluto is reflecting

  sunlight, which the 12th Planet cannot as yet because of its distance. Therefore, it does not have the bright appearance

  that Pluto does, and is smaller than Pluto. It has a dim red glow, which would almost fade into the background because

  there is no bright pin point of light. Therefore you must look at it, focus not for the bright light but for the dim light.

  Most of your telescopic equipment is accustomed to filtering out the pin point of light that comes from a star, which is

  quite intense in the middle. Therefore you have to gear to a magnitude of 10 to account for the skewing that your

  telescope equipment uses to adjust for starlight, and look for something tiny.

  Rather tha
n look for a moving object which will surely become visible and traceable the year before the pole shift,

  look to the changes in your Earth. The types of Earthquake changes, the types of weather changes, are going to tell you

  more truly than anything else what is approaching. Take a look at the Jewish Exodus, and what the Bible and Egyptian

  Papyrus tell you occurred prior to that cataclysm - the bugs and frogs seemingly crazed, the droughts and deluges.

  These are indications to you as surely as the heating of the oceans from the bottom up and the disbursing magnitude of

  the confused core, that something is very, very close. This should alert you, and you will soon enough see something in

  the skies.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

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  ZetaTalk: Heralding

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  ZetaTalk: Heralding

  Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

  Changes have already begun, and are known to your scientists and meteorologists. Violent storms, unusual weather

  patterns, severe and long lasting droughts, increased frequency of hurricanes, torrential rains, and a general warming of

  the planet. This is all cast in the category of Global Warming, yet the cause is not certain. Which of you, as citizens or

  even as scientists, could state the cause with certainty? We are telling you that the Earth itself will be warmer, and this

  affects weather patterns. Humanity has come to expect predictability in the weather. Even the monsoons of the East, or

  the hurricanes that hit the eastern United States, are expected and prepared for, as they are predictable. During the next

  few decades, until the Earth settles down into another predictable pattern, mankind will find its greatest problems with

  the weather to be its unpredictability.

  Weather changes heralding the giant comet's approach will at first be within normal parameters. As long as

  meteorologists can find a similar pattern on the books or an old timer can be found to regale us with tales of the old

  days, no one will get unduly alarmed. The weather, after all, is a constant source of conversation, but the intensity of


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