Knight of Wands (A Steampunk Fantasy Adventure Novel) (Devices of War Book 2)

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Knight of Wands (A Steampunk Fantasy Adventure Novel) (Devices of War Book 2) Page 5

by SM Blooding

  “Then what do you hope to accomplish in one night?”

  Her gaze latched onto mine. “To gain your trust.”

  “You will never have that.”

  She huffed. “Then what do you want?”

  “To leave.”

  Her chin rose, her gaze flicking down before rising again.

  I wasn’t falling for her act. “There is nothing you can offer me that I would want.”

  “What about peace?”

  She’d never give it. She wanted war more than anything.

  She laid her hand on my arm and leaned in. “I will give you one night to talk me into wanting it.”

  “This is a trap,” I said softly, my words falling against her cheek. “You will never accept peace.”

  She slid me a look from the corner of her eye, a slow slither of a smile on her lips. “That depends on how good you are at persuasion.”

  I was many things, but good in this arena? No.

  She stepped away, a sultry sway to her hips as she walked toward the door. “Your choice. Choose to leave and I shall kill you, or . . . ” She stopped, her diamond claw tracing patterns on her heaving chest.

  I fought my body’s response. I was not going to be ruled by it.

  Her smile grew in confidence. “It’s just one night, Synn.”

  Instant death or a single night of . . . Nix?

  She nodded and turned. “I will expect you in my room by the time Kala sets. I trust you remember your way.”

  Carilyn raised an eyebrow watched the queen’s exit. “Well, that was interesting.” She met Dyna’s gaze and her grin grew wide. “Wasn’t it?”



  It took everything I had to walk across the city from the House of Swords to the House of Wands. I hated this game. It was the only one Nix played with me.

  To ensure I was allowed to actually leave afterward, Carilyn and a small retinue of Swords went with me.

  “So what’s the big deal anyway?” Carilyn asked as we walked across an empty courtyard. “Just bed the sky-felled woman and be done with her.”

  I raised an eyebrow and shook my head. The last time I’d almost bedded her, she’d bound my soul to hers. Being on her leash endangered the lives of my friends and family. “No.”

  Sang had set and Kala hid behind the buildings of the city. However, the orange sun still had enough life to prevent the stars or the asteroid field from showing. The smell of a storm filled the heavy, warm air. This would be a great night to be in the sky.

  The House of Wands came into view. It looked similar to the House of Swords, except for the banners, streamers and flags. These were black with a circle of fire rising within it.

  The guards at the large, double doors stopped us. “He’s allowed. Swords are not.”

  “Then we’re leaving,” Carilyn said, taking my arm.

  The doors opened and an older man in the long, black coat of a knight stood tall. Scar tissue replaced his once-black hair. One side of his face was covered in a burn scar. His dark eyes blazed.

  I’d done that to him, trying to free myself and save Egolda City. “Varik.”

  He clasped his black-gloved hands behind his back, his boot heels snapping together. “If you think we are incapable of handling a few Swords,” he said like it left a nasty taste in his mouth, “then I recommend you find your replacement.”

  The two guards shifted.

  “Synn.” The look Varik gave me said I could have been a grease spot on his favorite shirt.

  I took in a deep breath.

  He smiled with half his mouth.

  I cringed inwardly as guilt tugged at me. He’d been trying to kill me. I’d defended myself. It didn’t matter, though. I’d used my Mark, my much more powerful Mark.

  “Your queen awaits.”

  “She’s not my queen.” I walked up the stairs and through the main door.

  “We’ll soon see, won’t we?” Varik sneered and turned. His long coat shifted in the movement as he led the way.

  The ornate doors to Nix’s room were closed, two Wands standing guard. I stared at the wood, my feet refusing to budge an inch closer. All I wanted to do was to run the other way.

  But were the lives of everyone worth that? She wouldn’t stop at my Family. She would destroy anyone who even thought of harboring me, and their entire city. She’d done it in the past.

  Varik rolled his eyes and scoffed at me as he opened the door. “My queen, your pet has returned home.”

  Carilyn put her hand on my arm, shoving herself into my space. She glanced over her shoulder. “You just give the word and we’re out of here.”

  I knew I couldn’t afford to run, no matter how badly I wanted to. Every solution Nix offered provided more negative consequences than positive ones. I pushed my shoulders back and entered the room.

  Nix turned at the window. The large asteroid, Festos, half-way up the horizon, shot orange highlights off her dark hair that ran down her back in heavy waves. She looked younger, freer.

  What was I even doing here? There was no way I could talk her into peace.

  She flicked her hand at Varik, an obvious dismissal.

  I didn’t think my heart could race any faster as I watched him leave.

  Her gaze caught on something behind me before she focused on me again. “An intelligence officer, I see.”

  I had no idea what answer she was looking for, so I provided none.

  “We have our own intelligence.” Her expression opened as she lowered her gaze, walking toward me with sultry intent, her steps quiet on the cool tile. “I can offer you several, if that is your wish.”

  “My wish is to leave,” I ground out. “As you know.”

  “Why?” She stared at my chest as though she could see my Mark.

  “What do you hope is going to happen here, Nix?” I asked, my lips flat.

  She closed the gap between us, a sultry expression on her face. She’d removed her crown, but not her single claw. She traced the Mark under my shirt and vest.

  I gritted my teeth and stood my ground.

  “I just want you back, Primus.”

  Revulsion and desire warred inside me. My lip curled as I pushed her hand away. “My name is El’Asim.”

  “If you want the knighthood and your peace, you will accept my name.”

  I was El’Asim. How could I betray my family by taking her name? She was my enemy. I clenched my jaw.

  She stared at me in open curiosity. “How did you break my bond?”

  I hadn’t. Aiyanna might have helped, but I still fought the queen’s control.

  Nix’s heavily kohled eyes narrowed. “You are mine, Synn Primus.”

  I relaxed my fists. “No, Nix. I’m not.”

  She pulled away and walked toward the low table laden with food. “We should eat.”

  I followed, sinking onto the soft red and gold cushions, but didn’t reach for the food. My belly rumbled, reminding me I hadn’t eaten a proper breakfast, and had only snacked through the mid-day meal.

  She sniffed at me, and pulled some of the meat off the plate, along with some of the garnish greens. I was pretty sure it was a type of red seaweed. How it was green, I didn’t know. “My sister drugged you.”

  “She took a page out of your book.”

  “She is very devious.”

  “So unlike you.”

  She took her chopsticks and ate pieces of the dark meat. “It would appear you are of a mind to ensure I do not forget all the wrongs I have done you.”

  “Or to the people you were supposed to protect.” Visions of the lethara writhing in pain, his mangled tentacles flailing in the air as he fought to protect the people who lived within him flooded my mind. My stomach churned. “Egolda City was under the protection of the Hands, and you destroyed it.”

  Anger flashed across her face, but quickly cooled as she opened her mouth and closed it. Her gaze drifted to her plate as she reached for the noodles. “It was a mistake.”

  “Do you really believe that? Or are you just saying that because you think it’ll placate me?”

  She smiled, rearranging everything on her oblong plate. “You have learned so much already, Synn.”

  I nodded. My stomach growled again. If she were eating, it had to be safe. Would she jeopardize her own gift in order to nullify mine? Maybe.

  “I am placating you.”

  My gaze met hers in surprise.

  “Synn.” She set her chopsticks down and folded her hands around her plate. “You do not understand the lengths I will go to have you.”

  “Oh, I think I do.” I sat back, shaking my head. “But why? Because you know me and want me, the person? Or because I am a virile young man and you need fresh meat in your bed?”

  Her lips twitched.

  “Or because of the power of my Mark?”

  Her eyes raised to meet mine.

  That’s what I thought. “It’s my Mark, Nix. My power. I will not give it to you, will not give myself to you.”

  “I gave you that power.”

  Fury ravaged my heart. “You burned my father alive in front of my eyes. I owe you nothing!”

  “You—” She bit off her words, her hands flexing. “How will I have you by my side?”

  I leaned forward. “The only thing you want is my power, and I have decided I am better suited to be on the other side of this line.”

  Her fiery gaze met mine. “You are aware of the people who will die because of that decision.”

  “It’s blood on your hands, Nix.” And on mine. I wasn’t dumb. Maybe I could hide in seclusion, disappear from the world. Maybe the people of this planet would be safer if I stopped existing in it. I had to find a way. I had to find a way.

  Her eyes narrowed and she nibbled on a green leaf. “How are you going to protect them all?”

  I had no idea. I stared at the food. My stomach seemed willing to try it.

  “Join me and I will keep them all safe.”

  What a reversal of roles. When did she start begging? “No, Nix. You won’t.”

  “Help me rebuild Sky City. Help me lift her into the clouds again.”

  “You’re the one who grounded her in the first place.”

  She was silent for a long moment, her eyebrow raised as she ate.

  If I stayed, I’d lose the Families and more harm would come to the El’Asim. And what of my letharan city? What would become of it? Or of the refueling station I’d taken over? Would it fall back to the Hands? The Great Families could learn so much from it. If I stayed, what would happen to all the people relying on me to lead them?

  If I left to rejoin the Great Families and my tribe, the world would come under attack in Nix’s fight to get me back. There was only one answer. “I will live in solitude.”

  Her mouth opened, her chin dropping as she gave a long blink. She opened her eyes, her hand flexing, and looked away, her lips forming an ‘o’ shape.

  Her reaction was the only validation I required. “I will live in solitude, away from the Families, from the Hands, away from everyone.”

  “And where will you do that?”

  I licked my lips. “I do not know. Kiwidinok, maybe. I’ll learn to live on the land.”

  She thought about it, her chin canted in a very unladylike expression. “You would rather hide than to stay with me in order to protect your Family?”

  “I would do that to protect all the people of this world.”

  Her lips curled, her eyes going flat as she shook her head.

  “If I stay, you will only use me to destroy the tribes.” I leaned forward. “Seclusion is the only answer. You’ve left me with no alternatives.”

  Her chopsticks clanked against her plate. One rolled and fell to the table. “Is there any way to win your trust?”

  Did she honestly not understand? She’d killed my father. She’d ordered entire cities destroyed to get to me. “Stop killing people.”

  Her gaze became stone.

  “Stop using them. The people under your protection are there for a reason. They can’t protect themselves. Stop being a selfish, spoiled brat.”

  Her eyes widened.

  My pulse pounded, but my mouth kept spewing words. “You want me in your ranks? Show me you’re worth serving, that your rule is for your people and the people they touch.”

  She licked her lips.

  “Show me . . . ” I stared at her for a long moment, trying to figure out what my heart was telling me to say.

  She raised her chin and settled her shoulders, meeting my gaze.

  “Show me that you’re ready to be a leader of the people of our world, and I will at the very least think about standing beside you.”

  Her chest rose and fell as she gripped the side of her plate in a white knuckled hand.

  I stood.

  She tipped her head.

  “But I will not come to you as a Mark. I will not come to you as a boy, or as a plaything for your bed. If the world needs it, if the people need it, I will stand beside you as an equal. Not as a weapon, but as a protector.” I pointed a finger to the ground, my shoulders tight. “But until you understand what that means, I will live in solitude.”

  Silence engulfed the room.

  This decision hurt, but I knew it was the right one. I wanted nothing more than to go home, but I could not.

  Her cheeks sunk as she thought. Finally, she stood. The seductress was gone. Someone else filled her place, someone I’d never seen before. In that one moment, I saw into her soul; a scared little girl wanting only to be loved and accepted.

  I met her gaze with honesty and openness. I had nothing else to offer.

  “I will not force you into solitude.”

  I took a half-step back. What was she trying to do? “Then the people will be protected?”

  “Yes. All the people will be safe. Families, those protected by the Hands, and those who are affiliated with no one.”

  “How can I trust your word?”

  Her gaze dropped. “It will be a test.” She swallowed. “Of my integrity.”

  My mouth fell open. Had she really just said that?

  “But if they attack us, I shall retaliate.”

  “You will have to send word.” I shook my head. “They will not believe you, even if you say it’s true.”

  She removed her diamond studded claw and stroked it. “You will have to tell them for me, and then allow my actions to back your claims.”

  She seemed . . . sincere. Did she even know how to be? “Nix.”

  She waved me off, sorrow and defeat in her dark gaze. “Go.”

  My feet were rooted to the spot. I couldn’t quite believe this was happening. Had I just succeeded? Had I just won?

  She licked her lips. “But do one thing for me.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “What?”

  “Kiss me.”

  I had to give this woman points. She could play me like a fine stringed instrument. “No.”

  Her eyes closed and she turned away, her shoulders slumped. “You may leave now. The people of this world are safe from . . . me.”

  I watched her for another long moment.

  She walked to the big window. The only light streaming in came from the asteroid belt and the dimly lit planet, Kel’mar.

  Where were the traps?

  Tentative relief made my limbs as I left. I couldn’t get too cocky. I had to remember who was I was playing with.

  No. I had to recall who was playing me. Had I really just won? Or had I given her exactly what she’d wanted?

  If that were the case, then what was she planning? I hoped I could figure that out before I handed it to her. I hadn’t succeeded in thwarting her yet.



  Carilyn waited for me on the other side of the door. She shot off the wall she had been lounging against and blinked. “Leaving so soon? Synn, I’m disappointed. I figured you for at least five minutes. Maybe even eight.”

  I wasn’t in the mood. I had a peace between the Hands and the rest of the world. Possibly. Maybe.

  I’d never seen her so . . . honest.

  Yeah. I was being played. Sky fell it! What trap had I just fallen into?

  There were too many ways this could go bad. The Families couldn’t afford for me to be a fool twice.

  Carilyn took the hint and didn’t say anything. She led me and her Swords through the silent city in the dark of night. Festos burned like a sliver of golden rock hanging over the pale half orb of the great red planet, Kel’mar. The asteroid belt blinked, bathing the area in pinks, and reds and greens. A storm lay on the horizon, blanketing some of the stars in black.

  Did I dare hope to find freedom?


  Dyna met us in the main room to the House of Swords, a piece of parchment in her hands. She still wore the more formal dress from the impromptu council of the queens.

  She raised an eyebrow, lifting the parchment. “Good work. I never imagined you’d be able to perform this well, and so quickly.”

  I didn’t know what she was talking about and didn’t want to find out. “You promised me safe passage.”

  Dyna nodded, her gaze never leaving mine. “How does it feel to be her knight?”

  I stopped several feet away from her. “I am not.”

  “According to this, you are.”

  I took the paper from her. Perhaps, I hadn’t fallen into Nix’s trap. In order for this to arrive in Dyna’s hands ahead of me, Nix had to have sent it beforehand. So, maybe I really had taken her by surprise.

  “Read it out loud,” Carilyn muttered. “I want to hear.”

  I swallowed. “’Effective immediately, the boons for any known or previously known persons caught in action directly against the Hands of Tarot are hereby dismissed. No conflict of any sort shall be permitted with or against those who do not support the policies or practices of the Hands of Tarot.’”

  “Impressive,” Carilyn muttered.

  “’The Seven Great Families are once again free to take to the skies and oceans. All ports are again open for trade, pending the treaty as written and negotiated by Synn El’Asim Primus, Knight of Wands and leader of the El’Asim.’”


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