Cora Flash and the Diamond of Madagascar (A Cora Flash Children's Mystery, Book 1)

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Cora Flash and the Diamond of Madagascar (A Cora Flash Children's Mystery, Book 1) Page 1


  Cora Flash and the Diamond of Madagascar

  By Tommy Davey

  Copyright © 2012 by Thomas Brown

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.


  "May I see your ticket, please?" asked the attendant.

  I pulled the train ticket out of my travel bag and handed it to the attendant. He checked it carefully.

  "Cora Flash. You're traveling alone?" he asked.

  "Yes," I replied. "I am."

  Not only was I traveling alone; I was traveling for the first time. Ever! I had never been on a train, a plane, or even a boat before, so I was excited at the prospect of finally being able to explore a different part of the world. Well, a different part of the country, anyway.

  "Have you ever been on a train before?"

  "Just the subway," I said. "I’ve never been on a train trip; this is my first time."

  "Well, I hope you enjoy it. My name is Willy. If you need anything, just let me know. I'm always around somewhere."

  I thanked him as he turned to the person across the aisle and continued checking tickets.

  There was no one in the seat next to me, and I could not have felt luckier. I had two chairs all to myself. I placed my bag in the empty spot, making it easier to take out my books, MP3 player, and the bag of candies my mom had secretly stashed away. That was a nice surprise.

  The train was not as full as I was expecting, and there were far more empty seats than people. I wondered if we would pick up a lot of passengers on our only stop along the way, Pecan River. The excitement of travel by rail to visit my uncle was thrilling me to pieces. I had always loved mysteries on trains in movies, like The Lady Vanishes and Strangers on a Train. Now I grant you, most eleven-year-old girls don't care much for old black-and-white movies, but my Uncle André, the one I was traveling to visit, had introduced me to them. Naturally, I thought it only fitting to take the train to visit him.

  My mother, however, was not excited about my taking the train. "It's a two-day trip, Cora!" she exclaimed.

  I eventually convinced her after reminding her she would be able to talk to me any time she wanted on her cell phone. Reluctantly, she agreed and the tickets were booked. Now I had to find a way to keep myself occupied and amused for the two-day trip to the mountains.

  The train left early in the morning, and was expected to arrive by dinnertime the next day. Uncle André promised we would go to a restaurant as soon as I arrived, since the food on the trip was bound to be, as he called it, “atrocious”.

  I could not wait to explore the train, but I wondered if it was a good idea to leave my belongings on the seat while I walked around. There weren't many people in the car with me, but they were all strangers, so I was cautious. I decided to wait until we started moving, so I could just leave my things in my seat since everyone would be settled elsewhere.

  I pulled out my bag of sweets, which must have weighed five pounds, and started to dig through it. There were candies of every colour, shape, and flavour. There were jellybeans, jawbreakers, gumballs, sour keys, and so many more that I had never seen before. Well, I thought, I'll just have to figure out what they are by tasting them one-by-one!

  Just as I took my first mouthful, an announcement came over the loud speaker. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard train one fifty-two to Topaz Mountain," said the man. It sounded like Willy, the attendant. "We will be leaving in just a moment; we are waiting for one last passenger, who has just arrived at the station. We won't be much longer. Thank you for your patience."

  I looked out the window at the station and could see my mother standing beside a lamppost, straining to peer through the train's tinted windows. I waved, but she did not wave back. I knew she would be stressed at not watching me as the train pulled out, so I grabbed my cell and called her number.

  "Hello? Cora?" she said.

  "Hi, Mom," I replied.

  "Where are you? I can't see you!"

  "That's funny," I said. "I can see you!" I could not help but laugh as she looked from side-to-side, squinting to catch a glimpse of me through the train windows.

  "Oh," Mom said in exhaustion. "I can't see you at all. How are you? Did you get a seat? Did you talk to the attendant?"

  "Yes," I replied. "I'm fine. I got a seat, and Willy—that's the attendant—is a very nice guy. He said he would help me with whatever I need."

  "Oh, good. I was going to jump on the train myself, but I was scared it would leave with me on it! And with Ethan at Mrs. Trumble's house, I didn't want to take the chance."

  Ethan, my four-year-old brother, was not allowed to come on the trip as Mom didn't think it would be right for him to travel so far without her. He was staying with his frequent babysitter, our next-door neighbour, Mrs. Trumble, while my mother saw me off.

  Just as the train whistled loudly and the engine began to rev up, a funny little man clutching a silver briefcase to his chest pushed through the crowd.

  "Oh!" he cried. "Excuse me! Excuse me, please! I must get on that train!"

  He shoved his way to the steps of the train just as it was starting to pull away from the station.

  "You made it," said Willy as the man climbed on board. "Just in time."

  "Yes," he snipped in a sarcastic tone. "I can see that."

  The man, still clutching his briefcase, made his way down the aisle. He was quite short, maybe even only one foot taller than me, and was wearing a long grey wool coat with a red scarf. He had a strange round hat on, a kind I had never seen before. His tiny, thin moustache was barely visible; it appeared as though it might slip right off his face.

  "Excuse me," he said to Willy. "I have a private compartment. Where are those?"

  "Right you are, Mr. Sloane," said Willy, checking Mr. Sloane's ticket. "They’re in the next car. Just keep walking through that door and you'll see the compartments. They're all numbered, just check your ticket."

  "Thank you," Mr. Sloane called as he whisked through the door to the other car.

  "Cora? Cora, are you still there?"

  With the commotion caused by Mr. Sloane, I had almost forgotten I was still on the phone with my mother. "Oh, Mom! I'm sorry. I forgot you were there!"

  I turned to gaze out the window, barely able to see her as the train sped out of the station.

  "I'm going to leave; I have to pick up Ethan, but listen," she continued, "be careful! You know how much I worry about you. Keep your phone with you at all times and stay close to the attendant. Call as soon as you get to Topaz Mountain."

  "I will, don't worry," I responded, knowing full well that she would worry no matter what I said.

  "Okay, Cora, have a safe trip. I love you."

  "I love you, too, Mom. Bye!"

  I hung up and placed the phone in the carrying case I had been given for the trip. I hung the case around my neck and leaned back in my seat, looking out the window as the train moved faster and faster.


  "You know, my little dog seems quite taken with you," said a woman.

  "Pardon me?" I asked, slightly startled.

  "My dog, Calvin. He seems to like you."

  The voice came from an older lady, sitt
ing across the aisle. She had a kind face, like the women I would see at the bake sale after church. In her lap was a tiny dog.

  "Oh, I didn't see him."

  The lady laughed. "Yes, he's quite discreet, isn't he? He has been looking at you for a while. You must be a dog person."

  "Well, I suppose so. We don't have one yet, but I'm trying to convince my mom to let us."

  "Calvin is almost six years old, he's been with me since he was just a puppy. I don't go anywhere without him, even the train. What's your name?"

  "Cora. Cora Flash."

  "I'm very pleased to meet you, Cora. I'm Josephine Bronwyn."

  "Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Bronwyn. What kind of dog is Calvin?"

  "He's a Norfolk Terrier," answered Mrs. Bronwyn.

  "Well Calvin is very handsome. Do you live in Topaz Mountain?"

  "No, I'm visiting my sister, Margaret. She moved out to the mountains nearly forty years ago when she met her husband. He has passed on, but she loves it so much there that she decided to stay. We take turns visiting each other, and now it's my turn. And you? Are you visiting family?"

  "Yes," I said. "My Uncle André lives there. He and my mother grew up there, but she moved away a long time ago. I'm going to visit him for a week."

  "Are you by your self?"

  "Yes, I am. It's my first time traveling alone."

  "Well," said Mrs. Bronwyn, "I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm sitting right here, so don't hesitate to ask, should you need anything."

  "Thank you. That's very nice of you." I smiled at Mrs. Bronwyn and gave a friendly pat on the head to Calvin. He returned the favour with a tiny yelp and a few tender licks to my hand.

  "You see? I told you he likes you!"

  Since everyone seemed to be settled, I decided it was a good time to start exploring the train. I asked Mrs. Bronwyn if she would be kind enough to watch my things as I looked around.

  "Of course!" was Mrs. Bronwyn's response. "Just don't get into any trouble!" She flashed me a smile.

  I decided to go in the direction of Mr. Sloane. As I walked down the aisle of the car, I counted only five other people. Two looked like they were on their honeymoon; they were smiling a lot and holding hands. Another man sat by himself, and looked upset about something. He was fidgety, and kept taking his glasses on and off, desperately trying to clean one of the lenses with the sleeve of his coat. The fourth person was a girl who I guessed to be in her twenties. She looked like a college student who was probably on her way home now that school was out. She smiled and whispered, “Hello,” as I passed. Sitting near the sliding door that led to the compartments car was a large man with dark glasses.

  I nodded politely at the large man, and he returned the gesture before closing his eyes. He probably needed a nap.

  After turning the large handle of the door, I slid it open and passed through to the next car. It looked different from the car I was just in. Instead of a lot of seats, there was a hallway on the left side of the car with a series of doors leading to the compartments.

  I realized this was where Mr. Sloane, with the silver briefcase, long grey coat, and red scarf, had gone. I continued down the compartment car, curious to see what awaited me in the next car. Just as I was nearly there, one of the doors opened.

  "Oh!" said Mr. Sloane as he stopped short of going into the hall. "You startled me!"

  "I'm sorry, sir," I said. "I'm just exploring the train. I'll get out of your way."

  Then I walked past him and toward the sliding door to the next car.

  "Well, th-thank you," the man stuttered, still a little flustered. "That's very nice of you."

  As I opened the sliding door, I noted Mr. Sloane was going in the same direction. I couldn't help noticing he was still clutching the silver briefcase he had held on the way in, but he was no longer wearing his wool coat and red scarf.

  Wow, I thought. He really is short!

  Mr. Sloane and I made our way into the next car, which was obviously the dining car. Tables and chairs were placed on either side of the room, some set for two and others for four.

  "Hello, Cora.”

  I turned to see the attendant, Willy.

  "Hi, Willy!" I replied. "I think I would like to sit and have something to drink."

  "Of course," he said. "Sit anywhere you like. I'll bring you something nice and sweet."

  "Great!" I replied, and then I moved through the car to find a seat.

  "Sir," Willy said to Mr. Sloane. "You may also sit anywhere you like."

  "Thank you," Mr. Sloane said. "I'll just have a coffee. Black, please."

  Mr. Sloane took a seat two tables away from where I sat. He carefully set the briefcase down on the table in front of him, staring at it like it was going to start talking.

  I turned away from Mr. Sloane and gazed out the window, watching houses and businesses pass by as we made our way out of the city. Soon, the houses were further and further apart, with more and more farmland and dirt roads appearing. This was the area my mother referred to as "the country". I had only been in the country once before, to visit my mother's Aunt Lilian, who ran a small dairy farm.

  Soon Willy returned carrying a tray with Mr. Sloane's coffee, and something special for me. "This," he said, handing me the drink, "is a root beer float. I used to love making them at home when I was your age, so I thought it would be a nice treat for you."

  The drink looked brown and milky, a strange concoction indeed. "I don't think I’ve ever had one of these before," I said, unsure if I even wanted to taste it. "What's in it?"

  "Root beer, of course, and Vanilla ice cream. Try it, you'll like it."

  I took a large sip through the bendy straw and found it to be delightfully sweet and cool, exactly what I wanted. "It's delicious!" I exclaimed. "I love it!"

  "Good," he said with a chuckle. "I'm so pleased to hear you like it."

  Willy then stepped over to Mr. Sloane to deliver his coffee while I continued to savour my new favourite beverage.

  "Sir," Willy said to Mr. Sloane, "do you want me to store your briefcase for you?"

  "No!" snapped the man with such force that both Willy and I were startled. "No, do not touch my briefcase. This is not to be touched by anyone." And with that, he pulled his briefcase closer, taking it off the table and placing it on his lap.

  "My apologies, sir," said Willy, placing the coffee on the empty table. "I didn't mean to upset you."

  "Thank you; that will be all."

  I turned back to my drink, still alarmed at the tone in the man's voice. Whatever he has in that case must be very valuable.


  After I finished my drink in the dining car, I decided to continue exploring the train. I opened the sliding door at the end of the car and found myself in the rear of the train, in the lounge car. It was a comfortable looking room, with plush chairs and sofas, many windows, even a few on the ceiling, and an abundance of reading material, which thrilled me to pieces.

  "I'm going to love this room!" I exclaimed. I collapsed on the sofa and gazed out the window on the ceiling. I could see the sky above, which was still blue, but had hints of orange from the sun that had just begun to set.

  Lying on the table in front of me was a pile of magazines and books. I noticed right away the yellow-framed covers of the many copies of National Geographic, my favourite magazine. I saw issues that were several years old, some even from before I was born. Some from before my mother was born! I knew right away that there were going to be many new things to learn about on this trip.

  Just as I reached for a magazine, I heard the door of the car open and the sound of muffled voices.

  "Oh, hello," a woman said. It was the woman who I guessed to be on her honeymoon. Right behind her was the man I supposed was her husband. "This sure is a beautiful room, isn't it?"

  "Why, yes, it is," I replied. "My name is Cora Flash."

  "Hello, Cora," the woman said. "My name is Sheila. This is my boyfriend, Ted."

d!" he exclaimed. "How about husband? We're on our honeymoon. I guess Sheila isn't quite used to introducing me as her husband yet!"

  "I guess not," I said.

  "I'm so embarrassed," she said.

  "Don't worry," consoled Ted. "You'll have lots of practice!"

  Sheila and Ted came into the train car and sat down in two of the comfortable armchairs that faced the sofa on which I was sitting.

  "So I was right. You are on your honeymoon!" I beamed triumphantly.

  "Yes, we are," answered Sheila. "We have always loved the mountains. We met on a ski trip, and so we figured, what better place to go than to Topaz Mountain?"

  "I hear it's absolutely beautiful," he added.

  "Yes, I hear it is. I’ve never been either. I'm going to visit my uncle for the first time."

  "That's nice," Sheila said.

  The three of us sat and talked pleasantly for quite some time, during which time I learned Sheila worked as an event coordinator for a large (and rather expensive) hotel downtown. Ted, on the other hand, was a self-employed appraiser for real estate. At the time, I wasn't sure what that meant, but made a mental note to look it up on the Internet as soon as I got to my uncle's house.

  I told them about my younger brother, Ethan, and how he was too young to travel to the mountains with me this time. "Maybe next time," I said.

  Just at that moment, the sliding door from the dining car opened with a loud crash, and in came Mrs. Bronwyn, led by Calvin. "My goodness!" she exclaimed. "I'm sorry to make such a racket; the door was a little bit stuck."

  Calvin ran right over to me and jumped into my lap.

  "You see, my dear! I told you he was quite fond of you!"

  "Yes, he is!" I laughed as the tiny dog lapped at my cheek.

  "Hello, there," Mrs. Bronwyn said to Sheila and Ted. "My name is Josephine Bronwyn. This is my dog, Calvin."

  "Hello," Ted said. "I'm Ted Houseman, and this is my wife, Sheila."

  "Pleased to meet you," Sheila said.

  "They're on their honeymoon," I offered.

  "Oh, my!" chirped Mrs. Bronwyn. "That is terribly exciting, isn't it? Congratulations!"


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