Play Me

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Play Me Page 54

by Ivy Knight

  "I don't know what you're talking about," she lies smoothly. Even an expert might have trouble figuring if it were true or not.

  The two files on my lap, I pick them up and lie them down on the table. Slowly, I lean in making sure that no one around us can hear what I'm about to say.

  "In here, are pictures of you from the past numerous weekends fucking different men. All of which are not your husband and if that's not enough, there's also history as far back as your great great great grandmother, but in here," - I point to the other file - "is an opportunity I'm giving you to live your life just the way you want and all you have to do, is make sure that when it's time to play your part, you use these papers and destroy the others."

  Her body stiff, her lips become thin as she grabs her file and flips through it. I watch as her pupils dilate in fear. Sitting back, she throws the file back on the table grabbing the second file.

  "Your father's gonna kill me if he finds these papers instead of the original and they're not even signed!" she argues harshly.

  "No, these are the originals now. Do you understand? And as far as the signature goes, you figure that out. You only need one and it shouldn't be hard considering how much he trusts you."

  "How'd you find out? Xavier said he wasn't gonna tell you about me."

  "He didn't have to. You spent the last three years with your husband tracking my every move for my father, you really think I wouldn't know who you are? You weren't as far ahead of me as you thought."

  I fib. The truth is, I only recently learned about her working my father.

  "Well, I'm sorry I can't help you. Your father and I have worked way too hard to let a fool like you ruin everything," she replies.

  "Nobody is losing anything, Sarah but if you're still persistent on not helping, I'll make known that you don't have any kids, but I know your sister in New Jersey does. She has three, doesn't she? Caroline, Michael and Katya? And what about your brother in Florida? Didn't his wife just give birth to a pair of girls two weeks ago? It'd really be a shame to see something happen to any of them."

  I wait for her to reply, but with her glare and thin lips, I know she has nothing to say.

  "What's wrong? You have nothing to say?"

  "It'll be done," she speaks forcefully.

  "I know it will be and until then, my people will be around everyone you love twenty-four seven waiting for a green light from me. Try to do anything or tell my father about what I'm doing, their blood will be on your hands. I also have no room for mistakes, if anything goes wrong, then you know the consequences. Is there anything you need me to clear out?"

  "No," she replies with gritted teeth.

  "Good, and when my father calls, tell him I was talking about the wedding and how nervous I am about it. Now, enjoy your coffee," I comment as I get up and leave.

  I walk down a few blocks before I stop in an alley and lean on the building taking a deep breath. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I mentally tick this task off my to do list.

  Then, I pull out my phone and call Kai.

  "Hey," I'm the first to say. "I need a ride home."

  "Summer," he sighs heavily. "You know you can call the driver for that."

  "I do, but I called you."

  "I'll tell the driver-"

  "No, I need you to pick me up. That day, we told each other that we'd be okay once it ended, that we wouldn't be cold, but it's been three weeks since then, and that's all we've done. Please Kai, I'm just asking you to put down your work for half an hour and give me a ride home."

  "Okay," he gives in after taking his time to contemplate.

  "I'm at the corner of Leo's street."

  "Okay," he says ending the call.

  I wait for about twenty minutes before his car pulls up and I climb in.

  A few silent minutes later, I ask, "So? Are you not gonna say anything? Are you not gonna ask if I'm okay?"

  "You're alive, aren't you?"

  "Is that what you'll say if Nick ever took me? It's alright, because I'll be alive, right?"


  "What?" I speak angrily.

  "I'm sorry."

  "Good, you should be. Have you found him yet?"


  "Well, it's hard to find a man who doesn't want to be found, isn't it?"

  "We're close."


  "Then what else do you want me to say? That all the time I've spent on trying to find Nick was useless? That I have no fucking clue where he is or what he's up to?"

  "Yeah, maybe if you admit that, then you'll realize that you're approaching this wrong. Maybe you should try another way to find him."

  "At least I'm trying to do something and not worried about my own shit twenty-four seven," Kai retorts.

  "The wedding is a business deal. How many fucking times do I have to tell you?" I groan loudly.

  "Yeah, fucking him must've been part of the deal too, right?"

  "Pull over, Kai."


  "Pull over!"


  "Pull over!"

  "Fine," Kai groans, pulling over.

  I climb out of the car and start walking into a children's waterpark full of people.

  "Can we ever have a car ride where you don't ask me to pull over?"


  "Summer, come on. Stop."

  "No," I reply walking further away.

  "Summer," he grabs my elbow pulling me to a stop and turning me around. "Can you stop acting like a kid?"

  "After you stop making me feel like it's my fault that we can't be together. Maybe it is, but you can't tell me that I didn't offer you to run away with me. We could've left, you chose not to. Okay? You chose this, so live with it."

  "Summer," Kai sighs heavily. His hand runs through his disheveled hair and he looks around trying understand his own feelings. "I know, okay? I know. But I just thought it'd be easier if I stayed away from you and it's not. It's fucking torture. I know I'll learn to stay away from you and not feel all of this pain, and so will you."

  "I'm not going to learn anything until it's necessary," I protest. "You have the right to be cold, just not with me. Not until I'm officially someone else's."

  "Fine, okay? We'll talk."

  "Okay, good. We better."

  "Now, can we get back to the car?"

  "Yeah, right after I play in the park."

  "What?" Kai groans and I run under one of the sprinklers soaking myself. "Summer, come on, we have to go."

  "You have to catch me."

  "Just come," he pleads. I cup my hands catching water in them and throw it towards Kai but he dodges.

  "Whoa, Summer!" As he yells, a couple of kids sneak up behind him and ask me for permission. I secretly give them a small nod of approval.

  Almost right then, using their water guns, they spray Kai from the behind and Kai turns around startled.

  "Oh, no you don't!" Kai yells as he walks towards one of the in-ground hoses. He turns the nozzle pointing at the kids. Protecting themselves, the kids let out various screams before scattering into different directions making it difficult for Kai to get everyone. "What are you laughing at?"

  "Oh f-fudge cakes!" Kai points the nozzle at me soaking me in fricken ice cold water. I run away far enough for the water not to reach me.

  "Fudge cakes? Really, Summer?"

  "There's kids around. What do you expect?" I argue.

  Kai walks away from the water gun and slowly creeps towards me.

  "Kai, you won't catch me."

  "Just run," his eyes dark with devilish intent, I take his advice and run.

  Dodging kids, toddlers and their parents, I run through the waterpark leaving behind a trail of laughter.

  Running around, I almost slip on what I think is a kid's flip flop, but Kai's arms wrap around me catching me in a bear hug. We both almost fall, but he's strong enough to hold both of us up and steady.

  "Okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry! Just let me go," I beg.
  "Yeah, no chance," he says. He lets go of me for a mere second just so that he could bow down and grab me bridal style.

  "Let me go Kai, the kids are staring."

  "Let them," a mischievous smirk displays on his face. His eyes light, they glisten in the sunlight.

  "I'll pay you a hundred bucks," I bargain.

  "These shoes are a thousand dollars and there's no way in hell I'm chasing you through the park again, I'm soaking wet right now."

  "Shouldn't it be the other way around?" I question, innocently.

  "Really, Summer? We're surrounded by a bunch of kids," he shakes his head disappointed.

  "Relax, I was joking," I laugh.

  When he reaches the car, he lets me down in front of the passenger’s side.

  I look up at him and I notice him smiling. His body stood in front of me, I know he's trying to imprint an image of me in his mind.

  Heat rushes to my face and I know I must be blushing. Nervously, I look down.


  "Mommy, what's that?" I hear a kid ask loudly behind me causing me to turn around.

  "Scott, you don't say that. That's rude," his mom scolds him.


  "Scott," his mom gives him a stern look before getting up. "I'm sorry about my son, he gets carried away sometimes."

  "It's alright, he's learning."

  "Ma'am, do you mind if I talk to him?" Kai comes from behind me.

  "Uh- sure," the woman answers.

  We both watch as Kai squats down to Scott's level.

  "Scott, have you ever been hurt before?" Kai asks. I really don't know where he's going with this, but I watch carefully.

  "I have."

  "Me too. We all get hurt, right?" Scott nods answering Kai's question. "But sometimes, some people get hurt worse than others and it leaves a scar. The truth is, it's not always pretty. But I'll let you in on a secret, man to man. You can't tell anyone else, alright?"

  "Okay," Scott seems excited.

  "When you get older and the girl you like has scars, and she will because everyone does, your job will be to ask her where she got them from. You know why?"


  "Because if she tells you, then that means that she trusts and or loves you. Those stories will stick in your mind forever. No matter how unrealistic, foolish or dramatic they might sound, they will stick in your mind and that day, you'll see those scars not as ugly, but as something better, because those are a part of her and have made her, in one way or another, into who she is. So to you, her scars – " Kai looks back at me then at Scott – "don't look so nice, but to me, they're a reason why I love her. Remember this the next time you see someone with scars, they're that person's story. It's a part of who they are and we should make them feel proud of them instead of making them feel bad, because not everyone is proud of them, okay?"

  "Okay, I'll remember that," Scott smiles.

  "You promise?"

  "I promise," Scott says as his pinkie wraps around Kai's.

  "That's a good boy," Kai says as he gets up patting Scott's back.

  "Thank you, you've got a good one," the mom thanks Kai then indicates the last part towards me.

  "Thank you," I reply as she leaves.

  "Are you crying?" Kai questions teasingly.

  "What? No?" I turn around and wipe my eyes. "I'm wet."

  "Oh, I know you are."

  "Oh, just shut up and get in the car," I laugh.

  "Whatever you say," Kai chuckles. "You're lucky he didn't ask about your bra. Neon orange suits you."

  "We both know it looks better off," I tease.

  "Don't tempt me," Kai warns.

  "Okay," I speak with an annoying preppy voice making Kai's face drop for second before we both start laughing.

  Note to self: don't go to waterparks wearing a white shirt.

  Chapter 60

  My hair in a braided bun with loose strands framing my face, it's visible through only the veil. I'm not use to it, but light makeup covers every blemish on my face and heightens any natural details as well.

  Looking at myself through the mirror, my hands feel the textured design on the white dress kissing my every curve. The dress is simply beautifully and it's one that I can't help but admire on myself.

  White never looked so good on me.

  To most, white is a symbolism of purity, innocence, heaven etc... but to me, white is only a colour to be molded. It's a colour that can be stained easily and changed into something new in seconds.

  It's untrustworthy and it's what I live by even today.

  White, should never be trusted.


  I turn around to Kai's voice and watch as he steps in. Dressed in a fine black suit with a white shirt underneath, the suit fits every structure of his body perfectly.

  My eyes slowly rise up, eventually meeting his and I watch his grey irises dilate.

  He's shutting himself out right now. He's in pain thinking about what's about to happen and he has every right to be.

  His words can lie to me, but his eyes can't.

  Breathing out, I pick up my dress and walk over to him. For a couple of minutes, Kai and I just stand there in utter silence staring at each other as if it's the last time we'll ever be seeing each other and maybe, it is.

  Maybe, we’ll see each other again, but it won't be the same. Feelings will fade and emotions will change.

  So, it is the last time we'll be seeing each other as a whole.

  "I have a present for you," I speak breaking the silence. In response, Kai's forehead creases in confusion.

  "But it's your wedding."

  "And I don't know what will happen after today, so I just wanna give you something you'll remember."

  "Okay, but first, I have something for you."

  His hand reaches inside of his coat, pulling out a rectangular box. He hands it over to me and I take it, opening up the purple ribbon. Lifting the lid, my heart skips a beat.

  "My necklace," I breathe feeling my eyes starting to water.

  "I found this in the basement after Nick thought you died and I kept it as a reminder for myself ever since. I wanted to give it you sooner, but I needed the perfect moment."

  "Thank you so much," I smile as I hug Kai tightly.

  "You're welcome," he breathes. His arms wrapped around me, I feel him taking this moment in completely.

  Stepping back, I take the necklace out of the box, and ask Kai to tie it around my wrist, because I want it somewhere I could see it.

  Somewhere I could read the word 'hope' and remember that my mom will always be with me and that there'll always be hope.

  "Now, my turn," I smile. I walk over to the vanity and pick up my phone texting Elenora to send Luciano in.


  "No," Kai closes his eyes and takes in his son's voice. He turns around slowly and stands still as he watches his son crawl in from the door.

  Eagerly, Kai walks over to Luciano and picks him up from the ground.

  "Hello! I missed you so much," Kai uses his sweetest voice before kissing his son on the forehead.

  "Da-da!" Luciano claps smiling in return.

  "Hey, sorry, I just wanted to let you know everyone's ready. Ceremony's starting in five," Amelia pops her head in.

  "Okay, we just need another minute," I let her know.

  "Okay," Amelia bobs her head before closing the door.

  "He's yours Kai. I should've never taken him from you and I'm sorry for that."

  "I love you, Summer."

  "Kai, don't."

  "I know Summer, but I need you to know I fucking love you and I know for a fact, Alessio will treat you the way you should've been treated from the day you were born."

  "I love you, Kai. You. Alessio will treat me like a queen, but no one will make feel the way you do," I tilt my head upwards drying my eyes.

  Once they're dry, I look at Kai.

  "Here's the number to his nanny, you can call her after the wedding and pick
him up from her. I'm sure you don't want everyone knowing about him yet."

  "Mm-hm," he says. Kissing Luciano on the forehead once more, Kai hands him over to me.

  "Okay, it's time," Amelia says walking in. "Kai, get out."

  "I'm going," Kai defends walking out. Before he leaves, we share one last look and the second he leaves, my heart skips a beat and my lips drop.

  "My baby, how are you ?" Amelia takes Luciano from me.

  "Your father's waiting outside."

  "Okay," I smile at her before heading out.


  "Father," we both greet each other before I hook my arm into his.

  "He's here."

  "Are you sure?" I question.

  "Positive," my father responds.

  "Okay, then."

  "I love you, you're brave for doing this and your mom would be proud."

  "I love you too, pater."

  "Don't let this be the last time I hear you say that."

  "I'll try my best," I whisper before we walk through the church doors and having everyone's attention fall upon us.

  Walking me to the end of the aisle, father helps me up the steps until I'm stood right across from Alessio.

  The look in Alessio's eyes is warm, but it's not enough to rid the fear in me.


  Before the pastor can continue, the church doors open making all heads turn.

  In his full presence, stands Nicholas Black with his men behind him. Without a second delay, everyone in the church pulls their weapons out all aiming at Nick, but that doesn't seem to faze him one bit.

  Nick's hand lifts signaling and the security's direction of hit changes pointing their weapons at everyone in the church. Despite being at a disadvantage, no one in the church lowers their weapons.

  "I must say, you all are quite foolish risking your lives, but this isn't all I have," Nick announces. He whispers something into August's ear it’s who leaves and comes back with Elenora carrying Luciano.

  The second they come in view, Alessio becomes tense and is about to take a step down when I hold onto his arm stopping him. I look at him and warn him not to advance. His face hard, he pulls his arm away from my touch complying.

  "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Alessio Tieri's baby momma and their son."


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