Tolerance (Heart of Stone)

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Tolerance (Heart of Stone) Page 3

by Sidebottom, D H

  He ordered our coffees and we found a table near the window and I tucked in immediately. Mason sat in silent awe as I devoured everything “Wow” he said “Hey, I was hungry” I scolded as I took a gulp of my coffee “Really?” he mocked and I narrowed my eyes on him but a huge grin erupted on his face “I really hope the peanuts don’t starve” he said in mock seriousness and I grinned back at him.

  He gazed into his coffee for a moment and then looked back at me “I didn’t mean what I said to you yesterday” he said softly and I shrugged. His hand shot across the table and rested over mine “I mean it Ava. I was just…just angry at seeing you…Not like that!” he said as my eyes widened “I was just angry and sad and pissed that what we had…well, it’s gone and I lost you” he said quietly and lowered his eyes. I sighed heavily and placed my other hand over his “You can’t begin to imagine how sorry I am Mason, I hate myself for what I did to you…to us” I bit my bottom lip “The babies…they are yours Mason, Kade didn’t…didn’t, you know” I cringed as his face hardened “I’m sorry Mason but I had to tell you, I don’t want you thinking they are Kades…” I trailed off quietly as I saw his expression harden

  “I know they’re mine Ava because my mum and Kerrie were born to twins” he divulged and my mouth opened. He gave me a small smile “We lost Kerries twin brother to cot death when he was six months old” he took a sip of his coffee “I’m sorry” I whispered and he shrugged “I don’t remember much but it was after this that my mum shut down with me and Kerrie, she couldn’t handle the grief when she looked at us I guess” he said sadly and I nodded “I just wanted to explain best I can about Rebecca though Ava” he sighed and I bit my lip harder at the mention of her name “I have to go to all Rebecca’s appointments Ava, it’s not because I want to, it’s just well…I have a part to play” he sucked his lips and stirred his coffee froth with his spoon “I don’t understand” I said, thoroughly bewildered by his statement but he just shrugged and I gathered that was the only piece of information he was going to give me

  “She’s due soon isn’t she?” I asked, trying to keep the bitterness from my voice. His eyes slowly slid up to mine “She’s booked in for a caesarean at the end of March” he shifted his eyes away as I choked on my coffee “What the hell?” I near shouted and he winced but then realisation dawned and he looked at me sharply “No, no Baby. Do not think that I slept with her while I was with you” he held my hand tightly “Please don’t ask me to explain, it’s too complicated but I need you to know that I DID NOT sleep with Rebecca when were together” I shook my head rapidly “Oh come on Mason. She was due at the beginning of February and now all of a sudden she’s not due until the end of March. That makes it pretty fucking clear to me”

  I stood up swiftly, knocking my chair backwards and grabbed my bag. His eyes were closed as though he was struggling internally with something but he just slumped back.

  I bit back a sob and stormed from the café, knocking a perplexed Ethan out of the way as he entered the room “Ava” Mason shouted but I ignored him and scurried back to my car.

  The lying bastard!!! If Rebecca was due at the end of March that made it obvious that Mason and her had been fucking while he been with me and the arsehole had the cheek to punish me for Kade. What a hypocrite!!


  I could see Mason in my rear view all the way back to the cottage “Piss off Mason!” I scowled into my mirror as I slammed on the brakes outside my home and made a dash for the front door.

  He screeched to a stop behind me.

  “Come on damn it” I frantically searched through my bag for my keys and feeling the cold metal I grabbed them and rammed it into the keyhole. “Ava!” he shouted as I managed to fling the door open, I was so close to pushing it shut as his foot wedged in the frame “Move your fucking foot or lose it Mason” I yelled and he actually removed it. Wow, that was easy!

  I grinned happily as I slammed it shut “Ha!” I declared and peeked round the lounge door. After been broken into twice I was still a little uneasy every time I came in and now had a habit of checking the room before I settled in.

  Relaxing a little after finding nothing out of place in the lounge I went to check on the kitchen. My phone rang in my bag as I was about to turn the handle and retrieving it I found it was Liv “Hey Ava” she greeted as I answered “Hey” I smiled as I heard her new born, Helena, grizzling in the background “I swear she can sense the minute I get on this blasted phone” she laughed “Listen Ava, I can’t stay on long but we are having a Christmas party this Saturday at mine and we want you to come, bring Courtney” she said in between shushes to Helena “Yeah that would be great, thanks but Courtney won’t be here, she’s in France until Sunday.”

  After I hung up I opened the kitchen door “FUCK!!” I screamed as I came face to face with an angry Mason sat in one of my kitchen chairs “How the hell?” I gulped and he waggled his old back door key at me “You have no right Mason” I glared at him “Well when you won’t fucking listen to me Ava, I have every damn right” he seethed and I rubbed at my temples, exhaustion finally taking over after several weeks of hardly any sleep

  “Just go Mason” I flopped down in a chair and rested my head on my folded arms against the table. “Ava, look at me” he sighed and I ignored him, I didn’t need this right now, I felt like I could sleep for a week

  “Ava, Baby you’re exhausted” he said softly as he crouched before me and smoothed my hair away from my cheek. I was struggling to open my eyes and I just sighed at him.

  His strong arms lifted me from the chair but I was too tired to argue so I snuggled into him. My body elated with the feel of his embrace and I felt his lips brush my forehead “Come on Baby, let’s get you in to bed” he breathed in my ear as he nudged open my bedroom door.

  He sat me on the edge of the bed and lifting my hips; he slid my dress up and over my head and lifted my arms through it. Gently laying me down he crouched down in front of me, stroking my hair softly “Go to sleep my little warrior” he whispered against my cheek as he placed a delicate kiss beside my ear. I heard him sigh deeply then stand and my hand shot out “Please stay with me Mason, I can’t sleep unless you’re beside me” I mumbled “Oh Ava” he choked out and I felt his hesitation but then he was removing his shoes and socks, then I heard his belt being unbuckled and his trousers swish down his legs. If I wasn’t so damn tired I would have already jumped on him.

  Slipping in behind me he wrapped me in his arms and pulled me back against him, kissing the back of my head tenderly as he placed his hand over my swollen belly, lightly tracing circles with his fingers

  “That’s nice” I whispered and smiled and the last thing I heard was Mason telling me how sorry he was for everything, when he thought I was asleep.

  I woke to soft sunlight filtering through my window and I squinted at the clock; 6:37 “Shit” I shot up, amazed I had slept for 17 hours and then I remembered Mason. My heart clenched when I realised he had gone and picking up the pillow he had slept on I snuggled it close, inhaling his intoxicating scent from the cotton, and drawing my knees up to my chest, I lay my head on it and sighed, missing him already.

  I don’t know how long he had stayed with me but I was grateful for his comforting presence beside me, I hadn’t slept like that since…well since the last time he was snuggled behind me.

  I put the pillow back carefully, already telling myself that if I huddled into it tonight it might help me sleep alone for the first time and swung myself out of bed, feeling refreshed and energised for the first time in weeks.

  Wrapping in my robe I went down for coffee and as I entered the kitchen I was delighted to see the first snow of the season had settled “Hey look peanuts, its snowed” I said happily and rubbed my bump. God, I felt great! “Thank you Mason” I whispered into nothing and then felt a twinge of sadness. I missed him so much, last night had proved that.

  I approached the kettle and found a note beside a brown bag containing muffins, croi
ssant and bagels. Oh my God, I loved that man!


  Thought you might be hungry after all that sleep. I had to leave at 5 but I fetched you food you gannet and I know my little peanuts will be ready for their breakfast. I’ll be in touch soon, we need to talk.

  Mason xxx

  P.S I haven’t slept that well for a long time….I think we both needed it

  A tear slipped free at the reference to ‘his peanuts’ and the damn broke at the realisation that he hadn’t been sleeping well without me either.

  I decided to text him to thank him for the breakfast


  Good morning, thank you for breakfast and an AMAZING night’s sleep

  Your peanuts are eternally grateful


  At 9 O’clock I near on skipped up the steps to the NSC building where I worked “Wow, somebody had a good night’s sleep” Bert the doorman grinned at me. I beamed up at him “I most definitely did Bert” he laughed and winked at me as he held open the door.

  It was my first day as Nate Carters Personal Assistant and I couldn’t wait to get started. Liv wasn’t back for another few weeks so I was going to be ultra-busy doing my own job and sharing Livs work load with Grace but I was glad for the distraction.

  Jonathon the main floor receptionist greeted me with a mug of coffee and a blueberry muffin as I exited the elevator “Oh my God, I love you. I’ve only had 2 cream cheese bagels, an apple and cinnamon muffin and 2 jam croissants this morning. I’m starved” I grinned at him and took a gulp of coffee. I had been training up here for a few weeks so Jonathon was already aware of my humungous appetite.

  He laughed and flung his head back “I can take care of it for you Ava if you can’t manage it” he smirked and I snarled at him “Don’t you fucking dare!” he laughed again and then cocked his head at me “Wow, you know you look great this morning. Really fresh and blossoming” he smiled appreciatively, his eyes skimming over me. I had managed to find a knee length sweater dress in my winter wardrobe and although it was flush against my bump I still managed to heave myself into it. I had plans to clothes shop on Saturday; Kerrie was coming with me to make it a girly day and I was really looking forward to it as we were having the works; hair, nails and facial.

  “I better go see to his majesty” I winked and strolled down the long corridor that led to Nates office and personal reception.

  He was in his office but his door was open “Morning” I shouted as I slung my bag and coat away in the lockable cupboard at the back of the reception area after retrieving my phone, iPad and peanut butter jar “I need you Ava” he shouted desperately and I walked into his office.

  He was squashed under his desk, puffing and panting and pulling at something. I rushed over and placing my things on his desk, I peered underneath his desk “What are you doing?” I snorted when I saw his red face and sweat dripping off his forehead, he looked bloody hilarious! “My bloody printers broke and the people that fitted out the office welded the fucking cable underneath the carpet and I need to get the damn thing out” he grumbled.

  I slid on my knees “You pull it as I lift the corner of the desk” he directed and I grabbed hold of it. He managed to lift the corner just as my phone rang and I reached my hand above me onto the table to grab it and slid my finger over it without looking who it was as I tugged on the cable

  “It’s coming Ava, keep going” Nate cried with a grunt as he lifted the table. I pulled with a hefty groan and the cable slid free as I heard Masons snarl through the phone “Ava! Who the fuck are you with?” “Yes” Nate cried as the cable came completely free and he dropped the table with a bang.

  I grinned victoriously at him and then remembered Mason “Hey” I said happily to him

  “I asked who the fuck you are with Ava?” he growled at me and I froze wide eyed “Erm Nate” I said timidly. He spluttered down the phone for a few seconds then the line went dead and I frowned, looking at the phone as if it would give me a reason for his outburst.

  Nate looked at me curiously “Everything okay?” I shrugged “He must be having a bad day” I said with a shake of my head “You okay now?” I asked and he smiled wickedly “Erm…I need you to put the new cable in the groove where the old one was” I groaned “Do you just want me to phone maintenance?” I asked him with a pleading expression. He laughed “They take hours Ava and I need these documents printing before my meeting in half an hour”

  I rolled my eyes “Go on then, but look up my dress and I’ll flatten you” I warned jokingly and he feigned shock and horror with his hand on his chest “I would never do a thing like that Ava” he grinned slyly and I raised my eyebrows at him. Nate and I had developed a great friendship and we were constantly ribbing each other and joking about.

  “Ready?” he asked after he had set up the new printer. He passed me the cable and I took a deep breath “Okay” I said and he heaved the desk up as I tried to slip the cable into the groove but the desk wasn’t far enough off the ground for me to slip it under “You need to raise it a bit higher” I groaned as I heard a commotion outside

  “I can’t get it any further up Ava” he yelled at me as he made one extra effort to push up the desk. “I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU!” I heard Mason scream from the reception area and I dropped the cable and Nate dropped the table as Mason skidded to a halt in the doorway

  “Oh!” he said wide eyed. I frowned at him “What are you doing here?” I asked bewildered at his obvious distress; his face was bright red, his fists were scrunched tightly and his jaw was rock solid. He cringed slightly “Erm…What are you doing?” he asked sheepishly and I eyed him curiously “Trying to replace the printer cable, why?” I asked him and he took a step further in “I just thought Erm…it doesn’t matter” he cringed again and I leant back on my heels.

  Nate started chuckling, then he started laughing and then he was hooting “He thought we were at it Ava” he said between breaths and I gasped “Why would you think that?” I asked, stunned. He shrugged “Well what would you think if you answered the phone to grunts and groans and a bloke shouting ‘it’s coming, keep going?” he sucked in his lips and Nate started laughing again and I glared at Mason “You thought me and Nate were having sex?” my eyes were huge “Well Erm, then when I got in reception he was shouting he couldn’t get it up any further and I know what you’re like Ava” he grinned and Nate snorted loudly and started laughing again. My mouth fell open and I stared at him “I’m sorry” he grimaced and I cocked my head “Erm Mason, can I have a word please?” I asked as I pushed up onto my feet. Masons hand shot out to help me up and I softened at his consideration but not too much.

  I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the empty reception area, shutting Nates door behind me. Mason looked at me and grinned sheepishly as I sighed “Why did you rush all the way over here when you thought I was having sex with Nate?” I asked and he pursed his lips and a flash glinted in his eye “Why do even have to ask that Ava?” he said outraged and I raised my eyebrows at his stupidity “Erm Mason. We’re not together anymore” I reminded him and he realised what I was saying “Oh” he said for the second time this morning and I nodded slowly “I am not having sex with Nate but it is still none of your damn business Mason. You are currently back with your ‘fuck whore’ and what I do with my own sex life is up to me” I was rather angry at his relenting dominance over me

  “Ava…” he warned with a low growl and I shook my head “What Mason? Am I not allowed to have a relationship ever? Is it okay for you to fuck someone else but not for me?” I was furious at his possessiveness over me even though we had been separate for over ten weeks “Don’t fucking say that” he snarled “What? The fact that I might FUCK somebody? Grow up Mason. If I want to have sex with someone then I damn well will. Are you telling me you’re not fucking Rebecca?” I was now seriously regretting asking that question because I didn’t want to know the answer so I quickly turned around before it left his lips.

  “God damn it Ava!”
he spat and stormed off and I slumped in my desk chair and bit my lip. I will not cry, I will not cry, I will not cry I repeated in my head.

  Nate popped his head through his door “You okay?” he asked gently and I sighed but nodded “He seems to think I’m not allowed a life even though we’re not together anymore” I shook myself off and plastered a smile on my face “Right, let’s get this damn cable laid” I growled and he winked “Come into my lair Ava” I rolled my eyes and shook my head but entered the lair laughing.


  By the end of the week I was lagging again, I hadn’t managed to get another restful night and the black rings under my eyes had returned by Saturday.

  I picked Kerrie up at 10 O’clock and by 12:30 I had bought most of the maternity section at Debenhams and my feet hurt so we had sunk into the first pub we came across and were currently digging into a mouth-watering pie and chips.

  “Sooo what’s the Goss with Courtney and Greg?” Kerrie asked with an eager expression and I chuckled “Wonderful apparently, can’t seem to get enough of each other and I’m really pleased for her. She deserves it” Kerrie murmured her agreement over a mouthful of pie “Wow this is really good” she hummed appreciatively and I couldn’t hide my disappointment at her approval of the pie “Sorry sweetie but there won’t be any left” she giggled and I pouted “I’ll buy you a pudding” she winked at me and I grinned

  “Are you going to Liv and Nates party?” I asked her as I finished my meal and shoved my empty plate away, my eyes on her chips. She shook her head at the question but rolled her eyes at my pleading expression and pushed her plate over to me and I clapped “I love you so much” I told her “I hate you” she grumbled humorously.


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