ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Page 27

by Nancy Lieder

  types of stupidities are placed on sci.astro as science, and from thinking men. The crust is solid, separates from the

  core, and the two pass over each other. We have explained that the oceans will expand to 675 feet above the current

  sea level after the poles melt, in great part due to heat from the disturbed core. Does the term insulation mean

  anything? In places where the rock strata are forced to pass over each other, those places where subduction occurs,

  have rock melting, as folklore attests, like wax. Where the crust as a body moves over the relatively liquid core, there

  is less friction. Do you have friction from molten lava pouring out of volcanoes? It simply moves. Thus, mankind’s

  calculations, which we are sure are limited as his thinking often is, take into account so few factors that they are


  Note: below added during the September 7, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  We have stated that heat is a particle flow, like all such flows the particles attracted to each other thus flowing toward

  each other and crowding together, only to find such crowding a press such that equalization occurs with a flow to less

  crowded areas. Heat exists in objects, latent and not under pressure to move for equalization. Man is aware that

  friction releases heat particles, as do chemical reactions such as combustion. What happens in these instances is that

  the heat particles go on the move because their prior situation changed, but in that they were not overcrowded prior to

  the change, they happily return to a latent state when the change stabilizes. How does this work? Heat particles sent on

  the move because of friction are doing so because the atoms they reside within are compressed, creating an inequality

  with the surrounding atoms. Heat moves to equalize, but this only causes the inequality to fan outward, to less

  compressed areas. When the compression of friction stops, the heat returns. Mankind treats heat like magic, assuming a

  manifestation of heat that must go someplace, disburse, as in his observations heat he perceives transmits outward

  from the hot spot, escaping, or so it seems. In fact, few of the heat particles move elsewhere, and slowly return,

  unobserved by man who has walked off to salve his blisters and who in any case does not observe heat as a minor

  particle flow.

  So what will happen when major friction occurs during the coming pole shift, the crust separating from the core and its

  magma and sliding over this slush. Is this friction? Does friction occur during water sports, where boats and boards

  travel rapidly over a liquid? Motion, not friction, occurs, as the atom compression results in motion, free to move as

  the atoms are. Examine lava flowing from a volcano. Where there is heat within the lava, not on an equal basis with

  the surrounding rock and air, that is released and seeking equalization to a less crowded setting, there is no heat

  produced from friction. Under the crust, this press of heat particles is normal for lava, and during and after the shift,

  this is not released to move elsewhere as all surrounding the heat particles has this same press. Where there is a steady

  release of heat from the magma through the rocky crust of the Earth, this is dictated by the rapidity of motion of heat

  particles, solely. None of this changes during the shift.

  Heat is generated to some degree during the shift due to changed position of portions of the core, which are not

  homogeneous as we have stated, a situation that results in the Earth’s rotation as these various elements move toward

  or away from elements in the solar system they are attracted to. During the shift, the core rotates to come into

  alignment with the rapidly passing planet causing the pole shift, dragging those portions of the magma with it that are

  attached in any manner, including attraction, and causing swirling within the magma. All this upsets the balance where

  heat particles can become compressed and move, temporarily, until the core and its surrounding magma return to

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  ZetaTalk: Shift Meltdown

  normal. Rotation returns, the heat particles settle back in according to the dictates of the surrounding matter, and no

  heat is released excessively to the surface of the globe. Then why have we stated that the oceans of the Earth will rise

  an average of 675 feet, based on increased heat released due to this roiling?

  Volcanoes are expected to explode, ooze lava, and burp hot gasses into the air. Just as El Nino is caused by volcanic

  activity in the Pacific, in Indonesia and environs, undersea volcanoes worldwide will be oozing magma and heating the

  oceans. This is capped, in the atmosphere over the seas, by air heated from the burping gasses, thus slowing any

  equalization of heat particles into the atmosphere. Thus, it is not the roiling core itself which heats the surface, but

  escaped magma and gasses. Heat particles still in the core return to their prior pre-shift equalization status quo, after

  the shift.

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  ZetaTalk: Cataclysms Inevitable

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  ZetaTalk: Cataclysms Inevitable

  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

  The cosmic cataclysms, the pending pole shift, cannot be avoided. This is not in human hands, nor in ours or those of

  our brethren. Some of our brethren relay the truth in gentle terms, and this gets, essentially, twisted by those who hear

  these messages. Times will change, there will be difficult times but look to the happy light at the end of the tunnel.

  This is what has been heard, as the human heart and mind would prefer the message to be that. We are telling you like

  it is.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p40.htm[2/5/2012 9:56:15 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Wishful Thinking

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  ZetaTalk: Wishful Thinking

  Note: written during the Feb 15, 2003 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Many humans who are currently supported in their physical needs by the farming communities are aghast at the

  prospect of being thrown on their resources in the Aftertime. The populations in the cities of the world, and in many

  towns fringed by farming communities, are utterly unfamiliar with step one of feeding oneself. Thus, New Age talk

  about the world evading the pole shift if all hold hands and fervently wish it to be so, or if all change their ways and

  become Service-to-Others overnight, are popular with these folks. They simply don't know what else to do, where else

  to start, and the road seems too long for them to walk, otherwise. Of course, none of this will work, as we have

  explained. It is a palliative, a tranquilizer, to be taken so one does not worry until the last minute. If this is your intent,

  to avoid thinking about it, or comfort yourself with a fairy tale, then so be it, but rescue will not happen. Does it

  happen today, to those starving stick children in Africa? Does it happen today when a Cyclone roars into Bangladesh,

  drowning families and sweeping the housing out to sea? Does it happen today to those dying in agony with AIDS, or

  going blind because insects have put parasites into their eyes, mass disease ignored by comfortable industrialized


  If such relief were so easy to attain, that wishing it so would make it happen, or appealing to the populace to do better

  would find a ready ear, then what is stopping this from happening today? Of co
urse, loving one another, and

  increasing this tendency, should be encouraged, but frankly most who are not spiritually mature and firmly in this

  orientation will find it hard to move in that direction under trying times. Each will be more concerned about

  themselves, finding their comfort increasingly eroding, and no avenue of relief in sight! Given this, irritability will

  increase, demands, hoarding, and fights. Those already inclined to care for others will not change, but may find they

  need to aggressively prioritize their time and resources. This will be misinterpreted as meanness, by those used to

  demanding attention from these overworked souls, but it is concern for the greater good that is at the fore. Thus, for

  those at a lose as to what to do, how to prepare for the future, we suggest not turning to wishful thinking, but even at

  this late date going camping, reading survival books, and at least starting. They will in any case find they must do this,

  if they survive, and will regret time lost in wishful thinking.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p174.htm[2/5/2012 9:56:16 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Rebel Planet

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  ZetaTalk: Rebel Planet

  Note: written on Mar 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  Human scientists are used to perturbations by the other planets orbiting their Sun, but are unaware of the extent of

  perturbations that can be caused by near-misses between the planets. The planets, as they ride in their orbits, have

  reached the path they have in order to avoid the other planets, and thus all looks serene. When this equilibrium is being

  established, all is hardly serene. The 12th Planet, passing rapidly through the Solar System, breaks all the rules that

  humans have become accustomed to. Were the 12th Planet to become a permanent member of the Solar System, highly

  erratic orbits would be established for any planet with a heavily magnetic core. The Earth's violent pole shifts are due

  only to her inability to escape her monster brother when he passes, coming upon her rapidly and within days so that

  she has no chance to alter her orbit in an escape.

  It is not by accident that the planets in orbit around the Sun do not form perfect circles, nor does any logic known to

  man explain their lopsided elliptical orbits. They are adjusting to many factors not yet known to man, and would do so

  in an even more erratic manner should the 12th Planet become a permanent member of the Solar System. Many of the

  planets in orbit around the Earth's Sun have little effect upon each other. For instance, the gaseous planets like Jupiter

  and Saturn have minimal magnetic fields. Thus the story of the devastation the 12th Planet causes upon the periodic

  passage seems surreal to naive mankind, who has a scant record from the prior pole shifts where the human race was

  decimated and civilizations disrupted so that records were not reliably kept until a few generations had passed.

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  ZetaTalk: From Orion

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  ZetaTalk: From Orion

  Note: written on Feb 15, 1996. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The 12th Planet approaches from Orion, and as the timing of its approach could vary as much as a year or more, based

  on various influences on its long voyage, there was much concern among the mining crews operating within the Earth's

  Solar System that an accurate early warning system be established. We have mentioned that the Great Pyramids were a

  sighting devise, such that the light from the approaching 12th Planet would flood down a narrow passage and reflect

  off a pool of liquid, an unmistakable signal to those nervously watching and needing to synchronize their shuttle paths

  to their traveling home. Where the 12th Planet would arrive from the same locale each time, the Earth's position would

  change, based on where she was in her orbit around the Sun. Thus, various pieces of instructions from one trip or

  another remain, some seemingly in conflict with another on this facet or that, especially as the Earth's crust moved with

  each pole shift. There is no conflict if one considers that depending on the Earth's position, the 12th Planet would

  appear to veer far to the left or come in from the right, disappear behind the Sun or stand in front of it, or appear as a

  distant star or as the planetary giant it is.

  These partial instructions involving Orion or nearby constellations such as Sirius trickle forward from the prior 12th

  Planet passages, which loosely compute to every 3,600 years. Given the periodic disruption in man's history, accurate

  yearly counts from past cataclysms are simply not available. To add to the confusion, midpoint calculations were

  involved as a safety check in case catastrophe struck the mining operations and their clocks were lost. These midpoint

  sightings were staged at the 1,800 year point, and remnants of these instructions are also found grouped in with the

  passage instructions. All very confusing for those trying to piece together a puzzle with scant parts.

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  ZetaTalk: 12th Planet Moons

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  ZetaTalk: 12th Planet Moons

  Note: written on May 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The 12th Planet has what are called traveling moons, as they often trail behind the planet as it tracks along its long

  elliptical orbit. These moons are comparable to the Earth’s moon, some even larger, as the mass of the 12th Planet is a

  gravitational magnet far beyond the pull that the Earth could muster. To some it would seem that moons must always

  orbit their planet, as the planets in the Earth’s Solar System do so, yet are on the move. The difference is that the 12th

  Planet travels faster, while traversing the Solar System, at speeds quite outside the sedate speeds the other planets

  assume. These moons do not leave the 12th Planet during its fast ride through the Solar System, as the 12th Planet due

  to its mass stays away from the other large planets and thus they at no time have a gravitation draw that is stronger

  than the continuous influence of the 12th Planet. Where the 12th Planet’s tail will lash the earth, this lashing does not

  include a chance of collision with the 12th Planet’s moons.

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  ZetaTalk: Electro-Magnetic Pulse

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  ZetaTalk: Electro-Magnetic Pulse

  Note: written on Jun 15, 1999. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  What is electro-magnetic pulse, but something that your earth experiences regularly. You have a magnetic field which

  envelopes the earth and its diminishing in strength and becoming disbursed, as is well know by the people who

  measure this. 2,000 years ago, when the 12th Planet was farther from your solar system on its long journey, your

  magnetic field was stronger. So what would be strange about a strong pulse? Strong pulse’s happen all the time. Pilots

  can tell you this. They discount their compasses. They say something must be wrong, it’s averse their other signals, so

  they ignore their magnetic guides. Magnetism does not kill people. This is a falsehood. Therefore, since magnetism

  and the magnetic field
is intrinsic to the core of your earth, there all the time, why would this be causing an increase in

  earthquakes, at the same time that magnetism is disbursing and decreasing? Therein lies the illogic. Electromagnetic

  pulses are not causing an increase in volcanism and earthquakes, else the earth’s magnetic field would be increasing at

  the same time, not decreasing.

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  http://www.zetatalk2.com/poleshft/p107.htm[2/5/2012 9:56:18 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Asteroid Impact

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  ZetaTalk: Asteroid Impact

  Note: written on Jun 15, 2001 during the 2001 sci.astro debates.

  An asteroid impact is a hypothetical explanation for whale bones found on mountain tops, hundreds of miles inland,

  and folklore reports of gigantic tidal waves. This of course falls in line with the current hype designed to get funding

  for a reactivated Star Wars, which has nothing to do with nuclear defense and everything to do with putting up an

  offensive against Planet X. Thus, the horror of Near Earth Objects is trotted out, and movies such as Armageddon are

  promoted, so the public will put their money behind a defense. The asteroid impact explanation cannot hold against the

  evidence, unless the evidence it sliced into such tiny bits that the whole is not considered.

  How would an asteroid impact cause the oceans of the world to drop 16-20 feet within the last 3,500 years, such

  that water polished stones are above the tide line worldwide? This would require an asteroid impact that affected, evenly, the oceans worldwide, and created waves that washed the stones for years, to coincide with the evidence.

  How would an asteroid impact cause the Earth's crust to shift such that Mastodons which had only moments

  before been munching on green grass found themselves in the polar circle and were flash frozen and preserved

  in that state for the next few thousand years?

  How would an asteroid impact cause magnetic resonance to be strongest approximately 2,000 years ago, per

  human recording, yet be diminishing since that point such that it is estimated that within another 1,250 years


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