ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Page 50

by Nancy Lieder

  magma continue to press for rotation, will have made any further imposition of Martial Law in the world impossible.

  All travel and traffic will be stopped, all communications down, the world frozen in horror, waiting for the next blow.

  What events are to occur during the 5.9 days of rotation stoppage are not clear, outside of what a moaning and

  continuously trembling Earth and the hysteria and confusion a long day or long night will create. We have explained

  that water will flow from the Equator to the Poles, creating deceptive beaches, and that wind will smooth the air

  temperatures worldwide, implying strong and unusual windstorms, and by implication that the stress on the crust will

  find the crust snapping and adjusting as these days pass, with cities imploding, bridges and roadways and rail lines

  distorted, all the infrastructure of man’s civilized existence rupturing, the broken link theory applied, becoming


  The cover-up will long since have become a casualty. A globe falling to its side during an increasing wobble and

  rolling its N. Pole away from the Sun will get the attention of even those most determined to run from the truth. It is

  upon them, and will not go away. Regardless of the degree of Earth changes, the severity of quakes or where the

  waters of the oceans will go during these days, the sociology impact will be immense. Those in denial, unable to

  envision anything but the security of their current world, will plunge into frantic resistance, arguing with the facts,

  frantically going about their normal routine and insisting that all is well, attacking any who say otherwise. Others, in

  great numbers, will quietly go insane. Certainly, the social infrastructure will break, jobs unattended or if attended

  mistakes made. If utilities such as water and power do not falter from breaks and explosions, they will falter from lack

  of attention. The attempts by those who would impose Martial Law to claim this is terrorism will fall on deaf ears, nor

  will the troops required to impose this have anything on their minds other than what the import of all this on their

  personal lives might mean. Social disruption, the moorings asunder.

  What sequence of events will occur up until this severe 270° roll occurs we will hold in abeyance, in order to best

  discombobulate the establishment. They are still clinging to the notion that they will commandeer all the oil fields of

  the world, guarded by the US Military, black gold to be used as the next commodity in the future when survivors will

  sell their children and their freedoms in order to stay warm. Black gold to run the war machines of the world, ensuring

  world domination to he who owns the oil fields. That Iraq is in tatters and all tapped oil fields will explode into

  fireballs and all oil tanks likewise rupture and be disbursed has not occurred to these megalomaniacs. They are still

  clinging to the notion that a passage might happen without the severe Earth changes we have predicted, and want their

  paper ownership of the world to remain intact until that notion is disproved, utterly. Beach property, the solvency of

  banks and nations, corporate equity and the false value placed on commodities, all to retain their worth until the shores

  are awash and the cities in dust. Meanwhile, they lay their plans, prepare for their families, and plot how to enslave the

  common man whom they assume will be taken by surprise, and therefore be vulnerable.

  But what is the common man expecting, and aware of? In every culture, in every country, there is some clue of the

  coming times in folklore and prophecy. In every case, this leads with the worst, descriptions of the final convulsions

  the Earth will go through on her way to rebirth. In every case, there are signs to look for when this time draws near. In

  every case, there is no clear indication of the date. In this regard, ZetaTalk did not differ from what existed in folklore

  and prophecy, describing the hour of the shift and heralding signs and declining to name a date. We have described increasing weather swings of drought and deluge, switching about for seemingly no reason, since 1995, and these have

  occurred. We have described earthquakes and volcanic activity increasing on a linear basis up until the last days, with

  the cover-up of this increase and lack of media attention keeping pace, and this likewise has occurred. We have

  described problems with maintaining satellites in the months before the pole shift, and this has become apparent to the

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta198.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:17 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Clear Message

  common man even with extensive backup systems sent aloft to guard against this. We have described what signs the

  common man should look for, in order to time his escape to safety, and described in great detail what traps to avoid

  and how to prepare for the Aftertime. Regardless of what sequence of events will occur between now and then, he is

  armed. The breaches in the sequence of events, however, are designed to disarm the establishment, who will find

  themselves on a level, a par, with the common man they so disdain.

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  ZetaTalk: Hale-Bopp

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  Note: written on Aug 15, 1995. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  The Zetas have commented on Hale-Bopp since it first hit the press in mid-1995. They have stated that Hale-Bopp is a

  fraud, designed to get the populace looking in the wrong direction, not toward Orion. The many faces of the Hale-

  Bopp Fraud, and what the Zetas said about them at the time, are in detail on pages linked to from the outline below.


  Aug- Hale-Bopp = a nova


  Hale-Bopp is nothing more than a distant star, and will draw no closer. The 12th Planet, a true messenger of

  death, will not even get the attention the fraudulent Hale-Bopp is getting today. That's because it's a real threat,

  not a diversion.


  Aug- Hale-Bopp = a nova


  Why has Hale-Bopp, at this time, decided to fragment and explode, growing in brightness? This is decidedly

  not the pattern that comets present, but it is the pattern of exploding stars, super novas, which become for a

  brief time visible, and then wink out.


  Aug- Hale-Bopp = a nova


  Outbursts occur when comets fragment on nearing the Sun, being of a composition that cannot withstand the

  exposure. The 1993 outburst story stands directly at odds with the orbital computation, which places Hale-

  Bopp, so the story goes, in a regular orbit around the Sun every 4,000 years or so!


  Aug- Hale-Bopp = a nova


  The diffuse brightness of an exploding star provides a fairly large area of bright points, as the mass of the star

  spirals outward with fiercely burning portions away from the star center, which is dimming. Just which of those

  little pin points is considered the so-called comet head?


  Sep- Hale-Bopp = a nova


  No comet emissions have been discerned except by an Arizona friend of Hale's. These tentative emissions

  hardly weigh against La Silla's study, which is authoritative. Why did La Silla call Hale-Bopp an "unusual"

  comet, with a broad area of a supposed dust cloud not usually found surrounding a comet.


  Oct- Hale-Bopp = Sagittarius unmapped stars


  This unfortunate conspiracy began with the best of intent
ions at the bequest of MJ12, in fact, who had

  neglected to update their lackeys on the latest. The conspirators were going under the prior directives, which

  were to focus attention away from the pending reentry of the 12th Planet into your Solar System.


  Oct- Hale-Bopp = Sagittarius unmapped stars

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  ZetaTalk: Hale-Bopp


  (Talking about the nova.) The public has been given many images of Hale-Bopp, all with slightly different

  backgrounds, as the light range was adjusted each time to allow or screen out certain spectrums. Thus, it

  appears from the photos that Hale-Bopp must be moving.


  Nov- Hale-Bopp = Sagittarius unmapped stars


  (Talking about the nova.) A late summer ESO report stated as clearly as the ESO dared that Hale-Bopp was not

  a comet, based on the lack of comet emissions and expansive behavior. They did not publish the many

  concurrent findings that demonstrated that Hale-Bopp is an exploding star.


  May- Hale-Bopp = star clusters or black space


  (Talking about the nova.) Why did the various major observatories around the world assume the head of Hale-

  Bopp to be various different things - a dark area, a bright spot, a dark areas to the side of a bright spot - all

  while the head was the basis of the supposed orbit tracking? Why was it necessary for the IAU to toss out 90%

  of the data submitted to it for the announced orbit to be found to be correct? Is this science, that the assumption

  overrules the data?


  Jun- Hale-Bopp = real comet #1


  Take a check on where all these almost daily changes in the ephemerides are leading, astronomers of the world,

  as they are leading right to where a face saving comet that's a real comet is coming from. They plan to hide

  Hale-Bopp behind a real comet. What comet, ever, has had this kind of manipulation in its orbit?


  Jul- Hale-Bopp = real comet #1


  All roads seem to lead to Gamma Andromedae, where this does not logically follow! They would marry their

  fraud, Hale-Bopp, with a double star, Gamma Andromedae, and what a glorious perihelion that would be! This

  required manipulation of the orbit such that it moved away from Jupiter, rather than being perturbed toward the



  Nov- Hale-Bopp = behind the Sun


  Hoagland's early conclusion that what NASA was calling Hale-Bopp was an object under intelligent control

  gave the conspirators a way out. Those who have spread this gossip are all firmly in the palm of the

  conspirators, cooperating.


  Nov- Hale-Bopp = behind the Sun


  We predict that the single individual, the NASA Principal Investigator who has been given exclusive rights to

  Hubble pictures of Hale-Bopp, will come forward and grant the public a look at these prizes. However, these

  pictures will be of times long past.


  Dec- Hale-Bopp = behind the Sun


  It zigs and zags without any astronomical reason, perturbing away form Jupiter, having its turnaround at

  perihelion tightening, all unexplained by the orbit plotters. Along the way they have also lined their fraud up

  with star clusters and when the orbit was in the comet belt, with faint peripheral comets that JPL and NASA

  spied with their equipment.

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  ZetaTalk: Hale-Bopp


  Jan- Hale-Bopp = real comet #2


  Is it not supposed to be a glorious panorama across the sky at this point? Is it not to take the breath of the

  beholder away at this point? The comet of the millennium? A comet of such massive proportions that it was

  outbursting out past Jupiter?


  Mar- Hale-Bopp = real comet #2


  It is not what was advertised and pointed to in 1995. It is not what folks were advised to track through

  Sagittarius in late 1995. It is not what folks were struggling to see in early 1996, nor the brief alignment of a

  comet in June-July of 1996. It is not the many star clusters that the Hale-Bopp orbit was aligned with during its

  twists and turns that broke all the rules of Orbital Elements and have never been explained by JPL. And it will

  prove not to be what has been billed for Hale-Bopp at perihelion. Imagine what you might see with the Hubble,

  above the atmosphere which clouds mankind's view of his Solar System. Imagine what information is received

  by the NEAT program. Comets are so many gnats in the sky that NASA and JPL fail to report as they are

  forbidden to take advantage of their superior view in this matter.



  Hale-Bopp = real comet #2


  The tale told by the angle of the two tails, the ion tail in particular as it points away from the Sun, shows that

  this comet is not at the distance claimed by the conspirators. What angle should that tail pointing away from

  Earth be? Is it at that angle? Here's the rub! Is this a big comet far away or a small comet much closer!



  Hale-Bopp = real comet #2


  The single clue available to the populace is the angle of the tail which points directly away from the Sun. As we

  have explained, drawing a simple diagram as viewed from well above the Solar System and placing a comet in

  this or that position relative to the Earth and Sun will quickly show that the comet cannot be at the distance


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  ZetaTalk: Shramek Object

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  ZetaTalk: Shramek Object

  Note: written on Nov 15, 1996.

  A consistent theme surrounding the Hale-Bopp fiasco has been that of an intelligently driven star-like object. At first,

  when the Hale-Bopp hoopla was just breaking news, Hoagland went onto the Art Bell talk show to announce that he

  suspected Hale-Bopp of being not a comet but an intelligently driven star-like object. An otherwise sober and

  grounded scientist, Hoagland seemed out of character in this announcement, and for good reason. This was not

  Hoagland’s conclusion, but a conclusion he was asked to announce by none other than the Hale-Bopp conspirators,

  who reach some lofty posts in NASA and comet central, Harvard's IAU. But aren't Hoagland and NASA engaged in a

  perpetual fight over the Mars and Moon images and the endless lies that NASA proffers? They are indeed often at

  odds, but in the good-ol-boy world of NASA progress often requires compromise, and we would point out that NASA

  has recently agreed to image those portions of Mars of interest to Hoagland on its next trip.

  Since the Hale-Bopp conspirators did not go along with the original plan to fragment their fraud shortly after it was

  announced, the nova that was being pointed to as the Hale-Bopp comet faded and died as novas do. Thus, the

  conspirators are left with dodging the orbit of their fraud behind this star or that in the mostly unmapped star studded

  swamp of Sagittarius, and for a period of time during late summer of 1996, lining it up with a distant comet that

  NASA and JPL had spied in the proper vicinity. All those sometimes daily ephemeride changes did indeed have a

reason, and when they became embarrassing they were no longer posted on the Internet where questions would be

  raised. The conspirators now found they had an embarrassment on their hands, and with ZetaTalk breathing down their

  necks pointing out just how the fraud was being perpetrated, they were being forced down a narrow tunnel to

  perihelion, a perihelion that would not be the glorious show that had been announced.

  Thus, more apparent enemies of NASA were enlisted to divert the attention of the average man, while hopefully saving

  face for those who had foisted the Hale-Bopp conspiracy onto mankind. They would revisit the intelligently driven

  star-like object theme, but as Hale-Bopp was no longer bright, and is in fact an object the conspirators do not want the

  public looking at closely, they ascribed the intelligence to what they called a Hale-Bopp companion. Shramek, while

  appearing to be suspicious of NASA and JPL statements, is well in bed with them on this, and is being belittled by

  those who want to be remembered as sober and serious minded astronomers according to plan. Where the astronomers

  of the world quickly identified the object in Shramek's images as a well-known star, the man-on-the-street is supposed

  to remember only that something odd was chasing Hale-Bopp just before is disappeared. Thus mankind has heard lies

  about Hale-Bopp - coming and going.

  All rights reserved: [email protected]

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  ZetaTalk: Psi-Tech Pathogens

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  ZetaTalk: Psi-Tech Pathogens

  Note: written on May 15, 1997. Planet X and the 12th Planet are one and the same.

  A recent prediction from Psi-Tech, yet another remote viewing front for CIA disinformation, is ridiculous to the point

  of being debunkable by the man on the street - the announcement that Hale-Bopp is somehow carrying a pathogen to

  kill plant life on Earth. With UFO sightings increasing and becoming virtually commonplace, the common man must

  wonder why aliens with such intentions need to use a slow moving comet to carry such a package. This latest silliness


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