Play Me

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Play Me Page 4

by Ivy Knight

  "I don't know what blonde Alice fucking went to the club with. I was at home, asleep. Didn't your little teddy bear catch that," I sneer at Kai. Adding the teddy bear, will surely make him forget about the blonde for a few minutes.

  His eyes widen a bit, "So you knew? Nice show you put on in front of it."

  "I just wanted to make your job more interesting. I was at home, asleep. Now let me go, or god help me, I will rip Alec's balls off and shove them down your fucking throat," Kai shrugs in response to my threat, pissing me off further.

  "You know what? I'm over this," I nod, and Alice grabs her fork jabbing it into Kai's shoulder while I elbow Alec in the chest snatching the lighter during the process. After getting the lighter, I punch Cole and put the lighter on the chain of the cuff. In seconds, the thin metal melts releasing me from the table.

  I hear Alice punch Kai again and I stand up. Before Alec can get up, I light the lighter and drop it right on his crotch.

  His pants catch on fire and he groans jumping to his feet, stripping out of his pants. Alice joins me as Kai, Cole, and Alec all stand in front of us, "Don't ever try to corner us again and do not take any of my warnings lightly. They'll all come back to bite you in the ass."

  With that, I pass between Alec and Kai, but I'm stopped by a grip around my right wrist. Having enough, I turn around and punch Kai square in the jaw.

  "Don't you dare, touch me again," I spit looking right into his eyes. I can see his shoulder bleeding just like the corner of his lip. Tired of the staring, I turn around and walk out with Alice.


  After the little show down in the cafeteria, every single person in the school seems terrified of Alice and I. They even avoid walking down the same hallway as us. It's getting on my nerves, but it's not like I'm staying for long.

  I went to the nurse and got my hand wrapped explaining to her that I was in cooking class. After lunch, the first class went by perfectly. The guys avoided talking to me in all of the classes I shared with them. Right now, gym class is about to end. This class has all three boys and Alice in it.

  "Okay class, before you leave, take this permission form. We're going on a three-day camping trip this weekend. You must come to pass this class," Mr. Robert announces.

  I give Alice a look saying 'grab one for me' as I grab my bag heading to the girls change room. When I enter the room, all the chattering quiets down. I roll my eyes and walk over to the corner of the change room to change. A few seconds later, the chattering returns and Alice walks in. She hands me the permission form and I thank her.

  "Do you really wanna go?" Alice asks as she changes.

  "Why not? It might be fun," I reply.

  "The trio will be there too," she answers.

  "Most likely not, but if they are, who cares? The trip is still within the seven-day range."

  "Mmm," she shrugs. "B called."

  "Saying what?" We talk carefully just in case one of the girls works for The Black Killers.

  "Something important," she states. I nod understanding. The last bell of the day rings and most of the girls, who are done changing, leave. Alice and I quickly change and head out as well.

  Once we're in her car, I ask, "What'd he say?"

  "What I'm going to say, are his words not mine," I nod in understanding. "What kind of idiot goes on a fucking mission without dismantling the security cameras first?"

  "Ouch," I put my hand on my heart. "That really hurt, Alice. I knew there were cameras, but I made sure they never caught my face. That's why Kai couldn't fully come out on me. He thinks the blonde was me, but has no clear evidence. The one person who does is you and he can't touch you without going through me first."

  "Your logic is so blood boiling sometimes. Why risk so much?"

  "Risking is the fun part. Without risking anything, what fun would there be in winning? I mean, I'm risking you, but Kai is risking his whole career. And I wouldn't risk you, if you and I both couldn't handle it."

  "Whatever you say Summer, but next time, do let me in on the plan," she starts the car.

  "It was last minute, I wasn't really planning on taking you with me, now was I?"

  "One person dead, four injured, and five more days to go: how bad could all this possibly get, right?" she states sarcastically.

  "From my experience, this is nothing," I reply in all seriousness.

  Five more days, yay.

  Chapter 6

  Two days have passed since our last encounter with the trio on Tuesday. During the last two days, my thoughts always crept towards Kai. Where have they been? Should I be worried? Are they planning something? I didn't have the answers to any of my questions which is bothersome.

  "Summer and Alice, right?" one of the jocks asks. Before replying to him, I grab my textbook from my locker and stuff it into my bag.

  "That's us," I respond dryly. My eyes remain on my locker pretending to be in search for another book. This is the first time anyone from school is actually talking to us so I have my doubts about his intentions.

  "I'm Niall, there's a party at my place tonight and both of you are invited," from the corner of my eye, I watch his blue eyes twinkle nervously as his hands keep pulling at his jacket.

  Who holds a party on a Thursday night?

  "Thanks, but no thanks," I reply before Alice can.

  Niall raises his eyebrows in question at my blunt response. At the same time, Alice stares at me angrily, "Look, we're new and we got mixed up with the wrong type of crap. No one has talked to us from day one and getting invited to a party all of a sudden is bizarre. I don't wanna take any chances, so I won't be coming. Well that, and luring us to a party is low, even for you, Kai."

  I close my locker before turning around to face Niall. I get him to move his hand and dig into his jacket's pocket taking out the bug planted on him.

  "Surprise, I'm not an idiot. Now get moving."

  "Scared of coming to a party, are we?" Alec's voice rings from behind me.

  I let out an annoyed groan before turning to face him, "Where's your pack? You know a lone wolf always ends up dead."

  "Should've taught that one to Alex, I guess."

  "You should've," I agree innocently. "What even happened to him? I hear his name a lot, but it doesn't really paint a picture."

  "Died. Killed, actually. A blonde chick, like you, slit his throat," he calmly states.

  "Really, someone must hate The Black Killers, a lot," I emphasize.

  He chuckles, "Come to the party tonight."

  "And why would I?"

  "You do want your sister back, don't you?" my eyebrows knit together.

  "What are you talking about? She's-," I turn around to spot no one. The hallway is empty except for Alec and I. When I turn back around, I find no one. In the end, only leaving me in the vacant hallway.

  "Fuck!" I kick the lockers in frustration.

  She was right fucking behind me!

  I take out the phone Brody gave me and call him, "Brody, pick me up from school, now."


  "What do you mean she just disappeared without a sound?" Brody inquires. After I called him to pick me up, I called into the office as my mom, and excused myself. Remembering that Kai still has people watching over me, I called Brody again and told him to pick me up at the grocery store a few blocks away from the school.

  "What I mean is that she disappeared without a sound, Brody! Okay? I don't know how they did it, but it happened. A second ago, she was right behind me, and the next, she wasn't."

  I walk back and forth nervously as Brody continues searching for her using her phone's signal and the tracking chip implanted in her forearm.

  "Nothing, her phone's been turned off and so has the tracking device we put on her," he states calmly. This is one of the things I love about him. He'll never show his real emotions because he knows he has to be the adult when it comes to handling me when I'm angry.

  "How is that possible? That tracking chip was injected into he
r arm like mine."

  "I don't know. Unless they slit her arm open, there's probably some barrier around the area that they're keeping her in."

  "And no cameras picked up her face?"

  "Nope," he replies. My phone rings and I immediately take it out.



  "Uh... Summer?" Alice speaks awkwardly.

  "No shit, Sherlock. What the fuck happened?"

  "I can't say, but what I can say is that if you want me back, then you have to show up at the party tonight, at Niall's house. Apparently, I'll be there too."

  At least she's okay.

  "Alice, don't do something stupid and whoever else is there, talk."

  "Well, Alice explained it very nicely. Show up and you can have her. You don't? Then we'll keep her until the seven days are up."

  "Hi to you too Cole," I sarcastically reply. "I'm glad you're keeping her company, now I know who to kill if I even spot a scratch on her."

  He chuckles, "I'd worry about what'll happen to you if you do show up at the party tonight. Fortunately for us, you won't enjoy it."

  "I enjoy everything I do, Cole. I'll be seeing you tonight, but don't you have something better to do rather than harassing two innocent high school girls?" I feel my grip on the phone tightening by the second. "Oh wait, I forgot, the injury on your leg probably has you on the bed. Not like you were useful anyway. "

  He chuckles at my last line and says, "You think you're funny? That's cute. I'll have even more fun as I watch you struggle."

  I take my phone and chuck it to the ground when he ends the call. The phone smacks loudly cracking and breaking into several pieces.

  "Fuck!" I punch the bag hanging from the ceiling. My knuckles crack from the impact.

  "What'd they say?"

  "That I have to show up to the party if I want Alice home safe before the seven days end."

  "I'll join in."

  "No, you're the only advantage I have. If they find out about you, I don't even wanna imagine as to what lengths they'll go to cut you off from me," I state.

  Brody is the only guy I have from my old life and if I lose him, I think I'll lose my sanity.

  "What time is it?" I sigh rubbing my forehead as I feel my emotions getting the best of me, I need to get out of here. The amount of stress that's been piling up is clearly starting to get to me.


  "School ended half an hour ago, I should go home. I have to make up an excuse for why Alice isn't home," Brody nods in response. His eyes glued to my side, he watches me nervously tap my fingers on the side of my thigh. Him and I both know my body is begging for a reliever.

  I clear my throat and cross my arms.

  "Keep your tracking chip on, don't do something stupid, and call me if you need help."

  "You know it," I grab my bag on the way out. Kai is going to pay for what he did. He shouldn't have taken Alice.


  "Hey, Sweetheart," my mom greets me as I enter the house.

  "Hi, mom," I enter the kitchen where I watch her cook various mouth-watering dishes. The light that appears in her eyes when she sees me sends an unexplainable feeling. One, that I assume, every child gets when all they need is their mom and she's actually there. "How was your day?"

  "It was good, a lot of meetings, what about yours? And where's Alice?" Mom asks as she stirs the vegetables in the pot.

  "Alice decided to go shopping with some of her friends for the party tonight and she said she'll meet me there," I lie smoothly.

  "Oh, so that's what the dress is for."

  "What dress?" I ask confused.

  "Someone left a package at our door for you and I just had to open it. It's a dress, but don't worry, I never read the card. It's not a surprise that my girls are already stringing in boys," she laughs.

  "Where's the box?" I ask. I never receive presents and when I do, it's never a good indication.

  "Up, in your room."

  "Okay, thanks mom. I'll be leaving at six."

  "Be home by midnight!" she yells as I run up the stairs to my room. I open my door and there, lies a rectangular box on my bed.

  I quietly close the door behind me and walk up to it. My eyes travel up and down, scanning every inch of the box before my hand lifts up to it. As the lid is lifted, a black dress is revealed. The soft, cotton fabric wrinkles between the tips of my fingers as I lift it up for a better view. It's a simple dress with white buttons going down the front and a netted back.

  I put the dress down in the box and take out the letter.

  For Summer White, I read off the front. I peel the envelope open and take out the card.

  His handwriting cursive and clean, represents his own personality. I put the card down and turn around meeting eyes with the teddy bear flipping it off.

  Kai is really getting on my nerves. I don't care if he knows that I killed his dealer or not, all I care about is Alice. My brothers taught me how to stand up for myself, no matter what the situation, and I will use everything in my power to help Alice out of my mess.

  And what does he think he's doing by picking me up? I can drive myself there.

  My phone rings, and I look at the caller ID.


  I pick it up, "Summer speaking."

  "I heard you got the dress. How is it?" Kai's irritating voice speaks.

  "I have my own clothes, but thanks anyway. I can also drive myself to the party."

  "And do you know where Niall lives?" My lips from a thin line not knowing what to say. "Didn't think so. Like the card says; I'll be there at six, sharp. Look pretty and wash the attitude off, it won't work for what I have planned for tonight."

  "I'm just a high school girl, my biggest problem should be how to have perfect natural eyebrows not if the gang leader is going to let me go tonight or kill me," I try to imitate a whiny high school girl. "Just let my sister go, please. I'm begging you Kai, I'll do anything for you."


  I turn around and face the camera smirking. I take a seat on my bed, "That's what you wanna hear me say, right? You want me to beg and cry for your mercy? Well, I'm not the kind to beg. From day one, if I want something, I get it without asking and I will get my sister back whether you approve or not. You want me to wear the dress you got me? Then watch this."

  I put my phone on speaker and set it on the bed. I dig through my nightstand and take out my lighter. Opening the window on my way back to the dress, and I light it on fire.

  "Now, I don't have your dress to wear."

  I watch the flames spread out onto the dress and the black smoke rise up into the air.

  "This isn't even half the damage I'll cause if Alice has a scratch on her," with that, I end the call.

  Finishing off the fire, I grab the teddy bear and throw it in. The smoke fogs up my room and finds its only exit out the window.

  Chapter 7

  It's six-oh-two and Kai still isn't here. Time is everything and a man like him should know that. How can he be so sloppy sometimes? In my family, if you were late to anything, you weren't allowed in, or if it were an event that involved life or death, you were surely going to be dead if not already.

  After two more minutes, his black Audi pulls up onto my driveway, and I take a seat on the passenger's side.

  The second I enter his car, the beautiful smell of his cologne hits my nostrils. Taking in a deeper breath, I drive myself crazy from the musky scent. I've never smelled anything this good, not to mention his clothing for the night which involved his usual black leather jacket, grey shirt, and black pants made him look sexy. He's a perfectly disguised monster any sane women would fall for.

  Without even a glance my way, he backs the car up and starts driving again. I look at the audio system, similar to the one in my car, I turn on the radio only to have it turned off by Kai. Being stubborn, I turn it on and he turns it off.

  We repeat until Kai speaks up, "No music. Touch the radio again, and I will cut your hand

  I smile and turn on the music again. Kai monstrously glares at me, but I turn my head to the side and watch all the houses pass by in a blur. Any real leader would've killed me by now, what does he want from me?

  "Why don't you just kill me?" I blurt out. I keep my eyes glued to the busy streets. At this point, I don't even care where Kai is taking me. To the party or not, I just want to know his motive because I'm tired of guessing.

  "You'll find out sooner or later."

  "That's a dick move. Not like I can do anything about it, right? So why don't you just tell me?"

  This time, I sit up and look at Kai. His eyes remain on the road in front. The silence bothers me and I admit it. He's calculating his exact words, meaning he's planning something big for me. Something that is still partially unknown to him too.

  "Your mysteriousness and blunt exterior is intriguing to me. Let's just say you've caught the attention of a person who doesn't back down so easily, love," he smirks and takes a glance my way.

  "Huh," I reply and glue my eyes to the front.

  "Let's get the rules for tonight straight. You don't leave my sight and you do not talk to anyone without my permission, understood?" the dominant side of his personality laces through his tone.

  "Fat chance, let's get one thing straight. Even if you put a leash around my neck and don't feed me for a year, I will chew my way out of the leash and tie it right around your fucking neck. Trying to control me, is like trying to control a hurricane. Impossible," I state.

  Kai clenches his jaw as he pulls up on the side of the road and slams his foot down on the breaks. I jolt forward and my wrists catch the hit as a string of pain runs down my right arm.

  "Sss!" I suck in a deep breath as Kai pushes me back on my seat jumping on top of me. His right hand holds a blade to my throat while his forearm holds my head back. A few inches away from my face, his jaw tightly clenches and his eyes bore into mine.

  "You wanna say that again?" he threatens.

  "I'm sure you heard it clearly the first time. If not, then we wouldn't be in this position," I push against the limits. I clench my hands into fists preventing myself from reaching for the knife in my pocket. The proximity between us gives him an advantage.


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