Marked by Power (The Marked Series Book 1)

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Marked by Power (The Marked Series Book 1) Page 15

by Cece Rose

  “Early to class, I’m shocked,” Locke whispers as five more students walk into the room.

  “It is shocking,” Logan agrees.

  “I’m not late to everything,” I say, and they both laugh. I go to ask Logan what he’s doing here, when a teacher walks into the room and slams the door shut, making herself jump. The teacher looks in her mid-thirties with long, blonde hair, a sweet face that makes her look young, and she is wearing a long jumper and jeggings. She looks beautiful, but normal, it’s shocking compared to the teachers in this place.

  “Silly door,” she mumbles, walking into the classroom and dropping her bag on the floor. She spots both twins sitting in the room and frowns. “Which one of you isn’t meant to be in here?” she asks. They both shrug and keep their mouths shut. She sighs and looks around the rest of the room.

  “Fine, both of you stay. So, hi everyone, except you. You’re new?” she asks me, smiling as she walks over and offers me her hand to shake. I shake her hand as I speak.

  “I’m Mackenzie, and I haven’t been able to come to class before this.” She nods as understanding washes over face.

  “Miss Perfect with twelve marks can’t even defend herself against an old teacher,” I hear whispered from behind me. The comment is met with laughter as my cheeks go red. It wasn’t like that, but this is all I’ve been hearing all week in my classes. Luckily, the guys are always with me and defend me, even Enzo did despite the fact he isn’t talking to me since he saved my life. I remember in the vision how he kissed my forehead, how close we got on that sofa and now nothing. It was beyond frustrating and confusing.

  “Dickhead,” Locke mutters angrily and stands up, lifting his hand and sending the two students flying into the air and landing on their asses across the room.

  “Nice one, twin,” Logan laughs, sliding his hand into mine.

  “What the hell?” one of the guys says as he stands up, offering a hand to his friend. Locke goes to step forward when the teacher puts her hand in front of him, and a large ward appears, spreading around Locke and keeping him trapped in place. I don’t think Locke is really trapped as he doesn’t fight it, but looks down at me.

  “Locke, or Logan—whichever one you are—that was not nice,” she says to him, before turning toward the student who was whispering. “But, neither were your comments to Mackenzie. I want everyone to sit down, and if I hear any more comments or use of the air mark, then I will kick you all out,” she says firmly, smoothing down her dress and sighing.

  “Now, I’m Miss Ash, but you can call me Tia,” she says to me gently, as she lowers the ward around Locke, and he grumpily returns to his seat. I hear the other guys sit down behind me as Tia carries on talking.

  “So, in previous classes we have been testing our protection ward and going over the various uses we have for it,” she tells us.

  “I want you to pair up and carry on the testing we have been doing in the last few lessons. Mackenzie, I will pair up with you, and we shall start at the beginning,” she tells me, and I nod, standing up, as everyone else does, and letting go of Logan’s hand. I walk over to Tia, and she gestures for me to stand in front of her.

  “So, have you used your protection ward before?” she asks me.

  “Yes, I used it to block a pain mark being used on me. And then, I used it again when Mr. Layan . . .,” I let my words drift off, and she nods, a sympathetic look crossing over her face.

  “I heard what weapon he used, wards cannot protect against mark-laced weapons,”

  “I figured that one out,” I whisper.

  “Also, Mr. Layan is very well-trained with his ten marks, and you still survived. If anything, you should be proud of yourself. I don’t believe I would survive a fight against him,” she tells me gently, and I can’t do anything but nod at her.

  “Well, why don’t you show me how you used the ward before?” she asks, and I close my eyes, imagining the protection ward and holding my hand up. The moment I start feeling my hand going warm, I imagine the look on Mr. Layan’s face as my ward failed and that dagger went through my stomach. I remember the pain, the fire, and the smoke. The feeling of helplessness as I choked.

  “I can’t,” I stumble out, dropping my hand and turning around. I’m gone, running out the door and down the corridor as I hear Locke and Logan shouting my name behind me. I used protection fine with Mr. Daniels, so why can’t I do it on my own? Why do I keep remembering that night?

  “Kenz,” Logan says as he catches up with me, grabbing onto my arm to stop me running anymore. When I look up at him, he pulls me into his arms and hugs me. Seconds later, I feel Locke rubbing a hand down my back as I try to get my breathing under control.

  “What happened?” Logan asks me gently, and I shake my head, not wanting to talk about it at all.

  “I have an idea. You need to relax a little, all work and no play can’t be good for you.”

  “Where should we go?” Logan asks Locke.

  “The restricted place? It could be fun?” Locke replies, and I let Logan take my hand, walking me down the corridor. Locke takes my other hand, entwining our fingers.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, feeling stressed and tired. Locke is right, it’s been too much training with Mr. Daniels, all my lessons, and then getting only five minutes a day to see anyone else before collapsing in bed.

  “Well, I may have a key to the entrance pool of the academy,” Locke says, pulling out his set of keys and flashing me an old-looking one. I laugh despite my mood, and he nods his head towards the big doors that lead to the pool.

  “What on earth are we going to do down there?” I ask, and it’s Logan that answers in a whisper as Locke opens the door.

  “Skinny dipping, what else?”

  “You, me, and Locke naked,” I blurt out as he moves closer and shocks me by pressing his lips gently against mine before pulling away before it can be classed as a real kiss.

  “That’s the plan,” he says, chuckling at my red cheeks and little smile.

  “Quick,” Locke says and opens the door slightly, so we can slide in and stops my imagination from going into overdrive about the thought of seeing them both naked. Locke turns on the flashlight on his phone as we walk down the steep steps and I look down, seeing a lump of fabric at the bottom of the steps.

  “What’s that?” I ask, but the twins don’t answer me as they both tense up. Logan quickly pushes me gently behind him as Locke steps closer. What don’t they want me to see? I look around Logan’s shoulder, and my eyes focus and take in the body at the bottom of the steps. I take an instant step back when I see the familiar white, long hair and black cloak, but then I notice the blood around his neck and all over his hair.

  Mr. Layan is dead.

  I spot a piece of paper in his hand. As much as I hate the man for what he did, I don’t want to see him dead like this. He deserved to die, but not having his throat slit and used to carry a message.

  “What does the note say?” I ask as Locke steps closer and looks around before kneeling next to Mr. Layan, pulling the note from his hand. Locke comes over giving me a worried look as he shows me the note. My heart almost stops as I read the name at the top.

  “It’s addressed to me,” I whisper, flipping the note over and reading the message on the other side.

  Miss Crowe,

  A present for you.

  We shall meet soon,

  —A Friend.

  “What kind of friend leaves you a dead body?” Logan asks, having read the note over my shoulder.

  “Not the kind of friend I’d like to keep,” I reply, feeling sick to my stomach.

  “I’ll call Mr Daniels, you get Kenzie back to the cabin,” Locke says to his brother.

  “Why are we leaving?” I ask as Logan already starts to tug me back up the stairs.

  “A man who attempted to kill you shows up dead, and you’re the one to find the body—in a place you shouldn’t even be able to get into. Who do you think they’ll consider as a suspect

  “Shit,” I mutter, seeing his point.

  “Come on, Locke and Mr. Daniels will take care of it. But as far as anyone else is concerned, you never saw that body. Okay, Kenzie?” he says, hurrying me out the door. I stare back at the door as we walk away from it. “Are we clear?” he asks, sliding a hand into mine.

  “Crystal,” I answer. I screw up the note in my other hand and shove it into my pocket, wishing I really hadn’t seen the body.

  Chapter 28


  I instantly regret the decision to have breakfast with my friends in the dining hall as soon as I walk in. Eyes follow me everywhere I walk, and silence or whispers are all I am greeted with. Great. News travels fast in the academy. I grab my food, then spot East, Kelly, and Enzo at our usual table and make my way over.

  Taking the seat between Easton and Kelly, I silently push my food around my plate. Other than a few hushed hellos as I sit down, our table keeps to the quiet that encompasses the rest of the room. I shovel some food in my mouth, not really tasting it.

  The silence is broken by the sound of laughter and chatting as the twins walk in, acting completely oblivious to the tension in the room. It has the effect of a popped balloon, suddenly everyone is talking again. They chat loudly as they grab their food and make their way across to us. They take their seats at the table, across from me and either side of Enzo.

  “You all look cheerful today,” Locke says, tucking into his food like he doesn’t have a care in the world.

  “Yeah, because dead bodies just fill us with cheer,” I mutter.

  “He tried to kill you, Kenzie. I can’t say I’m filled with sadness,” he replies, taking a big bite of toast.

  “Still, I don’t think that after we found—”

  “So, Kenzie, what classes do you have today?” Kelly quickly asks, changing the subject. I’m about to ask her what her deal is, when I realise what I’d almost said. Shit. I almost blew the ‘who really found the body secret’ the very next day. The only people who know are Mr. Daniels, and the people sitting around this table with me right now. I need to keep it that way.

  “Err . . . I only have earth class today, as air is cancelled . . . the normal teacher is still sick. Apparently, they’re one of those people who reject marked healing,” I answer.

  “Who would reject healing?” Kelly asks, a frown crossing her face.

  “I’m not sure, but after having healing not work properly on my stomach wound, I will never take it for granted again,” I reply.

  “You up for cutting class today, Kenz?” Logan asks.

  “Yes, because that went so well last time,” I whisper.

  “You need a break, you’re exhausted,” he says softly, reaching for my hand across the table.

  “Yeah, maybe I do need a break, but it can wait till this afternoon. If any of you have a free period, do you wanna come over to the cabin and hang out? I know Mr. Daniels is elsewhere today,” I ask everyone.

  “I have a class, but I’m more than happy to skip it,” Locke says.

  “Count me in,” Logan adds.

  “I was meant to be in air with you, so you know I’m free,” East says, giving me a small smile.

  “I’ll be there, Crowe,” Enzo answers, standing. “But, I’ve got something to do right now, I’ll see you all later,” he adds, and then turns and leaves, walking quickly and with purpose. He’s gone before we can ask him where he’s off to. I turn to Kelly for her answer.

  “Well?” I ask, smiling.

  “I’m free lesson-wise, I have plans, but can come later,” Kelly says softly.

  “Plans?” I question.

  “Don’t sound so surprised,” she says quickly.

  “What are you doing?” I ask her, the look on her face making me concerned.

  “Who are you, my keeper?” she snaps, standing up.

  “Don’t snap at Kenzie like that,” Locke says to Kelly. Crap, what is even happening here?

  “Kelly, what’s up with you?” I ask her, not really understanding the abrupt change in her behaviour.

  “Nothing, I just have plans. I’m sorry for snapping. I’ll see you later,” she stumbles out as she turns to leave.

  “Kelly, wait up!” I say standing.

  “Just leave me alone, Kenz. I have something to sort out,” she replies. She quickly makes her way out of the dining hall as I take my seat again.

  “That was weird,” East comments.

  “No fucking kidding,” I mumble, staring at the door. What is up with her recently? I feel East nudge me gently in the side.

  “Finish your breakfast, Kenz,” he says gently.

  I push the food around my plate, making a show of taking a few bites so as not to concern the guys, but the food is tasteless. I look up at the door again. I will find out what’s going on with you, Kelly. Even if I have to follow you to do it.

  Chapter 29


  After making my excuses to the guys about why I’m going to be late, I sneak off in search of Kelly. Luckily, it isn’t too hard to find her. I spot her making her way hurriedly across the courtyard by her dorm building. Gotcha.

  I follow at a distance, trying to keep out of her sight. I feel a bit like a creeper following my best friend around, but I know when something is up. There is most definitely something going on with my best friend right now, and I intend to find out what. I follow her quietly, trying to figure out where the hell she is going. It only becomes clear when I spot the building up ahead, the abandoned dorm building.

  Who is she meeting here?

  She slinks around the back of the building, and in through the back door that has again been left ajar. I wait a few minutes, hoping she’s moved within the building enough to not hear me follow her inside. Creeping as quietly as possible to the door, and slipping into the building. I try to focus on what’s around me, but it’s so dark in here. Damn it, why didn’t I bring my phone to use as a light? I wait for a minute, allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness. I slowly step further into the building, doing a quiet search of the lower floor, before determining that Kelly must have gone upstairs. Fuck, I hope they don’t creak.

  Moving quietly up the stairs, I tentatively place my foot on each next step, only slowly adding my weight. Eventually, I make it to the top of the stairs. Only having taken three steps away from the stairs, I freeze when I hear a voice. Kelly’s voice.

  “I cannot believe what you’re doing,” Kelly’s voice says.

  “It’s for the greater good, you should understand,” a man’s voice replies. A familiar voice. I move toward the voices.

  “The greater good? They killed a man!” Kelly snaps.

  “A man that tried to kill your best friend,” he replies.

  “Murder is wrong, no matter who it is you’re killing. They could have handed him over to the council and had him tried legally,” Kelly argues. My heart is thudding in my chest as I reach the door at the end of the corridor, where the voices appear to be coming from.

  “I didn’t kill him,” he replies.

  “You may as well have. You helped dump the body here, I saw it!” she snaps. Wait, what? Kelly saw the people leave the body?

  “Nobody saw us,” he grunts.

  “I saw it in a vision. I saw you put the note into his hand for Kenzie, how could you do that to her!” she asks.

  “He tried to kill her. He deserved it,” he replies. His voice—It can’t be.

  “You can’t be serious. You know I love you, but how am I meant to keep this to myself?” Kelly whispers. Kelly loves him? There has to be a mistake here, surely. I move to try and sneak a peek through the crack in the door.

  “I want us to be together, Kelly, but it’s too dangerous right now. We will be together soon, and none of this will matter. Once his plan is in motion, we won’t have to hide anymore,” he says softly, an almost promising tone to his voice. I catch a glimpse of the man with his hood up standing next to Kelly, he’s placed a hand on her cheek.
I feel sick to my stomach, I can’t watch this.

  “I can’t . . . you can’t trust them. What if they are going to hurt her? I heard the rumours, that they were here for her the day they attacked,” Kelly says.

  “They’re not going to hurt Kennie, they need her. You should know I wouldn’t let them hurt her,” he says, sounding a little offended by the idea.

  “Why do they need her?” Kelly asks.

  “I can’t tell you that right now, Kelly, but it’ll all be clear soon. Just trust me,” he pleads.

  “I-I don’t know if I can,” she replies so quietly I barely catch it. I watch through the crack in the door as he pulls down his hood, his back to me. He leans down, and they kiss. How did I not see this coming?

  “Trust me,” he says again. He turns slightly, and I dart back, afraid he’ll spot me. I back away, not able to listen to this conversation anymore.

  My brother. My best friend is in love with my brother.

  And even better, he’s involved with Mr. Layan’s murder.

  This cannot be happening.

  I make my way back out of the old dorm building as quietly, but quickly, as possible. Once I’m outside, I run. I run straight through the woods and toward the cabin, needing to get far away from there. A body crashes into mine, knocking, and then pinning, me to the ground. Fuck. I look up at Enzo’s face staring down at mine.


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