Remi's Choice: The De Luca Boys

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Remi's Choice: The De Luca Boys Page 17

by Amanda Wylde

Okay, maybe this is worth the frustration and utter jealousy of watching her with Kris. Maybe I can put up with it a little longer if it means soon I'll have this to myself every day for the rest of my life.

  Chapter 19


  I do what I've done every time I've done this. Go into nurse mode remembering Travis's reaction the other day when he realized I'd helped bathe Kris. I'm all business as I sit on the side of the bathtub where Kris is sitting completely naked on a bath chair. I've done this plenty of times with strangers. Old men even. It's just hard to think of an old frail and sickly man when I'm sponging down Kris's big hard body. Especially when I know Travis and the boys will be back soon from Trace's scrimmage game.

  It's why I suggested if Kris was going to want to shower today we do this now. So we could hopefully get this over with and spare Travis from having to witness any of it again.

  "So Travis heard the baby's heartbeat," Kris says as he lathers his thigh with his good hand.

  I glance up at him because this is news to me. I know Travis is adamant about being part of his child's life. He won't do what his dad did to him. What his brother's dads did to them and I'm in full agreement. I'm happy I'm with a man who refuses to walk away from his responsibilities, even if it is a child with another woman. But we don't talk about it a whole lot. Just like he doesn't ask me specific questions about exactly how much I do with Kris when he's not around. He's seen the kisses first hand though when he's around I do my best to avoid them. So when he's not around I give in a little more. I have to or it'd be too obvious. Already I can tell Kris knows something's changed.

  "Did he?" I ask as I sponge his back.

  "Yeah, I overheard him on the phone this morning," Kris says sliding my other hand over his lathered thigh and I gulp trying to concentrate on the conversation. "He was on the phone with Elsa. Sounded real happy. Said he wants to set the recording of the heartbeat as his ringtone for her. That's gotta be something else huh? Hearing your kid's heartbeat for the first time?"

  I nod swallowing back the emotion. According to Travis, he only talks to Elsa now when he has to. He said their relationship is too strained and it's too soon to even try to be friendly. And he sounded real happy? He's setting his precious baby's heartbeat as her ring tone.

  I lather Kris's hurt shoulder and he winces. "I'm sorry," I whisper trying to hide the hurt in my voice.

  "Don't be," he turns to me and kisses me then takes my hand in his and lifts it from his thigh.

  I gasp when he brings it to his erection. He pulls away and his brows immediately furrow. "What's wrong?" he asks holding my hand there.

  "I just." I shake my head as my heart starts racing. "I don't wanna risk . . . " I pause when his hand wraps over mine—over his dick and moans.

  "Risk what?" he asks as his head falls back a little. "Making me feel good? It's been too long, baby."

  He slides my hand in a stroking motion and I'm frozen there. "Don't you miss my cock, baby? Miss it inside you?"

  My mind is racing. Do I allow this? Jump away and just fess up or do I work quickly to finish this the sooner the better? Before Travis gets back.

  "I do," I say as I decide to just commit to this. I have no choice. "I just don't want to hurt you."

  He moans again as I speed up and kiss him in a panic to hush his moaning. "The boys might be back soon," I say adding more soap to make this easier and stroke him a little faster squeezing harder.

  "Fuck yeah," he says with a dazed smile.

  I chide myself for feeling slightly aroused by this. What the hell is wrong with me? I work fast kissing him again when he starts to moan again and it's the deepest longest kiss I've allowed since I decided I was ending things with him. But it can't be helped. I need him to shut up and I need him to finish as fast as possible.

  The visual of Travis breaking the door in and the scene that would be if he walked in and saw me giving Kris a hand job is enough to trump any feelings of arousal. Even with the long passionate kiss. After a few more minutes of me stroking and kissing him, Kris squeezes his eyes closed and grunts. I pull away from his mouth and watch his cum shoot out again and again as his hot dick throbs in my hand with each spurt.

  Thankfully Travis and the boys don't arrive until long after Kris and I are out of the bathroom and he's fully dressed. But what happened in the shower, has made Kris more touchy feely than normal.

  "Let's order a pizza from our place, babe," Kris says from the front room as I pull the juice he asked for from the fridge in the kitchen.

  I walk back into the front room where Kris and Travis are sitting. "Is that the place with the suicide fries?" Trace asks as he walks through the room.

  "Sure is," Kris says.

  "Can we get some?" Trace asks bright eyed.

  "And pizza logs," Trevor adds.

  "Sure thing," Kris says with a big smile as I hand him his juice. "Order it all. It's on me."

  He tugs my hand so I take a seat next to him bracing myself for his hands on my legs.

  "Yes!" The boys say simultaneously as they walk back into the kitchen and that makes Kris laugh.

  "Someone's in a good mood," Travis says sipping his beer and I catch the inference in his tone.

  "That's what happens when you get a shower with a happy ending." My body completely tenses as he leans in to kiss me and Travis is on his feet. "Having a girl who's a nurse sure has its perks. Where you going?" he asks as Travis heads for the door.

  "I forgot I need to make a call," he says pushing the screen door open loudly.

  Kris turns to me with a puzzled expression. "Did he seem mad to you?"

  I shrug then flinch when my phone buzzes in my pocket. I straighten out and pull it out of my pocket, my heart lodged in my throat where it's been since Kris's remark. Without even getting a good look at who's calling I stand up. "It's my mom. Probably about my grandpa. I'll take this in the kitchen."

  I walk through the kitchen and straight out the back door because it's Travis and I have to take this or he may just walk back in and ask Kris to clarify. But I can't risk Kris hearing. "Did you fuck him?" he asks as soon as I answer.

  "No!" I gasp walking further away from the back door toward the back of the property.

  This is a nightmare but there's no way I can tell Travis the truth. So I tell him what I'm honestly beginning to suspect. "Travis I think he suspects what's going on. I see it in his eyes each time I reject him, especially in front of you. I think he said that to get a reaction and he got exactly what he was fishing for. Now we're both outside on our phones."

  "What happened in that shower, Remi? Why the fuck's he in such a good mood?"

  "'Cause he's feeling better? I don't know," I say then exhale loudly. "We'll talk about this later okay. Right now we need to get back in there. Just please calm down and I'll tell you about it later I promise."

  I hang up and pray he doesn't call back. Pray that Kris isn't really just working him—us. This could get so ugly. My phone doesn't ring again and I walk back in. Kris is in the kitchen now leaning against the counter. "Thought you said you were taking the call in here."

  I shrug and state the obvious. "I stepped outside."

  His brows come together tightly and his eyes seem to darken. "Everything okay?"

  "Fine," I say trying desperately to shake off the immense unease I'm still feeling.

  "You sure? You look rattled."

  "No, my boss was just asking about some paperwork I thought I'd turned in."

  His expression goes even harder. "You said it was your mom."

  I gulp wanting to kick myself for the slip but I really am rattled. So rattled I can't think straight. "It was. But my boss called while I was on the phone with her. My grandpas doing fine," I add with a smile as we both turn to the sound of the front door opening and we watch Travis walk in.

  I change the subject back to the pizza he'd mentioned earlier wondering how in the world I'm going to keep this up much longer. When we're all back in the front roo
m the tension in there is so thick it nearly suffocates me. By the end of the evening I can't take it anymore. I use my grandpa as an excuse to get out of there, warning Kris I may not be back until morning.

  No surprise my phone rings less than a half hour later. It's Travis. He's not letting this go. I brace myself, glad we're not having this conversation in person. I have no idea how I can be honest with him about this without him losing it. He might blow the whole thing. I can't tell him everything but I have to give him something.

  "Where are you?" he asks as soon as I answer.

  As much as I'd like to say home I lie because I can't risk him coming over and exploding. He still sounds like he's ready to blow so I'm vague. "Driving."

  He pauses before speaking, then he does and his tone is a little softer. "How's your grandpa?"

  "Better," I say, wincing about the lying.

  As much as I've lied to Kris the only time I've lied to Travis is when I told him I wanted him out of my life. But at the time I really believed it. I didn't lie earlier when I said Kris was feeling better. It might've been because the release he had in the shower really did help with all the pent up tension of this injury and the growing suspicion I know he's been feeling. But he really did say he was feeling a lot better. That he'd been lucky his wounds were more superficial than anything and he wanted to be released back to work as soon as he could. Even if it meant sitting behind a desk for a few weeks or months until he fully recovers. We're so close to being done with this.

  It's why I'll have to bend the truth now; because I need Travis to hold on a little longer although I know even this might push him over the edge.

  "What happened in that shower, Remi, Tell me the truth. You know I trust you but I've had to watch this guy kiss and put his hands on you. And you did cheat on him."

  My jaw drops. "And you cheated on Elsa. So what does that mean? That I can't trust you?"

  "I said I did trust you. But you're not the one having to watch me with her pretending we're still a happy couple. You have any idea what this is doing to me?"

  "You heard your baby's heart beat?"

  He's quiet for a moment as I clutch my heart feeling the suffocating boulder at my throat. "He told you?"

  "Yes. He said he overheard you this morning. Said you sounded so happy."

  "I said I was happy about hearing the news. They'd told us the heartbeat sounded irregular but after further testing everything's fine," he explains but still sounds on edge. "I was amicable because I was grateful. She didn't have to call and let me know. She could've made me wait until the next appointment."

  "He said you're changing your ring tone for Elsa to the heartbeat."

  "What? I never said that."

  "He said he overheard you tell her that."

  "That's a fucking lie," he says raising his voice. "And you believed him?"

  "Why wouldn't I?"

  "Why wouldn't you?" The question's as angry as when he asked me if I fucked Kris earlier. "Because I wouldn't do that. I know it would bother you. But you've been thinking I did all day? You've been pissed at—" he stops mid sentence "What happened in that shower?"

  "So Elsa's calling you now, Travis? To talk about the baby? How often does she call you?"

  "She doesn't."

  "But she did today?"

  I've never felt so jealous and stupid in my life. What did I think was going to happen? That she'd just disappear? That she could walk away from a guy like Travis when she's carrying his baby?

  "Answer the question!" he demands loudly.

  "Why hadn't you told me about hearing the heartbeat?"

  "Answer the fucking question, Remi or so help me God I'll go inside right now and ask him myself."

  "I watched him pleasure himself," I say so loud I'm glad I'm sitting in my closet now or my parents might've heard that.

  He goes silent but I can still hear his labored breathing so I go on squeezing the bridge of my nose. "We haven't done anything in weeks but technically we're still together so he asked me to watch. What was I supposed to say?"

  "I'm done," he says. "I'm telling him now."

  "No!" I say standing up. "Travis please don't. We're so close to this being over and you're grandma's still alive. I don't want your aunt missing out on her last days with her mother because of me. Please."

  "I can't do this shit anymore, Remi. If he's better he'll try for more. No fucking way am I—"

  "Come pick me up," I say, desperate to stop this. "I'm home now. I need you."

  I hear him suck in an exasperated breath."On my way now," he says and hangs up.

  When he arrives less than five minutes later, I barely make it into his car and he pulls me to him, kissing me hard—rough—then nips my bottom lip. "Only reason I'm not back at Kris's telling him everything now is because I need you now."

  He devours my mouth with such passion I feel the aching need to have him in me despite the incredible angst my heart's been put through today. He pulls away and his dark hardened eyes stare into mine with conviction. "But we're telling him together tomorrow. I'm not waiting another day."

  He puts the car into reverse and skids out of my parent's driveway. Less than a block away but thankfully in the opposite direction of Kris's place Travis pulls over with another skid and I take the seatbelt I'd just put on, off. I move over the middle console. He pushes back his seat so there's enough room for me on him and I sit on his lap facing the steering wheel

  He's instantly tugging down at my loose fitting yoga pants I planned on wearing to sleep. I help him pull them off and I try to relax because I know what really gets him off. What will really relax him. "Fuck me in the ass, Travis."

  He unzips his pants spreads my wet pussy. "I need your juices on me first, baby."

  I moan riding up and down him a few times then he pulls out and spreads my ass cheeks teasing the rim with the tip of his cock and I want him in there so bad. He slips in slowly then slides into me all the way. "Oh my God," I cry out at the unexplainable feeling of fullness and I love it—love everything he does to me.

  "No more sharing you, Remi," he grunts as he fucks me hard. "In any way. I can't even stomach hearing him call you babe. You're mine and he'll know it tomorrow."

  "Okay," I gasp because at this point I'll agree to anything. "I'm yours. Always have been, Travis."

  "And I've always been yours," he says kissing then nipping my nape. "You've owned my heart from the moment I met you, Remi."

  I'm not sure what I'm more overwhelmed with at the moment: the emotion over hearing his words, arousal or utter dread of what's to come tomorrow. He squeezes my ass so hard it hurts but I like it. I bounce a few more times wanting him as deep as I can take him as his fingers play with my clit until we come loud and unabashed as we ride the waves of pleasure together.

  The next morning I actually sleep in a little but as soon as I'm awake, reality hits. Making love to Travis last night helped release some of the tension I'd felt most of the day but it's back now knowing what I'll be doing today. I decide to take an extra long shower to try and settle my nerves a little. I'm in there for so long I finally get out when the water starts to cool and I realize I've used up all the hot water. I take my time toweling off and combing out my hair before walking out in my bathrobe.

  When I get to my room I see the message indicator blinking on my phone. I'm a little surprised when I see just how long I was in the bathroom for. Travis said he'd be going to watch the boys practice this morning for a while but then head home so we could have that talk with Kris. I see I have several missed calls from Travis already and then read some of the texts I got while in the shower, starting with the one from Kris.

  Kris: My grandma passed last night. My mom's okay. Sad but glad she's no longer suffering. I have a doctor's appointment this morning then meeting with my chief for lunch to talk about getting me back in on light duty. And yes I'm driving myself. I would've told you yesterday but I figured you'd insist on driving me around and I'm well enough to dr
ive now. You deserve a day off. I'll be home later this afternoon. Love you. K.

  I wince at that last part and barely have time to let it all register or read any of the several texts I have from Travis when my phone rings in my hands. I answer, a bit alarmed given how many missed calls I have from him.

  "Where the fuck are you?" he asks as soon as I answer. "Are you with him?"

  "No," I say startled by his tone. "I'm home."

  "Don't fucking lie to me, Remi. I was just there and no one answered the door. Are you two together?"

  "No," I say clutching my robe at my chest. "He's at the doctors. I just read the text he sent me. I was in the shower. What's wrong with you?"

  He exhales loudly. "This shit's making me crazy," he says and I hear him take in a harsh breath. "I got home and he wasn't here. I've been trying to call you and text you and when you didn't answer or respond, I just started thinking maybe . . ." He doesn't finish but I already know what he must've been thinking. "Then I went to your place and no one answered and went a little nuts. We need to tell him today. We should talk about what we'll be saying. You have time now?"

  "I do," I say scrambling around my room looking for something to wear. "But I need to get dressed and we can't talk here. My parents went to breakfast but they'll be home any minute."

  "Then come here,' he says and I can hear a car door close in the background."I'm back at Kris's now. The boys are still at practice. Any idea when Kris will be back?"

  "He said later this afternoon. He's meeting with his boss for lunch after his appointment."

  "Good, then that gives us time."

  When we hang up, I rush to get dressed then I drive to Kris's. I have no idea how this is going to end today but I know Kris will be upset. I just figure it'll be a little less in your face if me and Travis don't leave his house together in Travis's car.

  As soon as I'm in the house I'm in his arms and he squeezes me tight burying his face in my neck with a groan. "You have no idea what I was going through earlier."

  He pulls back and I cradle his face. "Why would that be the first thing you think?"


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