Hope's Chance

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Hope's Chance Page 20

by Jennifer Foor

  Chapter 36


  Seeing and hearing Trevor and Rylee was horrible. How did I end up in that bathroom at the same time they decided to get it on in a public place? I had the worst luck ever.

  Thankfully, Chance was with me and managed to get a good punch in before Buffy tore Trevor a new ass. The situation had been intense, but I never wanted to laugh so bad in my life. Rylee looked like she wanted to die. Just when I didn’t think I could love Buffy more, she gives me more reasons.

  Once Chance and I got to my car, he insisted on driving us home. I didn’t argue with him over it, it was pointless. I kept replaying Chance punching Trevor in the face, and every time I felt exhilarated. Maybe it was wrong of me to want that bastard to pay for what he had done to me and probably many other girls. It really hurt me that Rylee would want to be with someone like him after she had known firsthand what he had done to me.

  “You okay baby?” Chance asked.

  He grabbed my hand as he continued down the lane of the Country Club entrance. I noticed him making quick glances at me when I didn’t answer him right away.

  “I am fine Chance. I should have never assumed they wouldn’t be there. It is a weekend for God sakes.”

  Chance let go of my hand so that he could move it around while he was talking. “Hope, I wanted to kill him, for today and everyday he put you through hell

  “So what are you doing tonight?” He joked.

  I gave him a sly smile. “I was planning on spending it with this hot guy. He has strong arms and rock hard abs, and the nicest ass to ever exist.”

  “Damn, he must be a lucky guy.”

  “He is!”

  We both started laughing, which was something that we really needed considering the shitty evening we were having.

  “So how long do you think we have before they come home?” I asked.

  Chance shrugged. “Probably no more than a half hour. The way Buffy talked they weren’t really that happy about being around Trevor. Are you sure you are okay?”

  I ran my hand across the top of Chance’s neck. “I have waited forever to have you back home with me. All I want is to spend time with you anyway. I actually think that Trevor helped us out, in some kind of messed up way. Did you see how my father wanted you to take me home? He trusts you with me.”

  Chance chuckled. “Trusts me. That is not a good thing Hope. Not when I have been hiding a relationship with you from him for months. When he finds out it will intensify his feelings and trusting me will be the last thing he does.”

  We pulled into the driveway and got out to head into the main house. Chance pulled me into his arms. “I am so happy that I never have to spend another night away from you again. God, I missed you so much Hope.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and let him pick me up and carry me into the house. He sat me down on the couch, but only so, that he could get comfortable beside me. When my Dad and Buffy came home, we would see their car pull up and be able to separate quickly. “I missed you too Chance. I am so glad that you are home. I can’t wait for you to tutor me.” I laughed out.

  “Oh really? What subject do you need help in first?” He asked as he pushed his body on top of mine. He stared down into my eyes waiting for a response.

  “I think I need mouth to mouth and then maybe some physics, or chemistry.” I said as his lips slowly brushed mine.

  “I don’t think you have any problems in chemistry. We already have that subject taken care of baby.” He said as he kissed on my ear lobe and then on my neck. “You taste so good.” He mumbled.

  Things started to get more heated quickly. Chance’s hand started roaming as he kissed me and he soon found my breasts under my dress. He pulled the front completely down for easy access. He nibbled on each of them before coming up to my lips for another kiss. Just as I grabbed his shirt to remove it, we saw headlights pulling into the driveway. Chance hopped off of me and I made a mad dash for the stairs.

  I immediately threw on some different clothes and was already walking downstairs when they came in the door. I could tell from the look on their faces that something was wrong.

  “Hope where is Chance?” My dad asked.

  Before I could answer, I heard his voice coming toward us. “I’m right here. What’s wrong?”

  “The police are on their way.” Buffy interrupted. “We tried to get him to reconsider, but he refused.”

  I started to panic. “What are you talking about?”

  My father approached me. “Trevor is pressing assault charges on Chance sweetie. Buffy explained what happened to Greg and I. He is not involved in his son’s actions.”

  “Well, how do you know they are coming?” I asked in a frantic.

  “It’s okay Hope. I can handle it.” Chance said.

  Buffy chimed in. “No it isn’t okay Chance. You already have a record. You will be found guilty for that fact. This is bad.” She explained.

  “Let me tell you both something before I get hauled away tonight. A couple months ago, I caught that son of a bitch sexually assaulting Hope. Then today, he had the nerve to bring her friend into the bathroom and talk shit about Hope while they were banging each other. When I confronted him, he talked more shit about her. There is no way I will ever regret hitting him. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Hope doesn’t deserve to be treated like that.” Chance explained, but as my father raised his eyebrow, I could see that he read between the lines.

  “I appreciate that you took up for my daughter Chance. It seems like you have been there for her more than once.” My father said as he gave Chance a pat on the back.

  We watched the headlights pull into the driveway and two officers walking to the front door.

  My dad let them in, while Chance stood between Buffy and I. Even before the officers spoke, I had tears forming in my eyes.

  “Sorry to bother you tonight folks. Are you Mr. Chance Avery?” The officer asked Chance.

  “Yes Sir I am.”

  “Please turn around Sir.” While pulling out the handcuffs, he started giving him his Miranda rights. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?”

  Chance looked down at the floor. “Yes, I understand those rights.”

  I didn’t know what came over me, but I threw myself in front of the officer, preventing them from taking Chance out of the house. “No! Please you have to wait! He was protecting me. I was being assaulted.”

  Part of it was a lie, well kind of. Trevor might not have assaulted me today, but he did two months ago. They didn’t need to know that.

  “Are you saying that you want to come in and make a formal charge against Mr. Thomas?” One officer asked.

  “Hope sweetie calm down.” My father interrupted.

  “No Dad! I won’t calm down. I won’t let Chance get in trouble like this for protecting me. Trevor should be the one in trouble.” I looked at the officers. “Yes, I will come and tell you all the truth.”

  “Officers my daughter is not eighteen. Don’t I have the right to prevent her from perjuring herself?” My father asked.

  “Stop it. You can’t take him away. He was protecting me.” I reiterated.

  They all seemed to be arguing with me, but as if time froze and left me and Chance alone in the room, I caught his stare and everything stopped. I didn’t hear the arguing. I didn’t hear anything.

  “Miss if you would like to follow us down to the station to file charges against Mr. Thomas, feel free to do so.” They said as they started taking Chance out of the house.

  Buffy grabbed me before I could run after them, but the tears came even worse.

  Before the car pulled away, my father had a lawyer on the phone. We all packed into the SUV and headed to the station.

  At first,
my father was quiet, but after a few minutes, he shocked us both. “Hope, I need to know if you have ever been intimate with Trevor. He has a reputation at the club and I need to know the truth.

  I was afraid, but I wanted my dad to hate Trevor. “Yes. He was my first Dad. He forced me then too. He would either threaten me or hold me down even when I begged him not to. He cheated on me and lied to me, and if Chance hadn’t been there over the summer, he would have raped me.” I confessed.

  I was shocked at myself. I had never said it out loud like that.

  My father got all choked up and then began hitting the steering wheel. “How could I have been so stupid?” He yelled.

  Buffy leaned over to grab his shoulder and I leaned in and did the same. “You didn’t know Dad. Nobody knew, well except Chance.”

  “I sent him away, away from the only family he has, for a fucking business deal, and now he gets arrested for keeping you safe?” His remorseful words touched my heart. He was finally opening his eyes. “Honey I am so sorry.” He looked to Buffy. “And I am sorry the most to you Hope. God, I can’t believe I put a business deal before my own daughter’s safety.”

  “Dad, let’s just worry about Chance.”

  For the rest of the ride to the jail we all remained quiet. Once we got inside, we were told that Chance was in intake. My father left Buffy and I to go find out what bail would be set at. After we waited another forty minutes he came back out and said that he couldn’t face the judge for a bail hearing until morning and there was nothing that we could do.

  I thought about going straight to an officer and filing a report about Trevor, but I had thought of another plan while I waited.

  During the drive home, my father and Buffy talked about getting to the court tomorrow morning and how they were going to deal with things. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and searched for a number I never thought I would be using again.

  Chapter 37


  This was my last resort. I buried my pride and built up the strength to do it. Then I dialed the number.

  Rylee we need to talk. ~ Hope

  We were almost home before she responded.

  We really don’t have anything to say. ~ R

  No, there is A LOT to talk about. U owe me. ~ Hope

  Look, I am sorry. ~ R

  I am pressing charges against Trevor for sexual assault. ~ Hope

  Please don’t!!! ~ R

  This is what is going to happen. You are going to bring Trevor to talk to me right now. If you don’t show, I am going straight to the police. ~ Hope

  What if he doesn’t want to come? ~ R

  Then I guess he can call a lawyer. You may want to tell him I have pictures of everything he did to me and witnesses. ~ Hope

  Where? ~ R

  The park in one hour. ~ Hope

  Rylee didn’t write back but I knew she was going to do her damndest to get Trevor there. She had been in love with him since she was little. The last thing she wanted was for her meal ticket out of this town to be incarcerated or have a criminal record.

  Once Buffy and my dad went inside, I ran up to my room and changed my clothes. I decided on black capris and a black shirt. I wanted to be invisible when they showed up, in case they weren’t alone. Before heading out, I ran to the pool house and grabbed a bat that Chance kept in his closet. There was no way I was going there without something to defend myself.

  On the way there, my heart was pounding through my chest. I heard my phone ringing over and over, but knew it was my dad. If I told them what I had planned, they never would have let me go through with it.

  When I pulled up, I realized I was alone. The park was empty and dark, with only the sounds of insects harping in the distance. I exited my vehicle and sat down on a bench located directly in front of where I parked my car. The headlights illuminated where I sat, causing it to be difficult for me to see the approaching vehicle. I could hear the tires on the gravel road and decided to stand up to see how close the car was getting. When it pulled up beside mine, I tried to remain calm by holding my head up high and focusing on what I had come there for.

  Trevor stepped out of the car first. He looked angry but I refused to fear him anymore. If he wanted to hurt me, it wasn’t going to happen. After what he did to Chance today and the things that he said to me, I wouldn’t care if I killed him myself. When he got about five feet away from me I yelled at him. “Stop! Don’t come any further.” I warned.

  “What do you want Hope? Why have you drug me out here in the middle of nowhere? What do you think you are going to accomplish?” Trevor yelled.

  “I have a proposition for you.” I replied.

  Even though I knew I was in quite a predicament, it felt good to be calling the shots.

  “Okay, let’s hear it.”

  “I want you to drop the charges on Chance.” I declared.

  “Hell no! Why would you think I would do such a thing? Do you think I owe you some kind of favor? Everything I did to you was because you wanted it Hope. Stop acting like you didn’t like it. Everyone likes it.” Trevor argued.

  I snickered. “It’s so funny that you ask that.” I held the bat tightly in one hand, but began circling around Trevor. For some reason I felt like I had someone standing behind me, ready to attack Trevor if he made any moves. “I never enjoyed it Trevor, in fact being with you was like giving myself thousands of paper cuts. You disgust me.”

  “You expect me to do you a favor after you claim I disgust you? Are you fucking insane?” Trevor asked.

  I pointed the bat at his head. “No, I am not crazy, but I can be if I need to. Now, here is my deal. You are going to drop the charges against Chance, or I will notify the police of how many times you sexually assaulted me. Included in that confession would be the documented photographs to prove what happened.”

  “Anyone could have given you those bruises you little bitch. Are you really trying to blackmail me right now? Nobody is going to believe that story coming from you Hope. Everyone knows how poor your mother is. They will just assume it is some coy to get money from my family.”

  I hadn’t considered that Trevor would be smart enough to turn things around on me. The truth was that everyone in town knew my mother, it was a small town. The fact that he brought her into this made me more angry. “We have video surveillance at the house Trevor. How do you plan on getting your way out of that one?” I lied.

  One minute Trevor was standing five feet away, but in a matter or only a second he had jumped on top of me, causing the bat to fly out of my hand, choking me. “You stupid little cunt! I am going to kill you.” He roared as his hand squeezed harder, constricting my air flow.

  I tried to claw at him, kick with my legs, and even punch him, but I couldn’t free his adrenaline-fueled hands. Just as I was about to lose consciousness, I felt his hands being removed.

  Rylee stood over me with the bat in her hand. Next to me rolling around in pain was Trevor. He was holding his side, screaming in pain. Rylee extended a hand to me as she kept a close eye on Trevor. “Are you okay Hope?”

  My throat was in immediate pain, but I managed to get out a “yeah”.

  Rylee walked over to where Trevor was still curled up. “Get up you son of a bitch!” She ordered with tear-filled eyes.

  I had gotten myself up and leaned against the car. My throat felt like it was scratched from the inside and just out of natural movement, I held the outside of my neck.

  Rylee pushed Trevor with the tip of the bat. “Sit down on your ass Trevor. I can’t believe you were going to actually hurt her, maybe even kill her. I thought that you had changed. I thought you finally wanted a life with me, but your anger ruins everything.”

  Trevor scrunched up his face and spit at her feet. “You were never anything but a common whore Rylee. You knew damn well that all I wanted from you was some easy ass. My father would never let me get serious with someone like you.”

  I couldn’t see Rylee’s face because her back was to
me, but I knew what Trevor said was like a kick in the stomach for her. The park was silent for at least a whole minute. Rylee never backed away.

  Finally, she moved closer to him, poking him with the bat. “This is how things are going to go.” She pushed the bat into his side, causing him to squeal in pain. “You are going to get up and get into my car in the backseat. I am going to climb in beside you, to prevent you from moving an inch. Then we are going to drive to the police station, where you will be dropping all of the charges against Chance Avery. If Hope’s evidence isn’t enough to convict you, I am sure that an eyewitness testimony will.” She threatened.

  Trevor didn’t say a word. Instead, he held his head down and finally got up and started walking toward the car. Rylee had the bat pushed into his back the entire time. When I got into the driver’s side, I handed her my keys with my pepper spray attached. I didn’t have to tell her the reason; she nodded and faced the bottle at his face.

  While I began our drive back to the station, I heard Rylee saying, “I am so sorry Hope”, from the backseat.

  Maybe I could forgive her, but for right now all I wanted to do was to see Chance, nothing else mattered to me.

  Trevor reluctantly made his way into the station and immediately began pleaded his case. He told the officers that Chance had reacted in self-defense and that he didn’t wish to press charges. A detective came and did a thorough interview with him, in which I have no idea what was said, but Trevor seemed satisfied. As he walked back toward Rylee and I, she grabbed my hand.

  “If I never see either of you again, it will be too soon.” He said as he walked out of the police station doors.

  I started to get up and go after him, but Rylee pulled me back when she saw Chance emerging from a closed door. Our eyes met and I couldn’t help but run toward him. We embraced and I immediately started to cry. “I am so sorry.”

  “How did you get me out Hope? What did you do?” He asked.

  No part of me wanted to be mad at him for assuming I had to do something shady, but wasn’t that what I HAD done? “It doesn’t matter Chance. Trevor will never bother us again.” I promised.


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