TONY: Slow Burn (Raging Fire Book 1)

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TONY: Slow Burn (Raging Fire Book 1) Page 20

by Kallypso Masters

  “No trading,” Tony said. “Deal with it, Matt.”

  Did that mean Tony wanted to be the one to pop her balloon, or just that he didn’t want to do so to his brother, either? Carm’s heart thumped in anticipation of taking her turn soon. She could probably slow things down so the other team would maintain their slight lead—meaning Tony wouldn’t get that chance—but her competitive nature and sense of fairness to her team wouldn’t let her throw the game.

  The two lines became tied when Matteo popped Franco’s balloon in two tries.

  “Go, Carm,” Tony shouted, giving her a shove. “Hurry!” He’d sure gotten into this game. At least he was laughing and seemed to have set his sour mood aside.

  Maybe she should have practiced this ahead of time, but she had wanted to be fair. It took four thrusts into Matteo’s backside before the balloon finally popped.

  Carm’s heart raced as she braced her hands on the back of the chair, assumed the position, and waited. “Brace yourself, dolcezza,” Tony whispered in a voice she didn’t think anyone else could hear. Then he banged his groin against her butt—er, balloon. The sensation went straight to her girly bits. He didn’t pop it on the first thrust, so he tried again but still didn’t manage to pop it. The second and third tries were no harder than the first. Maybe he wanted to prolong this a while longer.

  “What’s wrong with your aim, T.G.?” Carm taunted.

  She glanced over at the other team; they were struggling, too.

  “What’s the matter, Tony?” Matteo shouted. “You out of practice?”

  Tony’s hands grabbed her by the hips as he pulled her toward him at the same time as he drove his pelvis into her. With that fourth lunge, much harder than the ones before, the balloon popped. Tony’s rigid penis pressed against her butt sending a zing through her lower body and making her want to come in the worst way. Her legs began to shake as he helped her to stand upright again.

  All too soon, Tony moved away from her and whispered, “Nothing wrong with my aim, Carm.”

  His grin made her even wetter. She wasn’t supposed to just stand here gawking at him, but before she could run back to the line to tag Angelina, Karla gave out a whoop. Carm glanced over to see that she’d popped Papa’s balloon in the other line, and the other team jumped up and down in victory.

  Carm wasn’t able to let go of the sensation of Tony’s hardness against her soft and willing sex.

  “Don’t you want to announce the winners’ prizes, Carm?” Tony whispered in her ear. She turned to meet his gaze. “Unless you’d like to take a whack at my balloon.” He wiggled his hips, which only made her lewd thoughts more vivid.

  “Turn around.” His eyebrows raised as if he expected her to thrust her hips at him to pop the thing. When he turned around, she unpinned the balloon then took the open safety pin and popped it.

  “Now I’ll take care of those prizes.”

  Taking a deep breath, she regained her composure and went about the business of the party, but the feel of Tony’s hips thrusting against her ass lingered long after. The rest of the party passed by in a blur as they played more games and gave out additional prizes. At the end of it all, Sandro and several of the couples pitched in to help Carm and Tony pack up the things she planned to take back to her condo.

  Tony had made her feel sexually alive again. He’d apparently been excited by the game too, if his rigid penis was any indication. Were they finally ready to take this relationship to a new level and stop this pretense that they could just be friends? Too bad she had a flight early tomorrow morning and would be gone for a week.

  “Got any balloons left in there?” Tony pointed to the box in the extended cab seat.

  “I think so. Why?”

  “I thought we could practice that game a little more in case we ever have to play again.”

  Despite the excitement that bubbled up inside her at the innuendo and the grin that broke out on his face that told her he was teasing, Carm remained pragmatic. “I doubt we’d play the same games next time, Tony.” But what about a next time with her and Tony? Did she want something more with him? Hell yeah.

  “Well, I enjoyed the hell out of our first time.”

  Heat crept into her face.

  He’s talking about the balloon game, silly.

  Apparently, he wasn’t going to let it go, so she decided to flirt back. “I recall something inflating at the same time you were supposed to be trying to deflate the balloon.”

  “Glad you noticed.”

  She didn’t know why she was bantering with him like this, but in a move that threw caution to the wind, she came to a decision.

  “I heard you have some time off work this week. If you don’t already have plans, why don’t you join me in Turks and Caicos for some…diving?”

  Crap! Did I just invite Tony along on my private paradise getaway?

  Her heart beat a little quicker at the thought of her and Tony hanging out nude on the beach or poolside. After feeling the hard length of his penis pressed against her backside today, she needed to see this man naked.

  Only fair. Hadn’t he seen her naked already?

  Slow down, Carm.

  Tony remained silent a long while, and she glanced over to see that he was no longer smiling. Had she crossed a line?

  “Did my brothers or Marc tell you about my time off this week?”

  His suspicious tone took her by surprise. That was far from the response she’d expected. A simple no she could understand, but not unbridled anger. This man’s moods could turn on a dime. He could use a vacation all right, but perhaps it shouldn’t include her.

  “I overheard you talking to Rafe while we were cleaning up. Look, never mind. I don’t know what made me ask you to join me. I’m sure you already have something lined up.” Perhaps even with a woman, although he hadn’t mentioned that he was seeing anyone. Not that he’d tell her anyway.

  They were silent as he drove the next block until he stopped at a light and turned toward her. “Sorry I snapped at you. I’m not angry at you. It’s Rafe and my family. I wish everyone would quit acting like I’m about to go off the deep end or something.”

  What on earth was he talking about? Was he on a mandatory mental health break or something? Had he had some flashbacks or trouble coping with triggers from the bad call in June? She wanted to know more about what he meant but didn’t feel she should ask.

  If he only knew how far from his well-being her thoughts had been when she’d extended that invitation.

  “I’m sorry you’re having to deal with that, Tony.” She left it open to interpretation whether she meant his brothers or the aftermath of his fairly recent traumatic experience.

  “Thanks.” The light changed, and he drove the rest of the way to her condo and parked, but neither made a move to get out of his truck.

  Did she want to extend the invitation again?

  Chapter Twenty

  Carm had never been a glutton for punishment, but maybe she’d become one. “Listen, the offer still stands. If you can catch a flight, I’ve rented a huge villa. It has six bedrooms, four baths, a private beach, and a swimming pool.” She realized she was talking up a storm and that he wasn’t saying a word, but she took out her phone and forwarded the text from the realtor showing him the villa on Turks and Caicos. “Wait until you see the photos of this place.”

  His phone pinged, but he didn’t reach for it to look at them. Still, he didn’t come right out and say he wasn’t interested.

  “Seems a shame to let so much space go to waste,” she added, beating a dead horse apparently. “You’ll still have your privacy; we can go our separate ways most of the time.” Silence. “I just thought that maybe a change of scenery would be a nice break from…well, work and everything.” She hoped she wasn’t making this sound like a pity invite, because her intentions toward Tony were anything but pitying. Maybe she needed to sweeten the offer. “We could also do some dive excursions together. I’d prefer having you as a dive partner o
ver some random person the dive crew assigns to me. Of course, I might get lucky this time and be paired with some hot guy who’ll keep things interesting next week.”

  He wasn’t looking at her, but he tightened his jaw at the mention of her getting some action down there. Maybe that was how she could sell him on the idea. Of course, she’d never been on a group dive yet that included a single man looking for a hookup. Most of the unattached divers were women or old men. But Tony didn’t need to know that.

  His head snapped toward her. “Why are you asking me to go?”

  This seemed to be some kind of test. Should she tell him she wanted to get naked and make passionate love with him? No, that might be a little forward given they hadn’t really done anything more than kiss until now.

  “Besides diving together, I’m feeling like it might be fun to have someone to go out to dinner with. We could try out some of the fabulous beach restaurants and maybe even do some sightseeing together.” Time to sweeten the deal. “It would be the perfect chance for you to speed up your diving certification schedule too.”

  Tony’s continued silence made her wonder if she’d gone too far. Or not far enough. She wanted to take advantage of this rare chance to spend time with Tony and get to know him better without all the distractions of their work and family.

  She unhooked her seatbelt and turned to face him, but his gaze remained straight on the windshield. “T.G., I’m going to be honest. If sparks should fly between us again like they did the night you kissed me,” she began, “I’d be open to exploring…whatever. I’m not extending this invitation because of your family or anything they said, though.”

  Once again, he faced her. She read interest in his eyes, but not total belief. If he could have read her mind a couple of minutes ago, he might blush. Although she wasn’t going to throw herself at him if he wasn’t interested, Carm hoped she’d conveyed the fact that she wouldn’t discourage him from jumping her bones if he were so inclined. The man was all kinds of sexy hotness and had kept her on a slow burn most of the summer.

  When he continued with the Mr. Silent treatment, she sighed. “Look, I think we both could use some time away from our daily grinds. And you haven’t truly experienced diving until you’ve done it in the Caribbean.” Okay, time for her final pitch, then she’d leave this alone. “The waters are warm and so clear. It’s like you’ve entered another world down there. You won’t believe the colors of the fish and the coral. And when will you ever get a chance to swim with sharks and manta rays up here?”

  He grinned for the first time in a long while, and she relaxed a little. “Let’s hope never or we might be in the middle of a flood of biblical proportions.”

  That he’d just made a joke about a flood surprised her, but he didn’t seem to equate it with the disastrous call in June. Seeing a teasing Tony peeking out again warmed her heart. He could be so much fun to be with.

  Come on, T.G., say yes. You know you want to join me there.

  “I appreciate the offer, Carm, but I’m not going to intrude on your vacation. I’m no freeloader.”

  Did this mean he was interested as long as she let him pay his share? “I’m happy to split expenses for groceries and meals, and we’ll cover our own dive excursion expenses. The villa’s already paid for, but you can share part of that expense too, if you want.” She just wouldn’t tell him how much the total bill really was, because it would be far beyond a firefighter’s budget. Besides, she didn’t want his money, she wanted his company.

  More silence. Was he considering her offer or trying to find a polite way to decline her counteroffer? This really did seem like a negotiation of sorts.

  “You’ve tempted me yet again, Carm, but I doubt I could catch a flight this late.” He’d said similar words before about her tempting him. All’s fair, because he’d been tempting her for weeks. “Listen, I really appreciate the invitation, but I need to stay here. I have a couple of appointments scattered throughout the week, and I’m doing an open-water dive Wednesday at the Dillon Reservoir.”

  To say she was disappointed was an understatement, but she wouldn’t let on how she felt. Carm shrugged. “It was just an idea. I understand. You could only get in one dive this week, though?”

  He didn’t hide his disappointment. “Yeah. Busy week for them.”

  “I’m telling you, you could dive at least five days while in the islands. The offer stands.”

  She’d be heading to the Eagle Vail airport before dawn and still needed to pack but wasn’t ready for Tony to leave yet. “Want to come inside for some coffee?” She wouldn’t offer him food after all they’d eaten and knew he wouldn’t drink alcohol before the drive home. She also didn’t say anything about what she’d really like to happen tonight.

  He cocked his head then smiled. “Thanks, but I wouldn’t be great company tonight. I had a rough day yesterday. Besides, I’m sure you have packing to do.”

  “Maybe it would help to talk with someone about it.” She placed a hand on his jacketed arm and squeezed. Something else must have happened at work. “Come inside. The coffee will help keep you awake on your drive over the pass.”

  Or you can spend the night.

  Fortunately, her mutinous brain didn’t express that suggestion aloud. The heat emanating from his body across the seat warmed her to the core. She wouldn’t say no if he was interested. She’d have plenty of time to catch up on her sleep either on the plane or while lounging around the villa. Alone. Suddenly, that prospect held less charm than it had when she’d booked the place.

  His hand stroked her cheek, but the sadness in his eyes told of yet another rejection. “Thanks for that offer, Carm, but I’d better head home. Let me carry that box in first, though.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I’m fine.”

  Tony was out of the truck and opening the passenger door for her in seconds, helping her down. He then opened the extended cab next and grabbed the box. At her front door, she turned to Tony. Would she get another goodnight kiss? At the moment, she had mixed feelings about it, knowing it would only leave her even more frustrated.

  “You throw a helluva party. Thanks for doing that for Angelina.”

  That was it? Thank you, ma’am, without any wham bam?

  He acted as if she was nothing more than a party planner his family had hired for his sister’s birthday.

  Tony placed a hand on her shoulder, then must have realized the box between them would make it difficult to close the gap for a hug—or a kiss.

  Most likely, he hadn’t intended to kiss her at all. She turned around to shove the key in the lock and then reached out for the box.

  “I can put it inside the door for you,” he said.

  She didn’t need Tony to just drop the box and watch him leave a few minutes later. A girl could only take so much! “I think I can handle it.” She tried to take the box from him, but he didn’t let go.

  He stared at her a long moment, and she wondered if he was considering coming in. “Good night, Carm.” Or maybe not.

  He closed the gap between them, and her heart fluttered in anticipation of…then he grasped the knob and opened the door before placing the box on the floor inside.

  “Thanks, Tony.” Her voice sounded a little breathy. “Have a good week.”

  He stared down at her mouth, which tingled as if he’d brushed his lips across them softly. She licked her lips, which had suddenly gone dry, and tilted her head back slightly as if in invitation.

  Tony groaned before moving closer and placing his lips on hers to initiate a kiss, but he broke off the kiss even faster than he had the last time, leaving her to groan this time.

  The pain in his eyes was real. “I don’t want you to think for a minute, Carm, that I don’t want to spend time with you tonight.” He let the words hang in the air a moment before adding, “But I have some things I need to work out first.”

  What things? Were they with him? Her? External forces? What?

  Before she could formulat
e a question, he pecked her on the cheek. “Have a good time on vacation. Please be careful.”

  He turned and walked down several steps before she went inside and closed the door behind her and leaned against it, frustrated beyond measure.

  “Lock your door, dolcezza.”

  Tony’s words came through the door loud and clear. Carm turned around to throw the deadbolt and turn the mechanism in the doorknob then peeked through the peephole to see Tony put his hands into his pockets and jauntily cross the lot to his truck.


  Carm would go to Turks and Caicos and have one hell of a good time—alone. Who needed Tony Giardano anyway?

  Carm’s flight had been uneventful—the best kind—and she’d driven her rental car directly from the airport to a Grace Bay grocery to stock up on breakfast items, sandwich makings, and alcohol—enough to get her through the first half of the week in case she didn’t feel like going daily.

  After giving the villa, patio, and beach a quick inspection, she carried her suitcases upstairs. She hung her clothes in the closet and put the rest of her things in the top dresser drawers in one of the master bedroom suites at the villa. She’d pretend this was home this week and not live out of a suitcase.

  Walking over to the French doors, she opened them and went out onto the balcony. The view of Grace Bay stole her breath, just as it had an hour ago when she’d first arrived. Water in shades of turquoise blue and teal green extended as far as the eye could see. Closer to the beach, whitecaps formed and broke against the white sand, sending a frothy foam onto the beach. She couldn’t wait to get down there.

  For safety reasons, her first dive wouldn’t be until tomorrow afternoon. She intended to spend the rest of today settling in and relaxing by those gorgeous aquamarine waters. Perhaps she’d take a swim later on. Without an agenda, she could do whatever she pleased.

  For the hundredth time since last night, she wished Tony had joined her. The normally serene time she looked forward to in the Caribbean would have been more fun with him here too. They got to see so little of each other, not that they’d made it to the dating stage, but why did he keep kissing her if he didn’t want anything more?


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