In This World, : What Becomes of Us

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In This World, : What Becomes of Us Page 10

by the Lovely Trishelle

  Kiki sits atop a banister on the second floor of Dr. Plumey’s office, reading a book and enjoying the scenery. She can no longer live in the human realm and now bares purple eyes like everyone else. The last time Kiki stepped foot in the human realm was the first night they traveled through the portal. Possessed by a demon, she passed through the entrance and her soul bonded to that of the beasts.

  Once they exited the portal, Kiki was no longer the same; her figure changed shape, her teeth and nails grew sharp, and she obtained incredible strength and agility. Interrupted by familiar screams and the odd scent of burnt lizard flesh, Kiki watches as a portal opens below and everyone races out as they carry Ren.

  11:11 PM, Tuesday, May 30th, 2017

  Three months ago, in Kerry Cemetery, Kiki stood alone as she waited for her date. The guy convinced her it would be romantic to have a midnight picnic in the cemetery. Kiki’s phone rang with a text message reading to meet him by a monastery, and without a thought to it, she went. Walking towards the spot he chose, she saw him as he waited for her. The man approached Kiki as she froze in place and realized he was not the same guy.

  “Luke awaits your arrival,” said the man, as he extended his hand to Kiki.

  Without a word, she calmed and took his hand. The man led her into the monastery and said farewell before he closed the doors behind him. From behind a stone coffin, he appeared, his attraction was mesmerizing. Kiki had a sudden uncontrollable urge to throw herself at him as if she needed him to take her. Stunned she could not formulate words. Even with the dark and twisted aura that emanated from him, she could not help but want him.

  “Hello, gorgeous,” said Luke.

  Hypnotized, she closed her eyes as he pulled out an old rusty blade. To only open her eyes as a knife entered her flesh and ripped through her.

  “Why?” asked Kiki.

  With all her strength Kiki rose to her feet and bolted for the doors, she ran as fast and far as she could. Her pace slowed as her energy drained, she turned her head to see behind her, but nothing was there. As she turned her head back around, she ran into someone, and it knocked her to the ground. She reached up to ask for help but realized it was Luke. She struggled to find the strength once more to get back on her feet before she passed out, collapsing into his arms.

  “Sleep, my queen,” said Luke.

  7:27 AM, Wednesday, May 31st, 2017

  Kiki woke the next morning in her bed as if it had all been a dream. Not raped, and the wound disappeared, but she had an overwhelming sickness. She felt as though the flu mixed with menstrual pains confined her to her bed. It lasted a week, until the night Mia opened the portal.

  6:39 PM, Friday, June 9th, 2017

  Kiki retreated to bed early in the day still feeling sick until she woke by a compelled pulling feeling. Before long she found Mia and the portal as she ran through the woods. After they went through the gate, discovered the supernatural realm, and jail, Gigi mentioned a doctor that might help Kiki. With possession as the diagnosis, Dr. Plumey knew from looking at her it was a demon.

  The doctor instructed her to head to the library and discover which one it was. He said when Kiki saw the beast, she would know it was them. He explained that it sounded like a summoning ritual. As the other dealt with an array of matters, Kiki snuck off to the library. Confusion was all she felt, as she sat there, in another realm, and searched historical books for a demon that is destroying her soul.

  Kiki turned the page; it had been like time froze as she laid eyes on the queen demoness, Lilith. It was just as the doctor said. The more research she did, the less it fazed her. Every book told the same tale, Kiki would lose parts of herself, little by little until she was no longer her. Kiki turned the page to lay sight on the loophole, bloodline rebirths.

  The summons did not allow her to possess Kiki but awoke the DNA of Lilith within her, which conjoined Lilith to her. The species called Reincarnate Demoness’ ancestry of Lilith. Her appetite for human babies would grow inside Kiki, revealing why she remained in the supernatural realm. The slightest smell of human flesh aroused her, and she was not sure how much longer she could resist with Kiki’s senses intensified.

  Her newfound kind similar to Ishigo’s species of Resurrection Warriors, but only in the sense of summoning. Ishigo can summon different warriors at various times, which left him weak once the adrenaline wore out. Unlike Ishigo, Kiki can only summon Lilith. A Reincarnate Demoness is the title for humans with demon DNA originating ancestry of women from the Demons of Start.

  They are demons that arose a DNA bloodline within humans, taking the seat of their last body every time a beast reincarnates. Kiki takes the place of her great-grandmother, Danuta Kovski. As a human, they can get immortality if the devil stays with a said host, but their soul weakens causing them to become darker over time if madness does not kill them first.

  11:07 AM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  After Kiki confirms by sight the Ogre police force is there to help, she leaps from the second floor to the first. Rushing into the doctor’s office to inform him that Ren is inbound, but he was aware.

  To keep calm, Kiki aids the doctor in preparations. Just as they finish setting the room, they burst through the doors, and Kiki notices that for the wound he received, there is no blood. Prepared for the worst, the doctor removes the bullet from Ren’s temple and to their surprise nothing happens. Ren’s skin around the wound hardened when it stopped the shot, protecting him.

  Any damaged skin peels off, and new tissue reconnects itself, it was a fantastic site for everyone. The manner is very strenuous to the body, placing Ren into a coma. The doctor reassures everyone it was normal, and Ren should wake without complication. Escorted by police, the Lizzaro Elders, Elder Liam and Pitama arrives, eager to see all those involved in the prophecy.

  It was unusual for the Lizzaro species to socialize with those who live above ground, but the prophecy was too essential for them to ignore. Ren was not an ordinary Lizzaro, but a subspecies referred to as Beasts. A Lizzaro Beast, known as the mercenaries of their kind. They bore armor-like scales that predict perceived damage, regeneration, super strength, and agility. Other than sensitivity to light, they appear unstoppable. Due to Ren’s first transformation, his restoration was slower than average.

  7:11 PM, Monday, June 12th, 2017

  Three months ago, they stayed at a motel named Hell’s Hostel, which Kiki found hilarious with her current plight. The siren, Theia, who owned the establishment thought it to be funny, but Kiki did not trust her. She suspected that Theia had been luring humans there to feed. Once the Royals requested everyone’s presence, Mia begged Kiki to go with them. She was reluctant after finishing her research and discovered the prophecies of old, Mia and hers.

  Mia swore she had faith that Kiki would not convert into evil, but her DNA said otherwise. After an hour of Mia’s nags, Kiki caved and agreed to join them. Two SUVs pulled up to the front of the motel, without a second to spare. The girls relieved not having to walk; they were more relieved once they arrived after the ride was a thirty-minute drive into the heart of the city.

  Ishigo and Kiki could not wait to exit the vehicles and smoke, here they were, escorted by Ogres; a queen enchanter, a killer for hire, a cat shifter, a demoness, and a human; traveling to meet with two families of royalty in another realm. The tension was high as they reflected on how their lives have changed.

  “Couldn’t wait, huh?” asked Gigi.

  “Leave them alone, we’re all on edge,” said Mia.

  Stopped at the foot of the steps they glanced up to the entrance before taking their first steps up the flights of stairs. As they approached the doors, more Ogres awaited them.

  “Sorry, my queen, but we’ve requested to search everyone,” said an officer.

  “Very well,” said Mia.

  Considering the number of high priority individuals that attended the ball, she could not argue. Upon passing the security, Shino Tsumiku, current king to the Tsumiku Bloodli
ne, and Tavvi Ryabtsev, current king to the Ryabtsev Bloodline, greeted Mia and the others. Unaware they had planned an entire feast around Mia’s arrival. During the event, Shino explained that both he and Tavvi requested a royal ball as a celebration of her presence, it meant that every one of the Royal would attend.

  The ball would take place the following night in the city’s center, at The Continental Divide Center, a hall reserved for use only by royalty. Everyone appeared excited, but later in the night, Kiki told Mia in private she did not trust Tavvi. Kiki was unaware that Tavvi Ryabtsev was the one who had Mia’s father, Dmitrius Ryabtsev, murdered.

  6:41 PM, Tuesday, June 13th, 2017

  The next night, Shino Tsumiku sent dress clothes for the ball to the motel, three elegant ball gowns, and two tuxedos. It was genuine but controlling because they matched them into pairs. Ishigo and Gigi paired in Emerald, Ren and Kiki paired in Sapphire, and Mia unmatched in Crimson. The guys aggravated the Royals chose an escort for Mia, Prince Essimo, but it was his father, Utmo Atlantican, current king to the Atlantican Bloodline, who arranged for his eldest son to escort her.

  Outside waited three princess-like carriages attached and pulled by unicorns, beside the middle wagon stood Prince Essimo. Kiki could not get past his species’ traits, like Gigi and Grimalk Shifters, the Atlantican Bloodline were shifters among fish breeds, but it was his gills, tail and skin complexion that got to her.

  7:09 PM, Tuesday, June 13th, 2017

  Once they arrived at The Continental Divide Center, King Shino greeted them at the entrance and escorted them to their seats.

  “For the first time in many moons, we’re brought together to celebrate, held in honor of Queen Mia Inatoka, the true queen of the people. Escorted by Prince Essimo of the Atlantican Bloodline. Our royal families have planned a special evening of culture, skill displays, and a courting ceremony,” said the announcer.

  Mia blushed unused to the attention she has received since they arrived in the supernatural realm. Ishigo and Ren’s expressions shown how aggravated they had been as Prince Essimo soaked up the attention he was getting with Mia on his arm. Her grandfather, King Shino, and uncle, King Tavvi, had Mia dressed as a queen from the jewelry to her dress and shoes. They even had a crowning ceremony where they placed a tiara upon her head.

  The night continued while Mia spent time with each of the royal families. They explained the territories they controlled, of their cultures and their skills of protection. The Royals are immortal protectors of power, the reason behind their royalty. The tradition was for royalty to the only breed amongst royalty. Mia was not only of two royal families, but she was the chosen one with unroyal blood. Her children would grow stronger than her in power if she were to marry into another royal family. The reason behind every family’s offering of a prince’s hand.

  The one thing the families neglected was Mia’s rule abolished the Royals power hold over the realm. King Tavvi at a point reminded the entire party of the incest laws for royal marriages; if it was not an individual’s immediate family or their parent’s, it was legal. The reason behind his announcement was his eldest son, Tavvi, Jr., Mia’s cousin, even though the moral compass was different in this realm, the thought of marrying cousins did not sit well with Mia or the rest of the group. Later in the night, the announcer stepped out once more to present and introduce the Royal princes presented for courtship; King Shino of the Tsumiku Bloodline, Protectors of Knowledge, Decent of Japan, and control of Asia, recused themselves from the courtship.

  King Tavvi should have done the same since their bloodline coursed through Mia’s veins. The Tsumiku’s sections included sorcery, knowledge ruled over those whom could control magic through spells, natural and created. You could find all the varied species of Enchanters, this included; Magical Ones, Druids, Satyrs, Fairies, Djinn, etc., in Asia. King Tavvi of the Ryabtsev Bloodline, Protectors of Strength, Decent of Russia, and control of Europe, offered the hand of Prince Tavvi, Jr.

  The Ryabtsev’s sections formed of species that used their strength as their primary source of ability; Lizzaros, Werewolves, Ogres, Mintaurians, Cyclops, etc., in Europe. Plenty of species started as humans, but once transformed they remained unable to shift back to a human form. King Utmo of the Atlantican Bloodline, Protectors of Stamina, Decent of Atlantis, and control of Antarctica and the oceans, offered the hand of Prince Essimo. The Atlantican’s areas were home to species of shifters; Grimalk Shifters, Aero Shifters, Fumalk Shifters, Horka Shifters, Dragi Shifters, etc. It was the land where nothing appeared as it was.

  King Rafael of the Teixeira Bloodline, Protectors of Charisma, Decent of Brazil, and control of South America, offered the hand of Prince Enzo. The Teixeira’s territories considered being the lands of love and charm; Vampires, Elves, Sirens, Gorgias, Succubus, etc. Most people visiting these areas disappeared or stayed, but to never return home. King Henry of the Butler Bloodline, Protectors of Fortune, Decent of the United States, and control of North America, offered the hand of Prince James. The Butler’s sections, overrun by species motivated by fortune and greed; Gremlins, Telepaths, Fortune Tellers, Oracles, Harpies, etc.

  King Akoni of the Sekibo Bloodline, Protectors of Agility, Decent of Nigeria, and control of Africa, offered the hand of Prince Gonza. The Sekibo’s territories gave plenty of land for the speedster species of the realm; Centurions, Griftons, Angels, Lami Serpents, Tenigas, etc. Everyone that existed there lived a fast-paced life. The last king was King Noah of the Russell Bloodline, Protectors of Perception, Decent of New Zealand, and control of Australia, offered the hand of Prince Ethan. The areas controlled by the Russells occupied by creatures that perceived powers of the past and future as the present; distinct species of Resurrectionist: Warriors, Amazonians, Inventors, Royal Scribes, Adventures, Scholars, etc.

  Overwhelmed with the number of men trying to court her, Mia left the room to get fresh air. Ishigo and Ren caught her out of the corner of their eyes as she left, and they followed.

  “Hey, sexy lady,” said Ren.

  Mia sighed as she did not realize who it was.

  “What’s wrong?” asked Ishigo.

  “Thank goodness,” said Mia.

  Without a word, Ishigo and Ren embraced her. The entire circumstance was nothing but confusion, and they enjoyed the moment of calm they had. Inside Gigi noticed that Kiki had not been doing any better than Mia. The constant pulse of every being’s heart in the room beat in her ears, the taste of blood on her tongue caused her to salivate. Kiki felt as if they begged her to drain them alive, fighting every urge, Lilith grew stronger.

  “Kiki?” asked Gigi.


  “Kiki, do you want to leave?”

  “Yes, Gigi.”

  Kiki took Gigi’s extended hand and hurried out of the building to trip over the others who sat on the steps.

  5:23 PM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  After a long day, Mia, Ishigo, Kiki, and Gigi wait for Ren to wake in a diner found down the block from Dr. Plumey’s office. Kiki leaves to check on Ren, leaving everyone else still seated in a booth. As she discovers no new developments, the nurse, Reese, and Dr. Plumey walk towards her.

  “Let’s go outside,” says Reese.

  They step outside to the patio for Kiki and Reese to light cigarettes.

  “How are your cravings?” asks Dr. Plumey.

  “Under control,” says Kiki.

  “Are you sure?” asks the doctor, as he cuts a slit into his palm.

  Without warning Kiki lunges forward, prepared for the circumstances Reese stops her with a prick of a needle in her arm, Kiki drops to the ground. Gigi followed her back to the doctor’s offices and saw the event take place, but in cat form to avoid suspicion. She hurries back to the diner to inform the others. Gigi arrives in a pant, and Ishigo jumps up rushing to her side.

  “What’s wrong?” asks Ishigo.

  “Ki-Kiki,” says Gigi.

  Mia jumps out of the booth, burst through the diner doors, and
runs as fast as she can towards the office. With the emotional stress of fear of what happened to Kiki, Mia’s wings rip through her flesh and raise her into the sky. She arrives within seconds, slamming through the doors to find Ren awake and alone; searching throughout the building she comes up empty.

  “M-Mia, what’s g-going on?” asks Ren.

  Ishigo and Gigi arrive a few minutes later as Mia explains things to Ren.

  “Something happened to Kiki. Did you see anything?” asks Mia.

  “No, but I had the weirdest dream earlier,” says Ren.

  Gigi notices Ren rubbing his neck and points it out for Mia to see.

  “It may not have been a dream,” says Mia.

  She pulls the back of the gown downwards to check his neck. The four once more felt hopeless, unsure of what else the future held for them.

  Just Another Doomsday


  2:02 PM, Monday, September 11th, 2017

  “Ren?” asked Reese.

  Reese is a shifter with the ability to change their sex to appease their audience, a Sexling Shifter.

  “Who are you? Where am I?” asked Ren, drowsy from the anesthetic.

  “Doctor, he’s awake,” said Reese.

  The curtain pulled open, and Dr. Plumey walked in accompanied by another being, a Lizzaro. Lost and troubled now, Ren tried to understand the lizard-like creature.


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