Tolerance (Heart of Stone)

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Tolerance (Heart of Stone) Page 5

by Sidebottom, D H

  His words hit me like a bucket of cold water “W..w.what” I stuttered as my heart slammed against my chest “I have to let you go. We can’t be together. I can’t…” he whispered as pain tore through us both.

  I scrambled off the bed, shaking my head violently “No Mason…NO!” he lowered his eyes and I saw a tear drop off his chin onto the bed “I don’t understand. You came here Mason! You made love to me damn it!” I cried as he slowly climbed from the bed, reached for his clothes and pulled them on “NO! Damn you” I yelled and he looked at me, his own heartbreak and pain evident in his eyes “I needed to make love to you for one last time Baby” he breathed as he cupped my face. I slapped him away “No Mason! Admit it! You came here to fuck me!” I screamed and he shook his head, his tears free falling “Never Ava! I ALWAYS made love to you” he said vehemently “I will always love you” he breathed “NO!” I Sobbed “Please Mason. I love you” I begged and his face screwed up in agony as he stood before me and cupped my face “You need to be free of me Ava. I want you to be happy Baby. You deserve to be happy Ava” he sobbed and I pushed him away, my heart shattering at his words “Please!” I sobbed and he kissed my forehead “Goodbye Ava. Remember I always love you” he wept as he stroked gently across my stomach and left me, left me to slide to the floor, broken and dead inside as I screamed in agony until Courtney came in and lifted me onto the bed, spooning me from behind and rocking me gently “Mason” I sobbed heart wrenchingly “Mason”.


  I made it downstairs an hour later and Greg was at the kitchen table “Oh hey” I greeted as I gave him a small smile “I’m sorry, am I keeping you from your woman?” I winked as I plonked into a chair. His hand rested over mine “No Ava. You Okay?” he frowned at me and sighed when I just shrugged “I don’t know what the hell’s going on with him Ava” he grumbled and smiled softly at Courtney as she entered the kitchen. It lifted my spirits to see so much adoration and love on his face for my best friend, she deserved it

  “What happened Ava? As I came in and he told me to make you coffee and I could tell by his face that he was going to do something serious” I shrugged again and smiled at her as she handed me a mug of coffee “I woke up in the middle of the night and he was here. He made love to me and then this morning said he was setting me free…I mean what the fuck? I don’t wanna be set bloody free. I want him!” I grumbled as a fresh tear slid free.

  Greg huffed and chewed on his bottom lip in thought “He was devastated when he came down the stairs. Something is definitely wrong” he mused and I frowned at him “What do you mean?” I asked lifting myself from the chair and grabbing the peanut butter from the fridge. He shrugged and sighed “Ava, it broke his heart this morning to do what he did, so why? If he loves you so much like I know he does then why the hell finish it?” I mumbled something incoherent around my finger full of butter and they both raised their eyebrows at me in query “I said it’s obviously Rebecca isn’t it. I mean he told me she was due at the beginning of February and now all of a sudden it’s the end of March, he was obviously sleeping with her while he was with me. I worked it out that me and Mason had been together for a couple of weeks when she got caught. So if he was still with her when he was with me then he must…” I looked down “He must still be in love with her” I finished.

  Greg huffed “Ava, think about it” he said resignedly and I frowned “What?” He rolled his eyes “Ava…it’s obviously not his fucking baby” he declared and my body broke out in a cold sweat “What? Why?...” he stood and looked through the kitchen window “Ava, I know damn well he didn’t sleep with Rebecca while he was with you, I don’t even think he’s slept with her since you. He is so much in love with you. He even told me how Erm…great things are in the bedroom with you” I blushed furiously “Sorry, it’s a guy thing” he shrugged and cringed “When he was with Rebecca, he didn’t give a shit who bedded her, Hell at one time he shared her in a threesome with Dane” I shuddered as the image crept into my head and I must have looked mortified because Courtney slapped him “Greg, don’t tell her things like that” he shrugged again “But I’m just trying to get her to see how it is, can you imagine Mason sharing Ava?” he said with a ‘never in a million years’ look “There’s something going down and I have a feeling it’s to do with Rebecca. Mason must know it’s not his baby” he pondered.

  The cogs in my head were working overtime “He did seem amazed at the scan. Like it was the first time he’d seen his child on the screen and I did wonder why because he should have been a little more laid back after seeing Rebecca’s and he was adamant he hadn’t slept with her while he was with me” I murmured as I tapped my nails on the table.

  “There’s something else” Greg said as he looked at me “Mark has gone missing” he stated and I frowned “What do you mean, Mark is missing?” he pursed his lips and huffed “I’ve heard on the grapevine that Mason finished him and made a fucking good job of it when he did. Really made him suffer”

  “I don’t understand what that’s got to do with me” I said as he sat in the chair beside me “I’ve had my ear to the ground for you for a while, wondering what Mason has been up to. I…I…Well Courtney means a lot to me and as her best friend well, What hurts you hurts her so I’ve been doing some digging” he stated and looked at me intently “Ava, the night you finished Dean, can you remember who was with you?” he asked and I raked my memories “Erm not really, I was kind of zoned out. I know Mason and Sam were there” I told him and he nodded “I wasn’t there that night Ava but can you remember if Mark was?” he asked and I bit my lip in thought “I really can’t recall Greg I’m sorry, why is it important?” I asked now absolutely bewildered “Well I bet you didn’t know that Mark and Rebecca had an on-going relationship, that’s how Mason met her, through Mark. And at one point we were all aware that Mark was in love with her but by then she had fallen for Mason” he informed me and I nibbled furiously on my little finger “There’s just something dodgy. I mean Mason just used Rebecca for sex, he really doesn’t even like her and yet he’s choosing her over you…Nah! There’s something we’re missing!” he affirmed and I rose to grab another jar of butter and some gherkins.

  Greg watched in amazement as I gorged out a huge pile of the butter onto a gherkin and devoured it “Wow” he said with a grimace and Courtney scoffed “That’s nothing, you should see her with soap!” she told him as she filled the kettle “Soap? You eat soap?” he pulled a disgusted face at me and I shrugged unhappily “She won’t let me have any, hell even Mason got angry when he caught me eating it”

  I realised my mistake when Courtney swung around and glared at me “When?” she demanded and I shrunk in my chair “Erm the day I went to pick up my stuff. I only had two bites” I appeased quickly “He stole it from me” I pouted angrily and Greg laughed “Jesus” he rose from his chair and went and pulled Courtney in his arms “I’m gonna go see Sam, see what I can dig up” he kissed her tenderly and I looked away, a little jealous of the display of affection. He stroked her cheek tenderly and she beamed at him as he kissed her nose and grabbed his coat off the back of the chair “See you Ava, I’ll be in touch if I uncover anything” I nodded and smiled

  “Greg” I shouted and he turned around “Thanks” I said considerately and he put his hand on my shoulder “We’ll sort this Ava, he’s my friend and it guts me to see him so unhappy, and you, you belong together” he said tenderly and my eyes welled up. He winked and left and I turned to Courtney “I like him” she grinned at me “So do I” she beamed.

  I walked into work Monday morning laden with cupcakes, cookies and muffins from my Sunday afternoon baking therapy. Jonathon’s face lit up brightly as he removed a selection of them before I took them down the corridor with me to Nates reception area. His eyes lit up like a school boys as he drooled over them “Good riddance Rachel. You are by far my favourite assistant Ava” he grinned at me happily. I rolled my eyes at him and heard my phone text alert from my bag


  Fancy lunch sweetheart? In fact I know you do…its food ;-)



  You buying?



  Of course!!! You’re drooling aren’t you? Lol



  Of course!!! You do realise I’m gonna guzzle everything on the menu. Hope you have enough cash ;-)



  I’ll pick you up from work 12:30. Gotta nip and see Nate anyway. God! I’m hungry already…and not for lunch!!!


  I smiled to myself and the morning whizzed by and Kade was soon leading me into a restaurant somewhere in the centre of London, his hand placed firmly at the small of my back in a possessive manner.

  It was a huge classy place and we were escorted to a discreet table in the window. I was a little dismayed at the prices knowing I couldn’t indulge and Kade caught my unhappy expression “Go for it Ava, order anything you want” he laughed at me when my face lit up “You are so gonna regret saying that” I mumbled as I perused the delights on the menu “I love watching you eat sweetheart” he breathed, his tone a low husky rumble and my lower belly pooled with desire. I closed my eyes and sighed heavily but then shook myself off and glared at him but he just gave me a lazy grin and as his gaze dropped to my neck the smile dropped from his face, he leant forward and pulled the collar of my shirt aside and I heard a small growl in his throat. I cringed and looked away “I see he’s been at you then” he looked thoroughly dismayed and I sucked in my lips “It’s over now” I said quietly.

  He looked up at the waiter as he placed our order and poured me some non-alcoholic wine. I smiled at his thoughtfulness, registering that I couldn’t have anything intoxicating. He raised his eyebrows at me in query “Please Kade, leave it. I said it’s over now. It was just a one off to say goodbye. He’s gone back to Rebecca” I informed him and he looked at me incredulously “Why the hell would he want that…that slag when he could have you so freely” I winced at his words.

  Kade was well aware I would do anything to have Mason and it must hurt him painfully as he had told me he was in love with me. I just shrugged “I don’t wanna talk about Mason” I said and pursed my lips as I scanned the restaurant.

  William Jackson, a good friend of Masons who owned the illicit Sex club, glanced my way and his eyes lit up in recognition. I beamed happily at him and waved. He said something to his companion and made his way over.

  I stood on his arrival and kissed his cheek gently “Mr Jackson, it’s lovely to see you” I smiled. He grinned broadly “Miss Stone, it’s my pleasure” he gave me a tender smile as he took my hand and brought it to his lips. Kade stood up “William” he greeted with warmth. William was obviously a popular man as people always greeted him warmly and he took Kades hand and pulled him into a man hug

  “How long are you home for Kade?” he asked and they spoke for a while until William looked at me again “How is Mason?” he asked and he must have sensed my sadness as he frowned “Is everything okay Miss Stone?” he asked softly as he placed his hand gently on my shoulder “Mason is now back with Rebecca Delaney, Mr Jackson” I informed him but I gathered he could read my devastation as his face darkened “Really? I can’t imagine why. She’s a manipulative, deceitful bitch” he winked and I couldn’t help the grin I gave him as his words cheered me up.

  I don’t think there was anybody who liked the bitch “Mmmm in fact the whole family is rather…what we shall say? Just wrong!!” he shivered and I frowned “You know her father?” I asked, now highly interested “Oh Yes!” he leaned in to my ear “This goes no further Miss Stone but I like you and can tell you are trustworthy if Mason thinks so highly of you” he chuckled “Commissioner Delaney is a regular visitor to my club and let’s just say he has rather…specific tendencies” he pulled back and raised his eyebrows at me “Really?” I said with a small humorous smile and he couldn’t help holding in his laughter “Well I gather it’s something very…Erm different” I laughed as his deep rumble broadened “You could say that Miss Stone but it would be very unprofessional of me to divulge more” he tipped his head and I nodded “Well I will let you enjoy your lunch. I see you are feeding for two now, congratulations” he grinned as he scanned my stomach. I smiled happily and placed my hand over my stomach “Three actually” I informed him and his eyes widened “Wow, I bet that came as a shock” he laughed “It was for me, not so much for Mason. Apparently there are a string of twins in his family but he forget to tell me that bit of information” I rolled my eyes and he chuckled “Well take care of yourself and those precious babies Miss Stone and if ever you need anything, and I mean anything, you just ask” he said warmly as he clasped my hand “Thank you” I said gratefully, he smiled and wandered back to his table

  “You have a good ally there Ava. He likes you” Kade smiled “I like him too” I admitted and Kade nodded “He’s a good man” he told me as our food arrived and I grinned in excitement at the several plates of food that were placed in front of me. Kade laughed heartily as he saw my delight “Enjoy sweetheart” he winked as I tucked in

  “You know that’s what Mason said” I told him around a mouthful of buttered asparagus, he frowned at me as he bit into his steak “What? enjoy sweetheart?” I scowled at him “No, That William is a good man” Kade nodded “Mason and William have been good friends for years. I know they respect each other enormously and Mason has helped William out of a few sticky situations before” he divulged as I stabbed a piece of chicken, well I think it was chicken, it was covered in a thick goo but it was edible so I devoured it.

  Three plates of food and the remainder of Kades steak later and I settled back in my seat and dabbed my mouth with my napkin “Finished?” Kade asked in amazement. I grinned at him “For a while” He scoffed and held his mouth open “My God, I have never seen anyone eat so much” he shook his head in wonder “I told you that you would regret bringing me” I laughed as the waiter approached “Deserts Sir, ma’am?” he asked politely and Kade grimaced and looked at me in query “Erm…” I pursed my lips and cocked my head “Any recommendations?” I asked sheepishly and Kades eyes widened and I laughed “No thank you, I couldn’t eat another bite” I informed him and when the waiter disappeared I mumbled “For another hour anyway” Kade laughed loudly and his hand settled on mine on the table

  “I have a cocktail party to attend on Saturday, will you come with me?” he asked so earnestly I couldn’t refuse “I would be honoured” I smiled and his face lit up “Great, I’ll pick you up at 8 O’clock. You got a cocktail dress you can fit into?” he asked and I gasped mockingly “Mr Hamilton! How very rude!” I joked and he grinned “You could always come naked though Ava” his eyes sparkled and his lips twitched and I shook my head in mock disgust “See, rude” I scoffed and flung my hands in the air.

  We stood to leave and Kade wrapped his arm around my shoulder “Do you have to go back to work, we could go back to mine for coffee?” he grinned and waggled his eyebrows and I was so tempted to say yes “Saturday night” I winked and couldn’t hold back the grin when his mouth dropped open and he stared at me in shock “Really?” he asked seriously and I just laughed and tapped his cheek “Come on, you can take me back now you’ve filled me up” I said and groaned when I saw his cheeky expression “Do you ever stop?” I laughed and his hand settled on my arse “Never!” he breathed in my ear and I was starting to take my flippant Saturday night joke seriously.


  “Ava, I have a business lunch tomorrow. Are you okay to attend?” Nate shouted through his open office door “Yeah, that’s fine” I shouted back “Now, you’re not gonna embarrass me and punch some bugger are you?” he laughed “Only you Mr Carter” I snorted “But you would lose your job then Ava” he bit back flippantly “It would be so worth it” I joked breezily and then I poked my head round his door “You have insulted me, I am going home” I poked my tongue out at him and he wide
ned his eyes at me “Seriously?” he asked, somewhat shamefaced and I rolled my eyes “No, it’s 5:45 you fool” I laughed and he glanced at the clock “God, where did the time go? Liv will have my bollocks” he declared and scurried about picking his belongings up “Oh God, I hope so” I said dreamily. He stared at me then laughed “Go home Miss Stone… You’re fired”

  I laughed loudly as I walked toward the elevator “And then who would make you cookies Mr Carter?” I shouted back “Oh Yeah, you’re re-hired. Chocolate and cranberry tomorrow” he shouted and I smiled as I entered the lift. I loved my job!

  I arrived home half an hour later and the cold wind was biting as I exited my car. Pulling my coat around my bump to keep the peanuts warm I jolted as I nearly bumped into a huge heavy set guy on my doorstep. He tipped his head and the menace in his eyes made my blood freeze “Erm, can I help you?” I asked timidly “Ava Stone?” he growled the question at me and I took a step back.

  His hand shot out and grabbed my forearm, pulling me towards him then spun me round and pressed me up harshly against the wall. I dropped my hands instinctively in front of my belly to protect my babies “I have a message for Mason Fox” he barked at me and I flinched, my cheek was grazing the brickwork as he held my face solidly against the wall. I mumbled a swear word at him and he must have taken it as confirmation to his statement “You tell him ‘Mr Delaney is still fucking waiting!’” he rumbled and I nodded furiously, wincing at the pain in my cheek and arm “You got that bitch?” he asked fiercely and I nodded again. He let go and disappeared down the path. “Fuck!”


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