Play Me

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Play Me Page 29

by Ivy Knight

  "Where is she?" I approach Jayce.

  "She's not here," he blocks my way inside the house. "She left almost half an hour ago."

  "How do I know you're not lying?"

  "Look around, her car's not here. She left because we broke each other into pieces. She's no longer the Summer she was this morning, I can swear that to you and you're responsible for that," he spits back. His eyes swollen with tears, I know he's not lying.

  She isn't here, fuck.

  "Then where is she?" I grab his collar and Alec intervenes, but I don't let go.

  "She took a right outside the gates, I haven't seen her since," Jayce says. "For someone who values his possessions, you seem to lose them quite often. Oh wait, she was never yours and she never will be. You might have a say as to what she does today, but I promise you, she will break free of you one day -"

  "And you'll be right there waiting for her like the pathetic piece of shit you are. A boy like you, who can't even take care of himself, is waiting to compose a hurricane in the form of a women. You've put your finger out in the storm, try putting your whole fucking self in and not getting devoured, before you tell me what to do," I spit pushing him away. "You're fucking lucky you're moving to Canada, or you wouldn't be breathing right now."

  Without a glance behind me, I make my way back to the car. Alec sits down and I drive away. My hands turn white with their tight grip around the wheel.

  I wanted to punch his face in. I wanted to show him who he was talking to and I wanted him to fucking beg for mercy. He doesn't even know that I'm doing him a favour by pulling Summer away from him. If it weren't for me, if I hadn't threatened his life, someone else would have not only threatened it, but taken it as well. That's the kind of pain I'm saving Summer from. The pain that she's going through right now will take a part of her soul away, but at least, not all of it.

  "What the fuck..." my mouth drops open at the sight of black clouds covering most of the area. My head turns to spot the cause and I'm left speechless.

  A massive fire consumes what once looked like a gas station. In the parking, still untouched by the fire, I see my car. Stepping on the brake, I put the gear on park and run out of the car.

  Summer cannot be inside.

  "Summer!" I run in front of the entrance, but stop when the building collapses.

  No no no, Summer can't be inside.

  "Kai!" Alec shouts. I turn around and find him squatted on the sidewalk. I run over to him looking at what he sees. It's blood, small droplets blended in with the gravel.

  "It could be Summer's," Alec pulls the words right out of my mouth.

  "I'm going on foot. You follow in the car," I quickly word before following the trail of blood.

  Almost forty minutes of running, and I stop at a shore line. The cold, piercing wind blows furiously as my eyes scan the ocean's top for a view of Summer. In the deep distance, I see her sinking; slowly being swallowed by the water.

  She's going to kill herself.

  My legs grow a brain of their own as they take me inside the freezing ocean. Swimming at my full speed, I split open the surface of the water to breathe. Looking back, I'm far from shore, but still not close enough to Summer.

  I dive under and continue swimming until I spot her body sinking down. Almost out of breath, I quickly go up to take a deep breath and dive right back in.

  It takes me almost two minutes to reach Summer's hand. Once it's in my grip, I pull her up. Her body complying with my demands, I feel uneasy.

  It can't be too late.

  I start to choke on the water when I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder blade. I look behind me, but spot nothing but dark red water as blood releases from my shoulder.

  Holding onto Summer with my left hand, I pull both ourselves on top of the water. Coughing, I hear gun shots going off in the distance. I look to my left at Summer, her face is pale and her body is motionless swaying in sync with the waves

  "Fuck," I groan, trying to swim to shore as fast as possible. The bullet in my shoulder blade rubs against my bone every time I use my right arm to pull us foreword.

  Minutes of pure agony pass by until I finally reach shore dragging Summer along with me. The shooting stops, followed by loud screeching tires.

  I look down at Summer lying with no sign of life on her face. I force myself to hover over her. Ignoring the pain in my shoulder, I start to give perform CPR on her.

  I close her nose and blow inside her mouth. Then, I push on her chest again.

  I repeat the method four times, before she takes a gasp of air and coughs out the water that fills her lungs.

  I watch as she comes to life. Breathing, but at the same time, she looks mortified. Once she stops coughing, her eyes find their way to me.

  "You brought me back – again," she whispers, terrified of her own words. Before I can reply, I feel my vision becoming blurry and my breathing gets rigid as I breathe heavily through my mouth.

  "Kai?" I hear Alec's voice. My head turns around facing him. His whole body a black blur.

  "Take her... home... first," I breathe out.

  "You're shot," his voice speaks in the distance.

  "I-I'm fine," I find his hand on my shoulder and pull it off. Using my left hand, I point out at Summer, "T-take her home, c-call Li-Lilly."

  I don't get a response or maybe I did, but all I see is darkness.

  Chapter 35

  Kai brought me back again. Every time I try to run away from this life, he seems to be right there ready to pull me right back in.


  Why does my life hold so much value to others when it holds no value to me?

  "Is he breathing?" Alec glances back at me before focusing his eyes back on the road.

  I look down at Kai, his head resting on my thighs, I not his forehead covered in droplets of water and his parted lips faint in colour. His breath rigid, I can hear him slightly gasping for air.

  My arm aching, I examine it spotting the cut.


  Droplets of blood make a spiral, flowing down my arm. Tracing a droplet, my eyes land on my hand unconsciously still fisted on top of Kai's chest. I bring my fist close to my eyes and open it. A wrinkled piece of paper lays dry on my palm.


  My eyes well up with tears. I rip the piece of paper out of my sight by clasping my fingers over it and turning my head towards the window.

  The man responsible for all of this is right in front of me suffering in agony. I have the ability to kill him right here and make him pay for everything he has done to me, to Alice, to my parents.

  He deserves it Summer.

  I look at him.

  His pale shows no sign of life.

  I'm going to kill him.


  "No, get up! I-I didn't.." mean to kill you, were the words I was looking for, but my lips seal, not being able to say them. I didn't want to kill him, I warned him to stop. He didn't, he said he was going to kill me so I had to fight back.

  "Please get up," I beg shaking his body. My hand covered in his blood, traumatizes me further.

  "Don't you understand you were made for this?" Nick comes in from the door. "He begged you stop in the name of his children, he begged you to give him mercy, but it was like you couldn't hear him. Admit it Summer, you were born to be a killer -"

  "NO! Y-you made - you made me do this," I whimper.

  I killed him.

  "You are blood thirsty Summer, just like me."

  "NO! I'm nothing like you!" Nick paces over to me and before I know it, the back of his hand makes contact with my cheek. I let out a cry of pain as he pulls my hair to lift my head. My bloodshot eyes make contact with his merciless ones.

  "The blood on your hands is there because of your actions. No one told you to fight for your life and once you did, no one told you to kill the man. You did that all by yourself. You might not realize it, but you were made a killer and I will make you realize that no matter how long it takes," he flar
es. He lets go of my hair and walks out of the room.

  My eyes land on the body lying on the floor and I start to sob. Scooting back, I bring my knees up to my chest.

  I killed him.

  His blood is on my hands.

  I'm a killer.

  My mind forcing me to believe I'm a monster, I cry helplessly.


  "We're here," the car comes to a stop, and I gasp when the door opens.

  I pull my hand away from Kai's neck and Cole pulls his body off of me. Once Cole has a nice grip, he carries Kai inside of the house.

  I look at my hands covered in blood and panic.

  I killed him.

  Fuck, I killed him.

  My eyes travel down to the seat next to me covered in blood.

  "Summer, come out," I look at Alec who watches me from the door.

  I take a gasp of air as I break out into a complete sob, "I-I k-i-killed him. A-ha-Alec I-I killed h-him."

  "Summer," he grabs my arm making me look at him.

  "You didn't kill him, he's alive. He's breathing. His heart is beating. He's still alive," Alec slowly words so that my mind can process what he's saying.

  "No, you don't understand. I begged him to wake up, b-but h-he didn't. He's dead," I cry. I turn my head to look at the blood on my hands. Turning too fast, my head spins and white spots make up my vision. Before I know it, darkness takes over.


  "What have you done to her?" I hear a harsh whisper through the open door. I force my eyes open, but they close again with heavy lids. "This wasn't a part of the deal."

  "You gave her up, so I get to decide what to do with her. She is mine," I hear another voice, most likely Nick's.

  I hear a loud bang followed by a grunt.

  "He can never find out about this or else he will kill us both, do you understand? I want them to believe she's dead by the end of all of this."

  I hear footsteps approaching. I lie still, breathing rhythmically. A finger brushes my cheek as its owner removes a strand of my hair away from my face.

  "It was just supposed to be a girl," he sighs.


  My eyes peel open as I jump awake into a sitting position. I look around and I find myself in one of the guest bedrooms at Kai's house.

  It was just a dream.

  His touch – I lift my hand feeling my cheek. The whole dream was so real, it was like this was happening again.

  That voice, it was so familiar.

  I never remembered this moment until now. I wonder who the person was? The other man involved with Nick seemed like I knew him. Maybe I did. It wouldn't be new for someone to turn their back on me. This'll just be the first person whoever did.

  Brushing my hair to one side, I look at the digital clock displaying the time.

  Eleven thirty-six.

  Pulling the sheets off my sweaty-self, I head to the bathroom. Feeling nauseous, I rush over to the toilet and kneel down letting the content in my stomach out. A few minutes later, once I feel better, I flush the toilet and head to the sink where I rinse my mouth using mouthwash.

  Happy with the loss of the vomit taste in my mouth, I take a quick shower before dressing into a change of clothes left in the cupboard.

  I head out of the bathroom towards the main exit of the room. Once I leave the room, I head down to the kitchen.

  As I approach, I start to hear voices.

  "You fucking broke her into shreds!" I recognize that as Alec's voice. "I saw her, okay? She was pale and terrified. It was like she was scared of being alive. How could you do that to her? She works so hard to give you what she promised, yet you treat her like shit."

  "It had to be done," Kai's deep voice responds with no real emotion.

  "You knew he was moving, so why couldn't you just let this one slip? It could've played out all on its own. Why did you have to fucking put your foot out in the door?" I walk in and their eyes make their way to me.

  Kai closes his mouth in realization that no words are being spoken. My eyes curiously roam his appearance. His eyes held up with dark circles, he looks like he has aged a couple of years with the stubble he has growing. He seems paler than before, like he hasn't been out in the sun in a while. But none of his new edits, effect his overall attractiveness. He's still as luring as before. Perhaps even more now that he looks like a complete man.

  Averting my eyes, I ignore their stares heading to the fridge where I pull out a carton of milk. I grab gluten free cereal from one of the cupboards along with a bowl and a spoon. Then mix the cereal in with the milk. I put everything away and take a seat at the end of the table.

  I put a spoonful of cereal in my mouth, and look up meeting Kai's eyes.

  "How are you feeling?" he asks with a slightly caring tone.

  I swallow the content in my mouth and reply, "Let's skip the bullshit, and get to the part where you explain how you got shot trying to save me?"

  "In that case, I think Alec can explain it better than I can. I know just as much as you will," Kai states. Both Kai and I turn our attention towards Alec.

  "I arrived after Kai had already dived into the ocean to save you, but just in time to hear the bullet go off. There was a car parked close by carrying a sniper. I shot at the car the minute I saw it. I got close enough to see Nick," Alec explains.

  "His men attacked me at the gas station, I killed two of them, but August, I think his name was, got away after cutting my arm," my eyes travel down to the stitches now sealing my cut.

  "Mm," Kai gives a slight nod thinking deeply.

  "There's more," Alec continues. "When we got home, we arrived to the news that someone broke into the house. Nothing important, that we're aware of, was taken, but the only room that was strip searched was yours leading us to believe that the person is after you. We also have surveillance footage showing us the intruder and it was none other than Nicholas Black."

  "And?" I question. "What does this mean?"

  "This means that we're on high alert," Kai's the one to say. "This also means that no matter what, you cannot leave our sight. You must be with Cole, Alec or me at all times."

  "Out," I turn my gaze towards Alec. He looks at me as if he missed what I said. "Out, Alec."


  "Now," the side of my fist meets the table and the cutlery loudly clanks in response. Alec looks at Kai for an answer and Kai gives a look of assurance allowing him to leave. Getting up from his seat, Alec spares me one last glance before heading out of the kitchen.

  "Treat me like a fucking human, Kai Black because I am done with your bullshit," I start. I get up from my seat and inch towards Kai as I speak. "I've been torn over and over again by you, physically and mentally, but both times I came out being on your side. The threats of me leaving you might've been empty before, but I promise you, they're not anymore because you have given me no reason to stay. You've ripped everything away from me and I'm not letting my own safety be handled by the men who hurt me the most."

  I stand behind Kai seated firmly on his chair. His head not even rotating to get a glimpse of me. I lower my head so that it lingers next to his earlobe. My lips part and as I breathe in, his toxic scent makes its way inside of me. I close my eyes and take it in. His smell is too strong.

  Clenching my jaw, I open my eyes and remember what I need to say.

  "If Nick's after me, then let him come. I'd love to have the pleasure of slaughtering him like I wish to do to you every second you remain in front of my eyes. I'll make him live only to have him begging me for death. And every time I see him falling, I'll see you and my heartless soul will know what it feels like to feel warmth," I whisper into his ear.

  My right-hand roams down to his shoulder and grips it tightly in anger before I loosen my grip. Everything Kai has done flashes before my eyes, but I convince myself to back away. I let out a breath as Kai moves his chair back. He stands tall and turns around slowly.

  "I'll root for you, Summer," with those few words, he
takes his leave. I watch as his body, covered by baggy sweats and a black hoodie, retreats out the main door.

  Even after he leaves, my eyes remain on the door.

  I'll root for you Summer.

  Did he just give me full permission to kill his brother? Not like I was asking for permission, but did he actually just do that? What happened between them that makes him okay with me murdering his brother?

  "How did that go?" Alec walks in. Pulled out of my thoughts, I look down at the empty chair and heavily sigh as my butt hits the cushion.

  "Should I take that as not so good?" Alec questions further.

  I sit there exhausted and unhappy with the results of my behavior. I wanted Kai to be mad. I wanted him to feel vulnerable hearing that I will leave him, but he didn't. Was he that confident that I wouldn't leave?

  "Well... uh- Lilly's coming to check up on you. I called her when I was waiting outside," Alec notifies.

  "Okay," I dully reply. "Hey?"


  "What's up with him? Kai, I mean."

  "What do you mean?" he takes a seat next to me. His elbows rest on his knees as he waits for me to reply.

  "I was being a bitch and he had no reaction. Did the bullet somehow effect his brain?" My words leave an amused smile on Alec's face.

  He shakes his head and replies, "Let him be, Summer. You judge him when he's being a monster and now you're judging him for being somewhat human."

  "Well if he was somewhat human from the start, I wouldn't be questioning his sudden change of dynamic. But if you're not going to answer my question properly, why don't you tell me why Nick and Kai hate each other in the first place? And don't you dare pull the 'it's not my story to tell' bullshit."

  Alec sits back and sighs heavily.

  "It's a long story Summer. He's been through much like you have, but he wasn't as strong as you. A part of your old-self is still inside you, but Kai- the one he was born as is no longer alive. He's just Kai Black and Nick has much to do with it."

  "So is all of this just revenge to him?"

  "No, of course not Summer. Just like all of us, he's just securing his future," Alec states.

  "Wh-" before I can finish, my eyes land on Lilly entering the kitchen.


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