ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Page 25

by Nancy Lieder

  ZetaTalk: Aftertime

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  ZetaTalk: Aftertime

  Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

  The Earth will be habitable after the cataclysms, and this is why the human species has continued through previous

  cataclysms. Life is rough, and life is short. The infant mortality is horrific. The strong survive, and where there is

  communal cooperation among caring people, the odds are not really that bad. Habitability varies, depending on

  location. The poles shift, the winds shift, volcanic eruptions continue from activated volcanoes that take some time to

  settle down. The rains seem continuous, but plant life does not mind this as much as the mammals trying to get dry.

  Diets are not as varied as before, as far as staples go, but in other regards are more varied. Those who survive learn to

  eat everything, including bugs. Bugs are numerous, growing in great numbers in the humidity, and living off the tissue

  from the dead, which seems to be everywhere.

  You must expect the habitability to be equivalent to preparation. Where your government does not inform you of what

  is coming, and where the establishment fears panic and disruption more than it fears the consequences of not informing

  you - your preparation will suffer. However, in truth, it will be difficult to prepare. So much will change, and the

  change is not under human control.

  During past cataclysms the human population was also decimated, but as primitive conditions prevailed death from

  earthquake damage was slight and almost all the survivors were familiar with farming practices. Housing during past

  cataclysms was light, made of straw or wood or cloth as in tents, and this splintered or blew away during earthquakes

  rather than landing on and crushing the inhabitants. Unless the humans were unlucky enough to be in the path of a

  tidal wave or lava flow or standing on heaving or hot earth - they survived. Following past cataclysms the survivors

  had not much less after the cataclysms than before, as they had been living a bare survival existence as is. Life became

  harder, of course, as one could plant but would find no harvest and domesticated animals soon died from lack of feed.

  Fewer and fewer fish were in the streams, fruit and nut trees failed to bear, and produce normally harvested from the

  wild suffered in like manner. The survivors found themselves faced with having to be resourceful, eating whatever

  could be found - bark, bugs, moss, leaves, and on occasion each other.

  The coming pole shift will differ from past cataclysms in several respects, however, all of which will bode ill for the

  present human populace.

  The population is urban, rather than rural. The Industrial Revolution, which has touched almost every country,

  has paved the way for a virtual flip-flop in the proportion of people dedicated to agriculture. In past eras almost

  100% of the populace were farming, but in industrialized countries mechanized farming allows almost 100% of

  the population to be freed from this task. These survivors will have almost no concept of how to live off the


  Because non-farming occupations are almost invariably physically idle, the population is soft. Even

  housekeeping, once exhausting, is slothful due to modern labor-saving devices. These survivors, out of shape,

  will find their soft bodies an unneeded burden during the Aftertime.

  High rise buildings or even modern housing will be death traps during the cataclysms, trapping inhabitants if not

  crushing them. Where housing in the past was primarily single story shacks with straw or light weight roofs,

  today such a domicile would never be considered. Housing must be solid, and crowded cities built up, stacking

  people on top of one another in buildings that will invariably tumble during the massive earthquakes that

  accompany a cataclysm.

  Coastal areas are crowded, being considered prime living space and the populace having been freed from the

  necessity of farming. Cities of millions will go under gigantic tidal waves, and none will be found living when

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  ZetaTalk: Aftertime

  the waters recede.

  Man has created poisons and weapons that will be turned against him during and following the cataclysms.

  Chemical tanks will explode, spewing their contents, and an armed populace will find weapons used to wrench

  precious food from those without weapons.

  Cannibalism will occur where food is so scarce that none is to be found anywhere, and the young will be taken

  first. Parents who defend their young will be killed and eaten also. Where in the past the urge to eat one another

  pitted the strong against the strong in battles that seldom were anything but a standstill, weapons such as hand

  guns are a great equalizer. The one with the gun wins. Gunfights will also break out, and with no law

  enforcement, with murderous results.

  Consequently, we predict that 90% of the population will die as a direct or indirect result of the cataclysms, with the

  remainder polarizing due to the increasing polarization of the spiritual orientations. This Aftertime will be different,

  spiritually as well as physically.

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  ZetaTalk: What will Survive

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  ZetaTalk: What will Survive

  Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

  One should not assume a grim picture of life after the cataclysms. No more birds singing, no more pizza. This is not a

  true picture. Birds survive, and sing by nature, and we suspect that as cookbooks and ingredients will also survive,

  there will be pizza. Where there will be a chronic dusk, due to volcanic dust, for at least two decades, life will go on.

  Not all streams and lakes will be poisonous, but the cautious should plan ahead, and anticipate these occurrences. Safe

  food and shelter can be arranged, and this does not require great wealth or strength. This requires common sense.

  As to your technology, this will survive if you Prepare. Anything that will run by electricity will still run, if not

  shattered by the earthquakes. Plan accordingly. Your current energy sources, oil and gas, should not be looked to as

  they will alight and burn off during the cataclysms. Would be survivors are advised not to store these energy sources

  near themselves or their loved ones. Batteries run down, but mankind should be finding alternative energy sources

  more and more available.

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  ZetaTalk: Great Equalizer

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  ZetaTalk: Great Equalizer

  Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

  Tumultuous times like the coming cataclysms are great equalizers. Where in stable times the strong and/or clever take

  from the weak and/or befuddled and nice guys seem to finish last, during turmoil the playing field is flattened. The

  wealthy and influential, in spite of having forewarning about the coming pole shift and the means to arrange for their

  safety and comfort, will be no better off than the rest of humanity. Human nature tends to blunt the full reality of what

  will occur and what life will be like afterwards. The short term is considered, with the depressing long term scenario

  avoided. Thus food and water are stocked and batteries aplenty, but the wealthy do not consider what to do after these
  supplies run out. They have all their life relied upon the services of others, and comfort themselves with some vague

  notion that civilization and its administrators will right itself shortly afterwards and they will be able to return to

  shopping. What in fact occurs in these situations is a false sense of security preventing a more appropriate preparation

  or response.

  The impoverished individual may find himself without goods or services, but as this is his status quo under normal

  circumstances will mobilize himself more effectively during the Aftertime. He will grieve less and ponder his options

  more, and take risks where the wealthy sit on the remnants of their toys until death overtakes them. In like manner,

  those who are physically or mentally handicapped may have an advantage over those who are whole in the Aftertime.

  They have already adjusted to being diminished and looked down upon. The palsied individual will find himself

  comforting those who have newly lost an eye or a hand, and the chronically mentally ill may find themselves

  counseling those who have gone mad from the turmoil and sense of loss. Survival is to a great extent based on the

  ability to adapt, and in this way those on the bottom today have an advantage over those on the top. The coming pole

  shift will be a great equalizer.

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  ZetaTalk: Manna from Heaven

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  ZetaTalk: Manna from Heaven

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1996.

  It is generally assumed that hydrocarbons such as petrochemicals are formed under extreme heat and pressure,

  conditions that mankind assumes can only take place under the surface of the earth where biological elements might be

  sandwiched between layers of the Earth's surface. They also form in the air during every passage of the 12th Planet, as

  all the components are in the atmosphere - carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. During a pole shift, violent volcanic

  explosions take place, super-heating the air passing overhead. Combined with continuous lightning flashes in some

  places, many chemicals form readily which under ordinary circumstances do not form in the atmosphere. Some of

  these chemicals are what humans term petrochemicals, but their close cousins, carbohydrates, form also.

  It is written in many parts of the world that after a pole shift, what the Jews called manna was found lying on the

  ground in the morning dew. Beads of carbohydrates that tasted like honey, and where landing on water turned the

  water milky, so that those lands where this occurred were sometimes known as the lands of milk and honey.

  Not all locations find this handy food delivered for breakfast, and not all such food can be gathered and eaten by the

  eager humans, as there is competition from the bugs and rodents in the area who seem to need less sleep than the

  weary and malnourished humans scrambling about in the gloom upon rising. Manna is formed and dropped in those

  parts of the world where the air has just passed over active volcanoes. It is formed to some degree during normal

  times, but becomes pronounced after a pole shift due to the exponential increase in volcanic activity. Other parts of the

  world find no such gift beading the ground in the dawn, and residents of those parts that are fortunate in this regard

  must rise early and scramble if they are to collect any manna at all. Not only is it eaten by anything that can crawl, it

  also melts and seeps into the ground during the heat of the day.

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  ZetaTalk: Government Collapse

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  ZetaTalk: Government Collapse

  Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

  Consider what constitutes the government of the United States, which we will use as an example, as it is indeed the

  strongest government, and the first and foremost democracy. This government, by and for the people, is founded by

  elections. Elections even in the best of times are difficult to pull off. Turnout is frequently low. Counts must be

  checked and rechecked for accuracy, and computers and the ready hands of volunteers assist in this process. And then

  there is the pre-election publication of candidates and their views, debates and other such enlightening affairs.

  How would all this take place in a world having undergone a cataclysm such as we describe? The existence of

  electricity will be spotty. Communications will in the main return to what it was in the previous century, by letter or

  carrier. The concept of legislature even at the county level would be difficult to maintain, much less at the state or

  federal level. Add into this the fact that the geography will change. Some lands will disappear, others rise from the

  seas. The poles will align in different parts of the world. What is north? What is south? Maps previously drawn up will

  be useless. How can the polls be sure who is to vote when the survivors will wander, in search more of others living

  than anything else.

  We are not describing a world where the established government is likely to continue as it was. We are describing a

  world where new forms of governing will emerge. The type will depend on the nature of the group of people. As we

  have detailed, there will be an increasing separation of Service-to-Other from Service-to-Self. Those groups oriented

  to Service-to-Other will not require the same controls that are required today. Rather than the problem of citizens

  stealing from each other, held in check only by the enforcement of law, these new communities will share.

  Consideration will be the rule, rather than the rule of law. For those groups oriented increasingly to Service-to-Self, no

  laws or corps of police would hold the self-serving actions in check. There, the rule of law is supplanted by the rule of

  the strong.

  How will the governments take being so supplanted? Will they attempt to collect taxes, order cooperation, or demand

  allegiance? Some lone individuals will attempt to do so, perhaps in small bands, but where there is no food, and the

  citizenry is essentially homeless, these attempts will turn about on the so-called representatives of the people. Where is

  the government assistance? What does the government anticipate doing for its citizenry? Why, when the government

  was assuring the populace that they should not be alarmed by the approaching comet, should the populace now give

  any heed to the so called government? Any attempt to continue federal or state level government will in all likelihood

  be short lived. On the local level, there may be some continuance, according to the competence of the local

  government. Leadership will have to be earned.

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  ZetaTalk: Survivors

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  ZetaTalk: Survivors

  Note: written prior to July 15, 1995

  The cataclysms will come quickly, and the great majority of deaths will be so instantaneous that there will be no time

  for anxiety. Concern should be for the survivors, who will be injured, in shock, hungry, and looking in desperation for

  their loved ones. We would suggest that those who wish to commit suicide be allowed to do so. Most certainly those in

  pain and torment, without hope of recovery or hope of receiving medical treatment when such treatment is scarce or

t, should be allowed this avenue. We would suggest birth control, without argument, as the infant mortality

  rate will take out almost all born during the first few after years. Take pity on the mothers, who will share scarce food

  with a fetus only to see it born dead or struggle unsuccessfully for life.

  The grief that will result from the cataclysms will be no greater for any given human than the grief their normal life

  would sustain. Grief is something that comes to every life many times during a lifetime. Humans anticipate grieving

  over the loss of loved ones, who may die suddenly by accident or unexpected illness or linger for a long, sad good-by.

  Humans anticipate torrents of nature - volcanoes, tornadoes, floods, lighting, hailstorms, and earthquakes. These come

  sometimes without warning, but many times are anticipated. Humans anticipate societal problems, the loss of jobs or

  status, family and friends deserting one, banking failures. All this can suddenly place a human into grief, but in most

  cases the pending problems have been announcing themselves regularly. Any survivor of the cataclysms could have

  experienced a life situation where home, job, family and friends, and health disappeared. This can and does happen

  today to many, and not just due to acts of nature.

  What will be different is that the anticipated assistance from wealthy countries or one's own government will not be

  available. For most of the world, this won't come as a shock, as it is rather a shock when they do receive assistance.

  For wealthy industrialized countries, this lack of assistance will be a shock. Some individuals will have to learn to rely

  more on themselves and to work communally with others. These are lessons that life teaches in any case, however, and

  are not exclusive to the cataclysms. The cataclysms offer an opportunity, as does life in general, to be of service.

  These are times of great opportunity, to be greatly of service. These are times when one can grow, and discover

  strength within oneself previously unknown.

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