Lochlan Museum: The Case of the Collectible Killer

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Lochlan Museum: The Case of the Collectible Killer Page 43

by Melissa R. L. Simonin

  “You don’t seem surprised to see me,” he said.

  “I knew you were coming. Your cologne gave you away,” she replied, as she scraped away at Alec’s plate, then went back to her own.

  “It’s great to see you, I’ve missed you like crazy since you left,” Dean continued enthusiastically.

  “Yeah. Where’s Rachel, anyway?” she asked. Her tone was decidedly pointed, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  “I came alone,” he answered.

  “That’s too bad. You’re in Alec’s seat, you’re going to have to move when he gets back.”

  “We’re taking some time,” Dean replied somberly, as if he didn’t even hear her. “We went way too fast. I think I made a mistake.”

  “Then she’s the one you should be talking to,” Claire promptly informed him.

  “That’s part of the problem. Rachel and I… there’s nothing to talk about. She’s gorgeous, and I guess I thought that’s all that mattered. But we hardly know each other. We don’t have the great conversations you and I used to have.”

  “Then go home and start practicing,” she said flatly.

  “That’s just it, we’re not friends. We have nothing to talk about,” Dean replied.

  “Then what are you wasting words on me, for? Go home and fix this, end this, or whatever. But don’t try and involve me in it,” she said firmly.

  “I was wrong, Claire,” he persisted. “I made a mistake. But now I know, that beauty isn’t all that matters when choosing a soulmate. I was so confused, I missed what was right in front of me, all along. I missed you. I miss you, Claire. And I see now, what I didn’t before. I see how beautiful you are, and how empty Pine Bluff is without you. Come back with me, Claire. Please.”

  “I know what my name is, you can stop repeating it. And no way! I’ll never go back. But you better, because you’re in Alec’s seat,” she said, as she caught sight of him coming toward her.

  “Come on, Claire, we’ve been friends for years,” Dean said reproachfully. “I’m sorry I made a mistake. Stop giving me the cold shoulder, I came all the way here to see you.”

  “Don’t hold me responsible for your two-hour trip,” she retorted, and smiled at Alec.

  He smiled back, as if entirely oblivious to Dean. He rounded their table, and set a fresh slice of cake in front of her.

  “I managed to snag a corner, I know how you love icing,” Alec said.

  “Thank you, Alec. Dean, you’re in Alec’s seat,” she said, glaring a little.

  “Oh, am I?” Dean replied innocently, giving Alec an appraising glance. Alec smiled.

  “Keep the seat. I’d rather dance with Claire than sit and eat cake, any day.”

  With that, her hand was in Alec’s, she was out of her chair, around the table, across the room, and on the dance floor.

  “Wow, you’re gifted,” she gasped, as he spun her into his arms. “That was the smoothest move I’ve seen in my life!”

  “What was all that about?” he asked quietly, pulling her close.

  “I have no idea,” she answered.

  “What, he just showed up?”

  “Well… yeah.

  “He just showed up. That’s it? He had nothing to say?”

  “I don’t know what he wants, he was complaining that he doesn’t have anything to talk about with his fiancé.”

  “He’s still engaged? And he’s here, talking to you about this,” Alec frowned.

  “That about sums it up,” Claire replied.

  “He wants you back,” Alec declared shortly.

  “He never had me in the first place,” she said, a little taken aback by his intensity.

  “He also wants to hang onto his fiancé, in case you don’t cooperate,” Alec stated grimly.

  The concern in Claire’s eyes was replaced by annoyance as she saw Dean headed their way. Alec glanced over his shoulder, and saw the same thing.

  “This guy needs to learn when to give up,” Alec said under his breath. The look in his eyes made Claire decide Dean was about to get one.

  “Can I cut in?” Dean smiled confidently.

  “No,” Alec replied firmly, his grip on her tightening.

  “What—excuse me?” Dean said in surprise.

  “Don’t you have a fiancé? Or am I wrong about that,” Alec asked pointedly.

  “She didn’t make the trip,” Dean replied, surprised once again.

  “That’s too bad,” Alec said. “Maybe your fiancé is okay with you dancing with another girl, but I’m not okay with another guy dancing with the woman I love.”

  Claire shot Alec a startled look. His steely gaze was locked on Dean, who stared back in confusion.

  “Wait a minute,” Dean retorted. “Claire said you’re just friends.”

  “Not today, I didn’t,” she shot back, giving him a scathing look.

  “Claire was right. We are friends,” Alec replied, completely undaunted. “I love her even more, because of that.”

  “You love her? She’s only been gone for what, a month? I’ve known her for two years,” Dean said sharply. “How long have you been together, anyway?”

  “Long enough to know I want to spend the rest of my life with her,” Alec replied firmly.

  Claire stared up at him, her eyes wide. He looked like he meant it.

  Dean didn’t appear to think so.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he said flatly.

  “Alec, can I talk to you?” Claire asked, her voice trembling a little. She clutched his arm, and dragged him off the dance floor. Although, as willing as he was to go with her, it was more like he was leading, and she was following. He put his arm around her and guided her straight out of the banquet hall, down the hall, and outside.

  Stars filled the night sky, their glittering light reflected like so many diamonds on the surface of the water that gently lapped against the shore. Crickets chirped in the distance, accompanied by the soft croak of frogs. A gentle breeze stirred the moist air, and the garden was filled with the fragrance of its roses.

  The moon cast a bright trail across the surface of the lake. Underneath the trees, it only dimly lit the path down which Alec led Claire. She glanced up at him, and wondered what he was thinking. The faint light gave her little to go on, but if she had to guess, she’d say his expression was stern. He was entirely silent, as he guided her around a group of climbing roses, to a secluded bench facing the water. Rather than sit, he stopped abruptly, and turned to face her.

  “I’m not trying to rush you, but this is it, for me,” he said firmly. “You’re it, for me, and you should know that. When I’m with you, I know I’m where I belong. I’ve felt this way since the day we met. I love you, with all my heart, and I hope you feel the same way about me. If you don’t, I’ll wait, as long as it takes, for you to get there. I’m not impatient, and I won’t rush you, but I also won’t sit back and watch, while some guy who’s proven he doesn’t deserve to be in the same room with you, tries to swoop in and take you from me! I love you, Claire, and I…”

  Alec’s voice trailed off, as she brushed away the tears that pooled in her eyes. She saw the look of concern in his, and managed a wobbly smile.

  “I love you too, Alec,” she said. He was flooded with relief, and smiled.

  “Good. I was beginning to wonder,” he admitted, and she laughed as she brushed away more tears.

  “Me too. I was afraid you didn’t really mean it.”

  “I mean it, every word,” he said fervently, taking her hands in his. “I wouldn’t lie to you. Especially about this.”

  “I didn’t think you were lying, I thought you said it for Dean’s sake,” she hurried to amend.

  “I did, when we were inside. He needs to know he has no chance, because I’m not backing down,” Alec declared firmly. “But that doesn’t make what I said any less true. I love you, completely.”

  “I love you, too,” she smiled, and they hugged each other. “I’m glad you finally got around to telling me. What to
ok you so long?”

  “Well… I sort of tried, at first. To ask you out, anyway. But it seemed like all you wanted was friendship.”

  “I was afraid to believe you wanted more,” she admitted. “So I guess that part was my fault. I intentionally misunderstood. I wasn’t willing to risk being hurt. I couldn’t bear the thought of being rejected again.”

  “And then I messed up,” Alec said ruefully. “I did hurt you, and I still feel terrible about that. But you were forgiving, and gracious enough to give me another chance. I was so grateful, and determined not to blow it. You’re the girl of my dreams, if you didn’t realize. If I lost you, I wouldn’t be able to bear it. So… I made sure you knew I liked you, then devoted myself to strengthening our friendship, and earning back your trust. I figured you’d let me know when you were ready for a change in our relationship. And then… you did, when you told me you were going out with Mark.”

  “I didn’t!” she said indignantly, then caught the teasing look in his eyes. She rolled hers a little. “I didn’t, and all that time, I was waiting for you to take the lead! I had no idea you were waiting on me. Is that why you haven’t kissed me?”

  “Yes… and I didn’t want you to think I rush into physical relationships.”

  “Believe me, I don’t,” she said shortly.

  “You sound annoyed,” he couldn’t help smiling, and finally she laughed.

  “I am! I’m also impatient,” she replied. He couldn’t tell if the look she gave him was serious, or teasing, as she slowly wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’re the sweetest, handsomest boyfriend a girl could ever have. You love me, and I love you. So unless you’re still waiting for me to make the first move, I suggest you hurry up and kiss me.”

  Alec laughed, and hugged her a little tighter.

  “I’m beginning to think icing is more powerful than jam,” he smiled.

  “Something like that,” she smiled back, pulling him closer.

  “I love you, Claire,” he replied softly, and kissed her.

  Chapter 25

  Alec and Claire slipped back into the banquet hall, where festivities were in full-swing. Or maybe half-swing, would be more accurate.

  The tables were sparsely populated, compared to when dinner first began. In part, the vacancies could be accounted for by the couples crowding the dance floor, but not completely. The reception appeared to have lost guests sometime during the past hour.

  Alec held the door for an elderly couple, who had as much celebrating as they could handle for one night. A young family followed them out. The youngest daughter was sound asleep on her father’s shoulder. The other wobbled a bit as she yawned sleepily. Her mother held onto her hand, and guided her safely through the doorway.

  Servers circled the many tables, deftly clearing away the remaining dinner dishes from the vacant spaces left behind.

  “I hope they didn’t take my corner,” Claire said, frowning a little, as she eyed the nearby server who carried away a perfectly good slice of cake.

  “We’ll get you a new one,” Alec replied. He led her in the direction of the cake table, where Daphne’s mother directed two of the servers as they removed the cake top, and set it inside the waiting box.

  “That cake was once a work of art,” Claire commented. “Now it looks like a collectible killer got hold of it.”

  “Yes, it does,” Alec had to admit.

  “I feel compelled to clean up the crime scene,” she said frankly, and Alec laughed.

  “Okay, but… the amount of sugar in that much icing may equal a jar of your grandmother’s jam.”

  “I have nothing to worry about, anymore,” she replied.

  “Good. That does beg the question, what were you worried about, before?”

  “Giving away how much I liked you, of course,” she said.

  “Jam is no match for your determination,” he replied, shaking his head a little. “No sooner would I think I had nothing to worry about, than you’d convince me I did. I was tempted to suggest you try a hummingbird diet. You were most encouraging when you were loaded with sugar.”

  “Then prepare to be encouraged,” she said, as they reached the cake table. She took one of the waiting plates, and loaded it with the contents of several others.

  “I’m feeling encouraged already,” he smiled, causing her to laugh.

  They returned to their table, which was now empty of interlopers. It did hold several others in the wedding party, including the bride and groom, all of whom were also enjoying more cake.

  “There you are,” Daphne exclaimed, as Alec pulled out Claire’s chair for her, and she sat down. “I was beginning to think you left without saying goodbye.”

  “Are you kidding? No way would we go quietly,” Claire replied, digging into the mountain of icing on her plate. “We’re not leaving ‘til the end, either. He’s in love with me, by the way.”

  “He—huh? Who?” Daphne asked in surprise, glancing at Alec. The way he smiled when she said it, Claire must mean him. “Well, good! Did you tell him you’re in love with him, too?”

  “Of course, are you kidding? You know me, always entirely transparent, what you see is what you get, I wouldn’t want to give Alec the wrong impression.”

  Alec laughed shortly, and rubbed his forehead.

  “Yes, she told me. Eventually.”

  “So, count me out for the bouquet toss,” Claire said. “I wouldn’t classify myself as single, anymore.”

  “Good. Because you’re not,” Alec said with finality. Daphne looked pleased.

  “This sounds serious,” she dared comment.

  “It is,” Claire replied, her heart thrilling again at the realization.

  “It is,” Alec agreed.

  “And I, am satisfied,” Daphne declared. She reached for Daniel’s hand, and they both stood. “And now, it’s time for me to toss a bouquet. We won’t stick around long, after that.”

  “We’ll stick around only a little longer than you,” Claire replied, as she stood and hugged her friend.

  “I’m so happy for you,” Daphne told her quietly.

  “Thanks. And I’m happy for you,” Claire replied, and Daphne laughed softly.

  “I’ll call you when we get back.”

  Daphne and Daniel left, and Claire got back to her cake.

  “I’m glad you said what you did,” Alec commented.

  “What, about the bouquet?” she wondered.

  “Yes. I’m glad you feel that way. Besides, I’m sure you’d catch it if you wanted to. Then I’d have to claim the garter at any cost. That might include fighting Dean for it. I’d win, by the way, and he’s on his way over here.”

  “That would be fun to see, I’m almost disappointed I said what I did, I’m sure you would, and are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack,” Alec replied, and Claire followed his gaze to see Dean, smiling and confident, heading their way. She felt a flash of irritation.

  “He’s called a few times since I moved,” she told Alec. “I finally blocked his number. No matter how many times I told him we weren’t friends anymore, he wouldn’t take me seriously. I said over and over, that I won’t be friends with a guy that’s engaged. Unless he’s engaged to me, and I meant you, and I guess the icing is starting to work.”

  “This should make for interesting conversation on the way home. I’m looking forward to hearing everything you have to say. As for Dean… if he comes back a fourth time, I’m going to decide he’s a glutton for punishment.”

  Dean rounded their table, and pulled up a chair.

  “I think we got off on the wrong foot,” he said, with a conciliatory smile directed toward Alec. “Hi, I’m Dean. Claire and I are just friends, I didn’t mean to make you feel threatened. Dancing is out, fine, but we’ve known each other for years. I’d like the chance to catch up before I have to head back. You can probably understand that.”

  Alec shrugged slightly.

  “No. I can’t,” he replied, and Dean’s eyebro
ws rose in surprise. “I’m not okay with that, either.”

  “But we’re just friends,” Dean exclaimed.

  “Claire and I aren’t just friends. She’s also my girlfriend. So the answer, is no.”

  “Come on, Claire,” Dean said in frustration. “Are you going to sit there and let him make your decisions for you? This is not a healthy relationship, if you ask me!”

  “No one’s asking, and you’re not listening,” Claire retorted. “I don’t want to catch up with you. We had a past, but my present and my future are with Alec. There’s no place for you here.”

  “You’ve known him for what, a month?” Dean said scornfully.

  “What, you think it’s too soon to decide?” Claire asked, raising an eyebrow. “How about two years? It was more than enough, for me. I don’t want you back in my life. Go home, Dean. Figure things out with your fiancé.”

  “If you still have one,” snapped the bridesmaid on Dean’s other side. She gave him a glare as she furiously texted back and forth with someone. Presumably Rachel.

  The groomsman beside her, looked thoughtful.

  “You should probably quit while you still can. Alec ran over the last guy that gave her problems.”

  “And clobbered him with a wrench,” added the best man, with a smile.

  Alec bit back a laugh.

  “Yes, he did,” Claire said, with a triumphant gleam in her eyes.

  Dean wasn’t sure who to be most concerned with. Claire’s boyfriend, or his fiancé.

  “Fine, well don’t come crying to me, when he dumps you for someone else!” was Dean’s parting shot, as he flung himself out of the chair, and headed toward the door.

  “What a jerk,” declared the guest of the best man, as she cast a scornful look at Dean’s departing back.

  “He can’t fathom how much higher your standards are, than his,” Claire said. She kissed Alec’s cheek, and he smiled. “I do know how high your standards are. That’s what matters.”

  “I’m not going to go straighten him out, if that’s what you’re concerned about,” he smiled again, and she loosened her vice-like grip on his hand. “I’d rather invest my time in you, than waste it on a lost cause.”

  “Lost cause, is right,” the bridesmaid said with grim satisfaction, as she glanced at Dean. His phone was in his hand, and he was calling someone. “He can do all the damage control he wants, but it won’t get him anywhere. I recorded your previous conversation and sent it to Rachel. I hope that’s okay.”


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