Play Me

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Play Me Page 21

by Ivy Knight

  I can feel him in between my legs. His bottom half pressed tightly against mine, every breath I take mingles with his. My hands in his grip, above my head, I have no way of escaping.

  His head reaches up, kissing my forehead. Then to the side kissing my cheek. One kiss after the other, he goes lower and lower down my neck and back up. My breathing increasing at the same time, I'm oblivious to everything going on. All I can feel is the electricity running through me with each kiss.

  What is this man doing?

  His kisses stop and my eyes open. His eyes hover over mine examining the effect he had on me. Ashamed, I turn my head away from his gaze.

  I can feel his smirk teasing me.

  His hands leave mine and trail down my arms down to the hem of my shirt. My ear tingles at the sensation of his lips brushing over it.

  "Is it wrong that I'm doing this or that you're actually enjoying it?"

  My head turns in anger, but my words are forgotten when his hands crawl underneath my shirt. Rough yet experienced, his hands make their way up to my breasts. My eyes close at the familiar feeling.


  "Hey, look at me!" Nick yells.

  "Please, don't do this, Nick!" I was pinned to the bed. With him towering over me, I have no escape route. He's going to do it. I try to struggle out of his hold, but even after years of training, I'm too weak.

  His face fits itself in the crook of my neck nibbling and sucking on the skin.

  "Stop! Please, Nick! Please!"


  "Please s-stop!" I sob.

  "Hey, look at me, Summer."

  "N-no, please! Don't do this to me!"


  Annoyed with me, Nick slaps me. Left half deaf and sobbing, he continues as his hands grope my virgin body.


  "Look at me, Summer!" I take a huge breath of air and spot Kai past the translucent layer of tears.

  "This is Kai, not some low serving prick who caused you to be like this. I'm not going to hurt you," he assures. I sniff coming back to reality, but at the same time, flash backs of my first experience appear in my mind.

  Kai finds a sensitive spot on my neck and bites on it. I gasp, struggling to get out of his hold when I remember Nick.

  "How old were you?" he questions with his lips hovering over the burning skin.


  "How old were you when you were raped, Summer?" he asks more sternly.

  "U-uh," I stutter as his hands gently massage the sides of my hips. "F-fifteen."

  "What did you feel," he inquires.

  "I-I d-don't r-re-remember," I reply. "O-nly bits a-and pieces."

  "Forget about it then, completely," he instructs. His hands disappear from underneath my shirt letting the cold take over. My eyes open to find his head towered over my mine. I probably look like a complete mess.

  "You're a woman now, Summer. Who has grown and learned from everything that was thrown her way. The fifteen-year-old is gone, so why are you keeping this part of her with you? You've let that part of you take away so much. What I did wasn't to be a prick, it was to prove that not all the men are the same. So tomorrow, when all those men have their hands all over you, don't remember the man that raped you, but the man standing in front of you right now. My intentions were clear from the start," he ends off. With a sigh, he backs off leaving me broken and undone.

  I stare at the ceiling blankly wiping away my tears. I sit up staring down at my lap. Frustration builds up inside of me. I don't know if I'm mad about not being able to stop my past from interfering with my future, or the fact that Kai is a damn tease and my whole body is craving his touch.

  Did he actually just make me go through that on purpose?

  "If you finish the job tomorrow, you'll earn something I've never given to anyone. So good luck," he starts to walk away, but I catch his arm under my grip.

  He looks at me and at the grip I have around his arm. Why did I stop him? My hand brushes through my hair nervously and I bite down on my bottom lip.

  "P-please don't l-leave me," he looks past me contemplating what to do, but soon nods coming to an agreement with himself.

  He takes a hold of me bridal style. Walking over to the couch, he sets me down and then climbs over, lying behind me. He grabs the extra blanket and covers us both as one of his arms tightly warps around me.

  The couch is smaller than I expected, but the hollow feeling within my heart feels a little less hollow with little extra warmth coming from him.

  I try my best to stop crying, but it's difficult. Thoughts of the first time come to mind over and over again.

  "Summer, don't," Kai brushes my hair back using his hand and kisses my head. "I know you have it in you to make it stop."

  My whole body tired, I take Kai's arm and bring it closer to my face. Hiding behind it, I eventually full asleep hugging his arm.

  Chapter 27

  "Do you see them?"

  "I do," I reply to Kai on the phone as I spot a group of girls standing outside the door of a room.

  "Okay, it's only you from now on," he responds ending the call. I stop, looking down at the blank screen of the phone Kai lent me for this mission only. To my side, is a fake plant so I drop the phone in its vase. I take a deep breath before walking towards the girls.

  "You're late," a blonde girl scolds me.

  "Sorry," I respond.

  "Sorry? And what is this?" not even waiting for a response, she harshly pulls off the long trench coat that covered my body. I watch with puppy eyes as she throws the coat on the ground leaving me in netted, black lingerie like the rest of them.

  "Are you new or something?"

  "No. Uh- Chloe didn't tell me what we're exactly doing so I'm just confused," I respond.

  "Oh, well it's nothing new from the ordinary. We line up, men choose who they want and we give them a lap dance. After, we leave," she finishes off.

  "We don't stay?" I question.

  "Nope," she responds.

  I need to stay for the meeting though.


  "We're ready whenever you are," a well-dressed man says through the door.

  "Okay, just give us a minute," the girl standing next to me says. The man nods and leaves making sure that the door is left open.

  "Okay girls. They're paying us a whole lot, so give them the best dance you've ever given and don't screw up," she says the last bit looking at me. I nod in response pulling on the black mask as part of our outfits.

  One by one, the girls walk inside. I fit myself in between the line trying to blend in. The room is spacious to say the least. It has a large antique dining table where all the men sit wearing their suits. My eyes linger on every single man until they stop on Nick.

  His beady eyes focused on a girl's boobs. For some reason, my heart aches. I'm not sure why, but it does. I decide to ignore it as I take in what he's wearing.

  He wears an all-black suit matched with a watch on his left wrist. His right cheek bone supports a purple bruise which seems fresh. His clothes for the night remind me of Kai. All black is Kai's thing and it agrees with him more than it does with Nick.

  "Gentlemen, before we start today's meeting, I thought I'd bring in a little treat for you all," another man speaks. He has light brown hair with blond highlights. His eyes a lighter shade of green, pop due to his darker complexion. From the looks of it, he might be Zack the owner of this mansion. "Choose who you want."

  "Her," a fat man spoke without hesitation. I watch as the girl walks over to him trying to hide her disgust at the same time.

  I try to hide my smile by looking down at the ground, but even then, it's hard for me to control my amusement. Poor girl, I wonder how she does it.

  "I want her," my head snaps up at the known voice. Instantly, our eyes meet and I'm left speechless.

  "You," he says again, snapping me out of my surprise. Without even a single thought, my feet start to move. I walk slowly around the end of the table and
towards him. Many of the other men support frowns as I stand in front of Nick.

  "Look at me," he demands. Building the courage, my head tilts up. The voices of the men choosing their girls is zoned out of my hearing as Nick's eyes scout every inch of my body.

  "Come here," he says setting his hand flat on his thigh. Gulping, I take a seat on his lap. His hand on the small of my back, I close my eyes reassuring myself that it's okay.

  "Why does it look like you've seen a ghost?" he asks.

  "I'm new," I reply softly.

  His lips stretch on a smile exposing his polished teeth.

  "Maybe I should trade you for someone else, everyone hates me for choosing the girl with the perfect body. I was hoping it came with the perfect dance too."

  I laugh.

  "Your choice, but I've heard someone say: what's the point of getting something if you won't even taste it once."

  His eyes lighten in surprise remembering that he, himself had said that to a young girl before.

  "Do we know each other?"

  Before I can respond, Zack starts talking.

  "Let the dancing begin."

  I look back at Nick with a grin on my face as I climb off his lap. The music starts and slowly increases its volume. Partition by Beyoncé plays as all the girls start dancing.

  Come on, Summer. You can do this.

  One deep breath and I let go of everything. The stress, the thoughts and all control over my body is lost. I let my body seductively sway to the beat of the music.

  Driver roll up the partition please. Driver roll up the partition please. I don't need you seeing Beyoncé on her knees – Beyoncé sings.

  Show him what he lost, Summer.

  I confidently walk towards Nick. My arms gently swing beside me as I hold my head up high with perfect posture. One step after the other, I lead with my chest until I'm right in front of him.

  I straddle him. My eyes, most likely full of mischief, I bite down on my lip in a sexual manner. He could never resist a lip bite especially if it's done on purpose. The perfect lyric comes in play, so I start to sing.

  "Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up. We ain't even gonna make it to this club. Now my mascara runnin', red lipstick smudged. Oh he so horny, yeah he want to fuck. He popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse. He Monica Luwinski'd all on my gown-" my ass grinds against his hard erection teasingly. My lips linger on his neck trying to drive him crazy.

  Losing his self-control, one of his hands places itself at the small of my back while the other finds a grip in my hair. He pulls my head back and I watch his eyes darken as his pupils dilate.

  "Fuck," he groans as he kisses my collarbone. His lips are harsh as always making me remember the things I've always tried to forget.

  It's just a lap dance, Summer.

  Nothing else.

  With all my strength, I find his shoulders and roughly push him against his chair. My eyes hard, I hide the anger with a smirk.

  "Uh-uh," I scold. "It's supposed to be all me."

  I hear the crunch of his teeth as they grind against each other. His hands form fists on his thighs holding back from touching me.

  "-private show with the music blastin' he like to call me peaches when we get this nasty red wine drip filth talk that-," my eyes trail towards the man next to us who has his eyes glued to me,"- trash chauffeur eavesdropping tryin' not to crash oh, there daddy, daddy now you ripped my fur oh, baby, baby be sweatin' on my hair-"

  My hands feel over his chest as they slip under his jacket and inside his pocket. Knowing that I'd find a cigarette and a lighter, I pull them both out.

  I sit up and sing as I light the cigarette," - took 45 minutes to get all dressed up and we ain't even gonna make it to this club."

  I inhale and exhale the smoke towards his face. Kai's eyes close as he takes in the smell. When I inhale again, I close my eyes as memories of yesterday and a night I seemed to had forgotten run through my mind. When I open my eyes, I spot Nick with his eyes staring deeply at me.

  "That's not good. Maybe you should do something about that," I comment climbing off his lap making the bulge in his pants clear in sight.

  "Okay!" Zack clears his throat. I watch as he fixes his tie flustered by the lap dance he had gotten, "Thank you, girls for giving us your time, you may now leave."

  Helplessly, I walk past Nick to leave, but he stops me.

  "No, you stay," he demands. I look up into his grey eyes. There's nothing in them that reveals why he stopped me. I look at the blonde girl I talked to earlier, she scowls at me.

  "Are you sure?" Zack asks.

  "I am," Nick responds.

  "Okay then," Zack says. I pull my wrist out of Nick's hold and start to walk out.

  "It wasn't an option, Sweetheart," Nick stops me again. I turn around showing fake anger.

  "I don't even know what this is about, I came here to do my job and now, it's done. I have the right to leave," I respond. Nick gets up and walks over to me.

  "Here, you have no rights. Unless you want to be fucked every which way, I suggest you park your pretty little ass on the empty seat over there," his head nods to the empty chair at the end of the table.

  Holding back from a smile, I respond, "Whatever."

  I start making my way to the empty chair.

  "Wait," Nick stops me. I turn around and watch as he pulls of his jacket. His hand extends out.

  My eyebrows knit in confusion, "I'm good."

  "I know you are, but I don't think the rest of us will get any business done with you practically naked at the table," he says. I sigh grabbing the jacket from him. I wrap it around myself. The jacket is enormous, but covers me well, so I'm quite thankful.

  I make my way to the seat.

  "What? No thank you?"

  "I don't remember getting a thank you so... nope," I reply sheepishly.

  With a smile on my face, I take a seat on the empty chair. Nick takes a seat on his previous spot and we all turn our attention to Zack.

  "Since that's settled, we'll get started now. This meeting was called by Nicholas Black so I'll let him do the honors," Zack takes a seat while Nick gets up from his. We all watch as he walks behind his chair and starts to walk around.

  "It's a pleasure to meet all of you once again. I remember that the last time we all met was when my younger and ignorant brother declared war. Since then, there have been over twenty-three hundred crossfire victims. Clueless about all of this, yet they died out of the hands of our men. Just like the rest of you, I think the same thing, it's completely normal, but the FBI is catching on, and quick. Just a few days ago, a friend of mine in Kansas was taken under arrest because he was too foolish to play a little safer. Getting to the point, I'm offering everyone at this meeting an alliance. I already have more states in my control than anyone else, and it's clear I'll do anything to get them all. This way everything is cleaner and I'll let you run the state on your own with weekly reports coming my way."

  "What about finances?" another man asks.

  "I'll give you forty percent of everything you earn, the rest I keep to expand businesses outside of the states," Nick replies.

  "And how do you say we'll deal with the FBI?"

  "We don't. We keep everything down for the next two years. Let the FBI think we're done and let them carry on with projects regarding the mafia."

  "Some of us our allied with mafia's. They'll kill all of us if they find out we've ratted them out," someone mentions.

  "Who's going to tell them? It's the twenty of us on this table and I'm sure we all love our lives dearly," Nick threatens.

  The air thickens as nervousness builds up.

  "No, we're not going to ally with you."

  "Oh, and why is that?"

  "You're a scum Nicholas Black. As much as I like playing the game, I can't play it alongside you. It's only at the end when you turn your back against the people that supported you, will they realize what mistake they made. I won't be one of them," the man acros
s from me stands up.

  "It'll be nice playing against you," he says.

  "It was nice playing against me," Nick corrects. Not a second passes by, before he pulls out his gun shooting the man.

  The screeches of everyone's chair echoes in the large room as everyone gets up. All the men reach for their guns. I watch as everyone's hand comes out empty. Our faces pale in fright.

  "I knew this meeting wasn't going to go as planned, it was just an odd feeling, but hey, I'll be the leader of nineteen more states after this," no hesitation, he shoots every single standing man in the room.

  In the end, the gun is pointed my way. His face displays an amused smile at my shock.

  "Take a seat, Sweetheart. I'm not going to kill you, not yet."

  Nick tucks the gun under his belt. He walks around the table taking a seat across from me. I watch curiously.

  "Take a seat, I won't tell you again."

  Gulping, I feel around for the chair behind me and pull it close until I'm seated down. My hands intertwine resting on the table in between Nick and I.

  "You can take off the mask, I already know who you are." I don't respond. He sighs, "You're the girl that came to the gang ball with my brother."

  I nod taking off my mask.

  "Still beautiful," he comments. "I don't think I caught your name last time."

  "Let's hope you never do. Can we continue on with this? I mean, you've already wasted my time with this charade of yours," I speak confidently.

  "Clearly, I don't care who gets hurt as I rise to gain my power. You tell my brother that he'll be one of these men lying coldly on the ground if he doesn't come to his senses and surrenders."

  "So that's it, you want me to become a messenger? What if I told you I don't work for your brother?"

  "I'd say you're lying. Why else go through so much trouble to get in here. You kidnapped one of my girls so you could replace yourself with her. Do you really think I wouldn't find out?"

  "And what if I said, that you took something from me and I wanted it back?"


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