REFLECTIONS OF YOU (Brighten Magic Academy Book 1)

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REFLECTIONS OF YOU (Brighten Magic Academy Book 1) Page 11

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Let's do a quick tour, shall we?" Ms. Landsford suggested. She'd been quietly watching us interact which was kind of her. I bet she had other things to do but wanted us to try and get along. Logan stayed next to me during the tour and from his blank expression I could tell he was still upset. We'd have to have a talk before I took a nap or he'd be a pain in the ass later.

  We rarely fought, except when one of us was feeling jealous. Even when we just considered each other as friends, if someone rubbed us the wrong way and tried to interfere with our friendship, whether it was a boy or girl, we'd argue about it.

  "Your rooms have been assigned to you based on your performance. We normally let you choose where you want to bunk, but getting a dorm like this for first years is a rare occurrence and we'd like to encourage you to room with your fighting partners for when you have dual tests," Ms. Landsford explained.

  We went up to the second floor of the large three-story house. This place had a pool, theatre, entertainment center and a training center on the floor above us.

  "Maximus, you'll be partnered with Braxton and your room is here." Ms. Landsford pointed to the door on our right. Maximus opened the door to take a peek.

  "Damn. This room is like it’s own apartment space,” he commented. We took a quick look, noticing that the large room was about the size of an apartment living room. There were two beds, desks, and what looked to be a bathroom inside. Yes! Private bathroom.

  "Kage and Zane, you both will be rooming over here." Ms. Landsford indicated the door on the left. They both nodded and opened the door to check. It was a similar design to Maxi and Braxton's but had a large bunk bed.

  "Why do we get a bunk bed?" Kage asked.

  "I bet it’s because we're brothers. I want the bottom bunk, by the way," Zane replied.

  Ms. Landsford laughed, shaking her head. "No. This home got renovated. Normally there are only four students. This semester, seven of you were chosen for this residence. This was determined due to your set of skills and your dual performance. The test you guys completed, in MOST cases, only four make it through."

  "What about Brother? He wasn't a part of our test," Kage pointed out quietly.

  "Braxton is the only one who passed his test and got a perfect score," Ms. Landsford revealed. Oh shit...

  "Wow," Maxi and Nixon said together. I exchanged looks with Logan while Zane and Kage shrugged.

  "Figures,” they said in unison, looking unsurprised by the fact their brother had gotten a perfect score.

  "Anyways, Jinn, Logan, and Nixon. You three will be in the largest room," Ms. Landsford announced.

  "All three of us?" Logan asked through clenched teeth.

  "Yes. Again, the place was renovated so it doesn't have enough rooms to split you three up,” she explained.

  "If there was enough space, what was the partnering supposed to be?" Nixon asked innocently. I bit my bottom lip, knowing Nixon wanted to figure out who would have been my dorm buddy if the layout of the house had been different. I looked into our assigned room as Ms. Landsford answered.

  "You and Jinn would have been partnered up by default. Your magic levels are almost on the same wavelength. However, Jinn has the same level of power as Braxton. Maybe a little higher even,” she admitted.

  "Interesting," Nixon remarked, his satisfaction with her revelation apparent in his voice. I didn't hear Logan reply while the others continued talking.

  "Shit. Jinn is stronger than Brax!" Zane exclaimed.

  "I guess I'm not surprised. He did do that crazy triple triangle thing and figured it out in less than three minutes," Maximus replied.

  "He also saved us when we couldn't keep hold of the bubble," Kage reminded.

  "And you can't forget he held up Logan's share last minute," Nixon announced with a smirk. I sighed, not wanting to hear an argument. My gaze landed on a red metallic bunk bed. I walked into the room, putting my stuff on the desk. I tugged at my tie, loosening it and putting it on the desk chair before unbuttoning my collar and top two buttons. I climbed up the ladder and got comfortable in the bed, throwing the blanket over me. Finally, a bed.

  "Hoot." I heard Alice in the hallway, followed by her fluttering wings. A little click sound made me peek my left eye open. I turned my head slightly to see Alice resting on the rail.

  "Aren't you supposed to change before you sleep?” she reminded. I groaned quietly and closed my eyes shut, not caring at this point. Even if I got sick, I couldn't care less. My exhaustion outweighed my decision-making skills.

  "Where did Jinn go?" Kage called out.

  "I think he's asleep," Zane replied. I heard footsteps but ignored them, my consciousness already beginning to drift in and out.

  "He's tired. Let him sleep," Logan instructed. I didn't like the hardness in his voice, making me want to get back up and have a talk with him. I didn't want him thinking he was weak or incapable of fighting alongside me, and I could tell what happened during the test weighed on him.

  We always knew I was the stronger one between us, but maybe he was more affected by it due to the fact I was a male now, instead of a girl?

  I'll just have to work on it later. Alice?

  "Hoot,” she replied. "Yes?"

  Wake me up in two hours or when you think I'm losing too much energy. You can poke me.

  "Hoot,” she agreed and I felt the shift of magic, followed by a soft tail brushing against my cheek.

  I opened my heavy eyelids to see her white fox form and she curled up right next to my face. She licked my cheek and I smiled. Thank you.

  I'd gotten into Brighten Academy, but was already exhausted with everything that had occurred today. I just hoped I could keep this facade up long enough to reach the first set of classes.

  "Jewel? I think you should wake up."

  I stirred at Alice's questioning voice, unsure why she sounded hesitant. Why?

  "Well… uh… hmm… this kind of looks like straight from one of those Yaoi books. You know, two males cuddled up next to one another. Very romantic,” she hummed in my head.

  What? I opened my eyes, noticing an unfamiliar defined chest in my view. "Finally awake, Jinn?"

  I slowly looked up to see Nixon sprawled out next to me. I had to take a minute to appreciate his sleepy yet sexy appearance. His red hair was now loose and messy but made him look extremely hot. His lazy black eyes were filled with amusement and I lowered my gaze down his bare chest that was muscle central all the way from his pecs to his abs. I mentally cursed at the red blanket hiding the rest of him, wishing I had a chance to ogle his lower muscles.

  "Just as a reminder you’re still a guy and you shouldn't be getting hard for Mr. Strawberry," Alice reminded. Strawberry. He does smell like strawberries. Wait… male… I'm a male… am I male? Hmm.

  "This is why you’re most vulnerable when you’re only half awake," Alice sighed and I felt something nudge me in my face. I groaned, blinking a few times before I looked down at Alice's fox form, her purple eyes blinking innocently at me as she sat between us.

  "Wake up and get out of this bed before Logan loses his shit seeing you with Nixon. Jeez, there's only so much you can do to tease a jealous lover," Alice complained in my head.

  Jealous...why would he be… wait. WAIT, WHAT?

  My eyes widened as I finally put everything together. "Nixon?!" I whispered but my voice came out at a higher pitch, especially for my male voice.

  Nixon grinned before he yawned. "Evening, Sexy Jinn. How was your nap?"

  "Uh… it was fine, thank yo- wait! NIXON! Why are you in my bed?" I huffed, my face growing hot with embarrassment as I backed up against the wall. I was still wearing my white dress shirt but the buttons were all undone; before, they had been two-thirds buttoned up.

  "I wanted to nap,” he stated matter-of-factly.

  "You have your own bed to nap in!" I pointed out.

  "True." He frowned at my observation. Nixon sat up and let his hands run through his hair as he stretched. I paid attention to every
muscle movement and the lines of his body. My eyes traveled down to his lower half, getting a glimpse of his V lines that peeked out from his maroon sweatpants. Damn pants… and that blanket.

  "Losing focus here," Alice pointed out. Ah right!

  I sat up, pressing my back against the wall while I crossed my legs in yoga style. "Nixon," I asked more seriously.

  Nixon looked away, scratching his head. "You were crying."

  I tilted my head in confusion, totally blown back by what he said. "What?"

  "You were crying. I didn’t know why, but you kept mumbling someone's name. I climbed the ladder to check and you were drenched in sweat and looked like you were gonna get sick,” he confessed, his cheeks growing a light shade of red.

  "I didn't want you getting sick so I held you until you calmed down. My mom used to hold me when I had fevers and stuff; it always worked. I thought it would be helpful..." He trailed off, meeting my gaze.

  I was rendered speechless at his confession. I normally remembered my dreams, even if they were nightmares, but I must have been so tired that I couldn't recall anything.

  "He did comfort you. He unbuttoned your shirt so you'd get some air and held you till you quieted down," Alice confirmed. She scrambled over my crossed legs to sit in the middle space, resting her head on my right thigh.

  "Ah… I'm sorry. It just… took me off guard," I confessed.

  "It's okay. I was planning to leave but I fell asleep by accident,” he admitted.

  We were quiet for a minute before I replied, "Thanks, Nixon. I appreciate it. I...get nightmares a lot."

  He nodded, giving me a small smile. "Me too." After a moment of comfortable silence, the door opened.

  "What the hell are you doing up there, Nixon?" Logan growled and I wanted to groan. I didn't want to deal with this manly war, especially when I was still tired.

  Nixon slowly turned his head and lifted his hand, showing that he was holding a joker card. Alice lifted her head to stare at the card and I gawked at it, wondering where the hell it came from.

  "I'm playing cards with Jinn. You wanna join?” Nixon asked calmly.

  Logan was quiet for a moment before he grumbled something under his breath.

  "I need to talk to Jinn, alone," Logan announced.

  Nixon shrugged. "Sure. Guess we'll finish our game later."

  He turned to me, leaning forward to whisper in my ear. "Don't get too mad at him. I like teasing him."

  I blushed at his words and he winked, moving to the ladder and his way down. I unhooked my legs and Alice hopped forward to look over the rail. I noticed Nixon shuffling a deck of cards in front of Logan, who stood with his arms crossed as he glared at Nixon's smug expression.

  "Don't get into a fight, lovers,” Nixon hummed, before walking out of the room and closing the door behind him.

  "He's interesting," Alice whispered in my head. Agreed.

  Logan looked up and our eyes met; his anger was so apparent it sent shivers down my spine while the anxiety that I thought had vanished from the effects of being a guy, reared its ugly head.

  I lifted my hands in defense. "Don't give me such an angry face. You've awakened my anxiety," I mumbled. He frowned, knowing from the way my voice trembled I wasn't joking.

  "Come down here, Jinn,” he whispered. His voice sounded less threatening than it had before but I still didn't feel confident enough to go down and face him.

  "Maybe in a minute… or two," I stalled. I kind of wished I was in my girl form so I could cry and he'd automatically feel sympathy for me. Were there any good things about being a male? I had yet to find any benefits.

  "Fine,” he replied. I thought I'd get a moment to calm my racing heart, but instead he climbed up the ladder and was by the end of the bed in seconds.

  I gulped and then a stream of words left my mouth suddenly. "Don't be mad at me or about the fact that Nixon's purposely pissing you off," I rushed out in a jumbled sentence, before shuffling to the head of the bed and crossing my legs.

  Alice whimpered and hopped off over to where Logan was before making her way down the ladder to go hide somewhere in the room. WHERE DID YOU GO?! You're supposed to give me moral support!

  "Nah. I’m not with angry Logan. Y'all can fight without me. Bye."

  Worst familiar ever!

  "I love you too," she replied and just like that, her presence was gone. I bit my lip hard, slowly turning back to Logan who was still looking in the direction Alice ran off to.

  "Why does she always run away when we fight?" he wondered.

  "Because violence doesn't solve anything. She's being smart by avoiding conflict," I reasoned.

  Logan looked over and lifted an eyebrow at me. "We're not gonna fight.”

  "I have no confidence in your words," I replied cautiously.

  He sighed, ruffling his hair. "Switch back,” he instructed and I knew from those words that this would end up either in an actual fight or in angry lovemaking. I secretly preferred the second option.

  I glanced away. "Someone could walk in," I mumbled.

  Logan took another deep inhale, letting the breath out slowly before directing his hand to the door. I heard it lock and felt the wave of magic leak into the air.

  "Did you just lock the door with magic? You know, Nixon’s supposed to sleep here too," I pointed out.

  "He can sleep on the fucking couch," Logan grumbled. Men and their jealousy. I wonder if I'll experience that? Nah. Being a girl is way better. When we’re jealous, we'll say it and make that bitch know whose side our men belong on. Simple savagery.

  I rolled my eyes but then closed them, retracting all my magic. I waited till I could feel my long locks and the extra weight of my breasts before I opened my eyes. I mentally sighed that the spell to cloak my body after I changed back to my female form worked, my black lace lingerie set covered my properties.

  Logan's eyes scanned me from top to bottom and my stomach did that flippy thing while my lower region tingled at the flicker of attraction in his gold eyes. Even if he looked angry, it didn't hide what my female body did to him.

  I raised my hand to make a shirt for me to wear with magic, but Logan lifted his hand. "Don't,” he ordered.

  I blushed at his command, pausing in my actions as he removed his shirt. I hadn't realized he'd changed out of his normal clothing, and was now wearing a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. He handed me his shirt and I smiled. "Thanks," I whispered, secretly squealing with joy at the chance to wear his clothing.

  I think over the years he realized half his 'missing' wardrobe was actually due to me and not the mysterious magically possessed washer and dryer I liked to blame. Men just didn't understand that us ladies loved smelling them all the time.

  I put his shirt on and let my hands run through my long hair as I nervously bit my lip again. He eyed me carefully, still keeping quiet. I personally hated when he was so silent. Totally meant he was disturbed and just thinking of what to say. To some, that was a good thing, but in this scenario, it meant he was ready to tell me everything he hated about Nixon and how I should have intervened at some point. Might as well get this over with.

  "You don't like Nixon," I began.

  "No. I hate his fucking guts,” he replied.

  I rolled my eyes. "You just met him. You can't just hate him like that."

  "Why are you defending him and not me?" He sounded irritated.

  "I'm not defending him. I'm trying to point out how irrational you sound right now. We just got here and since that test, you've been in a pissed off mood," I pointed out.

  "You see no problem with him?" he questioned.

  "Why should I? He's clearly pushing your buttons, and guess what? You’re falling for it," I replied.

  "He likes you."

  "He does not."

  "Jewel, are you blind? He's fucking interested in you!" Logan pointed at me.

  "He's not interested in ME!" I emphasized, gesturing at my female body. "He hasn't seen THIS me. He sees Jinn Starf
ire and he does not like him in that way. I don't get what you're seeing."

  "He's not sleeping here," Logan declared. I had to laugh, but tried to lower my volume so the others in the house wouldn't hear me.

  "You are not in charge of making that decision, Logan Cross. What's really bothering you?" I demanded. He opened his mouth to speak but paused, closing his lips shut. I took a calming breath, pinching my nose and praying to the heavens to give me divine patience.

  "Logan, are you upset that he's stronger than you?"

  He didn't answer, looking away. I sighed. "Logan. Just because Nixon is stronger than you, doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to dump your sexy ass for him. Stop jumping to conclusions without asking," I huffed.

  "I wasn't jumping to conclusions,” he argued, looking embarrassed. I gave him my 'yes you were' look. He bit his lower lip and ruffled his hair again. "He pisses me off."

  "I can clearly see that," I replied. "Doesn't mean he's going to replace you,"

  "But what if he does, Jewel? Many assignments required dual partnership. What if I can't keep up and he becomes your partner in crime for everything?" Logan whispered and I could hear the vulnerability in his voice. I frowned and my tense shoulders sank at his admission.

  "Logan. Even if that happened, do you really think I would stop loving you?" I asked.

  His eyes met mine and he slowly nodded, looking ashamed. "I'm not used to competition. In Natala, I was always top with everything and I had the woman of my dreams who was the best at everything there next to me. I'm just… scared you'll ditch me, especially when you're so confident as a guy. I'm not that self-assured. I have to present myself that way for my own ego… doesn't mean that I am,” he confessed.

  My heart clenched at his words. I wasn't used to seeing his vulnerability, especially over something like Nixon teasing him.

  "Don't get too mad at him. I like teasing him."

  Was Nixon teasing him on purpose just to see if he'd break? Why though? I sighed in defeat, deciding to heed Nixon's advice to not get upset. There was no point of us arguing anymore and I hated when we fought anyway.


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