Hostage Rescue (Princess Rescue Inc Book 2)

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Hostage Rescue (Princess Rescue Inc Book 2) Page 19

by Hechtl, Chris

  It still didn't solve the alchemy involved, but it was half of the problem.

  "The alchemy is still a problem."

  "But we can learn it in time."

  They had great hopes though, which was why some were embolden enough to press on. That the princess's seemingly obliviousness to the scheming going around her and her light hand made her seem weak and vulnerable.

  "Oh, not all at once," Fenton said. "I understand they are difficult to make. Each part takes time to mold and craft. I have my artisans making a few. We need to match them to the originals though," he said.

  "Hard to do," Stephan said, looking at Percival. "We would have to get the part to a spy with access to the weapons to compare. And they'd need to know what to look for."

  "I don't think it can be done. Not now. When we capture the castle though, that will obviously change," Percival said in reluctant agreement. "We can catch up later.

  "No, but we need to make them as quickly as we can to get them into the hands of those that will need to learn to use them. We'll make what parts we can and then learn more, as you said Dominus," Freya stated with a slight head bow to him. "Parts of them are wood and metal, and we know how to forge and shape those! Surely it is not that complicated?"

  Stephan nodded in support of his mate.

  "We should look into it more before we get ahead of ourselves," Fenton stated.

  "What do you mean?"

  "What if there is something we don't know? Something they don't know?" the dominus mused.

  "How is that? Surely they can make the tools to repair or make new weapons, right?" Stephan asked. "Their smith can, right?"

  "Some can, but I've heard word of some element the Terrans kept to themselves. The alchemy," Percival answered.

  "Ah. Yes, that is true," Fenton said with a nod. "I too have heard of this."


  Percival sighed. "So, if we take the girl and we do not have the means to make their potion then what is left is all there is. Once it is gone, we have no more. If the Terrans send an army to rescue her, we'll have only a little of their weapons."

  "Then we will make them teach us how to make more!" Freya insisted.

  "Ah, but if they don't know? I noted they have not set up shops to make the potions or weapons here," Fenton pointed out. "What if they were sent here without knowing the recipe?"

  All eyes turned to Percival. He grimaced, for they were right. Damn them, they were right. He could see some of the thoughtfulness penetrate the other firebrands, make them stop and think. Slowly he nodded.

  "Any plan we launch must be well thought out," he said grudgingly, conceding the initiative and ground for the moment.

  Heads slowly began to nod in grim agreement.

  "Let us set out our spies and learn what they can. We need more allies. Then we can suss out what is needed to make this plan work," Stephan said in a subdued voice.

  "What plan?" Freya asked bitterly. She looked around the room to them. "We have no plan, only a goal."

  "Agreed. So, let's get more information and allies and go from there," Fenton said firmly as he rose and departed.


  Count Mallory arrived in Kattegat and heard rumors swirling. He put them down to a mixture of discontent initially. He stayed in the castle but did business in the capital, paying for orders he had made earlier and taking delivery or canceling others.

  He tried to keep up with the gossip but there was a lot of chatter. Much of it was about the new technology. It seemed that every time he turned around there was something new being talked about.

  But, after a couple of dies, he noted that some were avoiding him. They were changing the subject or cutting him out of meetings and conversations. He knew then and there that something was afoot but couldn't identify the players easily.

  He was unsure if he wanted to dig further; it might mark him to either side.


  Earl Wesdt sent his regrets to Zara, saying he would be late or miss the last Thing of the annus . His letter included a second letter giving his proxy to Baron Farragut should he not arrive in time.

  Zara nodded and made sure the baron received the proxy letter after having her clerk make a copy for the court's documents.


  Baron Farragut's arrival proved to be a large obstacle to the conspirators. Stephan and Percival were all for finding a way to eliminate him or at least take him out of play. Dominus Fenton and Freya counseled patience and caution.

  "Always patience and caution!" Percival raged, drunk.

  "Always, yes!" Fenton said, glaring the younger man down. "You do not move with haste!" Percival reddened. "We did not get this far by being fools so let's not play the part now!" Fenton growled. He turned his glower on Stephan.

  Stephan had only had the one beer having just gotten off duty. He stared at the dominus and then his eyes cut to the guards around them. Slowly he put the stein down. "All right, why not?"

  Fenton sighed and looked to Freya.

  Stephan followed the eyes of the dominus to his mate and grimaced in annoyance.

  "Because, should we try, we will no doubt alert others that something is afoot. It will alert the Imperials who will then be on guard."

  Percival grunted but didn't sound completely convinced.

  "If we arranged it as an accident, riding, or hired an assassin who could do the job and make it look like his heart failed, it might be accepted. But if any plot to remove him failed …," she looked pointedly at Percival, "all surprise is lost. For the moment, that is our best advantage."

  Her eyes then cut to her mate. "You and I both know that their guard has been slacking as they begin to trust our people more and more. In time they'll let more into the castle. You yourself said their weapons, although fearsome, are less effective in fighting indoors. So, we need to keep that plan open. We can't do that if they are on guard."

  Stephan grunted. He didn't like it but Fenton and his mate were correct.

  He looked across the room to where a pair of guards were playing a Fnafflaffle game on a table surrounded by friends and companions. He had heard that the game was like chess with a grid on a cloth and colored stones instead of a block of wood and elaborately carved pieces. He knew only that it was a strategy game and quite good.

  A curse and muted cheer made him look to the side where another group were gambling with dice. One man appeared to be losing badly though. He shrugged off pats of sympathy in annoyance.

  He went back to looking down into his drinking stein. Percival downed his own drink and then ordered another round.

  "We have to keep the long term in mind. Firmly in mind. The princess must be taken alive. She isn't so much an obstacle as an opportunity," Fenton said in a wheedling tone of voice. "The Imperials will be there, to the south. They have the edge on the infernal weapons and have been making more even now."

  "We have confirmed this?" Freya asked.

  Fenton nodded. "My spies got a few of the convoy travelers drunk and they let it slip. They also spoke of many changes in the Imperium. What we are seeing here are leftovers," he said. There was a slight tone of bitterness in that statement.

  "So, we need to tread carefully," Freya said, supporting the dominus as she glowered at her mate and then Dominus Percival.

  "Yes, yes," Percival said in exasperation, the fight slowly leaching out of him. "Fine, whatever," he said, getting up just as his drink arrived. He hitched his belt and then stumbled off, brushing a canvas aside to get to where the commons were to relieve himself.

  Freya wrinkled her nose but then looked at her husband. He put his fingers up. "Peace," he murmured. She nodded.


  Once Tacitus had a stable but limited energy budget, Zara used the video projector Eugene had lent her to show the people images from Patria and of the Imperium. They set it up at night with a white linen sheet as the background.

  The first people to watch were denizens of the castle and their famili
es. They went through one showing and then the following night since the weather held good merchants and supporters from the capital were allowed to have a viewing.

  The projected images at first alarmed but then fascinated people. Such things were magical and impressive. Zara explained what she could of some of the images and then went on to tell them about how her sister had established a movie night in the castle. "It is easier in the castle; people can hear the speakers. Outside we are all subject to the wind and weather."

  A few heads nodded.

  "In time Duluth will have all of the things that the Imperium has," she said as she went on to show images that the Imperium archivist and Deidra had sent in a memory chip. She smiled as she explained a few of the images. She was heartily glad to hear cheers when they got to some images of the Duluthians who had remained behind to study or heal.


  Hakon again got near to striking distance, but, not near enough. He was losing patience, never had a prey been so close yet so elusive to him. And she was seemingly unaware of being hunted too, which was one of the few good things going for him.

  He was aware that his patron was getting rather impatient though. If he was not too careful the patron might decide to come after him to silence loose ends.

  Chapter 14

  Imperium Capital

  Eugene returned to the capital with a light guard and a hero's welcome. He was bemused as a parade formed up around them and marched them through the capital. Deidra had thrown out all the stops; there were marching bands front and back, gymnasts and entertainers, the works.

  No doubt there were pickpockets working the crowds too he thought sourly.

  The prison wagon behind him got some attention too. Not so much love as a welcome of tossed rotten fruit, rocks, and eggs.

  They had kept some of the prisoners to interrogate and to show the people. They were supposedly the surviving leaders of the pirates. He wanted to squeeze as much information about them and where they came from as they could. The rest of the surviving prisoners had been turned over to the local dominus.

  He hadn't been surprised that the Flying Legion had taken trophies as well, though they had been careful to limit their looting to just the pirates. Several of the soldiers sported pirate cutlasses, rings, blades, and other things. Eugene was amused as some of the soldiers immediately went to sell their trophies to people lining the streets.

  Deidra met them at the palace gate with the baby. He hugged and kissed her, and then kissed the baby as the crowd formed around them.

  "We're going to have to say something," Deidra said.

  He turned and waved. The crowd roared.

  "This is still weird," he said out of the side of his mouth as they waved to the cheering crowd.

  "Just smile and wave, just smile and wave," she said back.

  "I'm going to get you for this," he growled.

  She snorted.


  Cao grimaced as the wagon trundled along. When it got to the castle, he kept his head down as the door opened and they were let out.

  He shuffled with the others as they were led down to the dungeons. Occasionally, he snuck a glance here and there and noted the changes. He felt renewed bitterness; it was just like the Americans to flaunt how rich they were. Somehow, they'd managed to bring so much technology with them. Lights, the rifles … he felt someone thump him with a stick and shuffled along faster.


  As soon as they were back in the palace, Deidra took him by the hand and led him into their room. She locked the door, grabbed his hair and pulled his head down for a thorough kiss.

  "Missed me I take it?"

  She kissed him again, more urgently.

  "Help, help, demented horny woman," he teased with a grin when the kiss broke.

  "Shut up," she laughed, pulling him down for another kiss.

  He teased her about fitting her for a straight jacket.

  Her eyes flashed in sudden greed and fascination. "Really? A jacket that is straight? I want one!" she gushed, grinning. "How novel! Something for the next fashion show!"

  He snorted and then chuckled. "You don't even know what it is," he said with a chuckle.

  "So? I can get someone to make it! I'm the queen!" she said regally, lifting her chin in challenge.

  He chuckled and put his hands up.

  "Ah, surrender, smart of you," she said, pulling him over to the bed.

  "What about …?" his further inquiries about their child or duties were immediately silenced by her lips on his.


  The guards outside the door to the royal suite heard a shriek in the room. The new guard turned, instantly ready to go charging in but the veteran held him off. He shook his head and put a finger to his lips and then touched an ear.

  "What? It could be an assassin!"

  "They'd call for a guard," the veteran said. "Listen."

  After a moment, they heard another shriek and then a peal of laughter.

  "Oh," the new recruit said softly. After a moment, he resumed his post.

  "Trust me, you don't want to know," the veteran said.

  The new recruit stood there, puzzling over that before he opened his mouth to ask why.

  "You. Don't. Want. To. Know."

  "Oh. Okay."

  "Ever. And don't talk about this to anyone."

  "Okay," the guard said with a stoic nod.


  Once his wife was momentarily sated and they'd had time to recover, Eugene took the opportunity to slip away and check in on the nursery. The nanny on duty shushed him when he snuck in.

  "Colicky?" he asked, with a bit of concern in his voice.

  She rolled her eyes.

  "It happens," he murmured. He used a knuckle to gently stroke the child's face. The baby burbled slightly and cooed. He couldn't help but smile.

  The nanny smiled involuntarily. She had to admit, she liked the king even more knowing that he cared about his children.


  The following morning Eugene was treated to the sight of his lovely wife trying to wrestle herself into her old jeans on the bed. He stared, smiling as she got more and more exasperated with the clothing.

  She finally saw him looking on and turned a glower on him. "What are you looking at?" she demanded.

  "A very lovely woman wrestling with clothing which is kinda a turn-on," he admitted, coming over.

  He changed course when she lashed out with a kick and then threw a pillow at him. He laughed and ducked, then came over before she could properly rearm and pinned her.

  Her eyes flashed dangerously. "I've got a busy schedule!" she growled.

  He kissed her on the neck and then her lips. "Sure about that?"

  "Yes," she muttered but there was a bit of reluctance in her tone of voice. Another series of kisses had her purring and in a better mood.

  When he finally let her up, she sat beside him and wiggled, trying to get the errant cloth on but still failing. "They fit before!"

  "Your hips widen when you have a child. You have become very womanly. Sorry, dear, you'll just have to get another pair. A new pair," he said, knowing that might ease her annoyance and quite possibly fire her imagination. "I heard they are even better now, complete with embroidery and such." That made her look thoughtful. "Not that you ever need an excuse to shop," he teased. "And no, you aren't getting fat. Not at all, so don't start on that!" He shook his head meaningfully at her. "I don't know if Pilates, aerobics, and other exercises will get you back into them." He didn't mention that it would be fun for him to watch though.

  "The tops …," she grimaced. She liked that they were a bit tighter than before, at least in the chest area. But she couldn't wear her old Terran underthings at all. She was amused by the effect it was having on him though.

  When his hands began to wander, she slapped at them playfully. "Stop that!" she accused, but she couldn't help but smile to take some of the sting out of the scolding.

  "I'm trying to help," he said, tugging on a loop before running a hand over her midriff.

  She gasped at his cold hands. "Cold …"

  "Oh, I'm sure I can warm them up," he said, fingers dipping lower. Her nostrils flared. "You are impossible you know that?" she demanded.

  He chuckled and leaned in for another kiss. She punched his right arm lightly but gasped softly as he kissed her throat the way she liked it. "Impossible," she murmured. Her resistance was crumbling fast though. He had that effect on her. But if she didn't get him in line, they'd never get anything done that day.


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