SEALs of Honor: Swede

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SEALs of Honor: Swede Page 13

by Mayer, Dale

  “There was a car accident that took out both mother and daughter.”

  Eva stared at him in shock. “Deliberately,” she whispered.

  “Maybe.” Swede wasn’t surprised. He’d been afraid of just that the cleanup at the hacienda had happened while they were gone. “April?”

  “No answers yet. I have someone trying to find her.”

  Eva collapsed onto the bed, big fat tears rolling down her cheeks. “Who are these people? What are they doing here?” She waved her hand around in the empty room. “This does not make sense.”

  “It does if this was a rebel stronghold and Isabella went over the boundaries of her agreement. Or maybe they just decided this would work as their new headquarters.”

  Hawk’s phone went off. “Mason said the property doesn’t have Isabella’s name on it. In fact, no one quite knows who she is.”

  Chapter 23

  This was too much. Eva tried to grasp what she was being told. “So the hacienda isn’t hers? The hired hands didn’t work for her?”

  “I’m thinking this belongs to someone on the rebel hierarchy, and Isabella was likely family and part of the elaborate front to keep the goings on in the back here quiet.”

  Hawk growled. “This whole scenario could just as easily have been treated as a terrorist exercise once they realized they had a problem.”

  “With Isabella not wanting publicity but bringing all the strangers in here chances are she signed her own death warrant and didn’t realize it.” Hawk looked down at his cell phone. “We’re sketchy on her background details, but it could be that the do-gooder in her figured the chance was worth it. Save the horses and no one would be the wiser. Or she figured it wouldn’t matter. Or didn’t care. Considering her health issues, maybe this was her way to thumb her nose at the rebels.”

  “But someone else had a different opinion.” Swede filled Eva in on Isabella’s health problems.

  “What about Lena? Did anyone find her yet?” Eva shook her head. “What poor Isabella must have been through.”

  “That’s a whole different problem.” Swede held out a hand. “Let’s check her quarters to make sure it’s in the same condition as Isabella’s then I suggest we take my truck and go to the nearest town.”

  “Lena called the police – or was supposed to,” Eva said. “I remember the morning she brought coffee and the dead men had been moved. She looked exhausted but still so panicked.”

  “Makes sense. She’s either involved willingly or unwillingly. But she kept you all here and calm until she was given further orders.”

  “But why?”

  “At this point we can only guess, but you are still a woman alone. You were also the one person they could get the information on the others from. That they might have already hit Janice and her daughter means they found records of where you live in Isabella’s papers.”

  At Lena’s quarters they opened the door to a completely different scenario. This was fully furnished and lived in. Clothes and personal touches were everywhere.

  “So she is still here,” Eva said. “How does that work?”

  “I’m presuming she’s with the rebels and she’ll have a place as long as she’s needed. And help keep up the charade as they replace Isabella.”

  “That is way too much,” Eva cried. “Surely that can’t be.”

  “We don’t have all the answers yet, but we can’t stay here, in case they come back.” He glanced around, his gaze seeming to miss nothing.

  “I’d be more than happy to see the backside of this place.” It had been terrible when there had been bodies here, but to know that they’d been removed and the place cleaned up while they weren’t around was beyond creepy.

  She wanted nothing to do with the place.

  But she did want to know about Isabella. “Do you think they buried her here?”

  Swede shrugged his shoulders. “Likely out in the middle of nowhere so they wouldn’t be easily found.”

  “But buried and not just left for the animals, right?” she asked in a small voice.

  “There’s no way to know at this point. They didn’t have much time and they had no heavy equipment,” Hawk said. “So their options were limited.”

  She gulped. “Can we leave now?” She wrapped her arms around her chest and tried to warm up from the chill that was rapidly overtaking her. “Please.”

  “Yes, it’s time.”

  “Someone is coming.”

  Swede nodded. “I’ll check it out.”

  “Good.” Hawk held out his hand for Eva’s. “Come on. Let’s get you out of here.”

  She was in full agreement. The faster the better for her. She wanted out and now.

  It couldn’t happen fast enough. But apparently it wasn’t so easy. She waited inside the center of the hacienda with her brother while Swede checked out the new arrival. “It’s going to be Mason. Don’t worry.”

  She nodded at her brother. “Good. Then what’s taking so long?”

  And just like that, voices came from the front door. Swede’s voice mixed with Shadow and Mason. “No Dane?” She asked.

  “He’ll be on watch. There is always one of us on duty. Always.”

  Good. She felt safer that way. Until this shit was over she felt more secure knowing that someone was watching. Swede walked around the corner, saw her and smiled reassuring at her.

  He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tugged her close. “Let’s go.”

  With her wallet in her hand, she said, “I wish I had my clothes with me.”

  “We’ll get something in town for you.”

  She nodded and let him lead her out of the hacienda. “Can we get food at the same time?”

  “How about right after.”

  “Yeah, that works.”

  Outside, he walked her to the passenger side of the large truck he’d driven to the hacienda and helped her into the front of the vehicle. He stood and waited and watched as she buckled herself in. Only then did he close the door, locking her inside.

  She slouched against the seat and waited for the others to get in. Mason was behind the wheel. Swede walked back inside. “Isn’t he coming with us?” she said suddenly, realizing Swede hadn’t returned.

  “He is. But he’s doing one last look first.”

  She let her pent up breath out slowly in relief. Thank God. She didn’t want to leave him behind. She relaxed into the seat. “Hope he’s not long,” she muttered. “I’m thinking food should be next.”


  “Yeah, so very hungry.” She laughed. “And tired. And desperately in need of a shower.”

  “All three are coming up.”

  “Good.” She closed her eyes. “Tell me when we get there.”

  He gave a bark of laughter. “Will do.”


  Swede finished his pass through the place and collected Dane and Shadow. They reached the truck to find the others waiting. At his nod, they walked over and opened up the doors. Swede looked at the front seat to find Eva sleeping. He peered at Mason. “How long has she been out?”

  “Almost since you left. She was upset when you went back inside the building.” He grinned. “Looks like another SEAL has fallen?”

  Swede ignored him. Dane laughed. “Looks like she’s fallen at least. Not sure about the big man here.”

  On that note, Swede reached across, unbuckled Eva’s seat belt and picked her up to slide her across the seat. He slipped in beside her.

  “Swede,” she murmured.

  “Shh,” he whispered. “Go back to sleep.”

  She snuggled up against his shoulders without appearing to wake. He settled into place. Staring straight ahead he waited until Mason started up the truck.

  But hearing the sniggers from beside him he rolled his head and looked at Mason. “What?” he barked.

  Eva murmured at his sharp tone. “Shh.” He stroked her cheek. “Sleep.”

  With a heavy sigh, the lines on her face eased back.

de caught the wide grin on Mason’s face. He glared at him. “What is your problem?”

  “Nothing. I have no problem.” He snickered and turned the key in the ignition.

  The truck was fully packed with Eva. In fact, it was too damn tight. He could hardly breathe. He opened the window and took several deep breaths. Eva slept long into the trip, the miles passing in an unceasing run of desolate landscape.

  He knew he’d be back in a few hours. It was going to be harder to leave Eva in the hotel room. But they had to deal with the mission, and she should be safe at a hotel. No one knew her. No one would know her location. There was no reason to suspect foul play. And the other good news was that April had been found and she was fine. There’d been nothing untoward on the way home. She was of course delighted to hear Eva was found alive and well.

  Now if he could only keep her that way.

  Chapter 24

  Eva watched as Swede gave the surroundings a quick check, unlocked the motel room and stepped in. He did a quick sweep then motioned her inside. She couldn’t help taking a long look at the large parking lot and the hedges on both sides of the motel before she followed him inside.

  “You’ll be fine here until we get back.”

  Sure she would. But it wasn’t her choice. She’d rather grab her SEAL family and go home. But that wasn’t an option. She tossed her wallet on the small dresser and said, “I’ll be fine.”

  There was an odd silence. She looked at him sideways. He was studying her with a gentle look. She sighed. That this big man could turn her to mush so easily just by being himself was astonishing. And said much about the depths of her own feelings. Feelings she hadn’t acknowledged before.

  “I’ll be fine,” she reiterated in a firmer voice. The sooner he left to do his thing, the sooner he’d be able to return and they could all go home.

  She walked over and sat down on the bed and motioned to the door. “Go.”

  But her voice trembled. Damn it. She was stronger than this. But she didn’t want him to go. She didn’t want to be left alone. With her memories. And fears. And unsettled emotions. She wanted to find the solid footing she’d had before coming to Mexico. A footing where she knew who she was and where she stood in life. Maybe it wasn’t the life she’d seen herself living, but it’s what she knew. What she had. If she’d yearned for more, well, some of those dreams seemed a little silly now. Nothing like facing the immediate possibility of your own death to make you reevaluate your life. And how you’ve lived it and what you’ve let pass you by.

  One of those wishes she’d yearned for and had let pass her by was standing in front of her. She studied the bed she was sitting on. It was just the two of them. Here. Now. He’d shown her his interest. No way that could be mistaken. But this was hardly the right time for taking such a major step. And was she ready? She still had doubts. Questions.

  Swede’s phone went off. He answered. She listened with half an ear. According to the conversation, something unexpected had come up. When he closed the phone he walked over to her. “The men received information on a possible informant. They’ve gone to check it out. They’ll pick me up afterwards.”

  She nodded. “Good. Anything that helps to solve this nightmare.”

  Then she realized that they had the perfect opportunity to sort out their own differences.

  “Those girls…the last time you came home with Hawk…”

  “Were good friends of mine.” He made no attempt to misunderstand. “They were in a relationship together but weren’t comfortable around strangers.”

  Lesbians. Eva rolled that concept and the two women she’d seen mauling Swede. No – mauling Swede and each other. Not overtly. And with him in the mix it had been easy to mistake. “I’m sorry they felt they had to hide their relationship.”

  “They just didn’t know you,” he said good-naturedly. “In fact, it wasn’t long after that that I made a few changes of my own.”

  He sat down on the bed beside her and flopped backwards. He crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes as if ready to nap.

  “You can’t sleep after a comment like that,” she exclaimed. “What changes did you make?”

  A small grin peeped out then disappeared as he opened his eyes to study her.

  “I stopped dating.”

  Silence. She leaned closer and stared at him. “Stopped?”

  He nodded.

  “As in none at all?” she asked incredulously. “That was what…a year ago?”

  “Eighteen months, actually.”

  “And you haven’t had…” She stopped and flushed. It was none of her business. But inside, her toes were tingling and her heart was swelling with joy. “Wait… Why?”

  “Because I couldn’t find what I wanted.”

  The words were innocuous enough. A zillion more questions bubbled to her lips, but it was the seriousness in his eyes that brought her heart to her throat. She opened her mouth, then closed it. Knowing it was important, and more than that momentous. Her mind still stuck on his earlier words, she choked out the question, “What did you want?”

  He reached out and gently grasped her chin. “You.”

  Her eyes widened in shock and hope and she stared down at this huge man who could have anything – anyone – he wanted in the world…and apparently wanted her.

  God she hoped he meant it.

  He tugged her down on top of him, then rolled so he was propped over top of her.

  They stared into each other’s eyes for a long moment before he slowly, ever so slowly, lowered his head.

  And kissed her.


  He shouldn’t be doing this. Not now. He didn’t have time to do it right. Things were unsettled between them. Only he needed her. Had wanted her for so damn long. And if he didn’t drive his advantage forward right now, he didn’t know when he’d get another chance. She’d pushed him away since forever.

  Until now. She was responding with that same passion that had brought him to his knees before.

  He couldn’t get enough.

  He suddenly realized that his hand was under her shirt and his mouth was moving along the inside curve of her neck. Too fast. Too sudden. His erection screamed as he tried to pull back.

  She reached up, looped her arms around his neck and said, “No.”

  He closed his eyes and dropped his head to rest on her chest. “Sorry,” he whispered, his voice tremoring with the effort to cool down. “I didn’t mean to lose control.”

  His breath was coming in raw gulps.

  “No. I didn’t mean stop,” she cried and tugged him down to her. “Don’t pull away… Please don’t reject me.”

  “Jesus. Never.” He gave her the sweetest, most caring kiss of his life. As he lifted his head, her eyes were shiny, moist. Tears? He stared at her worriedly.

  “Are you sure?” He propped himself on his elbows as he stared down at her, his heart pounding in eagerness. Please let her be sure. Please.

  “I’m sure,” she whispered and gave him the most breathtaking smile…

  With his heart on overload he kissed her lightly, longingly, teasing her lips to open and let him inside. He kissed her deep and long, pouring his feelings into that kiss, his hips rocking gently against her pelvis, loving the rise and fall of her hips.

  “So responsive,” he growled. “God I love that.”

  His lips trailed across her cheeks, eyelids and temples. Then down to her ear and lower again. He tried to pace himself, tried to slow down and savor the moment, but it had been a long time. Too long.

  “Love me, Swede, please love me now.”

  And he did his best.

  He tried to go slow but she wouldn’t let him. He tried to take her clothes off one piece at a time to savor the experience, but she wouldn’t let him, jumping off the bed and stripping down to the beautiful skin he was desperate to touch, to taste. He tried to warm her up slowly only to find she was hot and ready. He tried to slow her hands so he could retain control and found he�
��d never had it.

  He groaned when her hands closed around him. He cried out when her mouth found him. And he moaned in joy when she rolled him onto his back and mounted him. Dear God. Where had she been all his life?

  When she sank low and seated him at her center, he knew he’d died and gone to heaven.

  Until she moved. He lay in bliss as she set a pace that drove him nuts as he fought to leave her in control, to leave himself on the crest without flying over. To let this happen in its own time. And revel in it.

  Dear God. It was so damn hard. His climax screamed to be released, yet he never wanted this to end. He was caught in a limbo of pleasure.

  She stroked her hands down over his chest, her nails gently gliding along his skin. He slid his hands down over her ribs and belly to her hips and held her while he drove his hips up. She dug her nails into his skin adding pain to the pleasure and somehow making it all that much sweeter.

  She leaned forward and kissed his collarbone, his nipples, testing her sharp teeth on the skin to the side, making him shiver in delight.

  Then she sat back, her breath coming in low pants and started to ride. The graceful motion of someone born to the saddle. Faster and faster, harder and harder, his fingers firm on her hips, her hands braced against his chest.

  With a harsh gasp, she arched her back, a long slow scream of release filling the room.

  He sat up, tucked her close and flipped her onto her back…and drove to the hilt again and again, the release…right…there…and he was almost…

  A harsh guttural sound as he collapsed down beside her.

  But he wouldn’t let her go. He couldn’t. He pulled her up close to his heart and held her in a tight embrace. Then and only then did he close his eyes. But not to sleep.

  He didn’t want to miss one single moment of time with her. They needed to talk. And soon. But he didn’t want anything to mar this moment.

  And then his phone rang. And he knew it was too late…the interlude was over.

  Chapter 25

  Eva wandered the motel room aimlessly. She was alone. As in Swede had gotten a call, told her to lock up and stay inside and he’d be back as soon as he could.


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