Keeper Under Fire (Graveyard Guardians Book 3)

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Keeper Under Fire (Graveyard Guardians Book 3) Page 17

by Jennifer Malone Wright

  Jack, Ethan and the Estmonds, sans James, were right behind them, all armed and ready for anything. As they approached, one of the doors creaked open and an arm fell limply out behind it.

  She better be all right. They didn’t go through all of this for nothing, he thought as he approached the arm. Once he got there, he didn’t think twice, he grabbed the Reapers arm and yanked him out.

  The guy was barely conscious. “Take him, disarm and restrain.”

  “Alma,” he called out. “Are you okay? Let us know if you’re okay.” He moved to the back door, it was crunched so that it wouldn’t open. “Dammit.” Quickly, he held his face to the window and saw that both Reapers and Alma were unconscious. He stood looking over the top of the car and saw Ethan on the other side. “Does that door open?”

  “No, I just tried it.”

  “Shit. Okay, I’m going in the front.”

  “I’m smaller,” Liv announced from behind him. He spun, finding her already moving toward the car driver side door.


  “It’ll be fine. I’m smaller, I’ll fit better.”

  “I’m stronger.”

  She smiled gently and bent to crawl inside. “I’ll get her out. It’s fine.” And then she was inside the car, crawling through the front and hanging her body half in the back seat, half in the front.

  Aiden went to the passenger window again and shaded his eyes to see more clearly. Liv was currently reaching for Alma’s seat belt and unbuckling it. Once that was lose she pulled the older woman’s arms and rested them over the top of her shoulders and then slid her own arms underneath Alma’s armpits so she could drag her out. “She’s breathing,” she called out. “I’m lifting now.”

  And then she hefted the heavier woman. It took a couple tries to gain the momentum and she finally rocked back and forth enough that Alma came with her. Liv fell backward, cracking her head on the dashboard in the process. Alma’s body lay limply on top of her for only a few seconds before Aiden reached in and pulled her out.

  He gently lay her out on the ground beside the car and felt for pulse, then looked to Liv who was crawling out of the car. “Should we do CPR, she’s breathing, I don’t know what the protocol is for this.”

  “I don’t know either.” Liv hunkered down beside him.

  “Okay, I’m just going to do it.”

  Suddenly Greg was there beside him. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. If she was knocked unconscious, she will probably wake up soon. Give her time.”

  “Are you sure?” Aiden didn’t know what to do. He had never been in this situation before.

  “I’m not sure, but, I don’t think you should give her CPR if she’s breathing normally.”

  A sudden movement below his hands had his attention and he glanced down to find Alma’s eyes fluttering open. “Alma,” he breathed. “Thank god.”

  “Don’t listen to him. I’m not opposed to a little mouth to mouth.” Her voice cracked and she sounded as if she were in pain, but she was alive.

  Liv laughed, but he didn’t think it was very funny. He viewed Alma as a motherly figure and the very thought of her inappropriate comment had him reeling. “Where else are you hurt? Let us check for broken bones.”

  She shook her head. “I think I’m fine. I cracked my head against one of those neanderthals skulls I’d guess.”

  “Why did they take you?” Aiden slid his arms underneath her body and lifted her up.

  “All they told me was that the Empress wanted to talk to me in person because I’d been in contact with you. Nothing more.”

  He set her in the truck beside James. “Okay, well, we will take you home to your family. I don’t want you to ever go back to the mansion.”

  “You don’t have to tell me twice,” she agreed.

  He left her there and turned back to the wreckage. Jack was holding one of the Reapers. The one in the passenger seat was dead, and the two in the back remained unconscious. “Knock him out and leave him in the car,” Aiden told Jack.

  “Dude … we need to take care of this.”

  “Not out here.” He turned to the still restrained Reaper and said pointedly, “They won’t come back and if they do, then we can … take care of it.”

  “Fine.” Jack sighed and then slammed the butt of his gun into the Reapers forehead. Instantly unconscious, he crumpled unceremoniously to the ground. Jack holstered his weapon and stepped over the top of him. “Let’s go home.”

  Aiden rolled his eyes and followed him to the truck. He knew that Jack didn’t want to kill the Reaper, but they were at a point where it was kill or be killed. Jack never liked the parts of the job that were violent. He did it when he was ordered to, but he didn’t like it. Which was merely one reason why Aiden always ended up doing the dirty work for him.

  It told Aiden a lot that Jack had been willing to off that Reaper out in the open without a care as to what they would do with the body or that someone might see them.

  This time, Aiden wanted to take the high road. There had been enough killing for one day. They had all made it out alive, and that was what mattered.

  Liv had never been so happy to see the farmhouse. She was tired as hell and wanted to sleep for the next two weeks.

  Her adrenaline rush had worn off and she was tanking fast. By the time they pulled into the driveway, she was practically staggering into the house. Her brothers helped James from the truck and into the house while Aiden assisted Alma.

  Even through her exhaustion, Liv had to smile at how Aiden babied Alma. He kept trying to hold her arm and help her, but she kept swatting him away and muttering about how she could walk on her own.

  The others emerged from the house and hurried toward them. Lucy bypassed all her siblings and Ethan, flying straight into Jack’s arms. He lifted her up and her legs went around his waist and then he buried his face in her neck.

  Hannah was the first to approach Liv, jogging toward her. “We’re so glad you guys are okay.”

  “All of us except James. He was shot in the leg.” Liv told her, gesturing to their younger brother.

  Eyes wide, Hannah pulled out of the embrace and turned to look. “That’s right! We need to take him to the hospital.”

  James had heard them from where Greg and Dan were helping him up the porch steps. Steph was hovering over him and not hiding her worry at all. “I’m fine. I don’t think I need to go to a doctor. I don’t want to explain how this happened to anyone.”

  Hanna frowned. “James, we really should get it checked out.”

  “There isn’t a bullet inside. I just need to keep it clean so it doesn’t get infected.”

  She sighed and opened the front door for them. “Fine. But I’m going to check it out and get it properly disinfected and dressed.”

  Liv gestured to Aiden and Alma. “This is Alma, she is going to hang out with us for a little while. We need to get our bearings and then we will take her home to her family.”

  Hannah held out her hand to the older woman. “Hi Alma, I’m Hannah and this…” She turned to David who had appeared beside her after welcoming everyone else home, “is David.”

  The others introduced themselves as they moved slowly into the house. Greg and Dan dumped James on the couch while Hannah went to gather medical supplies. Liv fell onto the cushions next to her brother.

  “I’m so tired.”

  He nodded and grimaced when Steph poked at his wound. “What the hell? Why?”

  She shrugged. “I’m just looking at it.”

  James leaned forward. “Hey, sis, did you feel anything? They always say twins can feel when the other is in trouble.”

  She shook her head. “No, not a thing. But maybe you weren’t really in any trouble.”

  “I was shot, Steph.”

  “No, what I’m saying was the universe knew it wasn’t your time and you were always meant to make it out of there, so hence the reason I didn’t feel anything.”

  James shrugged and mumbled, “So much for p
sychic twin powers.” Steph poked his wound again and his entire body jerked. “Stop it!”

  Aiden had led Alma to one of the recliners and handed her a phone so that she could call her family and let them know that she would be coming to stay with them. After he made sure she was comfortable, he and Greg headed for the kitchen and then re-appeared with several bottles of beer, which they handed out to everyone who had just returned from mission.

  “Why does James smell like whiskey?” Hannah had crouched down to examine his leg.

  Liv accepted the beer from Aiden and twisted the cap off. “They used it for disinfectant.”

  Hannah shook her head. “Unbelievable. You guys, this isn’t an old west movie. This is an actual gunshot wound.”

  “It was all we had.” Dan shrugged off her concern. “It was better than nothing.”

  Greg sat on the coffee table and guzzled down half his beer in one swig. “Well, we got that mission out of the way, but we definitely aren’t going to be in the clear for a while. From what we’ve seen so far, The Empress isn’t going to give up until either we’re dead or all her Reapers are wiped out.”

  Everyone was in agreement with this statement. This was the whole reason Liv had been so adamant about going after the Reapers at the compound though. She was tired of their family being targeted and having to constantly live in fear. “I think we need a more pro-active plan. We need to plan a big strike against them. I think we need to make them the target.”

  Jack nodded. “I’ve been thinking about that too.”

  “You have?” Lucy’s head spun toward him.

  “Yeah. So, hear me out.” He was standing, speaking to the entire room. “I’ve decided that I need to take my mother out of the equation.”

  Silence sat heavily in the room for a moment. Liv glanced at Jack, then Lucy, and then back to Jack. “Are you talking about killing your own mother?”

  He nodded. “She would have killed me. She cares nothing for me anymore … if she ever did in the first place.”

  “I don’t know man. I wouldn’t feel right letting you kill your mother.” Greg interrupted.

  “He wouldn’t be,” Aiden announced. “I won’t let him. I’ll do it.”

  With a grateful, but stubborn expression covering his face, Jack pressed on. “I would have to go back to Florida, claiming that I want to return to my family.”

  Lucy shook her head. “No. You’re not doing that.”

  “It is what needs to be done, Luce. If I can get close I can do it and then, if my father has passed, then I am in line for the throne and I can stop all this. It’s not right for me to let them keep coming at us … at you, like this when I can end it.”

  Liv had to admit, it wasn’t a shitty plan. It was dangerous, but definitely had plus sides. “I don’t think now is the time to be making any definite plans, but I vote that we at least consider this as an option.”

  “Liv!” Lucy turned to her, appalled that she would vote in favor of Jack going back to the Reapers.

  Jack took Lucy’s hand in his. “Listen. It’s not just us anymore. We have a baby to think about now and my mother isn’t going to stop. I will destroy anyone who poses a threat to my child, and that includes my mother.”

  Plus, Liv could only imagine what the Empress was going to do when she found out that Lucy was pregnant. She’d probably plan to kidnap or kill the baby. A terrible thought, yes, but Liv knew the Empress was just that sick in the head.

  Lucy made a pouty face. “I still don’t want you to go.”

  Finished with his beer, Greg stood. “Like Liv said, we’re not making any plans right now. First, we need to recoup, relax and get our shit together.”

  “Agreed.” Dan stood. “I’m going home.”

  Everyone began to disperse and Aiden strode over to her. “Do you think you could drive us over to get my car. I need to take Alma home.”

  “Sure. Do you want me to go with you to take Alma?”

  He shook his head. “You don’t have to.”

  Aside from making sure that Alma made it safely home, she wasn’t sure why she offered to go. “I know I don’t have to, I asked if you wanted me come with you.”

  A shimmer of intensity flashed in his eyes as he stared at her. “I’d like that,” he finally told her, his voice low.

  “Well, let’s get a move on.” She went to the buffet and collected her purse, slipping it over her shoulder. “Are you ready Alma?”

  Alma pushed herself out of the recliner and stood. “I have been ready.” She glanced around at those who were left in the living room. “Thank you all for coming to my rescue.”

  Everyone assured the older woman that it was nothing and they were happy to have helped her.

  “Come on, Alma. Let’s get you home.” Aiden held out his arm for her and, once again, she slapped him away.

  “Just because I got knocked out doesn’t make me helpless, Aiden. I can walk all by myself.”

  Aiden lowered his head, and Liv smiled at seeing Aiden actually look sheepish. It was nice to see him showing a softer side, but at the same time, there was something about the bad ass side of him that she also liked … maybe more than liked.

  They loaded up into Liv’s van and drove over to the bar. Aiden hurried in to grab his keys from Reese and then they drove both vehicles over to Liv’s house, where she and Alma joined him in the SUV.

  On the way over the mountain, Liv asked Alma questions about her life and her family. About half way to Napa, Alma turned the tables and began asking Liv questions. “I know of Reapers, obviously. But, I have only heard talk of the Keepers. You are one of these Keepers?”

  Liv nodded even though Alma couldn’t see her in the backseat. “Yes. Everyone in my family is.”

  “Oh yes, all the gingers.”

  Liv laughed, “Yeah, I guess it’s easy to tell which of us are related.”

  “Indeed. So, tell me what exactly it is that a Keeper does.”

  Liv hesitated a moment, catching Aiden’s eye in the mirror. He offered a brief nod and then moved his eyes back to the road. “So, you know that the Reapers have to eat souls to live, right?”

  “Yes.” Alma cringed and glanced at Aiden. “I have heard this.”

  “So, the Keepers job is to protect those souls from the Reapers at all costs. Our kinds have been waring for generations because of it.”

  “It has always been this way?” Alma asked.

  “Yes. I don’t know the whole history of the very beginning and how the Keepers and the Reapers came to be, but it’s supernatural, but also part of our genetics. The Reapers like Aiden produce a red aura and the Keepers have silver, like a mist. We have something within us that creates a sort of burn when our skin touches as well. So, it’s not like someone can become a Keeper. You either are one or you aren’t.”

  “This is probably the most interesting thing I’ve ever heard.” Alma turned backward so she could meet Liv’s eyes. “So, if it is painful to touch, what about Jack and your sister?”

  For a moment Liv was surprised and then she remembered that Alma knew Jack from before. “My sister and Jack … there is something different with them. They don’t feel the burn between them. It is only the two of them. For example, Lucy wouldn’t be able to touch Aiden without feeling the burn and Jack couldn’t come into contact with my skin either.”

  Alma was nodding, taking in the information. “So intriguing. But it also sounds lonely, I can imagine you don’t have a very exciting dating life.”

  Unable to help it, a laugh escaped from within her. “Why would you say that?”

  She shrugged. “I would assume that being a Keeper isn’t something you go around telling everyone. If it were me, I’d worry about getting attached, so I’d probably end up not dating at all.”

  Oh, how close to the truth Alma really was. “Yeah, that pretty much covers it. I own a bakery and I am a Keeper, that is my life.”

  Alma frowned. “That makes me sad for you, dear.”

t’s okay.” Liv reached over the seat and patted her shoulder. “No need to be sad for me. This is how I’ve grown up. I have my family, my business and the souls, that has to be enough.”

  She caught Aiden staring at her in the mirror again and she felt the blood rush to her face. She probably shouldn’t talk about Keeper-Reaper relationships around Aiden. They were not in one, but that was the last thing they needed to be thinking about.

  “Oh, Aiden.” Alma pointed. “This is the street.”

  Aiden turned the SUV and they drove down a street with pretty houses and tidy yards. Alma’s family lived in a rather large, but older looking home at the end of the street in a cul-de-sac. He parked the SUV and came around to help Alma out.

  She finally let him help her and then she leaned in and threw her arms around him. “Thank you. I’m sorry I didn’t have time to use our code word. They took me too fast.”

  “Don’t even worry about that,” he told her. “I’m just glad we showed up when we did.

  She pulled out of the embrace. “So am I. Now, you get that young lady home and you both get some sleep, okay.”

  “Yes, Alma.” He stood on the sidewalk and watched while Alma dug around for her key. Finally, after she had disappeared behind the door, he circled back around the SUV and slipped into the driver seat.

  Liv crawled up over the middle console and into the passenger side of the front. “She’s nice,” Liv commented.

  Aiden nodded. “She’s more than nice. I don’t know what it is, I haven’t really known her that long, but I feel connected to her in a mother-son kind of way. I didn’t have a very loving or emotional childhood.”

  “You should tell me about that.”

  “About what?”

  “About your childhood, about your family, about your life, I don’t know.”

  “You don’t want to hear all that. It’s boring.”

  Liv shrugged. “I don’t care if it’s boring. I just want to know more about you.”

  Aiden kept his eyes trained on the road before him. “Not today. Maybe some other time.”

  She didn’t push. There was no reason she absolutely had to know everything about him, and just because they had been together for one night didn’t mean she was entitled to knowing any of it either. “Okay,” she agreed.


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