ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Page 14

by Nancy Lieder

  magnetic field at that distance will be such that the comet's North Pole, angled essentially in the same direction as the

  Earth's North Pole, forces the Earth's North Pole to evade the pressure and accommodate its larger brother by swinging

  south to the bulge of Brazil. This alignment will not change if the distance between the sibling planets changes, but the

  speed and vigor of the shift would be so affected by a closer passage. The height of tidal waves and consequent inland

  inundation would be so affected. The heat of land masses above subducting plates where friction can cause the ground

  to melt, would be so affected. And the violence of shifting winds would certainly be so affected.

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  ZetaTalk: Continental Rip

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  ZetaTalk: Continental Rip

  Note: written on Sep 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Tearing of continents is less traumatic than it would seem to humans, who imagine the continents as one plate and

  think of how lumber resists being torn, metal bends and twists before tearing, and a rope of fibers resists while the

  fibers snap one by one. Continents are in fact an overlay of many plates, and faults are where most of the plates have

  fractured in the same place. The continents are attached because some of the plates have not fractured. This concept

  should not be that hard to grasp if one considers that many land faults have a slip-slide relationship of the plates,

  which are moving in different directions past each other. This motion would not be possible if the plates were not, in

  fact, separate.

  Thus, ripping apart of continents is no more traumatic than subducting or slip-sliding. The land along the edges

  generally retains its altitude, as this was determined by the thickness of the plates, thus its boyancy on the sea of lava.

  Solid land is composed to a great degree from the lighter elements, which rose to the top during the early cooling of

  planet Earth, and thus formed the floating crust.

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  ZetaTalk: Mountain Building

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  ZetaTalk: Mountain Building

  Note: written on May 15, 1999.

  Mountain Building occurs during rapid subduction of one plate under another. There is friction between the plates, so

  that crinkling of the upper plate occurs. This crinkling represents pressure and release, which can result in violent

  jerking and upheavals, sometimes snapping to create new cliffs or jutting rock. Those riding on the upper plate during

  these moment will be heaved skyward and dashed, with scarcely a safe place to cling to. Subduction can release

  pressure by pushing flakes of land that separate from lower stratas forward. Push a wooden block against some flaky

  pastry, and watch the top flakes simply fly forward, separating from the pastry. This thrust can be sudden and

  projectile, with the rock flake then crashing down again. Pressure and release can also create crumpling land where

  such activity is not expected.

  Mountains and valleys have likewise been formed because of crumpling, horizontal pressure, and this will happen

  again during the forthcoming shift. What happens to rock when it is asked to compress, to fold? It breaks, and moves

  into the point of least resistance which is upward into the air. Thus, jutting peaks of sheer rock with the rock strata

  going almost vertical occur. It crumbles, with a jumble of rock rolling over each other as the mass is pushed upward.

  Thus, anyone or anything on top of that spot will be subject to being ground up in the tumbling process. Compressed

  rock can also drive horizontally, into nearby soil or space not occupied by anything as dense as itself. Thus, those in a

  valley can find rock shooting out of a hillside, or rock spears shooting under their feet, unexpectedly. Surviving the

  mountain building process while in the mountains is precarious, and not advised.

  The land at the point where a fault line forces one plate above another experiences a violent quake, but the plates soon

  break free of each other and slide. But farther from the fault line, where the pressure build is delayed, pressure and

  release occur over a few moments, rather than a single violent jerking motion. Thus, those mountain building points

  far from the fault line experience more damage to the inhabitants that the fault line itself. Mountain building apparent

  to humans has occurred over many shifts, nudged up repeatedly as the given shift affected that particular plate with

  enough force to create a strong subduction. Thus, is is a cumulative affect, not a one-time result. This time around,

  there will be strong mountain building, in particular in the Hymalayas and Andes, not so much along the West Coast of

  North American, and hardly at all in the Alps in Europe.

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  ZetaTalk: Mountain Ranges

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  ZetaTalk: Mountain Ranges

  Note: written on Dec 15, 2001.

  Mountain building during this coming shift will be in proportion to the compression any given range comes under.

  Those areas in the world where mountain building has occurred in the past are obvious, as sheer rock is broken into

  cliffs or juts skyward like a missile or monstrous rocks are in a jumble. The rock is fresh, not weathered and broken

  down, and often covered with trees or vegetation, soil having formed from the dust that lodges there. Often these are

  called new mountain ranges or old ranges, to differentiate. Why would a new range become an old range, and how

  might this information help those seeking safe places during the coming shift?

  At one point in the Earth's history, the land mass was all in one clump, the Earth having been injured with a gaping

  wound where the Pacific is now, so that it became lopsided. Water pooled in the low places, leaving the land all on one

  side. Repeated pole shifts jerked this land mass to and fro until weak spots tore and the continental drift, or rip as we

  prefer to call it, began. Very old land shows less marks of mountain building and more hardened mud flats, but in the

  interim, when the plates were separating, lava hardening in between, and then thrust against each other during

  forthcoming pole shifts, mountain building began.

  The Himalayas are a good example of a spot on the Earth where mountain building invariably occurs. These

  mountains are backed up against a solid old land mass, with broken and smaller plates subducting under them at

  each shift. Thus, these are both old and new mountain, never escaping fresh discombobulating.

  The mountains lining the west coast of both North and South America are likewise never at peace, as they form

  the cutting edge of land being pushed into the Pacific where the plates in the Pacific are being pushed under this

  edge. Each time the Pacific shortens, these ranges go through rock and roll, with new mountain building


  The mountains on the east coast of both the North and South Americas are old mountains, with notably not

  volcanoes active and no stress toward mountain building because the land to the east is being stretched, not

  compressed. These old mountains were built when the plates first separated and were bumping against each

  other during those e
arly periods. These times are past, for these lands masses, now.

  This is likewise the case within Africa, where the mountains are covered with trees unless to high to sustain

  vegetation and the only sign of stress volcanoes caused by weak places make thin by the stretch of the land.

  African volcanoes, recently active, can be expected to erupt, but very ancient volcanoes will not as the stress is

  less on this land mass now.

  The high deserts in Mongolia and the Urals in Russia are likewise not under stress, being too far inland to suffer

  subduction of plates, and not being stretched. But where the land masses of Russia and Area front the Pacific

  Rim, volcanoes will erupt with great force. This will devastate land from the Russian peninsula in the north

  through Japan to Indonesia in the south. Mountain building in these areas will not be noticed, as death will come

  from volcanic hot ash and gas.

  The Mediterranean area is a weak spot in the plates, where movement has invariably occurred. During the times

  when the plates were separating, the Alps were built, due to bumping between the plates on the move. As Africa

  is a very solid land mass, Europe invariably was the loser during this bumping, creating the Alps. However,

  during this coming shift, the strong stretch of the Atlantic will pull Africa away from Europe, not a push toward.

  The volcanoes in the Mediterranean will explode due to churning of the core, and an increased thinning in the

  crust. All mountains surrounding the area will not experience strong mountain building, as a consequence.

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  ZetaTalk: Mountain Ranges

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  ZetaTalk: Sinking or Rising

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  ZetaTalk: Sinking or Rising

  Note: written on Jun 15, 1997.

  Periodically during severe pole shifts, land rises or drops, sometimes moving under the waves. This is caused quite

  naturally by moving plates, which adjust to being squeezed against each other or pulled apart. Suddenly submerged

  land can be the result of either dynamic. Likewise, land long under the sea can suddenly pop up, presenting gasping

  and dying sea life and deep muck that eventually dries to form new and very fertile soil. Continents pulled apart, as in

  the steadily widening St. Lawrence Seaway or African Rift, can cause land along the perimeter to rise, as the stretch

  over the curvature of the Earth has been removed, so that the natural buoyancy or shape of the land can take effect.

  Thus the land in the New England area of America is expected to lift somewhat when the St. Lawrence Seaway tears

  further apart. Continents pulled apart, as in the widening Atlantic rift, cause sinking land along the shores for several


  1. The curvature of the Earth causes the mid-point between continents being pulled apart to drop.

  2. There is less crust to cover the magma underneath, so that rips in the crust form at the weakest or lowest points.

  3. Ripped crust at the bottom of ocean rifts allows heavy land along the edge to lose its support, thus it can sink

  into the magma.

  Continents squeezed together invariably find one plate or the other acting as the loser, subducting or fracturing into

  pieces that slant at an angle to form new mountain ranges. For every adjustment where the continents or land are being

  wrenched apart, there is a collateral squeezing of plates elsewhere. On the Earth, this squeezing occurs along the

  Pacific Rim, with Japan and the Philippines, along with the whole western coast of the Americas, getting the brunt of

  this squeeze. This is often the case, and thus as a result of the coming pole shift, new land will emerge near Antarctica

  between the tip of Africa and South America due to pressure against the western coast of South America. Due to the

  strength of the Antarctic plate, this pressure will be relieved by allowing the Antarctic plate to ride over the bordering

  plates, thus creating new land.

  Where this squeezing causes new land to rise is where plates fracture, freeing a portion of a plate to act on its own.

  Squeezing can force land under, to relieve the stress, but can also pop land up, so that it rides above another plate.

  What occurs when an overriding plate moves across or pushes against an underlying plate depends primarily on what

  the underlying plate presents. If the land is fairly flat, the overriding plate will go for a ride, with anything on the

  underlying plate scraped along or crushed underneath. If the land is hilly or mountainous itself, the hills and mountains

  will be compressed and crumpled, creating a situation where rocks and earth are flying about, tumbling and spewing.

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  ZetaTalk: Pre-Existing

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  ZetaTalk: Pre-Existing

  Note: written on Feb 15, 2002.

  During the hour of the shift, the crust of the Earth arrives at its new location, with the former poles now under the

  equatorial Sun and the Atlantic widened and Pacific shorted, in a series of steps, some happening rapidly, some more

  slowly, but all over the course of approximately an hour.

  Stress Points

  The current relationship of the Earth’s crustal plates to each other shows not only past movement but a pre-

  setting of the stage for the coming shift. The Atlantic has clearly been stretched and ripped in the past, with

  shorelines on both sides of the Atlantic being dragged down such that the remains of forests can be seen

  underwater off the East Coast of the North American continent, and buried roadways under the waves near

  Bermuda, and likewise land shelves west of the British Isles. The Atlantic Rift, running the entire length of the

  Atlantic between the present poles, shows recent tears, and in Africa the rifts increasingly separating the Arab

  lands from the continent proper are already showing some stress. Likewise, along the Pacific Rim, plates are

  being pushed under the Americas, and creating distress in Indonesia as compression of the Pacific is already in

  process from prior pole shifts and subducting plates are inclined to continue this momentum. The Himalayas,

  driven high from sea bed material in the past, also show a point of drama, already scripted for India and

  Australia by past dramas which positioned these plates thus.

  Atlantic Stretch

  We have mentioned that during the week of rotation stoppage, the Atlantic will undergo a stretch. This is due to

  the Atlantic Rift being gripped by the approaching 12th Planet, as the crustal magma there is recent,

  concentrated, and of high iron ore content, and thus is magnetically attracted to the huge magnet, the 12th

  Planet, which is approaching from the south and on the sunward side of the Earth. The Earth stops its rotation,

  due to the crust being gripped, but the liquid core continues some of its momentum, thus creating a continuing

  pull toward the east of the crust, which creates the stretch. To some degree, this is happening today, which is

  why the African rifts are showing stress. During the week of rotation stoppage, however, this is extreme, so that

  the Atlantic Rift is under a great deal of tension and the shorelines are drawn down along both sides of the

  Atlantic. Europe and Africa are continually pulled eastward, by the rotating core. Thus, the Earth moans in her

  agony, during t
his week.

  Pacific Compression

  For the same reason, the European and African continents being pushed eastward by the rotating core, those

  stress points around the Pacific experience increased signs of stress during the week of rotation stoppage. Quakes

  all along the west coast of the Americas increase, and volcanic activity in Japan and Indonesia become extreme.

  India shutters, jerking under the Himalayas in spurts, creating great panic among her peoples who are already

  fearing the worst with the long evening they are experiencing. Tidal waves are not yet a problem, as the waters

  normally pooling around the equator have equalized around the globe, more water at the pole and less in the

  equatorial regions. Nevertheless, the drama that is about to occur has clearly been scripted, by the shape of the

  earth’s Pangea landmass and its breakup, and the rule that during any crustal movement land masses will tend to

  seek their equalization, just as water seeks its level, such that high and low land will be more equally distributed

  around the globe after a shift than before.

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  ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama

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  ZetaTalk: Scripted Drama

  Note: written on Apr 15, 2002. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The stage having been set, then, the crust movement steps during the hour of the shift are as follows:

  1. As the South Pole, gripped by the passing North Pole of the 12th Planet, moves north, the crust is torn from the

  core and freed in this way, allowing pre-existing stress points to relax. Thus, Europe and Africa move further

  east, allowing the Atlantic to rip apart during the slide northward.

  2. The immediate effect of the massive plate housing Europe, Russia and the Near East to move is felt most

  strongly in India, as the Himalayas are driven over India at this point, effectively submerging this country in a


  3. The effect of the Indo-Australian plate taking a dive under the Himalayas is to relieve tension along the African


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