Another Mazzy Monday

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Another Mazzy Monday Page 10

by Savannah Young

  Harley narrows her eyes at me. “Whatever you do just don’t rub my stomach.”

  “Do people really do that?” I have to admit I’m a little disgusted by the thought of random people rubbing my belly, so I’m certainly sympathetic to her plight.

  “All the time,” she replies. “Even people I don’t know. I’m not sure what it is about being pregnant but everyone wants to touch the baby, even while it’s still inside of me.”

  As I scan the bar I notice my sister is talking to one of the bartenders, a good looking, very muscular guy who seems to be quite taken with her. He can’t seem to take his eyes from hers.

  “What is it with all the male bartenders,” I ask Harley.

  She laughs. “You know Jake always had a difficult time keeping bartenders and servers. We decided to see if he’d have better luck with male employees. So he got a list of recent graduates from his former football coach at Old Town High School. Guys who played football like he did and never went to college. And that’s who he hired. It’s worked out great. The male customers love it because they can talk football with the new employees and we’ve seen a huge increase in females coming to the bar, for obvious reasons.”

  “They are eye candy,” I admit.

  “There’s someone I definitely want you to meet.” Harley grabs my elbow and drags me over to a table where her sister-in-law, Gracie, is sitting.

  “This is Gracie and Tucker’s baby, Rose.”

  Tucker is one of her husband’s younger brothers and also one of the employees at Haymakers. Gracie worked at Haymakers until she got pregnant and then had to go on bed rest as she got further along. Looking at the baby I’m not surprised. Gracie is a tiny wisp of a girl and her baby is huge, more like her husband.

  “She’s an angel,” I say as Gracie shows off her daughter.

  “Where are Tucker and Jake?” I look around the bar, but I don’t see them anywhere.

  “They went to pick up the cake and some ice cream. I can’t seem to go a day without ice cream. But I’m going to enjoy it while I can because once the baby is here I’ll be back to my strict diet and working out.”

  When my sister catches sight of me she excuses herself from the bar and hurries over join us.

  “Isn’t she a doll?” Suzie exclaims when she sees Rose.

  “Would you like to hold her?” Gracie asks.

  I can see by the way Suzie’s eyes light up that she would absolutely love to hold the baby.

  Just as Gracie is about to hand Rose to my sister Tucker sweeps in and takes the baby from Gracie.

  “I don’t mind holding her,” Tucker says as he puts the baby to his chest. Even though the baby isn’t small for her age she looks tiny next to Tucker’s massive chest. The way he’s beaming he’s obviously a very proud, but also very protective daddy. I’m not surprised. He’s been just as protective of Gracie since the first day they met.

  “Let Suzie hold the baby,” Gracie pleads.

  Tucker bites his bottom lip seemingly reluctant to give her up. Then he places little kisses all over Rose’s face and she giggles in response. Finally after staring at his precious daughter for a few more seconds he finally hands her over to Suzie.

  I have to laugh when he doesn’t step away. He’s got his arms underneath my sister’s as if he’s just waiting for her to drop the baby so he’s there to catch her.

  Gracie is smiling too. “Tucker. It’s okay. Please relax. Suzie is fine. She knows how to hold a baby.”

  She’s right. My sister is fine. She actually looks like a natural holding the baby. I think I would be a lot less comfortable. And I’m not sure I even want to try.

  A few moments later Jake marches over with an enormous blue and white cake. “Where do you want this?”

  “There’s a table set up right near the stage,” Harley instructs.

  Jake nods and takes the cake to the back of the bar, where live bands perform on Friday and Saturday nights.

  “You’re having a boy?” I ask Harley.

  She nods. “Jake Junior. We’re going to call him JJ.” As she scans the bar she says, “I wonder where he put that ice cream?”

  When she goes off in search of her ice cream I have an urge to look over at the bar’s entrance. At that moment the front door swings open and in walks Austin Graham.

  My heart starts to race as he glances around the place. And when our eyes meet I get goose bumps all over.

  I hurry over to him before he has a chance to move any further inside the place.

  “What are you doing here?” I hiss.

  He narrows his gaze. “Is that a trick question? What do people normally do in a bar?”

  Lips pursed I continue my interrogation. “How did you know I was here?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself. I had no idea you were here.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Oh, really? Is that so? Have you ever been here before?”

  He shakes his head.

  “And you just happened to come by Haymakers, a bar you’ve never been to before, at the exact time I’m here for a baby shower?”

  He shrugs. “I guess so.”

  “I was born. And I was born at night. But I wasn’t born last night.”

  “You can believe whatever you want to believe. I’m just here for a drink.”

  I can see by the mischievous twinkle in his eye that he’s most definitely not here just for a drink. George must have spilled the beans and told Austin that he dropped me off here.

  “I was bored by myself at the lake house,” he adds. “And this seems like the only entertainment in town.”

  “You could have gone to a movie,” I offer.

  He frowns. “They don’t have beer there.”

  “I’m here for a baby shower, not to entertain you.”

  He grins. “Well you’d better get to it then.”

  “Fine. I will.”

  I turn on my heels and march back over to the table where Harley is seated with a few other guests. I notice that her other sister-in-law, Riley, has joined her. She’s married to Cooper Wilde and the two of them live in New York and work on Wall Street.

  Riley gives me a friendly wave when she sees me. “Great to see you again!”

  “You seem to be the only Wilde wife who doesn’t have a baby or one on the way,” I tease.

  She smiles. “We’re going to wait a few years. We both have to make our first million. Then we’ll think about starting a family.”

  Riley’s best friend, Patti, is also seated at the table. She’s stayed at the resort a few times on business and she’s a fantastic tipper. Is it terrible that I’ve always been jealous of her absolutely killer body? The woman could give any runway model a run for her money. She gives me a wave as well when she spots me.

  I notice Harley is looking over at the bar and when she glances back over at me, she’s frowning. “Why is that guy at the bar staring at you?” she whispers to me. “Do you know him?”

  I’m not sure what to say. I’ve never lied to Harley but I also don’t want to get into all the drama, especially at her shower. But I also know if I don’t say anything, there’s a strong chance she’ll ask Jake and Tucker to eject him for being creepy.

  “I know him,” I admit. “He’s my fiancés brother.”

  Her eyes go wide. “That guy is Drew Graham’s brother? They look nothing alike.”

  “They are nothing alike,” I add. “They’re almost complete opposites in every way.”

  Of course this doesn’t appease Harley. She always has to get to the bottom of everything. “Is there something going on between the two of you?”

  I don’t want to lie so I sidestep a little. “What makes you say that?”

  “He hasn’t taken his eyes off of you, for starters. And I know that look. I’ve seen that look on every one of the Wilde brother’s faces: when Tucker met Gracie; when Cooper met Riley and when Hunter introduced us all to Katie. And Jake has that look on his face all of the time when he’s around me. It’s a look like he w
ants to completely possess you and God help any other man who gets in his way. That guy seated at the bar is looking at you that way. Care to explain that?”

  Harley has a way of just putting things right out there. She certainly never minces words.

  I heave a small sigh. “I’m really not sure what to say.”

  When Suzie plops down next to me I pray for a change in the direction of the conversation. But no such luck. “What’s Austin doing here?”

  “Apparently he’s bored and wanted to get a drink.”

  She lets out a slight cynical laugh. “Yeah, right. The guy hasn’t taken his eyes off of you since he sat down.”

  “That’s exactly what I said,” Harley pipes in.

  Great. Now both of them are ganging up on me.

  “Maybe we could discuss something else,” I offer. “Like the reason we’re even here. Harley’s baby.”

  Harley shakes her head. “My shower. My rules. I want to hear more about Mr. Dark and Dangerous. Does he ride a motorcycle? He dresses like it.”

  “I guess so. I haven’t actually seen it yet.” I hold up my hand to display my engagement ring. “And I’m marrying someone else, remember?”

  Harley glances over at the bar and then back at me. “That guy does not look like he cares one bit that you’re engaged to his brother.” Her eyes narrow. “As someone who is married to a man with three brothers I’d just like to say that I don’t think that’s normal. The Wilde brothers would never in a million years even consider going after each other’s girls. Tell me what’s going on?”

  My chest is starting to constrict and I can feel a bead of sweat stream down the side of my face. I knew this fake engagement was going to be a complete disaster. Will everyone be able to see right through the charade just like Harley?

  “Drew and his brother aren’t that close,” I spit out, but it sounds like a lame excuse, even to me.

  Her eyes tighten to narrow slits. “Have you been leading Drew’s brother on?”

  “No,” I insist.

  When I glance over at my sister her jaw is flapping open and she looks absolutely incredulous. I know she won’t rat me out to anyone, but I can see by the look in her eye she’s not going to keep quiet either. “You know if you play with fire you’re going to get burned.”

  I roll my eyes at her. “You couldn’t come up with a better cliché than that?”

  “I think in this case it’s completely appropriate. How about if you lie down with dogs you’re going to get bit?”

  “I think the saying is if you lie down with dogs you’re bound to get fleas.”

  “Oh no, Sister,” she goads. “You’re definitely going to get bit.”

  “Thanks for your support.”

  “Sometimes the best support is telling your loved one what they don’t want to hear.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief when Jake and Tucker march over with plates piled high with cake and ice cream for everyone. We all become focused on the party again.

  When I sneak a peek over at Austin I can see that he’s still watching my every move. Surely there’s something more entertaining for him to do than watch me eat cake and ice cream and talk to my friends. But he seems extremely interested in everything about me. That makes me nervous and excited at the same time.

  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t relish the attention, but at the same time I know we’re both heading into very dangerous territory. My attraction to him is growing stronger every time I look at him and I know the next time we start kissing I won’t be able to resist his further advances.

  “Mazzy,” my sister barks and it snaps me out of my thoughts.

  “What?” I bite back.

  She leans in close and hisses, “Stop staring at Austin.”

  “I’m not.” My protest doesn’t even sound convincing to me. I know I can’t fool my sister.

  “The two of you have been eye fucking since he walked in the door.”

  I feign a look of shock. “I’ve been doing no such thing.”

  She rolls her eyes at me. “Whatever. You know you’re a terrible liar.”

  Harley goes through all the traditional baby show rituals as she opens her myriad of gifts. I’m happy to see that Suzie purchased her a cute cradle swing from both of us.

  After a round of photos, the small crowd of guests starts to dwindle and I know I should probably phone George for a ride back to the lake house.

  As soon as Suzie is done giving Harley a big hug I give her one myself.

  “Have you and Drew set a date for the wedding yet?”

  I shake my head. “We want to wait until after the election before we start planning the big day.”

  “Oh!” She takes in a breath. “Are you going to have it at the governor’s mansion? That would be awesome.”

  I laugh. “He has to win the election first.”

  Her eyes narrow. “How could he not with you at his side? You’re absolutely gorgeous.”

  I frown. No one has ever told me I was gorgeous before and definitely not Harley. “Has pregnancy made you soft?”

  “No,” she assures me. “You and Suzie are two of the most beautiful people I know. I really mean that.”

  “Well coming from you that means a lot.”

  “You have to let me know all of the details. And we’re having your bachelorette party here at Haymakers. I’m hosting it. And I won’t take no for an answer.”

  I cringe inside. I feel like the tangled web I’m weaving with the fake engagement is getting more tangled by the minute.

  “You have to let us know when the baby is coming. Suzie and I want to be there to celebrate JJ’s arrival.”

  Harley gives me another hug and then hurries to acknowledge the rest of her guests before they leave.

  “Do you need a ride back to the lake house?” Suzie asks me.

  I shake my head. “No. George told me to give him a call and he’d pick me up.”

  She glances at her watch. “Do you really want to wait that long?”

  “I’ll take her,” Austin says as he joins us.

  Susie narrows her eyes at him. “How much did you have to drink?”

  “One beer,” he scoffs. “And it was Miller Light.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I assure her.

  She points a finger at me. “Remember what I said.”

  “I will.”

  “I’ll take good care of your sister,” Austin tells her. “Promise.”

  Suzie still doesn’t look comfortable with the idea of Austin giving me a ride back, but she lets it go.

  “Call me if you need anything,” she says as she gives me a quick hug.

  “I will,” I promise.

  Austin and I walk outside with Suzie. Once she’s takes off in her Ford Pickup Austin points to his motorcycle. “Ever been on one of those?”

  I shake my head.

  He grabs my hand and pulls me close to the bike. I like how sleek and sexy it is. “Just remember to keep your arms wrapped around my waist. Don’t let go.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Is this your way of getting me to touch you?”

  His eyes are fixed on mine and he’s not laughing. “I don’t need a bike to get you to touch me. I can see in your eyes that you want me just as much as I want you.”

  “You’re pretty sure of yourself,” I tease.

  He shakes his head. “I’m sure of you.”

  I try to swallow the large lump that’s swelled in my throat, but to no avail. He’s absolutely right. I do want him. I’m just scared out of my mind to act on it. There are too many things that could go very wrong. I consider the idea of phoning George instead. Maybe he’s the one who should be taking me back to the lake house.

  Before I can suggest the alternative Austin slips the helmet on my head and pulls me onto the bike.

  “Grab onto my waist,” he reminds me. “And remember not to let go.”

  I do as I’m instructed and I have to admit that I like the way Austin feels in my arms. He’s strong and stu
rdy. All muscle. And I feel safe when I’m with him. I feel like he could protect me.

  When he starts the engine it’s loud even with the helmet on. And when he takes off I quickly realize I’m not holding him tight enough and strengthen my grip so I don’t fall off the bike.

  I enjoy the cool fall air on my face as we make our way through Old Town. But I’m a little surprised when we make a turn in the opposite direction of the lake house. We’re heading toward the mountains instead of the lakes.

  I want to say something, but I know it will be in vain. There is no way Austin will ever be able to hear me over the road and engine noise.

  As we head further out of town and further into the woods I take a few minutes just to enjoy the leaves that are turning orange and gold. Suzie and I are usually too busy to enjoy the fall colors.

  Eventually Austin pulls on to a dirt road and I lean into his back to cover my face from all the dust he’s pushing up as we head down the pathway. When we finally stop we’re in front of a small log cabin. It’s one of a few that are nestled deep in the woods. I imagine that prior to Labor Day, these cabins are probably pretty popular, but this time of year we seem to be alone in the small camp.

  After Austin helps me off the bike I stretch my legs. I can definitely feel a few muscles I haven’t felt in a while. Once the helmet I’m wearing is removed Austin smiles at me and asks, “How was it?”

  “Better than I expected,” I admit. “But windy.”

  He nods. “We’ll have to get you a bike jacket. And wearing jeans helps too.”

  “A bike jacket, huh?” I smile. “Does that mean you expect me to ride on the back of your bike a lot?”

  “A guy can hope.”

  I glance over at the cabin. “What are we doing here?”

  “I rented it for the night,” he replies.

  I narrow my eyes. “And why would you do that?”

  He grabs my hand and pulls me toward the cabin. “You’ll see.”

  Once he unlocks the door and we head inside I take in a sharp breath. He must have been here earlier because there are white candles and red roses everywhere.


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