TONY: Slow Burn (Raging Fire Book 1)

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TONY: Slow Burn (Raging Fire Book 1) Page 3

by Kallypso Masters

  What was so special about a twenty-seventh birthday, especially after she’d just had a party the size of the reception last night? Of course, Tony would do anything for his baby sister, but why’d Mama have to suggest holding it up here? Tony could have easily pulled something together in the church hall in Aspen Corners.

  Once again, she wouldn’t meet his gaze, but clearly had something more to say. “She thought I might bounce ideas off you,” she made eye contact but didn’t smile this time, “since you know her so much better than I do.”

  Or was something else afoot here? Was Mama matchmaking in the afterglow of marrying off her youngest kid? Did she plan on working her way up the line of siblings—with Tony being next on the chopping block? Settling down with one woman wasn’t in the cards for him or any of his brothers for a good, long while.

  And especially not with Carmella D’Alessio.

  He hated to disappoint Mama, but no way in hell would he let her manipulate him, either. He could find his own dates, most of whom wouldn’t see a second date, but that helped keep things casual and fun. No intense relationship issues.

  Then again, maybe he was overthinking this and Mama really just wanted to throw a birthday party. He at least needed to play nice and help out until proven otherwise.

  “Sure. Text me when you’re ready to work on it, and I’ll help in any way I can.” At least they wouldn’t have to meet face-to-face. Right? Yeah, he’d have to show up for the party, but they’d be surrounded by lots of other people, and he wouldn’t let his cock rule his thoughts and do anything stupid.

  “Great. I’ll be out most of this week with a group of New York businessmen on their annual fourteener climb, so it’ll probably be closer to the weekend before I have a chance to put some ideas together.” She glanced down at his T-shirt and furrowed her brow before meeting his gaze once more. Her face looked a little flushed.

  Was the box she carried heavier than she was letting on? He didn’t want to offer to hold it again, though, so he’d better wrap things up and let her be on her way. “Are you climbing with them?”

  Her eyes narrowed as if offended—again. “I’m leading them. I took over that role after Marc went into the Navy.”

  Now here was the Carmella he was used to, although the thought of her climbing a mountain in those same tight pants he’d envisioned moments ago…

  Before he embarrassed himself, he’d better get that image out of his head.

  “I thought you did more administrative work after your parents retired.”

  “I do, but there are some groups that I continue to work with. We have a long history—and I know they’ll be fun to be with.”

  Don’t think about having fun with Carmella. She’s not your kind of girl.

  And yet she sure as hell cast some kind of spell over him every damned time she was near.

  “I’d better hit the road.”

  “And I need to get these to the conference registration hall. My events coordinator is probably waiting for me. Have a nice day, Tony.”

  He missed having her call him T.G. For some reason. “Yeah, you, too.”

  With that, she turned, and he watched her cross the lobby and head down the hallway to the ballroom where the reception had been held last night.

  Even without his seeing her ass encased in tight pants, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Man, get a grip.

  Carm set the box on the table and sighed. What on earth had just happened? Why did she let Tony Giardano rattle her—again? And why in the name of all things holy hadn’t she been able to keep her eyes off the way he filled out his fire department tee so perfectly?

  She’d vanquished her pent-up frustration with the use of her vibrator eight or nine hours ago. Normally, that would last her days if not weeks. Now she was horny again—for Tony?

  His mother had suggested Tony might be able to come up with some fun activities for the party, but she could plan a party like that in her sleep. She didn’t need him to help.

  Then why did you ask him?

  Carm was at a loss to answer that question. Moments later, Martina joined her. At least she hadn’t kept her event manager waiting. That would be so unprofessional and out of character.

  Martina helped her empty and reorganize the now jumbled contents of the box on the registration table. After a quick assessment of what went well and what the staff could improve upon after last night’s wedding reception, the two women worked in efficient silence preparing the area for the arrival of Nick London’s group from New York.

  All too soon Carm’s mind wandered back into dangerous Tony territory, and she took a swig of coffee from the mug Martina had brought her, hoping it would help bring her focus back to where it should be.

  Still, flashes back to the way Tony filled out his shirt this morning floated before her mind’s eye. Not to mention those tight-fitting jeans. While she grudgingly admitted he’d been sexy as sin in that tux last night, his rugged good looks were off the charts today in casual clothes. Carm imagined stroking his biceps to find out if they were as hard as she imagined them to be, while he gently traced a trail up her arm and down her chest to flick over her nipple…

  “Everything okay, Carmella?” Martina asked.

  Pulled out of her lust-filled fantasies, her face heated, Carm refused to make eye contact for fear the savvy woman might guess what—or whom—she’d been daydreaming about. After all, Martina had witnessed that embarrassing garter scene last night, along with most of the staff.

  Feeling she’d composed herself well enough, she glanced up. “I’m sorry?”

  “You’ve mangled the safety brochure you’ve been folding for the last few minutes, and your breathing got a little erratic. You were up late last night. Do you need a break?” Martina had worked with her for years and could make such a suggestion to her boss knowing Carm would take it as a sign that she cared about her.

  The multi-creased paper in front of her was beyond saving, so she tossed it in the trash bin before picking up her mug and taking a long gulp. She needed to recover her professional demeanor. Unsuccessful and disgusted with herself for having such thoughts when she should have her mind on this evening’s safety refresher for the New York group, Carm waved off Martina’s concern before excusing herself for a short break in the ladies’ room.

  Afraid of further daydreaming lapses, she ran herself ragged over the next two hours, being much more hands-on than she normally would, but needing the distractions of running the hotel to keep at bay her unwelcome thoughts about Tony Giardano.

  Unfortunately, when everything was set up and ready for registration to start and there were no other tasks she could take from other staff members, her mind once again strayed into unwelcome fantasies.

  Sheesh. She needed a diversion, a new hobby, or something. Maybe some time away from the resort was in order. Neither she nor Sandro had taken any real time off since they’d taken over the running of the resort when their parents retired last year. Those first six months had been killers. But she and her brother now had their systems in place with excellent new hires and longtime loyal employees making sure everything ran smoothly.

  Even before taking on running the place, she’d been the sole activities coordinator for nine years after Marc literally ran off to join the Navy. That had also kept her busy. Thankfully, they’d hired a new activities coordinator eight months ago, and he did a fabulous job. Still, some of her former guests always requested her services, like these businessmen from New York. She’d been taking them up various fourteeners for the past six years.

  As much as she loved going on these treks, they were still work-related and a lot of responsibility. When was the last time she’d had no one to consider but herself and what she wanted? Even her all-girl weekend in May with former college suitemates had taken place here at the resort in order to save her friends some money. None of them had been given the job of running their family’s multimillion-dollar resort after earning their degrees.

rm counted her blessings every day for having hard-working immigrant parents with a vision and determination who had created this place and thrived in their new homeland. She and Sandro took seriously their responsibilities for keeping that dream alive while improving the resort.

  Part of which included numerous trips she made to trade shows around the country, but that didn’t count as vacay time, either, even if they were held in exciting cities like Chicago, Las Vegas, and San Francisco. Those events were brutal, nonstop, eighteen-hour days without any opportunity to sightsee, visit a spa, or just chill. Besides, she didn’t enjoy going to the shows. Purchasing and marketing were more Sandro’s expertise anyway, although she still tried to take one or two off his hands each year.

  Maybe she should see if Martina would be interested in taking on the last one Carm had scheduled this year. The woman was efficient to the extreme and seemed to want to know everything about running the resort. She’d love the new challenge. Maybe Sandro could travel with her to her first one to show her the ropes.

  Oh yes, Carm would welcome a chance to escape for a little while to recharge. While Carm loved her job, the thought of a vacation on some sunny beach far away from her family’s Rocky Mountain resort niggled at her brain the rest of the afternoon and even at the reception for the outdoor adventurers.

  As she headed back to her condo afterward, a fleeting glimpse of Tony lying on the sandy beach with her invaded her mind.

  Stop thinking about Tony.

  What had made her think about him in context with her vacation anyway? It wasn’t as if the two of them had anything in common other than family members. She wouldn’t be seeing him or having anything to do with him—well, except for planning Angelina’s birthday party.

  Unlocking the front door, she forced her thoughts in that direction. August was the lull before the tourist-season storm. Maybe after Angelina’s party, she could get away for a week or ten days in the Caribbean. She didn’t want to make the same mistakes as Mama and Papa, who had remained chained to the resort during the best years of their lives. Thank goodness they both still had their health and were enjoying traveling again.

  I need to take this trip for myself.

  That settles it. I’m going to do it.

  Well, as soon as she spoke with Sandro. But she’d urge him to do the same during a different week this summer. They had to look out for each other’s well-being. She had no doubts that he’d agree, especially since things would be slow then.

  Now, where would she like to go? A girlfriend had booked a villa on a private beach in the Caribbean somewhere. Carm definitely didn’t want to go from one resort to another, because she’d find herself scrutinizing it from a professional standpoint rather than enjoying the amenities and location as a paying tourist.

  But a secluded villa or something like it would be the perfect place to unwind and not have to think about work or anyone but herself. She’d text Sara tonight for recommendations about the villa and other places she’d stayed down there.




  Provided a hurricane doesn’t tear through while I’m there.

  She banished that negative thought and immediately replaced it with visions of sunning herself in the nude on the isolated, private beach. Maybe the owners would loan her a cabana boy or two to take her mind off Tony.

  Chapter Three

  At the fire station later that afternoon, Tony struggled to keep his mind on the simple task of preparing a huge pot of minestrone for the crew’s supper. Today’s cold, cloudy weather was in sharp contrast to yesterday’s warmth, but he was glad the sun had shined brightly for Angelina’s wedding. But nothing would warm them up better than some of Mama’s hearty soup. It had become Tony’s specialty on his days to cook, and he tried to make it at least once a month.

  While he wasn’t on duty, being here helped him avoid the incessant memories of the feel of Carmella’s silky thigh against his lips.

  Yeah? How’s that working for you?

  Okay, so his thoughts had remained on her all day, despite his best efforts at distractions. Carmella was hot, for damn sure—hot to look at, anyway—but she was cold as ice water toward him. Not that he’d seen her warm up to any other guy. She always seemed to be working and was way too serious for his taste in women. Hell, she’d even been overseeing things at her own brother’s wedding reception rather than simply enjoying herself. Did she ever do anything for fun?

  She’s not your worry.

  She said she enjoyed climbing, hiking, and skiing, but she also made that part of her job.

  Tony could have any woman he wanted. Why was he so hung up on this one he couldn’t have? Man, he needed to get laid.

  Any number of women could eradicate thoughts of the ice principessa tonight.

  Only question was, who’d he want to call? Not a single other woman came to mind at the moment.

  Because all you can think of is Carmella.

  Reaching for the box of orecchiette pasta, he knocked the ladle to the floor. The loud clang elicited guffaws from behind him as Brad and Michael cracked up over his clumsiness. Normally, Tony would be the one busting someone else’s chops, but today, apparently, he was fodder for the firehouse’s amusement.

  I need to get my shit together.

  Good thing Rafe was closed off in his office cramming for the battalion chief’s exam that he’d be taking when it was offered again. He’d missed out on obtaining that rank in the neighboring county—to Mama’s new beau, no less—but intended to be ready when the next opening came up. There was talk about the BC here retiring in the coming months, and in their small department where a lieutenant could go directly to BC, Rafe would be a shoo-in.

  Anyway, Tony didn’t want to give his big brother any ammo to tease him with later on.

  “Who is she, Tony?” asked Brad, the ladder truck’s engineer.

  “Who said there’s a she?” He placed the dirty ladle in the sink and took a clean one from the hook on the wall.

  “You’ve been mooning ever since you showed up today—on your day off, no less. Did you meet some hot piece of ass at your sister’s wedding and couldn’t win her over with your Italian-stud charms?”

  Anger boiled up in an instant. “Watch your language. She’s not that kinda girl.”

  “Oh-ho! So you did meet someone!” Michael chimed in.

  The guys were in the midst of exchanging high fives at guessing why he was off today when the tones dropped. As he listened to hear if their station would be involved in the call, he wondered if there had there been some kind of friendly bet going on behind his back this afternoon.

  Rafe came running out of his office. “The Middle Fork River spilled over the roadway at Blackford’s Crossing off County Road 5. Stranded motorists. Swift water. Ladder truck. Let’s gear up!”

  Without being asked, Tony decided to join them on the call knowing there was room in the ladder truck for a fourth man. He turned off the stove burner, put the lid on the pot, and slid down the pole after the others.

  Downstairs, dispatch paged several area fire and rescue squads. Aspen Corners’ station definitely was closest, only about five minutes away. Every person on duty—and off—for miles around would show up for a swift-water rescue, because those situations could be some of the most dangerous rescue challenges faced by firefighters. No one ever felt like they had enough training for them.

  Tony grabbed his swift-water rescue gear, including his helmet, personal flotation device, and new dry suit. The EMS crew was out on an earlier call but had radioed in that they had finished and were en route to the scene. As he’d expected, Rafe assigned Tony to the ladder truck. Tony took the passenger-side seat behind his oldest brother and buckled up, pushing everything from his mind except this rescue. He tried to picture the scene and listened to Rafe spelling out the details as they headed northward out of town. A hard rain fell, which would only make matters worse. At last month’s swift-water training sessi
on, they’d been alerted to the fact that last June’s massive wildfire on Iron Horse, coupled with any significant rainfall, would increase the likelihood for mudslides. He didn’t know how long it had been raining this hard, having been in the station all afternoon, but it was coming down in sheets at the moment.

  “Platte County Water Rescue Team is responding from the north,” Rafe told Brad, who drove the apparatus, and the two firefighters in the backseat. “Mother and baby in a RAV4 knocked off the roadbed into the river. Completely surrounded by rising water. They’re already on the roof.”

  Shit. The most emotionally charged calls first responders could receive involved children. And a lightweight SUV wasn’t going to withstand this much pressure for long with all the water and debris assaulting it during this downpour.

  Tony’s heart pounded even harder as Rafe continued taking orders from the battalion chief already on scene, and relaying assignments to his crew and the others on the way.

  “Tony, I’ll follow you out on the ladder,” Rafe said.

  Knowing he’d have his big brother as backup gave him an added boost of confidence. Two in, two out. Rafe had taught him so much over the last few years, and the two had trained together last month, so everything was fresh in their minds.

  Tony nodded, surprised that he’d get to put his new skills to use so soon after completing the water-rescue training. He was the strongest swimmer in the crew, which was probably why Rafe had assigned him that job, although nobody would want to go into the raging waters he expected to find on scene.

  Thank God he’d hung out at the station today because Michael would be needed to set up the safety lines while Brad, as engineer, would have to stay with the truck throughout the rescue.

  Tony said a quick prayer asking Papa for protection and guidance leading to a successful rescue, as he did on each run. Ever since Tony had taken his oath, he’d felt Papa with him on every call. Papa had died in an avalanche near here while attempting a rescue nine years ago on a search-and-rescue call. All four of his sons had decided to go into the fire service as a tribute to their father who had always given back to his community. And yesterday, Papa’s only daughter had married an EMT who worked at the same station as Tony and Rafe.


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