ZetaTalk: Pole Shift

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ZetaTalk: Pole Shift Page 61

by Nancy Lieder

  other evidence of Planet X and its vast tail have already been noted - such as the Norway swirl, neon clouds, and the

  recent Australian radar circles. We have hinted that there are more things pending, which will discombobulate the

  establishment and put rips in the cover-up. By layering lie upon lie, those in NASA will only compound the rage that

  the public will visit upon them when the truth is finally out.

  One analysis was to note the smeared appearance, which does not appear on C3 images that are legit and

  untouched. In fact, the doctored appearance on the image posted on the German debunker site has a

  different appearance than the doctored appearance on the NASA archives for SOHO. Note also the dark

  blue area under the paste, which is not consistent with the sunrays coming from the Sun.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta559.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:42 AM]

  ZetaTalk: NASA Cover-up

  For comparison, a legit image from March 27, 2009 3:18 showed now such signs of smearing or cut-and-


  I did an enhancement from one of the posted images dated 1999/08/15. The grouping around the main

  body from 1999 shows a different pattern grouping of material than the pattern grouping of material of

  analysis of current SOHO images of Planet X that I've enhanced. The enhancement that I used to show the

  grouping pattern of PX came from a blog entitled "Lasco C2 Frame 2010/01/22 11:54". The enhanced

  picture shown is Lasco C2 Frame 2010/01/22 11:54.

  Doctored SOHO C2 images likewise showed the smeary effect, when the colors were reversed. Plus the C2

  image on the German site for August 15, 1999 2:30 was again different from that drawn from the SOHO

  archives maintained by NASA.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta559.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:42 AM]

  ZetaTalk: NASA Cover-up

  For comparison, a SOHO C2 image for January 21, 2010 at 7:31 show what a color reversal on a non-

  doctored image looks like.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta559.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:42 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Moons Astray

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  ZetaTalk: Moons Astray

  written January 27, 2010

  Much speculation on the GLP message board

  http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message970474/pg1 regarding object seen on the Stereo Behind

  images. [and from another] Image of the Sun, taken by the SECCHI Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI) on

  the STEREO Behind observatory . The 195 Angstrom bandpass is sensitive to the Fe XII ionization state of

  iron, at a characteristic temperature of about 1.4 million degrees Kelvin.

  Recently the Internet was abuzz with images from NASA's Stereo Behind satellite, showing what is purported to be

  Earth-sized objects circling and close to the Sun. The assumption was made that these objects were circling the Sun, as

  the traditional trajectories of round-and-round or a comet trajectory slinging slowly past the Sun were assumed. What

  else is there? In man's limited knowledge, there is so much about Planet X that does not fit, does not have a slot. Thus

  the sling orbit of Planet X past the Sun, and the Moon Swirls of Planet X have no place in mankind's knowledgebase.

  Even when it is obvious. Planet X is in the vicinity. As the Winged Globe showing up on a C3 images demonstrate. As the Red Cross showing up on the Stereo Ahead images demonstrate. And as numerous Moon Swirls, compete with

  trailing red dust tails, demonstrate. These are a few examples that have given NASA fits, as they are tasked with denying the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system.

  NASA's Stereo cameras overlap, recording the areas in front of the Sun, and this is where Planet X rides at present,

  slightly to the right of the Sun in the view from Earth. Thus, the corpus of Planet X appears on the Stereo Ahead images

  on rare occasions. But the Moon Swirls can waft a long distance from the corpus of Planet X, when hosed out from the

  magnetic N Pole of Planet X and caught in the turmoil of conflicting magnetic fields, and thus can cross over to the area

  visible to the Stereo Behind camera. This is what has been sighted. These moons of Planet X are not Earth sized, though

  many are larger than the Earth's Moon.

  We have stated that under normal circumstances for Planet X and its entourage, the large Moons in the swirls are no

  further from Planet X than 5 million miles. Thus, at the moment of passage when the Earth is pulled toward Planet X so

  as to be as close as 14 million miles, these moons will not be a danger to Earth. The 5 million mile distance is true when

  Planet X is out in space, subject only to its own magnetic field, or standing upright in alignment with the Sun's magnetic

  field. But when Planet X is in the midst of a 270° roll it is at cross currents to the Sun's magnetic field, and is engaging

  the Earth's magnetic field into a merged field. Thus, on occasion, these moons are blown some distance from the corpus

  of Planet X, due to magneton crowding. This potential does not last, ending during the last weeks when the Earth begins

  to stop its rotation and be drawn toward Planet X to the point where it is only some 14 millions miles away. But in the

  meantime, mankind can have some heart-stopping moments. If you think the current situation is drama, just wait!

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta560.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:43 AM]

  ZetaTalk: NASA's Movies

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  ZetaTalk: NASA's Movies

  written April 28, 2010

  What is the bright object seen moving from right to left in the Stereo Ahead COR2 images since April 21,


  This is similar to a bright object discovered in the archives for the period around August 15, 2008, moving

  left to right in the COR2 images, and both these times coincide with when Venus would be expected to be

  on the opposite side of the Sun in line of view of the COR2 cameras.

  NASA claims the objects is Venus, but many people feel it is too bright to be Venus. The Stereo satellites

  are on either side of Earth, one ahead and one behind in Earth's orbit. They started out at the Earth in

  2006 when launched, and are spreading apart along the orbit path since then, at even intervals from the

  Earth, apparently under some sort of propulsion and remote control. Are the Stereo satellites moving

  around in Earth's orbit even though Earth is stalled?

  If the Earth has halted in her orbit since December, 2003, and Venus likewise became trapped in front of Planet X as it

  was slowly creeping past the Sun, then what gives? We have mentioned that we simulate reality while the cover-up

  over Planet X is firmly in place, so that the establishment does not panic in anticipation of rioting by the citizenry. The

  Council of Worlds allows enough to be obvious to the common man so that those who are courageous enough to face

  the future and plan for their safety and the safety of their loved ones can do so. Those who would make demands on

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta576.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:44 AM]

  ZetaTalk: NASA's Movies

  their governments, or panic, are thus allowed to continue to lull themselves with denial. Thus a duality exists in what

  mankind perceives. On the one hand the Earth wobble is evident, the Sun rising and setting where it ought not, the

  Moon well out of position, the weather and tides extreme, the uptick in earthquakes and volcanism obvious, and

  Second Sun and Moon Swirl sightings increasingly captured on video. On the other hand, official sites such as the

  SOHO and Stereo sites pronounce all is normal and provide regular images that seemi
ngly prove this point. But the

  Council of Worlds is allowing a steady slip of the cover to reveal the truth about the presence of Planet X in the inner

  solar system.

  In step with the establishment's slipping grip on power, their steady escape to their enclaves and out of the public view,

  the truth is revealed. This has been paced so that those individuals who would slaughter millions in their own panic are

  out of power before revelations occur. Thus, in 2009 and 2010, Planet X and its Moon Swirls increasingly showed up

  on SOHO and Stereo images, even the individual moons on Stereo Behind images, in step with bizarre atmospheric

  phenomena like the Norway swirl and the Australian radar circles. NASA has launched the Stereo satellites not to view the backside of the Sun, though this is the public mission statement, but to triangulate the position of Planet X as it

  approaches Earth for the passage. The launch was in 2006, well past the time when the Earth was halted in her orbit.

  Why would a moving Earth have satellites on either side with a steadily increasing distance from the Earth unless the

  Earth were halted? If the goal were to see the backside of the Sun, one would merely have to drop a satellite near

  Earth's orbit and wait 6 months for a full 360 round view of the Sun.

  The Stereo satellites, thus, have a similar and coinciding view of the Sun to the SOHO view, where SOHO is

  stationary in front of the Earth. SOHO is at least 50% a programmed movie, with the planets anticipated to be in

  transit showing up on schedule and a background of stars appropriate for what would be anticipated. The solar flares

  are real, though during attempts to remove evidence of Planet X from SOHO images the programs show obvious edit

  lines. As we have explained, the programs are not sensitive to color gradations, like the human eye, and thus build in

  bloopers for the public to discover. Thus, in order to effect the appearance of normalcy, with an Earth moving in her

  orbit and Venus appearing opposite the Stereo satellites at times, the passage of Venus was likewise inserted into

  appropriate Stereo images. How long will this game go on? Until what is obvious to man, what the common man sees

  in the skies, is so disjunct from what NASA is foisting on the public that NASA is forced to close down and refuse

  comment. By then, for most of mankind, the chance to plan for their safety will be past. Until this point in time, those

  who are in denial, and need denial as they are insecure individuals unable to face a harsh reality, will continue to

  assert, loudly, that all is normal.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta576.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:44 AM]

  ZetaTalk: High Drama

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  ZetaTalk: High Drama

  written April 29, 2010

  A video taken of the night sky just after sundown on April 26, 2010 at 9:30 pm EST, shows Venus to be

  huge. The YouTube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUj4sn_J1ys has captured the Pleiades too.

  Comments from others indicate this size has been seen naked eye lately. [and from another] What i'm

  seeing in the Western sky for 7 months seems to be getting very large to me. So, to me? it appears to be

  getting closer to us. [and from another] I've never seen something so bright other then the Sun and Moon

  in the sky. It appears in the same spot. West over NYC after the sun is down. [and from another] Last

  night before Calgary (where I reside) had overcast at night Venus was massive!

  And what of our own role in simulating the normal appearance of Venus in the sky? We had admitted to the Council's

  role in this, along with moving the Moon or bending light rays to effect an Eclipse that would be closely watched by

  mankind. Will these practices start to slip, in pace with the establishment's weakened hand? It is now the view of the

  Council of Worlds that some evidence that matters are not normal be allowed into the public view. Much drama can be

  anticipated. Venus is currently being pushed back and forth, within the eddy flow cup in front of Planet X. But as

  Planet X approaches, tightening the distance between itself and the Earth, the three planets caught in the cup will be

  squeezed closer together. Depending upon the opinion of the Council, man may find Venus outside its orbit and

  looming close to the Earth. The Dark Twin is currently being pressed further behind the Earth, squeezed out of their

  shared orbit to be somewhat behind the Earth. The angle for reflected sunlight thus will change, so that it might again

  reflect the bluish light with flashes of yellow seen then it first emerged from behind the Sun.

  Scallion talked about a "blue star", the Hopi prophecy, stating "The Blue Star Kachina of the Hopi Indians

  will appear from behind the sun, traveling towards Arcturus". The Dark Twin does move from behind the

  Sun. But the Hopi prophecy only seems to predict visibility to man, not location. Here's the Hopi prophecy

  sans Scallion's spin ""When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World

  will emerge".

  [and from another] From Worlds in Collision, by Velikovsky:

  Now there exists a remarkable fact: the native of pre-Columbian Mexico expected a new catastrophe at

  the end of every period of fifty-two years and congregated to await the event. They watched for the

  appearance of the planet Venus. … The astronomical texts of the Babylonians describe the horns of the

  planet Venus. Sometimes one of the two horns became more prominent. Because the astronomical works

  of antiquity have so much to say about the horns of Venus, modern scholars have asked themselves

  whether the Babylonians could have seen the phases of Venus, which cannot now be distinguished with the

  naked eye. The horns were the illuminated portions of the coma of Venus, which stretched toward the


  [and from another] From the Kolbrin:

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta577.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:45 AM]

  ZetaTalk: High Drama

  Origins 8:3 They worshipped in error, the malignant horned star and her escorts.

  Creation 4:5 Then came the day when all things became still and apprehensive, for God cuased a sign to

  appear in the Heavens, so that men should know the Earth would be afflicted, and the sign was a strange


  Creation 4:6 The star grew and and waxed to great brightness and was awesome to behold. It put forth

  horns and sang, being unlike any other ever seen.

  Creation 4:7 Then God manifested Himself in the Heavens, His voice was as the roll of thunders and He

  was clothed with smoke and fire. He carried lightnings in His hand and His breath, falling upon the Earth,

  brought forth brimstone and embers.

  Scrolls 33:12 Great Mistress of the stars, let us abide in peace, for we fear the revelations of your horns.

  Remain ever constant as a good wife to the Lord of the Day. When women are as men and inconsistent as

  women, the hour appraoches when the Great Lady will wander. When man and woman meet as one in

  likeness, the Fiery Heralds will appear in the darkness of the sky vault.

  [and from another] From ZetaTalk, Mar 10, 2007 ../index/zeta361.htm

  It is between the Sun and Earth, which it holds in an eddy flow of particles coming round the backside of

  Planet X from the Sun. Venus is likewise caught in the cup, as is Earth's Dark Twin which came around

  behind Earth when it halted in its orbit. Planet X moved closer to the Sun than Mercury, but Mercury

  escaped during a lucky moment and when Planet X passed beyond its orbit, was free to go round the Sun

; on its merry way. Venus is moved to simulate its orbit when viewed from Earth, just as the Earth's seasons

  are simulated by tilting the Earth or dropping or raising it below of above the Ecliptic. Venus and Earth

  and the Dark Twin are increasingly clashing with each other, as we have explained. This is drama we will

  not detail as again, we want the establishment discombobulated.

  http://www.zetatalk2.com/index/zeta577.htm[2/5/2012 9:57:45 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Blue Clues

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  ZetaTalk: Blue Clues

  written May 4, 2010 on the GodlikeProduction live chat.

  Venus is notably bright and huge in the western sky after sunset,

  as photos taken of this planet show, but why is it also appearing

  to be blue in a set of photos taken from Illinois on May 2, 2010

  at 9:20 pm? This is the signature of the Dark Twin, which is a

  black hunk of rock which only reflects some blue and yellow

  light? The color is unmistakable, and color inversion shows the

  opposite of this pale blue, a pale pink, to be the dominant color.

  The location of the planet appears to be where Venus is expected, at Azimuth 292 Altitude 8, and the

  photographer reported he saw this in the NW sky. So is this Venus, looming close, or the Dark Twin?

  These snips below are from the photos are the actual size seen in the sky, as the photographer was not

  zooming his view!

  Here is the blue Venus in the five photos, zoomed 600%, brightened, and color inverted to show the

  dominant colors.

  It is both, and thus the situation is confused. Venus casts light, and the Dark Twin adds to the hue. There is an

  astrophysics term called blooming, which means that light which passes by another gravity object pulls toward it, and

  thus the light emitted or reflected by that gravity object is increased. This is Venus, with light from the Dark Twin in

  the near vicinity pulled toward it, and thus the confusing picture of what looks like a tail, or swirling debris, around


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