Delanie's Fury (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 3)

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Delanie's Fury (Vampire Huntress Saga Book 3) Page 12

by Christina Escue

“Bianca Murray,” she answered, and Karma walked to the laptop set up on the counter.

  “Birthday?” Karma asked, and typed it in when Caia answered. “There’s no record of her death. What’s your address? Dylan and I can go talk to her.”

  “I want to come with you,” she responded. “And even if she doesn’t want me anymore, I can get some of my things.”

  “Then let’s go,” Karma said and walked toward the door without another word.

  “Is she okay?” Caia asked Dylan once Karma was out the door.

  “We lost one of our team members today,” he answered. “And she’s blaming herself.”


  “Because I didn’t go after his killer,” Karma answered. “Now stop talking about me, and let’s go.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Caia responded and looked at Dylan.

  “She’ll be okay,” Dylan assured the younger girl as they walked out of the house.

  “If you say so,” she responded.

  “What’s the address?” Karma asked once Caia was in the van.

  Caia rattled off her address, and Karma typed it into the GPS.

  “Where were you taken from?” Dylan asked Caia as Karma pulled out of the driveway and headed in the direction the GPS directed her.

  “The mall,” she answered. “Mom and I were shopping because I needed a few things for school, and then everything went black. When I woke up, I was in the warehouse where I met Jackson.”

  Karma listened to them talk as she thought about Caia’s Mother. When she looked her up back at the house, she hadn’t found a record of her death, but she hadn’t found any reports of Caia being reported missing either.

  “What are you thinking about?” Dylan asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

  “Caia,” she answered and glanced at the girl.

  “What about me?”

  “When I searched your Mom’s name, I also searched for a missing person’s report on you,” Karma answered.

  “And?” Caia asked.

  “There wasn’t one,” Karma told her, reluctantly.

  “Oh,” Caia responded and looked out the window.

  “Maybe she was taken, too,” Dylan offered.

  “That’s possible,” Karma said and tossed him a glance. She had another theory, but she’d wait to voice it until they were alone.

  “Or maybe she sold me to them,” Caia said, not taking her eyes off the trees as they passed.

  “Why would she do that?” Dylan asked.

  “Because she was always complaining about how much school costed, and how much it costed to keep me clothed,” she answered. “Since Dad died, no left, she’s worked two jobs to keep us in the house, and keep me in the school I’d gone to since preschool.”

  “Just because she complained, doesn’t mean she sold you, Caia,” Dylan told her, remembering how his own mother never once complained about anything.

  “Maybe,” she replied and sighed when they turned on the street she’d lived on since she was three. “I guess we will find out.”

  “That your house?” Karma asked, pointing to the one with the For-Sale sign in the yard.

  “Yes,” Caia said and tears filled her eyes. “I guess that answers my questions.”

  “I’m sorry, Caia,” Dylan said and turned to look at her. “What do you want to do?”

  “Can I stay with you?” She asked, hopefully. “Jackson is my brother, and after we find him, maybe he will want me.”

  “You can stay with us,” Karma told her. “We will keep you safe.”

  “And when we find Jackson, I know he will want you,” Dylan assured her.

  “You will always have a home with us,” Karma told her. “No matter what, you will always have a home.”


  “Jackson,” Crompton said when he entered the house he owned in Cleveland Ohio.

  “Yes, Master?” Jackson replied, looking at the vampire he was going to kill the first chance he got.

  “We will only be staying here for a few days before we head back South,” he told him. “I do not like being so landlocked.”

  “Where will we be going?” Jackson asked, nearly silently.

  “Don’t concern yourself with that,” Crompton answered. “While we’re here though, you are going to have to do something else for me to prove your loyalty.”

  “What do you need me to do, Master?”

  “There is a vampire here who is trying to interfere with my business. I know where he is, and I want you to pick him up for me and bring him back here, so I can talk to him.”

  “Yes, Master,” Jackson responded and took the address from him.

  “Take Seth with you,” he ordered before walking out of the room.

  When Jackson heard his bedroom door close, he sighed softly. This act was starting to wear him down and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep fighting the compulsion Crompton had over him.

  “Just keep hanging on,” he said to himself before he walked out of his bedroom and straight out of the house. He’d find Seth, then he’d find this vampire for Crompton, then he would try to refocus on why he was fighting so hard not to become what Crompton was wanting him to be.

  “Seth,” Jackson said when he entered the small barn on the property Crompton owned here.

  “Jackson,” the older vampire answered from behind him.

  “Master has a job for us.”

  “What’s the job?”

  “To go to this address and bring the vampire there back here,” Jackson answered and handed Seth the piece of paper. He’d already memorized the address, and name of the vampire they were looking for, so he didn’t need it anymore.

  “Sounds easy enough,” Seth muttered. “Let’s go.”

  Jackson followed him out of the barn, and straight to one of the pick-ups Crompton kept on the small farm.

  “Wanna drive?” Seth asked before they got in.

  “Nah,” he responded. He’d have less of a chance to escape if he was driving.

  Seth shrugged and climbed behind the wheel.

  “How long have you been with Master Crompton?” Jackson asked as they headed into the city.

  “Two-hundred and twenty-seven years,” he answered. “Master is who changed me.”

  “And have you ever tried leaving?”

  “Once when I was young,” he answered. “I left for a while, but Master found me and convinced me to stay with him.”

  “How did he find you?”

  “Something about him being the one who changed me,” Seth answered. “His blood inside me, and he was able to find me through it.”

  “Interesting,” Jackson answered and frowned a little.

  “Why so many questions?”

  “The whole vampire thing is new to me, and I am curious about everything to do with it,” he lied smoothly.

  “Didn’t you grow up with a brother who is a Halfling?”

  “Yes, but he didn’t share much about his vampire existence with me,” Jackson lied again. He didn’t want anyone to know just how much he did and didn’t know about the creature he now was.

  As they neared the warehouse district, Jackson became more alert to his surroundings. This is where he would flee to when he was able to get away because this is the first place Karma and Dylan would look.

  “This is the place,” Seth said, pulling him from his thoughts.

  “Let’s go see if he’s here,” Jackson responded and got out of the truck.

  “Fuck,” Seth said as soon as he closed the driver’s door.

  “What?” Jackson asked, looking around them.

  “It’s a set-up,” Seth commented and opened his door again. “Get in, we need to get the fuck out of here, now.”

  Jackson opened his door, and was getting into the truck when about fifty vampire walked from the warehouse in front of them.

  “Fuck!” Seth yelled.

  “Drive,” Jackson said, nearly silently as he watched the vampire.

  “I cannot outrun
them in this truck,” Seth responded.

  “And if we don’t at least try, we’re dead,” Jackson reminded him and nodded toward the vampire who were still slowly walking toward them. “Now drive!”

  “Yeah, okay,” Seth said, and Jackson could hear the fear in his voice.

  As Seth swung the truck around, Jackson watched the vampire. They were still walking slowly despite the truck moving quickly.

  “They aren’t coming after us,” Jackson said, and Seth looked in the rearview mirror for a second.

  “Weird,” he muttered as he rounded a corner.

  “Fuck,” Jackson said, and Seth’s head snapped up. “They aren’t coming after us, because they knew we were headed for this horde.”

  “I can try to drive through them,” Seth suggested.

  “We will die either way,” Jackson acknowledged. “May as well die fighting.”

  “Let’s do this then,” Seth said and slammed on the brakes just before they reached the group of vampire blocking their escape.

  “Yes,” Jackson said and looked at his sure-fire way of escaping Crompton. “Let’s do this.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Welcome to Ohio,” Karma said as they crossed the state line.

  “How much longer before we’re in Cleveland?” Delanie asked from the seat behind Karma.

  “According to the GPS, about three hours,” Karma answered.

  “So, roughly an hour,” Dylan told the all.

  “We need to stop soon,” Karma reminded him. “The humans, and you, need to eat, and the vampire need blood.”

  “There’s a donation center just off the next exit,” Dylan told her. “I’ll let the others know.”

  “Thanks, babe,” Karma said and blew him a kiss.

  “Are there also places for us to eat there?” Delanie asked.

  “Yes,” Dylan answered after he radioed the others. “Several to choose from, actually.”

  “Stay alert everyone,” Karma reminded them once she was on the off ramp. “We need to separate so we can be as quick as possible, but every huntress needs to stay alert.”

  “Caia, you need to stay with me,” Dylan told her. “No matter what, you need to stick to me like glue.”

  “But, I have to use the bathroom,” she said, and Karma chuckled a little.

  “I’ll go with you,” Delanie told her. “I have to go, too.”

  “Thanks,” Dylan said and looked at the Huntress.

  “She’s Jackson’s sister,” Delanie said and shrugged. “He’d want her safe.”

  “Do you think he’s okay?” Caia asked as Karma pulled into the parking lot of a popular chain fast food restaurant.

  “I think he’s trying everything he can to get back to us,” Delanie answered. “He will do what he has to in order to survive and get back to his family.”

  “He’s in love with you, you know?”

  “I don’t know about that, but I know he’s very special, and I will do whatever I have to, to get him back,” Delanie told her. “Now, let’s get inside so we can take care of business and get food.”

  “I’m leaving the van here,” Karma told them and handed Dylan the keys. “The donation center is about a mile in that direction. If anything happens, get in the van and drive.”

  “I will,” Dylan assured her. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she answered before climbing into one of the VEB SUVs.

  Once they were gone, Dylan went inside to join the Huntresses and sighed.

  He knew the Huntresses needed him as back-up in case something happened, but each time he and Karma separated, he worried about her until they were together again.

  “You okay?” Caia asked him when she came out of the bathroom a few minutes later.

  “Just hate being separated from Karma,” he responded.

  “Why does she need to go with them?” She asked. “Isn’t she a Halfling like you?”

  “How did you know she was a Halfling?” He asked, looking at the girl beside him.

  “I overheard Crompton talking about her once, and Jackson mentioned it.” she answered. “Crompton wants her, so he can breed with her.”

  “That will never happen,” Dylan assured her.

  “That’s what Jackson said,” she told him.

  “We’re going to get him back,” Dylan said, and she looked at him. “No matter what we have to do, or who we have to kill, we’re going to get him back.”

  “Yes,” Caia agreed and looked around as the Huntresses joined them. “We are going to get him back.”


  “Wake up,” a voice said, pulling him into consciousness.

  “What? Where am I?” Jackson asked, looking around as he sat up slowly.

  “You’re safe,” the voice told him.

  “Not what I asked,” he replied. “Where the fuck am I?”

  “You’re in my house,” a different voice responded.

  “And you are?”

  “Bennett Richards,” he answered and stepped into the light.

  “Why am I still alive?” Jackson asked.

  “Because you are young, and I know Crompton sent you,” he answered.

  “How do you know who sent me?”

  “I smell him on you, young one,” Bennett answered. “And my spy within his organization informed me you were on your way to the warehouse.”

  “The only one who knew was Seth,” Jackson said and looked around him again.

  “Just because he’s the only one you told, doesn’t mean he’s the only one who knew,” the other person in the room answered, pulling Jackson’s attention to him.

  “You look familiar,” Jackson said, and the other vampire grinned.

  “I should,” he said and walked closer. “You have seen me every day since you were turned.”

  “Christopher,” Jackson said when the vampire’s name came to him.

  “Very good,” Bennett said and chuckled.

  “I told Bennett about you when I called him. He knows your back story, and about your brother,” Christopher explained.

  “I won’t kill you,” Bennett told him.


  “Because I want to help you,” Bennett told him.

  “Why?” Jackson asked again.

  “You’re the brother of the man who is with the daughter of my creator,” Bennett answered. “And I want to meet her and see if she’s anything like Vincent.”

  “She’s not,” Jackson answered.

  “How well do you know her?”

  “Very,” Jackson responded. “We have shared a home for the past six months. She taught me how to fight.”

  “Tell me about her,” he said, and Jackson narrowed his eyes.

  “Why?” Jackson asked.

  “Because I know Crompton is wanting her for his scheme, and I want to know what kind of person she is,” he answered. “Would she ever do what he wants?”

  “No,” Jackson answered without hesitation. “And there’s something about her Crompton doesn’t know.”

  “What’s that?”

  “She’s not a Halfling any longer,” Jackson answered and grinned when Bennett’s head snapped up.

  “Since when?” He asked.

  “A few weeks.”

  “But, why?” Christopher asked, not understanding why she’d need to be a full vampire if everything he’d heard about her was true.

  “She was nearly killed,” Jackson told them. “So, she was turned to save her life.”

  “But, the only ones who would be strong enough to do that, and her survive, other than Crompton, are the members of the Senate,” Bennett commented.

  “Ramsey, actually,” Jackson told him.

  “Holy shit,” Bennett said and sat. “So, the rumors about the Senate being here, about them helping write the vampire laws, are true?”

  “They are,” Jackson responded.

  “What does this mean?” Christopher asked, not really understanding what the big deal was.

“It means there really is someone out there who can stop Crompton,” Bennett answered. “Not only stop him, but kill him.”

  “Yes,” Jackson responded and rolled his eyes. “No one believes me when I tell them Karma will kill him.”

  “She may be the only one who can,” Bennett said and shook his head. “Do you have a way to get in touch with her?”

  “Yes,” he answered.

  “Call her,” Bennett handed him a cell phone.

  “Umm, okay,” Jackson said and took the phone from his hand.

  “This isn’t a trap, or a trick to get her here,” Bennett said when Jackson hesitated. “I have been working toward finding a way to stop Crompton for many years, but have not been able to as of yet.”

  “Okay,” Jackson said and dialed Dylan’s phone number.

  “Hello?” Dylan answered, and Jackson grinned at the sound of his older brother’s voice.

  “Hey, Dyl,” he responded and nearly laughed when Dylan cursed loudly.

  “Holy fuck, is that really you, Jacks?”

  “It’s me, bro,” he answered. “I’m okay, for the moment anyway. Dylan, I have a sister. Her name is Caia. She’s somewhere there in Florida and you have to find her.”

  “She’s with us right now. Where are you?” Dylan asked. “We will come get you.”

  “Thank God,” Jackson responded. “I’m in Cleveland, Ohio.”

  “So are we,” Dylan told him. “Where in Cleveland?”

  “I’m not really sure,” Jackson answered and looked at Bennett.

  “Ask if he’s still with Crompton,” He heard Karma tell Dylan.

  “No,” he answered. “I’m with a vampire named Bennett Richards.”

  “Bennett Richards,” Dylan said to the group and Jackson heard someone swear loudly.

  “What was that?”

  “Holbrook said Bennett Richards worked for Demetri,” Dylan answered, and Jackson hissed a little.

  “I did work for Demetri,” Bennett told him. “But that was a very long time ago. Now I work for myself.”

  “Where are you?” Dylan asked, and Jackson looked at Bennett.

  “Tell them they can meet us on neutral ground,” Bennett responded and rattled off the name of a restaurant.

  “Got it.” Dylan said then relayed the info to the vampire with him. “Be careful, little brother.”

  “You too,” Jackson answered and ended the call. “They’re on their way.”


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