Play Me

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Play Me Page 34

by Ivy Knight

  "Fuck," I sigh rubbing my face off of the confident illusion I plastered on it.

  As soon as I hear my phone ding, I pull it out and read the message.

  We have eyes on him.

  I look around the area and sigh, relieved that the plan is flowing smoothly so far. Calming my nerves, I head back into the restaurant.

  "Hey, what took you so long?" Dakota asks.

  "The stall ran out of toilet paper," I lie.

  "Ew, I'm sorry," Dakota laughs.

  "Well that must've been awkward," Alec adds.

  "Let's not talk about it," I cringe my face pretending to imagine the scene. "We should go. We're done, right?"

  "Yeah, we should get going. We said we'd be back by ten," Kai acknowledges.


  "I'll go get Luke," I announce standing at the door.

  "Okay, just hurry, I can't wait any longer than five minutes to watch this movie," Alec sighs as he cuddles next to Dakota on one of the leather seats.

  "I will," I say running out and upstairs to Luke's room. Entering his room, I find him cuddled under a warm blanket in his crib.

  His tiny figure sleeping peacefully, I can't help but admire how cute he is.

  "Hey, little guy," I whisper as he stirs awake. "Did you miss us? Because I missed you, little guy. Do you want to watch a movie with us?"

  His lips widen with a smile as I tickle his tummy.

  "Yes you do," I laugh with him. Scooping him up, I hold him in my arms and take him to the theatre.

  "We're here!"

  "Finally! Start the movie," Alec demands.

  "Hey, you can wait a couple more seconds," I say trying to find a spot for us.

  "Come here," Kai pats the spot next to him on the leather seat.

  I nod and make my way over to him. I hand him Luke, so that I can comfortably lie down. Once I'm under the blanket, Alec starts the movie.

  Kai decides to keep Luke on his stomach as we watch.

  The movie is interesting, but I lose focus wondering about all of the things going on. A question lingering in my mind for almost two days now, I decide to get an answer.



  "Why'd you name Luciano, Luciano?" I watch Kai rub Luke's back as he sleeps on his chest.

  "Luciano has part of Lucy's name in it and in Spanish, Luciano means day of light or just light in general. As part of honoring Lucy, I guess the meaning in the name means a lot too," Kai explains.

  "That's really admirable."

  "I guess," Kai chuckles huskily. "Now, shush and watch the movie. I don't want you complaining about not getting any leisure time after this day."


  "Shh, it's okay Luciano, papa's here," I wake to Luke's crying. Forcing my eyes open, I turn on my back and rub my eyes.

  As they adjust to the low lighting, I find Kai in the distance trying to sooth crying Luciano.

  "Hey, do you need help?"

  Caught off guard, Kai clears his throat and whispers, "I didn't mean to wake you."

  "It's okay," I verbalize getting up from the couch. With light footing, I walk past Alec, Dakota and Amelia's sleeping figures.

  In reach, I take Luke from Kai's arms. Slowly, I cradle him humming a sweet melody my father always hummed to me as a child.

  "Wow," Kai chuckles lowly as possible. I watch as he shakes his head in disbelief.


  "You got him to quiet down, so quick," he smiles. I'm astounded.

  He's smiling.

  His eyes drop down looking at Luke almost as if he's content with what he has. In his eyes, displays a light of happiness I've never spotted before. It's like looking at Luke gives him hope.

  "I'm gonna take Luke to his room, I don't want him to disturb them."

  "Okay," Kai agrees.

  "Say good night to papa," I coo. Before I step out of the room, Kai lands a small kiss on Luke's forehead and I hear him whisper something in Spanish.

  As I head out, I stop in my steps doubting my own plan.


  "Yeah?" I find him snuggling under the blanket on the couch.

  "Do you trust me with Luke?"

  "Why wouldn't I?" he retorts.

  "Just asking," I faintly reply. "Thanks."

  His head bobs in response and I take that as my sign to leave. With not even a single sound audible in the house, my light weighted feet seem to echo louder than ever.

  As quick as possible, I head up the stairs into Luciano's room where I lie him down in the crib. Making sure that he is safe under the heat of his fuzzy blanket, I start to pack a bag full of his clothes and food.

  Mentally going through a list of things that I need to pack, I check off everything except for one thing that I have to get from Kai's room.

  Glancing at Luke and checking the time, I note that the surveillance camera's restart in a minute meaning that I'll have a total of twenty minutes to come back to this room.

  After the minute has passed, I waste no time exiting the room and heading into Kai's. Once there, I take Kai's sketch book in hand and rip out a picture of Lucy.

  I head back to Luke's room and neatly fold the paper. I hide it in one of the pockets before strapping the bag over my shoulders.

  Glancing at the clock again, I calculate about seventeen minutes remaining. Stepping closer to Luke's crib, I gently take him in my arms. He moves around at first, but closes his eyes going back to sleep almost immediately.

  I know what I'm doing will get me in so much trouble, but Kai will understand. He knows my intentions aren't to hurt anyone, but to protect Luciano and nothing else.

  As I head out the main doors, I'm relieved to see Alessio standing where he promised he'd be.

  "Is this the little guy?" he questions.

  "Yes, he is," I smile. "This is Luciano White. Do you still have eyes on Nick?"

  "Yeah, he's at a club right now. I know it was hard for you, but it's great to see you got through that," Alessio speaks too highly of my actions.

  "It's okay, I needed to do that for Luke," I say looking down at him.

  I'm going to miss him so much.

  Alessio takes a hold of Luciano and plays with him before one his men takes Luke putting him in his car seat.

  "Are you sure you want to do this, April?"

  "Like I told you, Alessio. Kai kidnapped my brother's baby just to use him as an advantage against him. He's trying to use a child that my brother doesn't even know exists and I feel it's better if it stays that way, for both my brother and the child. And if you're concerned of what Kai will do once he finds out what I've done, you don't have to worry, I'll handle it."

  "I have no doubt that you'll handle it quite well. I just fear that whatever happens from here on, will carry more importance than you can even anticipate or handle."

  "Alessio, I'll be fine. You'll see when I come to Italy to pick up him up."

  "We'll see, but until then, take care," he gives me a tight hug. "And Luke's in good hands."

  "Thank you, Alessio," I say as the window goes up creating a barrier between us. In what feels like seconds, the car comes to life with the roar of the engine and drives away.

  "Lock up and don't let anyone else in without asking," I order the guards before heading into the house.

  Chapter 40 – Kai’s POV

  Feeling my arms strain, I stretch them out. As the cold air hits my bare skin, I quickly bring my arms right under the blanket and turn on my side finding Summer sound asleep.

  It's seven in the morning, yet this girl manages to sleep soundly past our usual time to wake up. I even finished a phone call with some of our business heads. Gosh, I wish I could sleep as soundly as her.

  The last few nights haven't been as great for sleeping as they usually are when I'm sleeping with Summer, but tonight was quite pleasing. Luciano didn't wake up even once after Summer tucked him into bed last night. It's odd. He's one who sleeps during the day and cries during the night, but I guess to
night was different.

  Helplessly, I find myself staring at Summer. I can't believe I told her. No one knows about what Nicholas did to me besides Alec, Cole, Amelia and Dakota.

  I wonder what it was that made me tell her. Everything about her is skeptically intriguing. Her actions merciless and her words emotionless. She heavies her heart with sorrows, but for what?

  Maybe I pulled her into my world, but she's experienced. Enhanced in skills that would take years for a newbie to master.

  February first. If I could, I would obliterate that day to the point where February first wouldn't even be considered a date. Fuck, it's still impossible for to be believe that Lucy is gone. She's actually fucking gone.

  My best friend. My childhood friend killed by the person who she treated as an older brother. If it weren't for her perseverance, Luciano would be dead too. Her ability to fight through everything and not even regret her actions is admirable.

  As far as I can remember, she never even asked for anything in return. She would always just give. And even on her last day on this planet, she gave me Luciano.

  A piece of us.

  My thoughts are interrupted by the ring of my phone, I turn around and pick it up.


  "We have a problem," I recognize the voice to be Kevin's, one of my head mangers for trading.

  "What is it?"

  "The Johnson's are refusing to proceed with the trade tomorrow."

  "Why?" I question. Lying on my back, my eyes shift towards Summer watching her as she starts to wake.

  "They're saying that the FBI knows about the trade and plan on closing it down," Kevin states.

  "Why would they even think that? We've been working on this for such a long time and I arranged everything myself, there's no way the FBI would have intel."

  "That's the thing, they think we're helping the FBI."

  "What? That's nonsense. There's fifty million dollars on the line, Kevin. We need to go through with the deal."

  "Then you need to come down here and talk to them yourself, I've arranged a meeting for ten."

  "Okay, I'll be there," I end the call.

  "Fuck," I sigh heavily. This deal is everything. The Johnson's have a great reputation in the business about only dealing with the best and if they cancel our deal, we'll lose more than just fifty million dollars. I've worked way too hard to let this stupid rumor ruin us.

  "What's wrong?" Summer speaks groggily. I tilt my head to the side. Her eyes still adjusting to the light, she rubs them so that they can focus.

  "There's a problem with one of the deals."

  "Is there a solution?"

  "Most likely, just trying to find it."

  If the rumor about the FBI closing down on the trade tomorrow is true, I'll find out. But the important part is that they think the trade is tomorrow. Now, I just need to convince the Johnson's to move the trade to today. We'll be losing money, but nowhere near the amount we'll lose if the trade doesn't go through at all.

  Ready to freshen up, I pull the blanket off myself and get up.

  "Where are you going?" Summer questions as she shoots up on the chair.

  "I have a meeting in two hours and I need to sort things out," I speak confused. Summer never questions me about where I'm going, she knows better.

  "How long will you be gone for?"

  Again, her words stop me from exiting the room.

  "Probably the whole day, why?" I turn around to give her my full attention.

  "I-" she stutters. Her eyes drop down avoiding to meet mine. "I have to-"

  "Kai, I went into Luciano's room and he's not there," Amelia rushes into the room speaking worriedly.

  "What do you mean he's not there?"

  "He's not there, Kai."

  "He's a week old, he can't even walk. Did anyone else go into the room?" My first instinct is to panic being Luciano's father, but I know better, so I try to keep calm and think rationally.


  "What?" I snap unintentionally when Summer calls my name. "Uh, I didn't mean to-"

  "It's okay, but that's what I want talk to you about."

  "About Luciano?"

  "Yeah," her voice is just a bit higher than a whisper.

  "Amelia, can we have a minute?" Summer gets up from the seat and asks as she makes her way over to me.

  I watch her steadily walk. Her head slightly tilted down, she keeps her eyes in a direction away from me. Amelia leaves the room quietly feeling the tension.

  Summer comes to stop in front of me. Her usual stance consisting of her shoulders and head being held high seem to be lost and replaced with more of a slouch.

  Something's wrong.

  "Summer, look me in the eyes and tell me what you want to say."

  I can already feel the rush inside me wanting to force the words out of her mouth. She's taking too long making me nervous. I hate being nervous, because it's a feeling that rarely comes by anymore. She needs to spit it out.

  "I know Luciano's your son, but for his safety, I sent him away," her voice slow and steady, it shows fear.

  "Summer," I hear my heart beating against the cage it's locked itself in. "Look at me and tell me that you didn't just send my child away without my consent."

  Her head finally lifts up and I see the pain in her eyes. But in this moment, I could care less about her pain.

  "I can't."

  "Who is he with?" I try to keep myself calm, but feel the adrenaline of anger coursing through my veins. My fingers close forming tight fists at my sides.

  Don't lift your hand.

  "I can't tell you."


  "Because the first thing you'll do is check if he's okay, and he is Kai. He's in great hands, but look at it from my point of view. If you know where he is, then Nick has a way of finding out too."

  "He's my son and I have every right to know about his whereabouts," I talk through gritted teeth.

  "You do, but not in this situation. He deserves a chance and this is his best shot. Moreover, I did this for you. So that you can get what you want without worrying about the safety of your son."

  "How do I even know I'll get my son back?"

  Her eyes widen as she processes the words that leave my mouth. I know they're harsh, but they're true. I might've trusted her and maybe I still do, but to what extent?

  "I'm nothing like you, Kai. I would never rip your child away from you."


  "Kai, try to understand what we did," Alec cuts in. Tracking his voice, my head snaps to the entrance.

  "You knew?" shock apparent in my tone.

  "It's best with everything that's going on, especially for him," Alec tries to convince me

  I take a step back and turn around not being able to look at the people standing in the room. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I breathe out and in.

  It's for the best, Kai. Luciano will be okay.

  "Okay," I clear my throat. "Alec, I just got a call from Kevin about the Johnson's refusing to go through with the trade. I need you to talk to everyone involved and tell them that the trade's being moved up a day and to be ready by noon. Summer, Lilly's coming over to give you a checkup and if she thinks you're ready, your training will start today with Amelia and Dakota."


  "No, I'm not talking about this any longer. What's done is done," I stop Summer from continuing. "I have work to do."

  On my way out, I refuse to even look in Alec's direction. I don't hold grudges. I never will, but Alec's actions have hit a spot within me that I thought no one would ever be able to touch.

  Trust is a crazy thing. Even though I don't say that I trust people, I've silently handed it over too many. Maybe that's why they break it. Maybe they're unaware of the pain they're able to cause with just a single action or a phrase.

  Chapter 41

  It's February thirteenth today. A week ago, I told Kai that I sent Luciano away and since then, we haven't seen each other.

  He got busy w
ith the trade which was successfully taken care of and we also found out that the rumours were being created by a Russian mafia. Dakota and Amelia left two days ago to get more information on that. Our theory right now is the Nick has some sort of connections with them because otherwise, we haven't given any reason for them to cause this kind of ruckus.

  The last couple of days have been the same for me. I go to school, do my homework and workout. I catch up with Alec whenever he's home. He's the only one who lets me in on what's happening.

  Cole was supposed to be released from the hospital on the sixth but the doctor said that the brain damage isn't healing as it should. We didn't want to take any risks, so Cole is still in the hospital. He's not critical, but he seems to lose conscious at random points of the day.

  Currently, I'm in English waiting for the teacher to start the lecture. It blows my mind to know that I'm passing all my classes. I do all my homework whenever I can, but the moment I write my tests, my mind erases everything I've learned.

  It's lonely to be at school without anyone to talk to. At the beginning, when I used to have the gang with me, they made sure I couldn't make any friends and now, everyone is afraid to even look at me.

  Alec had given me the choice to not go to school, but I declined. I was suffocating, spending all my time at home and the gym. This way, I get to learn something and just be around other people.

  "Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" regaining my attention, I look at the man to put a face to the voice and I'm left speechless.

  "What are you doing here?" I hiss at August who quietly slips into the chair next to me.

  "Getting an education, of course," he smartly retorts. I bite down on my tongue before I give him the satisfaction of knowing that his presence is aggravating me.

  "What are you doing here?"

  August turns his head looking at me. His green eyes taking in my whole appearance. I don't fidget under his gaze. Instead, I keep my composure and tell myself to not create a scene at school.

  "Are you done?" That seems to pull him out of his thoughts as he clears his throat and pulls out a small box from the inside of jacket.

  "It's an early birthday present from Nick," he says. Caught off guard, I don't know how to reply.


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