Tied to Hope (Brie's Submission Book 18)

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Tied to Hope (Brie's Submission Book 18) Page 7

by Red Phoenix

  “Oh, my goodness, that’s fast!” Brie couldn’t believe they would be leaving their apartment in the morning and living in their new home that same night.

  “The sooner we start this next chapter in our lives, the better. Don’t you agree?”

  She nodded, her heart beating fast at the thought. “If we’re moving in tomorrow, does that mean I can ask what the big surprise is now? I’ve been dying to know, but have been your patient girl.”

  He smiled at her tenderly. “Yes, you have.”

  “So, you’ll tell me?”

  “Actually, I prefer that you discover it for yourself.”

  “Oh, like an Easter egg hunt?” She was thrilled by the idea. “Will I be looking for something big or small?”

  Sir raised an eyebrow, letting her know he wasn’t giving her any hints.

  Brie suddenly realized how devious he was. Their simple exchange had her anticipating the hunt, which was going to make the wait that much harder on her. “I see what you did there, Sir.”

  He winked at her. “It’s my duty and honor to challenge you.”

  Brie pouted in protest, making Sir laugh.

  “Aren’t you going to thank me for being such a thoughtful Master, babygirl?”

  “Thank you, Master. Truly, your thoughtfulness knows no bounds,” she joked.

  Tweaking her nose, he told her, “When you see it, you’ll know it was worth the wait.”

  “I’m sure I will, Sir.”

  Every word he said was just making it harder on her, and he knew it.

  Such a cruel Master…

  Even though she had protested the wait, Brie was glad Sir was challenging her in her areas of weakness—especially when that challenge included a special surprise.

  Wrapping her arms around his waist, Brie purred. “Despite the cruelty of your ways, dear Master, this sub loves you.”

  Sir put his finger under her chin and lifted it to meet his gaze. “Despite your lack of patience, little sub, this Master loves you, too.”

  Brie stood on tiptoes to kiss his sexy chin. “Do you really think you’ll ever be able to teach me patience?”

  He smirked. “With a lifetime ahead of us, I’m certain I will.”


  By eight the next morning, the house was flooded by a large crew of movers, one for every room in the apartment.

  Sir had already managed to get Shadow into a cat carrier without suffering any damage.

  “How the heck did you do that?” Brie asked, genuinely impressed.

  “I’ll never tell.”

  “But you are planning to mention that you accomplished this magical feat to Rytsar, aren’t you?”

  He smirked. “It’s possible.”

  Brie giggled, knowing Rytsar would be impressed after the amount of damage he suffered doing the same thing.

  Watching the workers moving about efficiently, she told him, “I didn’t expect there would be so many.”

  “The sooner they pack and move our things, the sooner we can relax in our new home.”

  “New home…” Tears came to Brie’s eyes. “It almost seems too good to be true, Sir.” She walked over to the expansive window and looked down at the city below. “But, I will miss this place.”

  Sir walked up behind her and stated. “I will miss aspects of this apartment, as well.”

  She turned to face him and smiled. “I’ll never forget when you brought me up here the first time. I was a bundle of nerves.”

  “I was anxious myself, having just quit my headmaster position.”

  She looked up into his eyes. “I still can’t believe you did that for me.”

  Sir kissed her gently on the lips. “Best spontaneous decision I ever made, Mrs. Davis.”

  One of the movers came up, asking, “Mister, would you like us to wrap this lounge chair in plastic wrap or moving blankets?”

  Sir gave Brie a private smile before telling the man, “I don’t want the leather of this fine chair damaged. Make it both.”

  “Very well, sir.”

  Brie stared at the red tantra chair and murmured softly so only Sir could hear, “I remember the first time I sat down in that chair, having no clue what it was…”

  “Oh, I remember that quite well,” Sir replied in a low, husky voice that made her body quiver.

  So many sexy memories were attached to that chair, and the man beside her was part of every single one of them.

  “Miss, pardon me, but how would you like the kitchen items separated?” a woman asked.

  Brie smiled at Sir. He still did most of the cooking, but she told him, “I’ll handle this.” Giving him a respectful nod, Brie headed into the kitchen to direct her.

  In a matter of a few short hours, the crew had the entire place packed and were beginning the task of carting everything out to the elevator for the long ride down to the moving van outside.

  “We’re no longer needed here, and hauling this will take some time. Fortunately, Marquis Gray and Celestia have offered to watch Hope and Shadow for us while we get all the furniture situated and essentials unpacked in the new house.”

  “That’s sweet of them.”

  “They’re good people,” he stated.

  Brie took Sir’s hand and squeezed it. “They certainly are. You’re surrounded by a bunch of good friends.”

  Sir chuckled lightly. “I would never have believed it when I first started college. If I knew then what the future held, I might not have been such a recluse when I started out.”

  “I love that the friends you made then still remain your friends now.”

  Sir held out his arm to her. “Thankfully, my circle of friends has grown considerably since then.”

  As he led Brie to the door, she glanced back, saying wistfully, “I’m going to really miss this place.”

  “No reason to miss it yet, my dear. We’ll be coming back later.”

  Brie was relieved. She needed some private time to say goodbye to the apartment that held so many special memories.

  Sir rushed to drop Hope and Shadow off, wanting to get to the house before the movers arrived.

  “I’ve been looking forward to seeing your face when you see my surprise.”

  With less than an hour’s drive to their new house, Sir had managed, yet again, to take her impatience up a notch.

  “Cruel, cruel Master…”

  He stared at the road ahead, smiling to himself.

  Brie figured it had to be something spectacular for Sir to be acting like this, and it made the waiting that much harder when they were stopped in a traffic jam on the highway.

  Determined to show Sir an outward appearance of calm, Brie stared straight ahead with a blissful smile on her lips.

  When he finally pulled up to the house, she let out an audible sigh of relief.

  “Anxious to run in there?” Sir asked.

  “A patient sub wouldn’t run,” she answered.

  Sir seemed to purposely take his time getting out of the car before walking over to open the door for her. She took a deep breath, keeping her blissful demeanor intact as she took his hand and got out.

  But all pretense disappeared when she stood there, looking at their new house, and was suddenly overcome with emotion.

  Our children will grow up in this house…

  Sir told her to wait while he walked up and unlocked the door. Coming back for her, he swept her up into his arms and carried her through the doorway. “Welcome home, Brie.”

  He set her down, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

  It suddenly dawned on her that Sir was every bit as excited as she was, and knowing that gave her butterflies.

  After Sir shut the door, he said, “Before you go searching for my gift, I’d like you to take a look at the kitchen.”

  Brie had wanted to see the new counters they had picked out together and rushed over to see them. “Oh, Sir…it looks even better than I imagined,” she cooed, running her hands over the black marble countertops with streaks of white
crystals running throughout. “It’s so elegant.”

  “I agree. I think we did well in choosing this.”

  “We will feed our army in elegance.”

  “Among other things,” he added in a seductive voice. “You will look absolutely delectable splayed out on this counter.

  Goosebumps rose on Brie’s skin, imagining laying on the cold counter with Sir staring hungrily at her.

  Sir leaned down to kiss her lightly on the lips. “Your lesson in patience is over, téa.”

  His words made her giddy. Not only was he giving her permission to run like a little kid through the house, but he had called her by her pet name, which meant a scene was in her near future.

  “Thank you, Master!”

  Brie let out a happy squeak as she made a beeline to the bedroom first, expecting to see some kind of fantasy suite. When she swung the doors open, she saw that it was just as it was before—an empty room with an incredible view of the ocean, except…

  Sir had added a reading nook in the corner with built-in bookshelves.

  “That’s lovely, Sir,” she said, trying desperately not to sound disappointed.

  He smiled at her knowingly. “That’s not the surprise.”

  Brie grinned, unable to hide her relief. “There’s more?”

  When he nodded, she resumed her hunt. Knowing the bathroom was already a dream come true, Brie headed upstairs, taking two stairs at a time. When she arrived at the top, she saw an elegant desk in the loft, facing the view of the ocean.

  “Oh, Sir, is this for me?” she asked in wonderment.

  “I had this desk custom built. I want you to have only the best for your office.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, touched that he cared so much about supporting her career. “I love it, Sir. This is absolutely beautiful, and the fact that you had the desk made for me makes it even more special.”

  Sir took her hand and kissed it. “I consider it an honor to support your career, my love.”

  The butterflies started up again and she wondered if the time had come to christen the kitchen countertops.

  Instead, Sir whispered into her ear, “This isn’t it either.”

  “More?” she squeaked, unable to contain her excitement.

  When Sir nodded, Brie checked all the rooms upstairs before heading back down to the first level.

  She became methodical as she checked the dining room, the formal office, and the guest bedroom, but she came up short.

  Remembering the hot tub outside, she headed out to check, certain she’d finally discovered his surprise.

  Although some of the vines on the lattice had started to bloom with purple flowers, nothing had changed.

  Brie was stumped and looked at Sir questioningly. Maybe it was the bathroom? It was possible Sir hadn’t liked the theme and had altered it.

  Heading back into the master bedroom, she walked straight to the bathroom to find it was the same lovely bathroom, with the Roman columns and Italian tile.

  Brie was thoroughly stumped.

  Afraid she had missed some small detail, she walked through the entire house again. After combing through every room, she was at a complete loss.

  Putting her hands on her hips, she frowned in defeat. “Other than the counters, the reading nook, and the desk upstairs, I don’t see a difference, Sir.”

  “You haven’t looked closely enough,” Sir stated with amusement.

  Brie let out a frustrated sigh. “I checked the whole house, so unless there’s a hidden room I don’t know about…”

  She saw that sparkle return to his eyes and knew she was on to something. She returned to the bedroom and opened the walk-in closet only to find it was unchanged.

  She then headed for the giant shoe closet on the other side of the bedroom, and that’s when it hit her. The door to the shoe closet was gone as if it had never existed.

  Next to where it was supposed to be was the new bookcase, as well as the newly built window seat. She’d been so intent on finding the obvious that she had totally missed what was no longer there.

  Pointing to the missing closet door, she asked excitedly, “What happened to the shoe closet, Sir?”

  Smiling, Sir called out, “Open the door. Five-two-one-one-four.”

  Brie heard a click and the wall slowly swung open. She walked over to it completely enchanted by having a secret room.

  When she stepped inside, Brie put her hand to her mouth. “Oh, my goodness, Sir.”

  The room had been completely gutted of all the shoe shelves. Instead, it had been transformed into their own private playroom.

  The crimson walls had iron hooks and shelving to store their multitude of toys, along with a St. Andrew’s Cross, a spanking bench, inviting chains hanging from above, and the most exciting thing of all…a wooden table with leather cuffs attached to it.

  Brie swore it looked like the table at the Submissive Training Center. The same table that Sir had bound her to on her second day of training and then had taken her virginal ass for the first time.

  “Is that…?” she asked breathlessly.

  “No, it’s a replica I had made.”

  Brie shook her head as she walked up to it, the memories of their first time flooding through her mind. “This table was the beginning of us.”

  “Yes. In a sense, it was,” he agreed.

  Looking around the room, she said, “I can’t believe you created this.”

  “I took Gallant’s example, wanting to preserve our relationship by keeping it out of sight.” He glanced at the table. “As far as that, I could think of no other furniture you would enjoy more. You’ve always been partial to the bondage table.”

  “It was the first thing that caught my attention on the website. I remember how much I wanted to be that girl bound on the table in that picture…”

  Brie closed her eyes, reveling in the feelings of love and excitement stirring inside. “This is perfect Sir.”

  “I’m glad you approve, téa,” he said, kissing her deeply.

  Brie always loved hearing him call her by that name and assumed the scene had begun. “How would you like me, Master?”

  “While I would love to bind you to this table and make you scream my name as I fuck you, we will have to wait. The movers will be arriving soon.”

  Brie wanted to protest but she knew he was right. Leaving the room with him, she watched as Sir shut the door by calling out, “Close. Five-two-one-one-four.”

  The lock slid into place, and it became a seamless wall again.

  “You will need to use the number to unlock it. Can you remember it?” he asked.

  Brie thought for a second before saying the numbers, five-two-one-four-one.”

  “Close.” He repeated the correct number.

  After Brie said it correctly, he told her, “We will program it to recognize your voice, so only you and I will be able to control it.”

  “That’s amazing, Sir.” Curious about the sequence of numbers, she asked, “Does that number have any significance?”

  He smiled. “Yes, it’s the day I knew my life would never be the same.”

  After doing some quick math in her head, Brie realized it was not only the day of her second session at the Training Center but the night Sir had taken her virginal ass. Her heart melted when she realized that encounter was as memorable to him as it was to her.

  She gave him a grateful kiss. “It’s the perfect number combination for our secret room.”

  “I agree, téa.”

  She felt a surge of sexual electricity on hearing him use her pet name again. It had her anticipating what he was planning, and she purred in excitement.

  It was then that she heard the roar of the moving truck pulling up.

  “Are you ready for a day of unpacking, my dear?”

  Taking his hand in hers, she answered with an enthusiastic, “It would be my pleasure, Master.”

  Sir walked with her to the door, squeezing her hand. “After we are done here, I will
claim what’s mine.”

  She burned with desire on hearing his declaration, and spent the entire day unpacking in an elevated state of arousal.

  Sexy Goodbyes

  The head of the moving crew went over the paperwork with Sir to ensure that no box had been left behind. When everything had been accounted for, he held out his hand to Sir. “We’re done here, Mr. Davis. Enjoy your new home.”

  Sir shook his hand firmly and handed over a generous amount of cash. “This is for you and your crew. You did exceptional work here today. Thank you.”

  The man looked down at the large stack of bills and grinned. “Thank you, Mr. Davis!”

  Nodding at Brie, the man left.

  Once she heard the moving van pull away, Brie turned to Sir. Holding her breath in anticipation, she slowly lowered herself to the floor and bowed low at his feet.

  “How may I serve you, Master?”

  Her whole body quivered as she imagined all the things he would do to her.

  Instead of giving her a command, however, he asked for her hand and helped her back to her feet.

  “Not here, téa,” he said with a seductive smile. “Come with me.”

  Her heart skipped a beat as he placed his hand on the small of her back and she felt that familiar jolt of electricity that Sir’s touch always caused.

  Leading her out of the house, he took her to the car and drove her back to the apartment just as the sun was setting.

  Downtown LA became a magical place as the colorful sunset brought out another side of the city, bathing the tall skyscrapers in fiery shades of orange and yellow.

  That sense of magic continued as Brie walked into the building with Sir.

  “Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Davis.”

  Sir nodded to the doorman in acknowledgement while Brie kept her attention solely on Sir as he guided her to the elevator.

  Déjà vu washed over her as all those memories of her first time here, when Sir brought her home after the collaring ceremony, came flooding back.

  She’d been so nervous back then…

  As they stood there, waiting for the elevator, Brie reconnected with those old feelings and unknowingly let out a nervous sigh.

  “Nothing to be nervous about, babygirl.”


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