Hope's Chance

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Hope's Chance Page 2

by Jennifer Foor

  I was ready to tell her to get out, but there was something about her that made me feel sorry for her. “Why don’t you come sit down for a minute. I’m sure after seeing my bare ass you could use a drink. So what will it be?”

  “What do you have?” She asked.

  “Bourbon and coke.”

  “Wow that is some variety. Surprise me!”

  I gave her a half smile and headed to the tiny kitchen area. I was pretty sure that the people who lived here before rented out this pool house. It had one bedroom, a kitchen, a small bathroom and a living room, but it was perfect for me. It wasn’t like I entertained, or even had friends at all.

  I decided to get her a bottle of water I found in the door of the fridge. My sister had bought them insisting that if I drank soda all day in the sun I would get heat exhaustion.

  When I returned to the living room, I sat on the chair facing her.

  “Hope.” She said.


  “My name is Hope, Hope Ryan.” She said as she took the bottle of water. “Thanks for this. I didn’t know if I could handle the bourbon after the breakfast I just had.”

  “That bad huh?”

  “No offense, but your sister isn’t much older than me. I guess I just wasn’t prepared ya know?” She said as she opened the bottle of water and drank half of it down.

  I had managed to pour myself half a glass of bourbon and had already taken two sips. The ice clattered in the bottom of the glass, and I swiveled it around with my hand. “Nah, it’s cool. My sister can be hard to understand at first. She has a good heart though.”

  She smirked but said nothing. “What?” I couldn’t help but asking.

  “Nothing! Well I was going to say something, but you will just get mad probably.”

  “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it wasn’t nice to start something and not finish it.” She looked up at me. Her eyes were like crystals and they glowed against her dark complexion. Summer had just started, but she was already tan. Her hair had streaks of different browns, but it didn’t look like it came from a box, it appeared to be natural highlights. She was strikingly beautiful.

  “Fine, I was going to say that she really likes the color pink. No, not likes, LOVES the color pink.” She blurted out.

  I wanted to defend my sister, but something about this girl made me feel like she was just trying to break the ice. I hadn’t had a friend in so long that I couldn’t be an asshole; I needed this. “I never noticed. She likes lots of colors. So, what colors do you like?”

  Did I really just ask that?

  “Not pink. Anything but pink.” She declared without even thinking about it.

  “Okay. Are you always like this?”

  “Like what?” She asked innocently.

  “I don’t know. Flip. Sarcastic.”

  “How would you feel if you hadn’t seen your father in a year, or talked to him? How would you act if he invited you over and ignored you because he was busy staring at his new eye candy’s fake tits?”

  I was halfway into a large gulp of bourbon when the word “tits” came out of her pretty little mouth. The liquor went flying everywhere. Once I stopped gagging from the utter shock, I turned back to face her. She had stood up from the couch and had her hands on her hips. “Look, I am really sorry that I barged in on you getting changed. Had I been told that someone was living out here I never would have bothered you. It was nice meeting you Chance. Have a nice life.” She said as she walked out of the pool house.

  I got up and walked to the window, watching her head back toward the house, while I finished my drink. I was pretty sure I would need a couple more after our unexpected meeting just now, but first I needed to talk to my sister.

  Chapter 3


  After I had come barging back into the main house from my unexpected meeting with Chance, all I wanted to do was go home. My father was back in his recliner watching golf again, while Buffy filed her nails with her feet draped over the end of the couch. I had to laugh at that. My father and mother used to yell at me over and over for sitting like that on a couch. How could he have changed so much? And why hadn’t he come looking for me after brunch was cleaned up?

  I didn’t hesitate as I made my way into the family room and announced I was leaving.

  My father turned and gave me a smile, while Buffy came racing over, planting a big hug on me. I patted her a few times on the back and pulled out of her embrace. “Thanks for brunch. It was nice meeting you.”

  Not really!

  As soon as I made it out of the driveway I began to cry. I couldn’t have held back the tears even if I wanted to. At one point I had to pull over to the side of the road, because I couldn’t see through the tears that had filled my eyes.

  I couldn’t understand why he had even moved back here. Was I just dreaming or had that really been the catastrophe that I saw it as? While I sat on the side of the road I felt my stomach knotting up. In just enough time, I managed to unbuckle my seat belt, get out and run to the side of the road, where I vomited all of the food I had eaten. I leaned against my car, trying to gain some composure and make sure I was completely finished vomiting.

  All of the time I had wished I had my father back into my life, and when I got him it was nothing like I pictured it would be. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. There was no way I could drive home like this and explain what happened to my mother. She hated the guy. She would go out and buy a gun and then later be on the news for murdering him. I had to get myself calmed down first. It was my only option.

  While still trying to feel better, I noticed a truck pulling to the side of the road. A male driver got out and began to approach me. I always carried pepper spray on my key ring, but it was still stuck in the ignition of the car. My heart started to beat faster and I could feel myself beginning to panic. I wasn’t on a heavy driven road, in fact while I was puking there had been no cars that passed going in either direction.

  The man’s voice startled me, signaling he had approached me at a faster rate than I expected. “Are you okay miss? Do you need some help?”

  He wore a baseball cap that covered his face, but I noticed the long scar across his cheek. I’m not usually one to stereotype, but he gave me the creeps like he was straight out of a horror movie. He got about a foot away from me and reached for my arm. “Did you hear me miss? I can take you wherever you want to go. Why don’t you come get in my truck?” He suggested.

  He had a hold of my arm and I froze. I couldn’t speak and I surely couldn’t scream, not that anyone would even be able to hear me in this area of the highway anyway.

  The man had managed to pull me about four feet away from my car before a motorcycle came driving down the road toward us. At first I feared they would keep going, but the driver skidded in between our cars and immediately got his bike into a sitting position. The strange man had released his hold on me as the next person approached.

  “Are you okay?’ He asked while still wearing his helmet.

  I couldn’t answer. I just shook my head, NO!

  He came to stand in front of me, shielding me from the weird guy. “I think you need to leave sir.”

  The man backed away from him, assuming he must have known me. When the creepy man finally pulled away I realized I was on the side of the road alone with yet another stranger. I finally came to my senses and began to make a dash for my car, until he grabbed the back of my dress and pulled me close to him. I couldn’t see his face, and after losing all of the fluids in my body, I found myself lightheaded from the fear and anxiety. Then I felt myself fall.


  After my encounter with Mr. Ryan’s daughter, I needed a pack of cigarettes. I decided to hop on my bike and head to the nearest convenience store. When I got about three miles from the house I spotted two vehicles pulled over on the side of the road, and one of the cars happened to be the same one that had been in my driveway just a half hour ago. As I got closer I noticed that a man had his hands o
n her and I didn’t even think. My bike came to a halt and I immediately approached Hope and the stranger. When the stranger left without incident I knew I had come at just the right moment. He was probably wanted for some type of crime and didn’t want to get involved with the police. I knew how that felt.

  When Hope collapsed in my arms I thought about taking her back to her father’s, but when I carried her to the passenger side of the car, I noticed the vomit in the grass. When she darted out of the pool house I assumed she was frustrated and upset, but seeing that she was sick to her stomach confirmed she was having a difficult time with things. I managed to get her reclined in the passenger seat and decided to wait it out in the driver’s seat. There was no way I was leaving her here all alone on this strip of the highway, and I wasn’t about to leave my bike either. It was the only thing I had in my name.

  I found a good station on the radio and turned the air on to blow on Hope’s skin. I couldn’t believe I had gotten myself into this situation. My head found a semi comfortable position on the steering wheel as I stared at the girl beside me. Her arms were covered in goose bumps from the cool air, and her hair was blowing in small strands across her face. Her breathing had calmed and her cleavage protruded from the low cut sundress.

  I hadn’t been this close to another girl other than my sister in a very long time, and it made me feel uncomfortable. I was an adult and I had no idea how old this girl was sitting next to me. I assumed she was close to my sister’s age, but the bow in her hair made her look like a teenager. The last thing I needed was for someone to get the wrong idea about why we were in this car alone on the side of the road.

  As much as I didn’t want to do it, I leaned over and gently smacked on Hope’s cheek.

  “Hope? Hey wake up Hope.” I said while patting her face.

  She woke up and began screaming, not realizing where she was or what was going on. I held my hands up and placed them on the ceiling of the car. “Whoa, wait a minute. You were approached by a stranger and I stopped and got him to leave. I swear Hope.”

  She stopped screaming and trying to get out, and looked at me, finally remembering what happened.

  “You passed out in my arms. All I did was carry you to the car. I couldn’t leave you alone so I stayed to make sure you were alright.” I explained.

  She looked at her clothes and then her arms. “Did anything else happen?” She asked.

  It felt like she kicked me in the balls. I didn’t want to be accused of hurting another person again. I put my head down and frowned. “I promise you that I would never do that. If you are okay, I think it would be best if I got going.”

  As I went to climb out of the car, I felt her hand grabbing my arm. “Wait. Please.”

  I sat back down in the car and looked directly into those blue eyes. “What?”

  “If you hadn’t come, I don’t know what would have happened today. You may have saved my life.” She said while still holding on to my arm.

  I grabbed her fingers and removed her hold on me. “I don’t know about saving lives, but I am glad you’re safe Hope. I guess maybe I will see you around.” I said as I climbed out of the car and grabbed my helmet.

  When I climbed onto my bike and fastened my helmet I noticed Hope climbing over the seat to get to the driver’s side. She started her car and readjusted her mirror. I saw her looking at me, but chose to ignore it. Maybe it was just a coincidence, or perhaps she was just thankful for me being there at the right time. It would have been a shame if something happened to her on her way home from such a bad morning already.

  I decided to wait until Hope pulled away before I left, and as she pulled away I forgot all about wanting that pack of cigarettes.

  Chapter 4


  My mother hounded me from the moment I walked in the door. I swear she must have made a list of questions to ask when I came through it.

  How big is the house?

  What does the slut look like?

  Does your father have any gray hair?

  Has he gained any weight?

  What kind of car does he drive?

  How old is the new girl?

  Was she nice to you?

  Are you going back there?

  Did he ask you to move in with him?

  After a while I couldn’t take it anymore and locked myself in my room. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about the great morning that I didn’t have with my father. All of her other questions were completely irrelevant anyway.

  Once inside the confines of my room, I inserted my ear buds and cranked up my music. My body plopped down on the bed and I stared at the ceiling. My day had started out bad and eventually turned to shit. Within a matter of hours I was certain it had become one of the worst days of my life. The only thing that made the day more bearable was meeting Chance Avery.

  I would have liked to have been formally introduced to him with his clothes on, but seeing his naked backside left me with good visuals to focus on in my time of depression. He seemed so muscular and I was certain he must be athletic. When he had finally turned around and showed his face, I was amazed how handsome he was. A part of me just assumed that getting a peek at what I saw would result in a total mess of a face, but instead his dark eyes accented his dark hair. When he smiled, behind that glass of liquor, I got a look at how white and perfect his teeth were. His smile could melt a girl’s heart.

  I felt so bad about how I had acted around him. I had no idea what had gotten in to me. The way I talked about his sister was uncalled for. How could he have sat there and listened to me making fun of her like that? Clearly he had a lot more patience than I.

  He must have pegged me as such a spoiled little brat. It didn’t help that I had this stupid bow in my hair. At least he knew I had to be sixteen to drive a car. Not that seventeen was much better. I hated that my birthday was the last day of the year.

  I thought when I pulled away from the house it would be the last time I ever saw him, but when he pulled up on that motorcycle and saved me from that creepy man, I was flabbergasted. Talk about a knight in shining armor. Or just being in the right place at the right time.

  I wondered how old he was. Did he have a girlfriend? Did he want a girlfriend? Maybe he was engaged. Maybe he was gay? He was definitely hot enough to be. Whoever was kissing him was lucky to feel lips like his touching them.

  I was so jealous.

  I wanted to know him, but doing so would require me to go back to my father’s house. I had the summer ahead of me and that was the last thing I wanted to do. I wasn’t ready to tell that to my mother, but it was the truth. My father hadn’t given me the attention or the affection I assumed he would. What had happened to the man that used to pick me up and swing me around every night he came home from work? How could he not have missed me at all?

  Right now I wanted to scream. He broke my heart again and he probably hadn’t even noticed.

  I started crying into my pillow. The walls were thin and I didn’t want my mother hearing me. The last thing I needed was her trying to start a war with my father. I wasn’t ready to see him again, but I couldn’t bear to have him leave again.

  When I finally closed my eyes, I dreamed of nothing but Chance Avery. His tan skin and his big muscles wouldn’t leave my mind, and I wasn’t sure that I even wanted them to.

  I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing. I had forgotten to turn it off again. My hands finally made contact with the little bugger and the sirens stopped sounding in my ears. Just from habit, I reached over and grabbed my phone. I had already gotten six messages either late last night or early this morning.

  The first message was from Rylee.

  Hey Bitch call me….We have plans for 2moro

  The two next messages were also from her.

  Call me…..Where are you

  One text was from my mother, asking if I got to my father’s safe.

  The last two were from my ex. We had ended our one-year relationship over a month ago. He was leavin
g for college and I didn’t want to be THAT girl he left at home, while he partied with the other ones. He had been unfaithful twice already and I knew that a long distance relationship would only make it easier for him to do the same thing. In the end of the relationship, he had even become violent and scared me a few times with his temper. Maybe my mother and I had some kind of hereditary gene that caused men to cheat on us and treat us terrible.

  So, Trevor clearly had issues about our breakup. He said it was one sided. He begged me for hours after I did it, to reconsider. I had made up my mind already, in fact I had done it weeks ago, but he still kept trying. Last night hadn’t been any different.

  His first texts were the same thing he had sent for days.

  I miss you baby. Please call me

  His second was not what I had wanted to wake up to.

  I will see you tonight whether you like or not.

  Wow! It seemed like a threat. However, I was in desperate need of a shower. So I decided to ignore his texts and only respond to Rylee’s.

  Surprise me. Call me in a few hours.


  Well, today had been an interesting one. I had the day off. I got walked in on naked. I met a girl. A girl walked out of my place frustrated. I saved the girl from a creep. I watched the girl drive away.

  Considering the last month of my life consisted of being around my sister and her father figure boyfriend, it was a eventful day. Still, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Was I nice enough? Could I have been nicer? Would I ever see her again? Would she talk to me if she knew the truth?

  The questions burned through my mind, like the cigarette I never did smoke today. When I had arrived home all I could think about was her sweet smile and how scared she looked in that situation on the side of the road. I didn’t even want to think about what could have happened to her if I hadn’t been there.

  She needed to be more careful. Just because there were a lot of country back roads, didn’t mean it was a safer place to be. She could be lying dead in a ditch right now.


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