Tolerance (Heart of Stone)

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Tolerance (Heart of Stone) Page 1

by Sidebottom, D H

  Heart of Stone #2


  A NSC Industries Novel

  By D H Sidebottom

  Heart of Stone #2


  Copyright © 2013

  By D H Sidebottom

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to actual places, incidents and persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 D H Sidebottom

  Excerpt from Heart of Stone Resolution Copyright © 2013

  Sometimes, love is just that little bit too painful


  It had been two weeks since Masons midnight visit. I welcomed my second trimester as we entered into December. My morning sickness had eased but my belly had grown even more and I was struggling to squeeze into the few clothes that I had at my cottage.

  Most of my belongings were still at Masons and I was trying to find the courage to contact him and arrange to collect them.

  My body still ached at the loss of him, my heart was still shattered and nothing I seemed to do was helping to weld it back together. I missed his husky voice, his soft whispers of love and passion as his warm breath brushed against my skin. I missed his beautiful smile, the sexy little grin he would give me; the one that lit his whole face and his eyes would twinkle and my heart would double its rapid beats. I missed his touch, the whisper of his fingers across my skin that would leave a trail of sparks and heat in their tracks. But most of all I missed his love.

  I knew that my betrayal with Kade had destroyed everything inside him, not just his trust and confidence but the pure, immeasurable love he had had for me. I didn’t blame him, not at all; I had done this, I was the one that had taken his heart and smashed it into a million fragments so brutally and cruelly that I knew he would never be able to look at me the same again, never be able to hold me and never be able to trust me and what was a relationship without these things.

  I will never forget the hurt, pain and utter devastation on his face the night of our engagement announcement; his hand reaching out to me as the pictures of mine and Kades love-making were reflected in his eyes as his soul viciously and agonisingly ripped in two. I had broken three hearts that night in the pool house; mine, Masons and Kades.

  It had been ten weeks since I had last seen Kade and I knew he had moved to Italy to stop the torture deep inside him every time he would look at me and know I would never belong to him, my heart would always belong to Mason, wholly and entirely. He had taken the move to Italy to convalescence and desperately mend his broken heart, another heart that I had so selfishly torn to pieces. But I had cared deeply for Kade, he had made me feel sensual, sexy and so utterly desired and wanted, from the way he looked at me to the way he would kiss me to the passion in the way he would touch me.

  But now it was time to let Mason go, my love for him so intense and pure that I would set him free to be happy with someone who deserved his love, someone who would make him happy and love him, though I knew that my love could outrival and drown even the most formidable and powerful love. I had heard he was back with Rebecca and that hurt, it hurt so damn much. She was an evil, manipulative bitch who was just after his wealth and power and I was frightened for him, knowing she didn’t love him made me sad and I knew he used cocaine when they were together and I was dreadfully worried he would go back to his old habits while he was with her.

  Their baby was due in a couple of months and what tore at me was the fact that he had attended all her pregnancy appointments, from scans to regular check-ups but he hadn’t shown any interest in our babies, my beautiful ‘peanuts’ as Courtney had christened them.

  I was due for another scan in a few days and Courtney had already taken the roll of pregnancy and birthing partner and she had supported and boosted me through these last couple of months. Even though I was grateful to her for attending all my appointments my whole body still wished it was Mason with me, holding my hand and being totally mesmerized at the two little heartbeats pumping away, side by side on the monitor.

  I placed my hand over my stomach and smiled, grateful for the two little parts of Mason that would always be with me, the two little parts of him that would always love me and need me. It was finally time to move on and to do this I had to face him, to collect my things from his house so picking up my phone and swallowing harshly I texted him, not summoning enough courage to actually ring him.


  Hey, I was wondering if it would be okay to collect my things from yours sometime this weekend.

  Ava x

  It took me 35 minutes before I made myself hit send and I got a reply almost immediately


  Sure, when?

  It was short and sweet but at least he had replied


  Whenever is best for you, just let me know x


  Tomorrow, lunchtime?


  Okay, I’ll be there about 1pm x

  A forbidden bubble of excitement fluttered in my stomach at the thought of seeing him and I scolded myself “We’re going to see Daddy soon peanuts” I smiled as I placed my hands over my belly.

  I was still smiling to myself as I flopped into bed that night, my pregnancy was exhausting me. I was still struggling to sleep as my body couldn’t adjust to being alone in bed. I missed Masons quiet steady breathing at the side of me, the warmth of his body snuggled against me, and the result of my insomnia had my skin pale and blotchy and I had large black circles under my eyes so I was relieved tomorrow was Saturday and I was adamant I wasn’t surfacing from under my duvet until dinnertime.

  It was after 4am that my body and mind finally gave in to the craving for sleep but by 7:30 I was once again wide awake, even though I was still exhausted, and after an hour of tossing and turning I climbed out of bed and made my way to the kitchen for coffee, even though since I had found out about my pregnancy I had been drinking the under stimulating crap of ‘decaf’; another craving my body was missing.

  Filling my cup and grabbing the huge jar of pickled gherkins and peanut butter from the fridge I sat and sighed with ecstasy as I dunked a gherkin into the butter and took a huge bite.

  My pregnancy cravings had been some of the most unusual I had heard or read about, last week it had been ready salted crisps and strawberry jam and I had an intense craving for soap and had eaten a few bars much to Courtneys horror and she had then ensued to remove every bar from my house and bought me some shitty squirty stuff and I had actually sat and cried as she had held me down and refused to let me out of the house to buy more.

  I moaned with pleasure as I took another bite as my phone rang. I smiled as Courtneys name flashed up on the display “Hey you” I greeted happily as I took another crunch “Hey mama, fancy breakfast?” she had adopted the nickname ‘mama’ for me after we had sat on the edge of the bath staring at the positive pregnancy test “Of course” I chirped, already thinking of the breakfast menu “You’re already ordering aren’t you?” she laughed and I grinned, she knew me so well “Hey, I’m eating for three here. I need sustenance” she laughed again and we ended the call arranging to meet in a couple of hours.

  I showered and squeezed myself into a green shift dress, my swollen belly protruding tightly against the strain of the material. I would seriously have to do some shopping for maternity clothes soon but I was hoping some of the clothes I had left at Masons would be more accommodating and roomy. I was mostly living in jogging bottoms and a couple of Masons t-shirts he had left here. I had thought about returning them to him this afternoon but I couldn’t bring myself to part with them. Apart from my peanuts, they were the only things I had left of him.

  When I walked into ‘The kitchen
’ at 10 O’clock, Courtney was already seated and nursing a coffee, another cup sat on the table waiting for me.

  I grinned widely at her “Morning Hun” I hugged her and plonked down opposite her “You still not sleeping Babe?” she said with a scowl “You look like death Ava. Have you asked the doc if they can prescribe anything?” I shrugged “Even if they I can, I don’t want to put some crap into my body and take the risk of hurting my babies” she cocked her head “Ava, I’m sure the doctor won’t give you anything that will harm them besides I don’t think you can ingest much crapper stuff than soap”

  “There’s only one thing that will help me sleep” I whispered and stared at my coffee as I stirred in some sugar.

  Her hand rested over mine as she nodded slowly “I know Babe. You heard anything from him yet?” I smiled timidly “I’m going to his at lunchtime to collect my things” I told her, trying to hide the grin that wanted to erupt over my face at the thought of seeing him again “Ava…” she warned when the smile broke free and filled my face “I know, I know. He doesn’t want me” I grumbled.

  I knew this but I just wanted to see his beautiful face, smell his gorgeous muskiness again and simply be near him.

  She nodded “So long as you remember that then you’re safe” she told me and we both looked up as the waitress approached

  “What can I get you guys?” she asked with a pleasant smile “Ooh let’s see…I’ll take a large full breakfast with extra tomatoes and mushrooms, ooh and an extra sausage and bread and butter, toast and a side order of fried potatoes and do you have peanut butter?” I asked as she stared wide eyed at me “Erm sure, you want peanut butter on what? Toast or bread?” she was still scribbling down my huge order “I’ll just take the jar please” I grinned happily.

  Her eyebrows quirked and her jaw dropped “She’s pregnant” Courtney informed her frankly and she smiled and nodded “Ahhhh I see” she smiled happily at me “When are you due?” she asked with interest “Early June” I smiled and rubbed my bump. Her eyes widened “Wow you’re big to say you have another six months to go” I rubbed my tummy again “Twins” I smiled and her eyes widened further “Oooh good luck. I bet Daddy’s pleased” she laughed and my smiled dropped “Mmmm” was all I said and then ended the conversation as I shifted in my seat and picked up my coffee.

  Sensing my discomfort Courtney dived in “I’ll just take pancakes and syrup please but could you double the order please cause I know she’ll be finishing them off and if I don’t double up I don’t get any” she scowled humorously at me. The waitress chuckled and nodded and then retreated to the kitchen.

  Courtney was silent for a moment and I could tell there was something on her mind “Out with it” I said to her and she smiled awkwardly “I’ve got something to tell you” she squirmed a little and my brow furrowed “What’s wrong?” she coughed slightly but then straightened her shoulders “Erm, I’ve been seeing someone for a few weeks” she looked down at her coffee with a slight guilty expression and I cocked my head “Okay…and?” I urged “Well its Greg…Greg Chambers” she cringed “Oh, well that’s okay, why are you worried?” she relaxed a little and gave me a small smile “It’s just with him being Mason’s accountant I didn’t want you to think I was fraternising with the enemy so to speak” she chuckled slightly and I grinned “Courtney, I’m pleased for you. Greg’s a great bloke and it’s about time you found somebody decent” I told her as the waitress placed our plates on the table in front of us, my many dishes balanced all the way up her right arm and the peanut butter wedged under her arm pit “Enjoy” she smiled and wandered off.

  My stomach rumbled in anticipation and hunger and I immediately unscrewed the butter and dipped a fried potato slice in it and as soon as it hit my tongue my eyes closed and my mouth watered around it “Good?” Courtney asked, her head cocked and a grin on her.

  I nodded enthusiastically and dipped another one “I have another confession” she winced severely now and I raised my eyes over my coffee cup sceptically “Go on” she swallowed “Erm well, he’s taking me to France for the week and I won’t be able to make your scan on Monday. I’m so sorry Ava” she said remorsefully.

  “God Girl, I thought there was something seriously wrong then. It’s fine, don’t worry. I’ll go alone or ask Kerrie to go with me” I told her around a mouth full of bacon and beans. She smiled and gave a relieved sigh “Thanks babe” I nodded “Enjoy yourself and don’t kill him you horny tart” she grinned at this, her eyebrows waggling enthusiastically.

  I demolished all my breakfast and half of Courtneys pancakes and sat back in my chair, stuffed to an extreme “Oh my God, I hope my little peanuts appreciate your discomfort Ava” Courtney laughed “you are gonna be in pain for at least an hour” I puffed “Your little peanuts are devouring everything as we speak, give me an hour and they’ll be ready for more” I said frankly and signalled for the bill. Our friendly waitress brought us the slip and she stared at the plates “My goodness, well done” she said wide eyed at the empty plates, I think she thought the amount of food would challenge me. Silly girl!!


  At 1 O’clock I pulled up in front of Masons, my stomach round my ankles and my heart in my throat. I was so nervous I was actually trembling, not knowing how he would act towards me. Our last encounter still made me shiver and I touched my neck instinctively in the place where he had bitten me hard enough to draw blood. I peeled myself from the car and approached the door on wobbly legs.

  Taking a deep breath I knocked quietly. The door swung open almost immediately and my lips parted to pull in a deep breath at the sight of him, my heart soared in response to being so close and the vision of his hard muscled perfect frame had my insides clenching in desire.

  We silently studied each other for a few moments, both seeming to appreciate the vision in front of us

  “Hi” I said timidly. His face darkened and there was a flicker in his eyes “You look like shit Ava” he said sternly and I nibbled furiously on my fingertip. Hey, nice to see you too!

  He frowned deeply when I didn’t give him a response “Are you sleeping?” he asked firmly and I shrugged.

  God damn him! He didn’t have the right to bark questions at me anymore but I couldn’t help cowering down to him, even after the end of our relationship.

  “Can I come in to get my stuff?” I asked quietly and he bit his bottom lip furiously “I asked if you are sleeping Ava, why won’t you answer me?” he asked again, his forefinger sweeping across his bottom lip and I tracked it with my eyes “Mason please” I swallowed heavily and he huffed “Sorry, come in” he moved aside and let me pass.

  His unique scent assaulted my nostrils as I passed him and I inhaled deeply, locking the aroma into my memory. I was sure I heard him sniff up at the same time and the thought made my insides warm.

  I stood timidly in the hallway, still chewing on my finger, as I heard him swallow and take a deep breath. “I’m afraid I haven’t had time to bag your things”

  I nodded “I’ll Erm…go and do it then…if that’s okay?” I asked tentatively and he scowled “Of course” he near barked and I gulped. “I’ll go then…” I trailed off as I saw his eyes drop to my stomach and widen when they took in the swell “Wow, you’re getting big” he said with a small smile and I shrugged “Twins” I said as though that one word was all that was needed to explain, which of course it was.

  He gulped and his hand lifted as though to reach out to my bump but he dropped it back down and a painful expression flittered across his face. “I’ll just Erm…” I continued and gestured to the stairs. He nodded once and I dragged my trembling legs up the stairs and into the bedroom.

  My heart slammed against my chest and the damn wedge developed in my throat, the one that struggled furiously to keep the tears at bay.

  I bit my bottom lip and walked over to the bed; the bed we had shared together wrapped tightly in each other’s arms and had made love so beautifully and passionately in. I sucked in
my lips and trailed my fingers over the duvet…the new duvet. It was now a slate grey one, the dark blue one we had shared had been replaced. That saddened me and I wondered if it was Masons or Rebecca’s undertaking.

  I walked to the wardrobe and pulled off my suitcase that was still in its usual spot and placing it on the bed I went back to the wardrobe and as I opened it I gasped. My clothes were still hung at the side of Masons, still in the same position I had left them in ten weeks ago.

  I ran my fingers down one of Mason’s shirts, the need to touch something of his encompassing me. I sighed and ordered myself to do what I came for so I grabbed a handful of my clothes and rammed them angrily into my case and repeated the process until I had removed them all.

  Entering the bathroom I frowned when I saw all my toiletries still in their original place; my shampoo and conditioner was still on the shelf in the shower cubicle, my perfumes, creams and cotton balls were still on the vanity and I gasped as my eyes fell on my toothbrush, still sat next to Masons in the holder.

  “Oh” I breathed out on a huff and I reluctantly removed it from its spot, detesting the idea of separating the touching items, items that had been inside Mason and had been inside me.

  As I took hold of it my nostrils twitched at something that excited my senses and stomach. Soap!!

  I groaned in appreciation and my mouth watered at the sight of it.

  Quickly snatching it up I took a huge bite “Oh God, Yes!!” I rumbled in pleasure, the taste of it calming my craving immediately.


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