My Brother's Best Friend

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My Brother's Best Friend Page 5

by Darcy Kent

  She covers her face and shakes it. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry.”

  I place my hand on hers and grin. “No need. So I brought you inside and undressed you, then cleaned you up. I didn’t take off your bra and panties until I put my shirt on you, I swear. After that you passed out, I sat on your bed to make sure you were okay.”

  She searches my face and the look on hers makes everything worth it. She is so grateful and yet surprised.

  “You sat in my bed all night?”

  “I wanted to make sure you were alright,” I confess.

  “Why would you do that?”

  I shrug my shoulders and sip my coffee. “There was something about you, and it had nothing to do with you being Mike’s sister. I felt drawn to; I wanted to keep you safe.”

  She moves over to me and straddles my lap. I rest my hands on her ass and squeeze. She leans forward and captures my lips, getting the attention of my cock. The longer and deeper the kiss, the harder I am getting. She pulls away and looks around before returning her gaze to me. She reaches down and tries to unbutton my jeans.

  “Easy, Stacey, if you do that I won’t be able to control myself,” I warn her.

  She pulls the zipper down and stands up to free me from the confines of my jeans and boxers. Once the air hits my cock, I know I’m a goner. Sitting down she kisses and sucks on my neck making it impossible for me to think of anything else but having her ride my cock. She looks at me with lust in her eyes and says, “I need you right now.”

  “Fuck yes, let’s go,” I say waiting for her to stand up.

  She doesn’t though, she leans into my ear and whispers, “No, I want you to fuck me right here, right now.”

  Holy shit. I reach into my pocket, thankful I brought a few condoms, and roll it over myself. I reach under my t-shirt and feel she has nothing on and I groan. “Fuck, Stacey.” She stands just enough to sink down on my waiting cock. We both let out a moan and I sink my fingers into her ass. I nip her hardened nipples over the t-shirt and lightly smack her ass. I see pure ecstasy on her face as she tries to keep her eyes open. “Ride me, Stacey.”

  She tilts and rolls her hips—a bit unsure of herself—and I help guide her by pulling her toward me with my hands on her ass. Once she gets the perfect rhythm it takes over my body. Her soft, tight pussy is sucking me and when she grips onto my shoulders and starts to really move I’m done.

  “Ryan, oh God I’m so close already,” she moans.

  I meet her thrust for thrust and feel my balls tighten and a fire spread in my stomach. I won’t last much longer. I rub her clit and she lets out a sound of pure pleasure, followed by her pussy gripping me so tight, we find our releases together. “Fuck, look at me, Stacey. I need to see you,” I manage to say.

  When her eyes meet mine, I know in this moment, I’ve fallen. There is no denying it and no avoiding it. For the first time in my life, I’m falling in love.


  After a day of exploring, dinner, and of course another night of the best sex I’ve ever had, we are lying in bed. I have work in the morning, but that isn’t going to keep me from spending the night with her. Hell, we only live three minutes from each other, I will run home in the morning and get ready.

  “Ryan,” she says, her voice full of sleep.


  “You make me happy.”

  That’s it, that’s all she says before she passes out. “Baby, you make me happy. Thank you for that,” I say, knowing even if she hears me she won’t remember in the morning, but I sure as hell will.


  The next few days the only time Stacey and I aren’t together is when I’m working. As soon as I get off I go to her place or she comes here. Tonight is Friday, and I’m looking forward to being with her all weekend. She is coming over here for dinner and then we will definitely be having dessert.

  “What are your plans tonight? You want to meet up at the bar?” Todd asks.

  “No, not tonight. I’ve got plans.” I don’t look at him and just continue to pack my stuff away.

  “Oh really? Still seeing that chick,” he asks leaning up against the wall.

  I stand up and cross my arms. “Stacey, her name is Stacey. And yes, I’m still seeing her and we have plans,” I say, a bit annoyed that he keeps making light of the situation, like I’m going to dump her at any minute for a new chick.

  He holds up his hands in a surrender gesture and backs away from me. I chuckle because I didn’t even say it nasty. “I’m just asking. I didn’t realize that you had suddenly changed your ways.”

  I want to be pissed for his comment, but he is just saying what everyone else is thinking. I’ve noticed the stares and whispers when people see me with Stacey. I personally don’t give a shit, I just don’t want it to bother her. Shaking my head I finish packing up and tell the guys I’ll see them Monday.

  When I get home, Stacey is sitting on my steps. She looks beautiful with her hair curled, sexy black dress, and her big smile. I jump out of my truck and walk over to her.

  “Not that I’m not happy as hell to see you, but what are you doing here so early,” I ask as she stand up.

  “Why don’t we ever go out,” she asks as soon as I reach her.

  “What? We go out all the time. Yesterday we spent the day at the lake,” I say walking past her to open the door. I get in the door and she is right on my heels.

  “Ryan, that’s not what I mean. Yes, we do a lot of things in the resort, but why don’t we ever go out to dinner or the bar?” She gives me sad eyes, and I pull her to me.

  “Stacey, why do you want to go out so bad? We’d only be rushing home,” I say, trying to make light of the situation.

  “Are you ashamed of me or something?”

  I pull back and let go of her. I start pacing and rub the back of my neck, shocked that she would even think that. I turn around to face her and blow out a breath. “How could you ask that? You are the best thing to ever happened to me. You are beautiful, smart, funny, and sexy as fuck. It’s me, alright. You don’t notice the way people whisper or stare at us here. It would be worse in town. I just want to keep you safe from all that bullshit.”

  She wraps her hands around my neck before kissing my lips. My hands automatically land on her ass and she smiles. “You don’t give me enough credit. I see it all, and I don’t care. The person they think you are isn’t the real you. I know that and that’s what matters. Now, go shower and get dressed because we are going out to dinner and then to the bar.”

  Fuck, she has no idea how bad this is going to end. “I think it’s a bad idea.”

  “That’s alright, I wasn’t asking. Go get ready,” she says and kisses my lips.

  Not wanting to argue with her, I do just as she says. I can’t help but think of all the questions and comments that are going to be coming our way tonight. Hopefully she is strong enough to handle it because they are going to be relentless, especially at the bar. Right now, in the moment, I wish I had done things differently. Because tonight is going to suck.

  Chapter Eleven


  Ryan tried so hard to change my mind. He didn’t want to go out and I knew exactly why, he thought everyone making comments would bother me. The thing he doesn’t get is I’m a lawyer, I can handle anything thrown at me. I’ve had newspapers rip apart my ability of cases, clients give me threats if I lost a case, and even my bosses screaming at me. The fact that he’s slept around a lot and people talk about it, that doesn’t bother me and it shouldn’t bother him.

  At dinner— which I’ll admit he was nervous— he kept looking around the restaurant. Honestly there was only a few people who were whispering about us. Now we are on our way to the bar and he looks even more nervous.

  “Ryan, I wish you’d relax and try to have fun.”

  He looks over at me for a second before focusing back on the road. “I’m not nervous. I’m just staying alert.”

  I burst out laughing and he shoots me a look. “I’m sorry,
but what are staying on alert for exactly?”

  “Laugh all you want. Dinner was nothing compared to what it’s going to be like at the bar. That’s where all my friends are tonight, and they have been giving me a hard time as it is. I just don’t want you thinking any less of me, alright,” he says and my heart hurts at his sad tone.

  “There is nothing that anyone can say or do that would make me think less of you. You’ve awakened a part of me that I thought was dead. You make me laugh, you make my heart beat out of my chest, and the way you make me scream… believe me, nothing they say will change the way I feel about you,” I say, meaning every word and hoping it puts him at ease.

  We pull into the parking lot of the bar and when he parks the truck, he turns to face me. “You like the way I make you scream, huh,” he says, winking at me. I reach over and smack his chest and we both laugh. He holds my hand against his chest by his heart and says, “You feel that?” I nod my head and he continues, “You are the reason my heart beats again. So, yes I worry that someone will say something that will disgust you, and you’ll walk away. I’m not ready to lose you.”

  I climb across the seat and straddle his lap. I kiss him passionately, hoping the silent affection shows how much he means to me. I pull back and rest my forehead on his. “You aren’t going to lose me.” I kiss him again and this time when I break the kiss I say, “How about you tell me the worst things I could hear, that way you won’t need to worry.”

  “I don’t know. I just told you I thought you’d be disgusted.”

  I kiss his cheek and say, “Try me.” I can see him warring with himself on whether to tell me or not, so I kiss his soft lips to let him know it’s alright.

  “Fine. I’ve never talked to a girl after I slept with her, I’ve gone out of my way to avoid her. One time I had a threesome and when we were done they started to fall asleep, I woke them up and told them to leave. I slept with a woman who was only separated from her husband. I’ve never been serious about anyone before, never been in a relationship. I’ve been selfish, and I didn’t care if I hurt any of the girls I slept with,” he tells me, never once making eye contact.

  I’ll admit I’m shocked by it, but it just makes me want to know one thing. “Why?”

  “Why have I been a pig?”

  “No, why haven’t you been serious about anyone or in a relationship? Why wouldn’t you care if you hurt them,” I ask generally confused. The guy he is talking about is not the guy that I know. In fact, he’s the complete opposite.

  “I never trusted women. My mom walked out of us. All the women my dad fell for left. The only experience I had with women was watching them walk away. I didn’t want to be left behind, so I figured if I never got close to anyone, they could never hurt me. It’s fucked up, I know, but you asked,” he says and I can hear the shame in his voice. I do the only thing I can to show him how much I appreciate his honesty.

  I unbutton his jeans then slip my hand into his boxers and grip his hard cock.

  “Baby, what are you doing?”

  “Showing you how much I care for you. How much I respect your honesty, and how turned on I am,” I say pumping him in my hand.

  He pushes his jeans down just enough to allow his cock to be free and I climb off his lap. Before he can even say anything I lean down and lick a path from his balls to the head of his cock. He bucks forward slightly, and I take him in my mouth. I move my head up and down, taking as much of him as I can, loving the feel of him in my mouth.

  “Fuck, Stacey,” he hisses when I scrape my teeth on the back of his cock.

  He fists his hands in my hair and rotates his hips. It’s only spurring me on, and I want to make him come hard. The faster I suck his cock, the faster he moves his hips. He lets out a string of curses, and I smile around his cock, proud of my abilities. Reaching my hand down I fondle his balls.

  “Holy fuck. I’m not going to last, baby. Fuck,” he growls. I pick up my pace and within seconds I feel his balls tighten in my hands. He lets out a loud moan and says, “Fuck, Stacey, I’m going to come, take it all, baby. Fuck, take it all.”

  And that’s just what I do when he finds his release. I swallow every drop he has to give and when I know he’s done I sit up licking my lips. “That was hot,” I say looking into his sated eyes.



  “I love you,” he says looking into my soul, and I know he means it. He loves me, and I feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

  I climb onto his lap and kiss him. “I love you too, Ryan .”

  We hold onto each other, blissfully happy. That is until someone bangs on the window scaring the shit out of me and causing me to scream.

  “What the fuck,” Ryan yells and rolls down his window. “Todd, what the fuck?”

  “You’ve been sitting here for a while, I figured I better check on you. I can see I’ve interrupted, I’ll just leave you to it,” he says chuckling.

  “Todd, get the fuck out of here before I kick your ass.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Finish up in there and come get a drink.” He turns around and heads back to the bar.

  “I’m so sorry he interrupted our moment. We can leave now,” he says, rubbing his hands down my back.

  I giggle and climb off his lap. “Not a chance in Hell. You just told me you love me, we need to celebrate.”

  He chuckles and shakes his head while fixing his jeans. “Anything you want, baby.” He leans over and kisses my lips and pulls back to look into my eyes. “Anything,” he whispers causing goosebumps to break out all over my skin.

  We enter the bar holding hands, and just like Ryan feared all eyes are on us. I nudge him and nod my head toward the bar. I’ll have a glass of wine, but that’s it. No way am I getting trashed again.

  He places our order with Gail and she looks at us with wide eyes, but doesn’t say a word. Within seconds Ryan’s friends are surrounding us.

  “Well who is this beauty?” One of his friends asks running his eyes over my body.

  I lift my eyebrows and say, “I’m Stacey.”

  “So this is the infamous Stacey. You are more beautiful than Ryan said.” I thank him, but he just continues, “When are you going to be done with him so you can come hang out with a real man?”

  “Joe, if you don’t shut the fuck up I will beat your ass.” I guess Joe is afraid of Ryan because he backs away with his hands up and goes looking for someone else to cause trouble with.

  Gail hands us our drinks, and I take a sip looking around. It seems more alive tonight than it did last time I was here. Maybe it’s just the fact that the last time I was here I was miserable and this time I’m in love. In love? I don’t know how it happened so fast, but it did and I feel like I’m where I’m supposed to be. Being with Ryan is so much more than what I thought I was looking for, and I can’t think of a time I’ve happier.

  Once everyone got used to the idea of Ryan and I being together it ended up being a great night. We drank, danced and laughed. It couldn’t have been more perfect. Ryan was relaxed, and the love I saw when he looked at me was present all night, making my heart beat steady in my chest. When he asked if I was ready to leave I nodded my head. I was so ready to go home and show him just how much I loved him, because until him I didn’t know what true love was.

  Chapter Twelve


  The three weeks after I told Stacey I loved her, have been life altering. I didn’t think there would be a time in my life that a woman would make me whole, and until Stacey there wasn’t. Now I can’t picture my life without her in it. I was a changed man and it was because of her.

  Today we are having all of my friends over for dinner and she is so excited. I told her they are a bunch of assholes and normally they are, but with her they were different. I think she has us all under some spell.

  We get the steaks for dinner marinated and the pasta salad made before we sit down for a minute. It’s nice to just relax on the couch, her legs resting across mi
ne while I run my hand up and down them. The TV is on but neither of us are paying attention. She is looking out the window and I am looking at her.

  “Ryan, how long ago did your dad pass away,” she whispers turning her head to look at me.

  “Almost three years ago. It was hard letting him go, but the cancer had taken over. As hard as it was for me, I know it was worse for him.” I hate talking about losing my dad. He was the only person I ever trusted, my only true friend besides Mike, but I feel like I have something like that with Stacey now. I know I can tell her anything without judgment.


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