Cruisin' for a Bruisin' (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 9)

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Cruisin' for a Bruisin' (Cruise Ship Christian Cozy Mysteries Series Book 9) Page 8

by Hope Callaghan

  Millie offered a silent prayer for her young friend. “I’m ready to turn in. Tomorrow is a new day and I plan to get to the bottom of these attacks if it’s the last thing I do.”

  Chapter 12

  Millie tossed and turned all night as she worried about Brody. Maybe she could convince Patterson to switch Brody to another shift until this whole thing blew over and the crew turned their attention to someone or something else.

  There was also the puddle of blood Patterson noticed and Brody’s insistence he’d heard noises and then seen someone lying on the corridor floor. Something wasn’t adding up.

  It was still early when Millie gave up on sleeping. She crawled out of her bunk and crept to the bathroom.

  When she emerged, Danielle’s soft snores filled the small space and Millie snuck out of the room without disturbing her.

  Millie’s plan was to talk to Patterson. His shift hadn’t started yet so she headed to the library to get started on her board game project and mull over the list of suspects.

  Perhaps Brody had recently ended a relationship and the spurned lover was trying to get Brody fired. She hadn’t considered that angle.

  She pulled out the Candy Land game and dumped the colored game pieces on the table. First, there was Isaac, the guy Danielle mentioned from the bar. Danielle said Brody’s attacker reminded her of him. He also said Brody would be off the ship in 24 hours. Millie jotted his name on a slip of paper.

  There was also the second man in the bar, Hugh something. She wrote his name next.

  There was also Brody’s roommate. She made a mental note to track him down. There was also Sharky. Millie suspected he knew more than he let on.

  She worked on sorting board games until her grumbling stomach reminded her it was time to eat.

  The kitchen crew had turned the outdoor grill area into a breakfast buffet. Millie filled her plate with food, made a beeline for the beverage machines to grab a cup of caffeine and began searching for an empty table.

  Millie nearly passed by Brody, who was sitting alone at a large table. “Mind if I join you?”

  Brody looked up. A small welt was forming on the cleft of his chin. She set her tray on the table before pulling out an empty chair. “Brody! What happened?”

  He shook his head. “What are you talking about?”

  “The bruise on your chin.”

  Brody gingerly touched his chin. “It’s nothing. I’m fine.”

  Millie eased into her seat, unfolded her silverware and smoothed the napkin in her lap. Beating around the bush was getting her nowhere so she decided to take a direct approach.

  “Someone who works on this ship is determined to get you fired or worse yet, continue attacking you until you quit.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Brody reached for a glazed donut and took a big bite.

  “At first I thought someone was jealous of your promotion but I’ve heard the rumors there’s another reason and it has something to do with the Emerald Isle and your recent visit.”

  “That’s a bunch of garbage,” Brody said. “Besides that, it’s nobody’s business.”

  “I couldn’t agree more, but unfortunately someone else thinks differently. They need to be fired.” Millie sprinkled salt on her eggs and reached for her fork. “Patterson won’t tolerate these attacks.”

  Millie decided to change tactics. “You could just let them provoke you to the point of fighting back and then Patterson will have no choice but to fire you.”

  “Won’t happen.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Brody was stubborn as a mule and Millie could tell from the look on his face he wasn’t going to help her…help him.

  Brody inhaled his food and stood. “Got a meeting with Patterson.” He picked up his empty plate and then reached for his dirty napkin. “Thanks for trying to help Millie. It’s times like this you know who your real friends are and it looks like I only got a couple.”

  He didn’t wait for a reply as he turned on his heel and trudged off. Brody may have been trying to convince Millie to let it go, but it had the opposite effect. It was time for the good guy to finish first and Millie vowed to make sure it happened.


  “I need another meal to bribe Sharky.”

  Annette smoothed her wayward strands of hair and eased her chef’s hat on her head. “Well, we could do steak and eggs since we know he likes steak.”

  While Annette fried a steak in the pan, Millie explained what Danielle and she had witnessed the previous evening. “I ran into Brody at breakfast. The man has dug in his heels and refuses to discuss last night’s attack. Word on the ship is something is going to happen to Brody by the end of today.”

  “Another attack?” Annette asked.

  “Danielle told me last night a crewmember in the employee lounge was bragging Brody would be off the ship by the end of the day. There were two of them - Isaac and Hugh somebody. Later, she and I headed to an upper deck to keep an eye on him. We were only there a short time before we watched someone walk over to Brody at the guard gate and punch him in the face.”

  Annette turned toward Millie. “Did you recognize the person?”

  “Danielle thought it was the guy from the bar, Isaac, but she couldn’t be certain,” Millie said. “He was too far away and it was too dark to tell for sure.”

  She sucked in a deep breath. “I’m going to see if Sharky will let me borrow one of the night crew uniforms so I can keep an eye on Brody tonight.”

  “What if they don’t wait until tonight? What if they go after him while he’s in his cabin sleeping today?”

  Millie hadn’t considered that angle. “I hope not. We can’t guard his room all day.”

  “I have a better idea. You said he’s at a security meeting right now?”


  “Give me your access keycard and watch this steak,” Annette said.

  Millie removed her keycard and reluctantly placed it in Annette’s outstretched hand.

  “What? You don’t trust me?” Annette asked.

  “I do.” Millie briefly closed her eyes and visions of Annette getting busted with her keycard filled her mind. “Ignorance is bliss. I’ll watch Sharky’s breakfast.”

  “Perfect.” Annette darted out of the galley before Millie could change her mind.

  If Annette was caught sneaking into Brody’s cabin using Millie’s keycard, Brody wouldn’t be the only one off the ship by the end of the day.


  Annette tucked the small audio device in her front apron pocket and slipped out of her cabin. “C187,” she muttered under her breath and then smiled at a crewmember who passed her in the hall.

  In and out. Annette would tuck the small device in one of the ceiling panels inside Brody Rourke’s cabin and be out of there in less than 30 seconds.

  She was banking on the fact the cruise lines bunked the crewmembers who worked in the same departments together, which meant if her assumption was correct, Brody’s cabin mate, another member of the security crew, was also attending Patterson’s mandatory meeting.

  Her heart skipped a beat as she drew close to Brody’s cabin. At the far end of the hall, she could see workers walking in the other direction so she passed Brody’s cabin, turned around and began walking back.

  The ship’s crew disappeared from sight and Annette slipped Millie’s keycard into the slot. She waited for the familiar beep and eased the door open. “Hello?”

  No answer.

  “Hello? Brody? Your door was ajar.”

  Still no answer.

  Annette eased the door shut and then ran her hand along the wall as she searched for the light switch.


  Following the thunk was a shuffling noise. Someone was inside the dark cabin with her.

  Annette flipped the light on, her eyes attempting to adjust to the light. The room was empty. Convinced her mind was playing tricks on her; she inched forward and gazed into the small bathroom to her left.

hampoo bottle samples filled the counter. Stacked in one corner were bars of unopened soap. On the other side was a pile of disposable razors. Every square inch of real estate was covered with the complimentary goodies the housekeeping staff left inside the guests’ cabins.

  A towering mound of dirty towels covered the floor under the sink and the stench of body odor lingered in the air.

  Annette pinched her nose and breathed through her mouth as she passed the open door and hurried to the middle of the cabin. The clock was ticking and she needed to move fast.

  The small desk was full of empty drink cups, dirty dishes and an array of utility grade flashlights. There was also a stack of Tasers.

  Annette pulled out the first thing she laid eyes on …a cooler, and centered it close to the side of the bunkbeds. She climbed on top and pushed on one of the ceiling tiles. A cloud of thick gray dust fell from the corner and landed squarely on her face.

  The particles burned Annette’s eyes and she blinked rapidly. “Ugh.” She nudged the panel to the side, eased the device into the corner and then carefully slid the panel back in place, leaving only a small gap.

  With a quick swipe at her face, she eased off the cooler and slid it back to its original spot.

  Mission accomplished, she turned to go when the closet door flew open. “What are you doing in here?”

  Chapter 13

  “What am I doing in here?” Annette hissed. “What are you doing in here? Or better yet, how did you get in here?”

  “Wait.” Annette held up her hand. “Let’s have this conversation somewhere else.”

  “Agreed.” Danielle opened the cabin door and slipped into the hall. “Coast is clear.” She waved Annette out and then let the door close behind them.

  “Now. How did you get into Brody’s cabin?”

  “The door was ajar,” Danielle said.

  “For real. How did you get in there?” Annette asked.

  “I just told you. I came down to talk to Brody and his door was ajar so I let myself in,” Danielle insisted. “I heard the keycard in the door so I flipped the light off and hid in the closet until I realized it was you. What were you doing?”

  “I slipped an audio device behind a ceiling tile so I can keep an ear out for Brody today while he’s sleeping.”

  “But how did you get in his cabin?” Danielle asked. “I heard a keycard.”

  “I used a special access card.”

  “What?” Danielle gasped. “I can’t get a special clearance card but they gave it to you?”

  Annette started to correct her but changed her mind. “We can’t all have high level security clearance.”

  “But you run the galley. Why would you need high-level clearance? That’s not fair.” Danielle stomped her foot.

  “Danielle. Do you copy?” Danielle’s radio began to squawk.

  “Go ahead Andy.”

  “I need to see you in my office for a moment.”

  “I hope you didn’t get busted,” Annette teased.

  “Well, if I got busted, so did you.”


  Danielle grumbled under her breath until the women parted ways on deck three. Annette continued climbing until she reached deck seven and then strode into the galley.

  Millie, who had been pacing the floor, looked up when she spotted Annette. “Well?”

  Annette reached inside her pocket and handed Millie her keycard. “It went off without a hitch until Danielle popped out of Brody’s closet and scared me half to death.”

  “What was Danielle doing in Brody’s closet?” Millie asked. “Let me guess, she was checking on Brody and his door just happened to be open and she let herself in.”


  “So she busted you with my keycard?”

  “No. I let her believe I have high level security clearance now.”

  “Whew.” Millie rolled her eyes. “I bet that went over like gangbusters.”

  “Oh no. She went on and on. Poor Andy. He’s going to get an earful.”

  “Wait until she finds out you don’t have high level security clearance,” Millie said. “I finished fixing Sharky’s breakfast.

  “Looks good. Would you like me to go with you?” Annette asked.

  “No.” Millie shook her head. “I gather you have some way to listen in on the audio device.”

  Annette pulled her cell phone from her back pocket. “Yep. I have an app. The audio comes in clear as a bell. I’ll be able to hear a pin drop.”

  Millie thanked Annette for planting the device and then grabbed the plate of food. “Now let’s see if this spectacular breakfast meal is enough to get Sharky on board for an undercover mission.”

  “I’m in,” Annette said. “I wear a medium shirt, slacks, whatever.”

  “Got it. Wish me luck.” Millie placed a cover on the plate of food and headed out of the galley. She passed Amit in the hall and he gave her a strange look as he eyed the plate. “Don’t ask.”

  “Miss Millie,” Amit shook his head. “I never ask any more.”

  “Smart man.”

  When Millie reached the bottom of the ship, she made a beeline for Sharky’s office. The door was wide open and Sharky was leaning back in his chair, his feet propped up on the desk and an unlit cigar dangled from his mouth.

  He was talking on the phone but when he caught a glimpse of Millie holding a plate of food, he quickly ended the conversation. “Gotta go. Got an important meeting to attend.”

  Sharky slammed the phone down “I was just thinkin’ to myself, ‘Sharky,’ I said. ‘It’s time to go grab some grub’.” He rubbed his hands together. “Whatcha’ got?”

  Millie eased the plate onto the desk. “I have steak and eggs, along with a stack of silver dollar pancakes, strips of crispy bacon, sausage links and some toast.”

  “Sweet. I’m beginnin’ to wonder where you gals have been all my life.” Sharky lunged forward to grab the dish.

  “Not so fast.” Millie pulled it back, out of reach. “I have a favor to ask.”

  “Yeah?” Sharky lifted a brow. “What kind of favor?”

  “I need to borrow a couple maintenance uniforms for tonight’s shift.”

  “You still workin’ on the security guard’s deal?” Sharky asked. “Heard he’s leavin’ after tonight.”

  “That’s the problem,” Millie said. “Someone plans to get rid of Brody and I plan to stop them.”

  “Fifty bucks says it’s his cabin mate. He don’t wanna bunk with his type.”

  Millie ignored the comment. The cabin mate was on the suspect list but there were others, as well. “So you’ll let me borrow the uniforms?” She lifted the lid on the food.

  Sharky licked his lips, his eyes never leaving the plate. “Yeah. I can spare a couple. They’re in the locker in the corner.”

  Millie set the plate of food in front of Sharky and made her way to the metal cabinet. She rifled through the clothes until she found two pair of medium size slacks and two medium button-down shirts.

  She draped them over her arm and turned to go. “What time do we report for work?”

  Sharky looked up, his mouth full of food. “The second shift starts at eleven o’clock.”

  “We’ll see you then.” Millie lifted a hand to salute him before exiting the office.

  “I won’t be here,” Sharky called out. “When you get here, ask for Reef. He’s my right hand man and second in command. I’ll figure something out to keep you gals busy.”

  Judging by the tone of Sharky’s voice, she wasn’t sure if that was a promise or a threat. “Reef?”

  “Savage. Reef Savage.”

  Millie couldn’t wait to find out what ‘Reef’ looked like. She wondered if all the maintenance supervisors had nautical nicknames. “Thanks for the heads up.” She waved the pile of clothes. “Thanks for the clothes.”

  Sharky grunted. “I don’t wanna hear nothin’ about you getting into trouble down here. I got enough problems.”

  “We’ll do our be
st to stay under the radar.” Based on Millie’s track record, she couldn’t promise Sharky nothing would happen. Thwarting an imminent attack was sure to bring some sort of confrontation.

  She stopped by the gift shop to chat with Cat but the lights were off and the door locked so she headed to the kitchen. Annette, Amit and Cat were off in the corner, huddled close together.

  “What.” Millie was about to ask what they were doing when she spotted Annette holding her cell phone. She put a finger to her lips.

  Millie jogged across the room to join them.

  “…when they take you down, Bro. These dudes mean business this time.”

  “I can take care of myself,” Brody replied. The second part of his sentence was muffled.

  “I told you, no one will tell me who’s been behind the attacks.”

  There was a loud banging noise and then silence, followed by a heavy sigh.

  “That must’ve been Brody’s cabin mate,” Cat whispered.

  Millie’s stomach churned. “He was trying to warn Brody.” She began to pace back and forth. It was frustrating Millie to no end, like knowing you were about to crash and burn and could do nothing to stop it.

  “If we could just convince Brody to switch shifts until this whole thing blows over.”

  “He’s stubborn as a mule,” Millie said. “I’ve already tried talking to him.”

  “We’re going blindly into this surveillance,” Annette pointed out. “We have no idea who or what we’re looking for. In other words, we don’t have any suspects.”

  “Au contraire.” Millie lifted an index finger. “First there’s Brody’s cabin mate. We also have Isaac, the big mouth in the bar. I wouldn’t rule out Sharky or the night supervisor, either.”

  “You got the goods?” Annette pointed to the pile of clothes Millie was holding.

  “Yeah. Everything is a go. We’re to report downstairs at eleven sharp and ask for Reef.”

  Annette raised a brow. “Reef?”

  “Reef Savage,” Amit piped up. “His nickname is sparkplug.”

  “I thought Reef was his nickname.” Millie was confused.

  “No. Reef is his real name. Sparkplug his nickname. He a real jerk.”


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